Apple publicly apologizes for celebrating its destruction of the human experience
(too old to reply)
2024-05-11 21:59:40 UTC
Earlier this week, Apple released a document clarifying its terminology
and policies around software upgrades and updates. Most of the
information in the document isn't new, but the company did provide one
clarification about its update policy that it hadn't made explicit
before: Despite providing security updates for multiple versions of
macOS and iOS at any given time, Apple says that only devices running
the most recent major operating system versions should expect to be
fully protected.
In other words, while Apple will provide security-related updates for
older versions of its operating systems, only the most recent upgrades
will receive updates for every security problem Apple knows about.
-- Does Android provide ALL security updates for every major version of
software release?
-- Is there a reason not to upgrade to the newest major version of iOS
within a few weeks of release?
-- How old must an iPhone be before it can support the newest iOS major
version release?
First off, badgolferman, you're not a religious zealot, so I will be
speaking to you as one adult to another - which I don't do with iKooks.

My approach below will assume you have at least a normal IQ, as do I.
And my approach will assume that you will click on the links provided.

Notice I don't talk to the iKooks that way.
Because iKooks don't have a normal IQ.

You do.

With the Apple religious zealot nutcases, you have to distil the message
down to the lowest common denominator - and even then - they don't get it.

Second off, this information is not new. It has been discussed on this
newsgroup many times. The nutcases will NEVER understand Apple support.

I hope you can.

In addition, you have to understand my goals before I answer further.
1. I learn & disseminate the truth about Apple products. Period.
2. I show the Apple religious zealot nutcases for what they truly are.

You'll notice that the link shows a few things which are related to that:
1. I KNOW that Apple only fully supports a single release.
2. And I know that the religious zealots do NOT know that fact.
3. In fact, Jolly Roger has lied for YEARS about Apple support.

He thinks because Apple volunteers to fix one bug in an old release every
once in a while, just as every operating system vendor does from time to
time, that this one bug being fixed once in a while means the other hundred
or two hundred (or whatever) known bugs simply don't exist after that.

Who thinks that way but a child?

It's no longer shocking that the Apple nutcases think that childish way.
But they do.

The fact is that every other common consumer operating system fully
supports more than one major release at a time. Apple does not.

Full support means what it means.
It means EVERY known security hole is fixed.

The fact is if you purchase a Pixel or a Galaxy, you have that full hotfix
support for as many releases that are released in the long support period.

For Android, the number of major releases vary in that time frame, as it
could be as many as one per year (so that could be as much as five to seven
major releases), but it could be as few as two or three major releases -
but it's ALWAYS more than one release. It's typically three or four.

By way of stark contrast, iOS is only one. Not two. Not three. Not four.

Which is proof that Apple has the worst hotfix support in the industry.
The iKooks don't understand that because they only watch Apple ads.

It's no longer shocking how little the iKooks know about iOS, badgolferman.
They don't even know how Apple updates/upgrades their iPhones.

Who is that stupid and yet obstinately defends Apple to the death?
Nobody who is an adult, right?

That's what is so strange about these ignorant uneducated iKooks.
They know nothing. And yet, they argue everything.

And they call all facts about Apple they don't like - trolls.
Which is a LOT of facts about Apple, is it not!

I see your other questions but they're unrelated so if you want me to
answer them, just ask them again as the IMPORTANT answer you need is that.
2024-05-11 22:09:31 UTC
All you do is troll. Its your entire pathetic life.
I feel sorry for people like you, Jolly Roger, because your entire life
you've been told that you're stupid (which is why you don't have any
education and partly it's why you're so ignorant about Apple products).

The fact is that Apple is the only common consumer operating system creator
who fully supports only a single release. Nobody else does that.

*Just Apple*

The fact is that the iPhone has by far more exploits than Android.

*Ten times more*

Those are just facts, Jolly Roger.

Yet your IQ is so low that you can't comprehend that those are facts.

*You call facts trolls*

I understand you better than you understand yourself, Jolly Roger.
Which is why I feel sorry for you - as God didn't endow you with brains.

Since you hate these facts, you call all facts about Apple you don't like,
to be trolls - which tells all of us more about you than you want us to

You _hate_ Apple, Jolly Roger.
Secretly so.

You _hate_ that it's so easy to prove Apple lied to you Jolly Roger.
You _hate_ every fact I say about Apple makes you hate Apple even more.

As I said, I understand you better than you understand yourself.

You're a herd animal, Jolly Roger.
You bought into the herd mentality.

You love the advertisements.
But you hate the facts.

That's why you call every fact about Apple you hate, a troll.
And that... is a lot of facts that you call trolls.
Jolly Roger
2024-05-11 22:39:21 UTC
Post by Andrew
All you do is troll. Its your entire pathetic life.
I feel sorry for people like you, Jolly Roger, because your entire
life you've been told that you're stupid (which is why you don't have
any education and partly it's why you're so ignorant about Apple
Such schoolyard insults are all little Arlen has.
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