Post by nospamPost by Andy BurnelliYour memory is that of a gnat, nospam, as I published a bunch of tutorials
on using the iPad for hiking purposes because of the screen & battery life.
your avoiding answering the question is noted.
How many times must I repeat that I used the iPad for hiking because of the
bigger screen and better battery life, both of which are almost completely
negated by the phenomenal battery life of Androids & their big'ish screens.
With those laughably puny cheap iPhone batteries, you have no idea how
wonderful it is on most Android phones (which don't have the ridiculously
cheap batteries that Apple put in the iPhone) to never need to charge your
phone overnight ever again, nospam.
You pop it on the charger when it needs it, and an hour or two later, it's
fully charged again. It's that easy with Android.
Only with iOS are you stuck tethered to a charging cable every night.
Post by nospamPost by Andy BurnelliYou forget *Apple's business model _requires_ you to be tracked* in almost
everything that you do, nospam, and no amount of your lies changes that.
No other operating system, not even Windows 11 it turns out, requires a
mothership tracking account just to use the software in a normal fashion.
Only iOS.
Post by nospamPost by Andy BurnelliHINT: Android phones work fine (even better) without a Google Account...
no they don't, because doing that removes a *significant* amount of
Stop saying stupid things like that nospam. It makes you sound ignorant.
You know absolutely nothing about Android, nospam.
You know even less about Android than you do about iOS.
And that's not all that much given how wrong you are about iOS.
Despite you hating all facts about Apple, the fact remains a fact that
_only_ Apple inserts a unique tracking ID into every app you install.
Google doesn't.
Google can't.
Only Apple does.
Post by nospamPost by Andy BurnelliPost by nospamgoogle even tracks you when you turn off location services, they're
*that* good.
You always claim Google made Apple do all the bad things Apple does.
nobody claimed that, and it wasn't true the last zillion times you said
it either.
You only have seven excuses for why Apple does all the bad things it does.
Every time Apple does something bad the first knee jerk reaction from you
is that Google made them do it. You say this all the time, nospam.
The only thing that changes is you say Samaung made Apple do all the bad
things when you can find something Apple did that Samsung copied.
Same with Microsoft.
It's one of your seven excuses that Apple has no free will, nospam.
Post by nospamPost by Andy BurnelliYou can turn off the location tracking, nospam. Well, you can't.
You're on iOS.
unlike on android, turning off location on ios actually turns it off.
Again, you know nothing about Android, nospam.
You don't even use Android devices, nospam.
You don't even own a modern iOS device for heaven's sake.
Why should you when you can just make everything up that you claim.
Post by nospamPost by Andy BurnelliThe iPhone won't work for most people without Apple tracking built in.
apple doesn't track people.
Then you tell us all why Apple inserts your unique ID into every app,
nospam. And you tell us why Apple _forces_ you to log into their mothership
tracking servers, nospam.
No other common consumer operating system does that, nospam.
Not even Windows 11. (see sig for reference)
Post by nospambut even if we are to assume your statement as true, android won't work
'for most people' without a google account.
Why do you say stupid things, nospam?
You don't even own Android.
You have absolutely zero idea how it works.
I get it that your modus operandi is to lie like there is no tomorrow.
But stop it.
Every time you say stupid things like that it proves your ignorance.
Post by nospamPost by Andy BurnelliHINT: You don't need a Google account to download apps on Android
while Apple inserts a unique tracking ID into every app on iOS!
they do not, as has been explained to you many times.
You can lie all you want about the unique ID that only Apple inserts into
your apps, nospam, but your lies don't change the fact that Apple does it.
*No other operating system adds a unique to you ID to your apps*
Post by nospamPost by Andy BurnelliHINT: Look at Jolly Roger's bullshit about 1Blocker I recently tested.
you don't know how it works so any tests you might have done are void.
If you think the free 1Blocker is _not_ crippleware, nospam, then again,
it's not an ad hominem attack to say that you're incredibly stupid.
FACT: *1Blocker freeware is crippleware*
Loading Image...
> Apple forces verification
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> into mothership trackers
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> Safari & Chrome work fine
Loading Image...
> So does Youtube work fine
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> No problem with web pages
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> The walled garden fails
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> iMessage garden fails
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> FaceTime garden fails
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> App Store finds 1Blocker
Loading Image...
> App Store installs apps
Loading Image...
> But it won't do iCloud
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> 1Blocker Ad Blocker IPA
Loading Image...
> Get 1Blocker Ad Blocker
<> Open 1Blocker Ad Blocker
Loading Image...
> Open 1Blocker Ad Blocker
Loading Image...
> Welcome & Get Started
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> Enable Safari extensions
Loading Image...
> Go to Safari Settings
Loading Image...
> Safari 1Blocker setup
Loading Image...
> Enabled Safari extensions
Loading Image...
> Note 1Blocker Scripts
Loading Image...
> Enable 1Blocker Scripts
Loading Image...
> 1Blocker Script setup
Loading Image...
> Explore Premium Features
<> Works only in Safari
<> Firewall doesn't work
<> 1Blocker is crippleware
One difference between you and me, nospam, is you lie & I prove what I say.