Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by Thomas E.Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanOn Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 1:44:39 PM UTC-4,
Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by -hhPlus Tom had stated .. a long time ago ..
that they were passed on the right by
another driver, prior to getting to the
traffic circle. That makes for there being
at least two (2) faster vehicles.
In local parlance, that would be because of
a "left lane sitter", which runs afoul of
our State's "Keep Right Except to Pass"
Not true in highly dynamic morning traffic.
Those drivers came up so quick that moving to
the right might have caused an accident. And,
before that drivers in front of us had slowed
to make right turns at the first roundabout.
This is not a straight 4 lane city street. It
was 2 closely spaced roundabouts with limited
time to make any lane decisions. She did what
she thought was safest, not knowing that a
driver was in the wrong lane for a left
Anyway, it is accepted practice here for
drivers to get in a 4 lane (very common)
roundabout's left lane and stay there when
going straight on. What she did is normal
behavior. I have made several videos showing
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by Thomas E.Complain all you want, what she did is not at all unusual.
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by AlanCouple of points, Little Shit.
1. "Not at all unusual" does mean it was legal,
and if she'd been where she was supposed to be
this accident would never have happened. You
can't turn left into someone who is on your
2. No one has ever argued what lane she should
She was in the wrong lane on the road PRECEDING
the roundabout.
3. She should have been in the right lane from
the moment the road gained a second lane before
the first of the two roundabouts.
'End of discussion for my part. You can have
the last reply.'
No, no and no. ...
Alan, you are lying yet again. Your lack of
first-hand knowledge of the Carmel roundabout system
is no excuse.
From Google Earth, 2016 (accident was 2017), 106th
and Springmill. Note the right turn lane where the
street widens to 2 lanes eastbound. Yes, this is
true, there is right turn only lane there. She could
not move to the right the moment the street widened.
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by Thomas E.And after the (very short) right turn only lane, there is 120 yards
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by Alanwhere she could have moved right.
Also note the road signage indicating that either
lane is for straight through traffic. On a busy day
the car in front you as the road widens can shift to
the right for a right turn and start to slow. Yes,
traffic was heavy and slowing for a right turn at
A new "detail"!
From Google Earth, 2016 (accident was 2017), 106th
and Illinois, the accident site. Note the right turn
only lane where the street exits the Springmill
roundabout. Also note the white car pulling out of
the side street heading east and the very limited
distance between Springmill and Illinois. Also note
the white car in the left lane exiting the Illinois
roundabout in very light traffic, a common sight
here. Also note the road signage for Illinois
indicating that either lane is for straight through
traffic. In heavy traffic there is no way to safely
move to the right lane here. Past this intersection,
we were already in the left turn lane for U.S. 31,
the next intersection, for our turn northeast.
How can there be "heavy traffic preventing your wife
from moving right...
...when the road had been single lane?
Where does this magical traffic appear from, Little
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by Thomas E.After the accident investigation we took the left lane, turned
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by AlanPost by Thomas E.Post by Alannorth, and still got to Riverview Hospital in time
for my hernia repair. I also note this was shortly
after I saw the surgeon and was diagnosed. Need to
see my medical records too?
Now, Liarboy, keep insisting that "She should have
been in the right lane from the moment the road
gained a second lane before the first of the two
She should have.
After the (very short) right turn only lane for
exiting onto Temple Drive, there was 120 yards of two
lane road with a dotted line between them.
After that (very short) right turn lane, all the
traffic your wife was holding up must have been BEHIND
And your claim was that the other driver was both
speeding and being aggressive...
...and you've proven neither.
All we know is that she was going faster than your
I cannot prove that the other driver was going faster
than us or being aggressive, but she was.
Except the officer explicitly disagreed about
...and she WAS going faster than you, Little Shit.
Post by Thomas E.You stated she needed to move to the right AS SOON AS
the street transitioned to 4 lanes from 2. By your
definition you lied.
I didn't know about the (very short) right turn lane.
Post by Thomas E.As for moving to the right, what if all drivers tried
that? In heavy traffic like that morning it would leave
the left lane empty and create traffic congestion in the
right lane. No, Alan, it's not practical or necessary.
The left lane is available for straight on and that's
what we did. The right lane is for right turns and
straight on. Clearly marked that way in Google Earth. The
other driver did not obey the lane markings, we did.
So you should leave the right lane empty instead?
Post by Thomas E.The fact is, as shown to you in many minutes of video,
local traffic does not adhere to your insistence that we
all stay on the right except to pass on city streets. I
doubt that Vancouver does either. I'll likely be driving
on your streets come September and will be interested in
observing local driving customs. Based on what we saw
last year in Qubec and Ontario I expect to observe
exactly what we see here in Carmel
"Others do it wrong, too." is never a defense.
Post by Thomas E.Sorry, but you do not determine those local driving
customs, here or in Canada.
But I knew the law...
...and you didn't.
Unbelievable: "So you should leave the right lane empty instead?"
Really? No you idiot, you use both lanes per the roundabout
signage, "stay right except to pass" be damned. Just like on
any very busy 4 lane city street.
Except the road just went from one lane each way to two.
Unless some people move to the right lane, that lane will
remain empty?
You're not just a lying little shit, you're not much of a thinker.
Post by Thomas E.Just like on any 4 lane street, or highway, or roundabout, if
you try a left turn from the right lane, or a right turn from
the left lane (except in countries where you drive on the
left, then it's all reversed), you are making an illegal turn.
Which has nothing to do with what should happen in the 120+
yards before you GET to the roundabout.
Post by Thomas E.Which is why the other driver's insurance paid our repair
costs, no questions asked. Which is why the police report
found no fault in my wife's driving. You found a law and
attempted to interpret it in a situation where it does not
apply. You are lying through your teeth, and just want to
I never once claimed the other driver wasn't at fault for the
accident as you are trying to imply, you lying Little Shit.
Ignoring your lie.
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanWhat I pointed out was that there was an action your wife
could have taken...
Moving into the right lane after the (very short) right-turn only lane.
...that would have removed the conflict.
And your initial reason for citing this accident was a "proof"
of the dangers of speeding and aggressive driving...
...yet somehow you don't like it pointed out that not only did
the police report not mention speeding, it EXPLICITLY STATED
that "aggressive driving" was not a factor in that accident.
Ignoring your lie.
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanAnd so you pick and choose what times that officer's silence
has meaning (when it fails to mention that if your wife had
moved to the right lane, there wouldn't have been an attempt to
pass her on the right)...
...while simultaneously claiming that other silences don't mean anything.
Alan, first of all we are both well aware of the keep right law.
You weren't.
You insisted it didn't apply because you weren't on a highway.
I literally had to explain Indiana law to you, Little Shit.
Post by Thomas E.BUT, in this case, on a very busy morning, it was not required.
up the results. Given the traffic we were under no obligation to
shift right. We had NO way to know that the other driver was not
intending to exit in the right lane with us.
Given that the road had just opened up to a second lane, how could
there BE traffic there, you lying Little Shit.
Maybe there was traffic in front of us already. Maybe there was no
need for us to move over into a busier lane than the one we were in.
How could a lane which had only just come into existence be busy at all,
Little Shit?
Post by Thomas E.And yes, I am well aware of the need to keep right.
You specifically denied it was the law...
...and you certainly didn't teach it to your wife...
...and you've done nothing but insist there is no need this entire argument.
You taken video showing how no one does it and so (by implication) it's
not something one needs to do.
The simple fact is that if your wife had been in the right lane, there
would have been no accident in this case.
Post by Thomas E.Even more so
since I learned from my hybrid cars just how much the fuel mileage
difference there is between 60 and 70. :)
And yet another attempt to draw another discussion away from the issue
at hand.
You are lying. I never said it was not a law, but rather there are
issues with your rigid insistence that it strictly applied.
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanYOU are lying, Little Shit.
You said it was a law that only applied on highways, and that the road
you were on was not a highway.
Post by Thomas E.1. The other driver was entitled to the right lane for a left turn.
I never said she was entitled to a left turn from the right lane.
Straw man.
Post by Thomas E.2. Traffic conditions at the time were such that a shift to the
right lane was absolutely required on our part.
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanThe lane was, by force of it only coming into being right there,
necessarily empty and there was (as you, yourself, have admitted) a car
behind you that wanted to go faster than you were going.
Post by Thomas E.3. We were not entitled in any way to use the left lane to go straight on.
Straw man.
Post by Thomas E.4. The investigating officer reported any fault on our part.
Straw man.
Post by Thomas E.5. The investigating officer reported no fault on the other
driver’s part.
Post by Thomas E.Post by AlanStraw man.
Post by Thomas E.6. Lane markings showed no possible use of the left lane for going straight on.
Straw man.
You used the incident as an example of speeding and aggressive driving
and their bad consequences...
...only you can't show that either of those happened, and the latter was
specifically ruled out by the officer.
Please point out where I said a car behind us was wanting to pass. I
want the exact quote and source.
That's what brought this whole thing up, Little Shit.
I'm going to annotate.
1. "let me show you what reckless and aggressive drivers like you can do"
The police report specifically states that your accident was not the
result of aggressive driving. It doesn't leave it an unanswered
question. It is answered definitively "NO". Do you agree that is true?
2. "The driver of vehicle 1 saw what appeared to her to be a nice gap in
right lane traffic that she could use to overtake vehicle 1,"
A gap she wouldn't have need to go for if your wife had moved over to
the right lane. Do you agree that is true?
And since the other driver could slide up alongside your car, it is
clear that moving over to the right lane would have been possible. Do
you agree that is true?
3. "Going at an excessive rate of speed for the conditions"
Is that your claim or is it from the accident report? Since I have a
copy of the report, it would be best if you told the truth for once.
4. "I know she was speeding because I was on the passenger side and saw
her coming up on us out of my mirror. It happened so fast that I had no
chance to warn my wife. "
Since you were looking at her coming up in the passenger side mirror,
you couldn't have seen what speed your wife was driving and therefore
don't know whether the other car was speeding or not.
Oh, and if you could see her in the car's passenger mirror:
1. The mirror was improperly aimed for the driver.
2. There couldn't have been this magical other car that you only brought
up much later in the discussion.
5. "Needless to say, vehicle 1 was at fault."
Yes, and I have never claimed otherwise. Do you agree that is true.
What I have stated, and what remains true is that IF your wife had moved
into the right lane when the right lane became available (more than
yards before the roundabout), then the other car would have stayed in
the left lane, and there would have been no conflict to make an accident
possible at the roundabout. Do you agree that is true?
You have consistently lied by making the claim that I was suggesting the
lane change take place IN the roundabout. Do you agree that is true?
Also note that you make no mention of a third vehicle blocking your view
at this time. Do you agree that is true?
And despite your claims about being unable to remember this mystery car
until much later, the accident took place just two weeks before you made
your first post about it. Do you agree that is true?