That's not an Android update.
Well, no and yes.
Good response, Frank.
Ignorant people are fine.
Most people are as ignorant as Carlos is about how Android updates itself.
And that's OK.
But ignorant people who claim every fact they're completely ignorant of
can't be a fact (because they are ignorant of it) is a problem with me.
I wasn't sure how ignorant you were, Frank, until you began to explain to
Carlos that Project Mainline (aka Google Play system update) is an update.
We need to ask Carlos to read this article before Carlos ever posts another
word about what Carlos (incorrectly) thinks an Android update is.
*What Are Google Play System Updates on Android, and Are They Important?*
It's not an Android *version* update, i.e. not from
Android 12 to Android 13. But it *is* an update to some components of
the Android *system* - hence it says "Google Play system update", note
"system update" -, so it's not just an update of one or more Google
Frank - I'm not sure why you threw in that last clause about "Google apps",
because it doesn't belong with the rest of that paragraph (for a few
reasons which I can explain but which we can simply just ignore for now)...
What you need to explain to Carlos first and foremost is that we've
discussed this umpteen times on this newsgroup that an Android release
version is just a number given that Android updates in huge layers.
Android update layers are almost independent of the release number.
Compare it to Windows, if Windows Update installs some Windows-related
update, we say it's a 'Windows update'.
Frank is doing a good job trying to explain to Carlos that an operating
system is updated in layers - where Carlos can't comprehend that yet.
Anyway, you showed that your 'Android security update:' - so the stuff
you get from your *phone manufacturer* - has not been updated, but the
'Google Play system update:' version - so, the stuff you get from
*Google* - was updated from 20230701 to 20230801.
Wow. Frank is the _first_ person on this newsgroup (well, I'm sure Andy
Burns understands all this better than even I do) so Frank is the first
person on this thread, who shows that he understands that Android is
updated in layers.
It is also noteworthy that your 'Google Play system update:' date is
the same as mine, while our 'Android security update:' dates (and
'Android version:' dates) are different. So our Google-supplied stuff
has the same date, while our phone-manufacturer-supplied stuff has
different dates.
Again, Frank is showing he understands that Android updates itself in
layers, where those layers come from a variety of sources.
Some of those layers come from the OEM (usually via the carrier).
Other layers come directly from Google (usually via Project Mainline).
Still others can come from the Google Play store (e.g., app updates).
And others come from Qualcomm (e.g., Project Treble driver updates).
It said reboot to apply update, which I did. It only updated the Google
Play System Update, whatever that is.
There is indeed no information/notification about these updates, which
is different from 'Software update's from the phone manufacturer, at
least for my Samsung I get notifications with quite a lot of detailed
information, including a link to a release notes page.
Wow. Frank is suddenly realizing what we've been discussing for years!
Android updates _seamlessly_ as you don't even realize it's updating.
*Seamless OS updates*
While doing my searches, I found some information which mentioned
which parts were changed/added in a particular 'Google Play system
update', but that reference said this information was well hidden by
Google and what they found was not very reliable.
Frank - your _adult_ question of how _frequently_ Google updates the dozens
of core modules in the Project Mainline (aka Google Play system update)
updates _may_ be answered in this listing of Google Play system updates.
It's looks like a frequency of somewhat monthly (slightly less so perhaps).
So we know, we can/do get some 'Google Play system update's, but we
know next to nothing about what they are all about.
I can't disagree with you at this point about "what they are about", but I
must say that you've been on this newsgroup for years and you seem to have
completely whooshed on the fact that Andy Burns and I have discussed, with
each upcoming Android release, the set of modules _added_ to Mainline.
BTW, a minor, but IMO important point, the Google updates are
described as "Google Play system update", note the different case of
the first letters of the last two words.
We actually covered this, Frank - when Andy Burns and I listed the major
layers as Google refers to them as - so you're _years_ behind in detail.
But - since you're the _only_ one (other than Andy and I am) who has showed
any inkling of a grasp of how Android is updated, I consider it a success.
Finally even you, Frank, are beginning to comprehend what I have been
explaining to everyone on this newsgroup for years. And that's good.
It seems none of you have ever prior wondered how Android really updates.
I have.
AFAICT, that means that it is a 'system update' which is delivered by
the 'Google Play' component(s) of Android, so it is *not* an 'update' to
the 'Google Play System' (which beast doesn't exist AFAIK).
Yes. We covered this many times already Frank. It's confusing.
Google, like many large corporations - tries to capitalize on brand
recognition - where the MARKETING organization is who names this stuff.
We covered this too - Frank - so you're still years behind in understanding
how Android is updated - but it's _good_ that you belatedly realized this.
Google has made a naming mess out of the "Google Play system updates"
layer, and we discussed this in the past which is why you may note that I
_still_ refer to it usually as "Project Mainline (since renamed)".
You're _years_ behind, Frank... but the good news is you're catching up.
Finally, if somone has more information on how to get notification for
or/and information about past/current/future 'Google Play system
update's, then please let us know.
Andy Burns and I covered this topic, as we did "seamless updates", and we
even covered at some point the "switch" to get more information.
Alas... I'd have to dig that up for you Frank - but it's a perfectly valid
_adult_ question for you to ask - so I'll see what I can do for you.
I think we should ask Andy first though - as he seems to own a Pixel which
has the A/B partitioning enabled which may (or may not) make a difference.
I'm on this newsgroup to learn from others and to teach them what they
haven't yet learned on their own (and to show iKooks for what they are).