From: Andy Burnelli <***>
Subject: Re: There is zero app functionality on iOS not already on Android
- not even a single app - not even one
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2023 17:15:57 +0100
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Xref: sewer
have no doubt Android can do automation and probably better than iOS,
it can't.
Hehhehheh... nospam is _desperate_ to hide these huge flaws in iOS...
It's clear nospam spends about two seconds on his posts, where, like all
iKooks, he's _desperate_ to excuse the obvious fact that it's Apple who
crippled iOS such that iOS is not only the least secure smartphone in
history in terms of constantly ever increasing zero-day holes, but also
in terms of Apple's zero days being exploited more than others (due to
the primitive stone-age iOS update monolith), and, as a result of Apple's
restrictive app policy - iOS users enjoy far less app functionality.
By controlling iOS, like a dictator controls a country, the users lose
because Apple _never_ has the consumers' best interest in mind.
*Apple is like a tobacco company in almost every respect.*
but I had trouble finding anything in those links which addressed
Android's capabilities in a similar fashion to the Accessibility
features of iOS hearing aid support. Manufacturer apps just don't seem
to tap into the additional functions available at the OS level, but
admittedly my sample size is only one...
that's because hardware manufacturers generally are not good at writing
software, even with some of the larger companies who have the budget to
do so, with camera companies being one of the more common examples.
if their apps are cross-platform, they are limited to features common
between both and ignore anything unique on only one platform.
Hi badgolferman (via nospam's inelaborate desperate mere excuse above)...
I do on Android anything that I want to do on Android, whereas on iOS,
Apple severely cripples what anyone can do, so the images below are only
for Android - but they are all mine - so I've done everything I claim.
(Unlike nospam, who elevates himself to "developer status" even as that's
clearly a brazen lie as he has never written a line of code in his life.)
Since nospam's response was a classic "I wish iOS could do the things iOS
clearly can't do so I'll just claim that iOS is better without any facts"
Unlike nospam, who doesn't even own the Android devices he claims to know
so well (hell, nospam doesn't even own a modern iPhone), I not only own
a modern Android device, but I've created Shortcuts to Activities on them.
Hence, I will provide to badgolferman some images I have in my archive
of things I've done, along the lines of creating shortcuts to do things,
some of which are similar to what badgolferman wants for switching radios.
1. Accessing network modes which are hidden from an unknowing user base.
Loading Image...
> Hidden Network-Mode Activity
Loading Image...
> Hidden Band-Selection Activity
Loading Image...
> Band selection options
2. Creating Shortcuts to any Activity inside of any Android app or setting.
Loading Image...
> Custom Shortcut icons
Loading Image...
> Creating URL Shortcuts
Loading Image...
> Creating FOLDER Shortcuts
Loading Image...
> Editing Shortcut icons
Loading Image...
> Choosing custom icons
Loading Image...
> Squaring the custom icon
Loading Image...
> Finding icons to extract
Loading Image...
> Extracting icons to PNG
Loading Image...
> Net icon, before & after
Loading Image...
> Copy net icon to Android
Loading Image...
> Select & edit custom icon
Loading Image...
> Custom screenshot icon
Loading Image...
> Set custom icon on Android
Loading Image...
> Sample custom Shortcuts
Loading Image...
> Open phone to the keypad
Loading Image...
> Open to ANY app Activity
Loading Image...
> Find all hidden Activities
Loading Image...
> Set opening tab yourself
Loading Image...
> Avoid all Google Activities
Loading Image...
> Determine # of Activities
Loading Image...
> Open app to a page you want
Loading Image...
> Disable Google Activities
Loading Image...
> Elevate to homescreen
Loading Image...
> Create custom Shortcuts
Loading Image...
> Add Shortcuts to homescreen
Loading Image...
> Much Shortcut functionality
Loading Image...
> Access any app Activity
3. Creating a shortcut to a setting deep inside the Android settings.
Loading Image...
> Shortcut to battery status
4. Create a Shortcut to "ps -aux | grep <PID> & kill -9 <PID>" on Android.
Loading Image...
> Native widget results
Loading Image...
> SettingsCreator results
Loading Image...
> ps -aux | kill -9 <PID>
5. Create a Shortcut to power off the phone & test it easily.
Loading Image...
> Shortcut to turn phone off
Loading Image...
> Test your custom Shortcuts
6. Access Activities inside an app to kill running & bg processes.
Loading Image...
> Kill a running service
Loading Image...
> App info force stop
Loading Image...
> Recent apps force stop
Loading Image...
> Activity kill running <PID>
Loading Image...
> Activity kill a bg <PID>
7. Creating custom Shortcuts to all Activities & even to all Intents.
Loading Image...
> Custom Shortcuts folder
Loading Image...
> Powerful Intent customization
Loading Image...
> Tremendous Shortcut power!
Loading Image...
> Change "open with" options
Loading Image...
> Intercept Open-With dialogs
Loading Image...
> Example intercepting Intents
8. Finding information about missing Activities and Shortcut targets.
Loading Image...
> App is no longer installed
Loading Image...
> Shortcut knows what it is
Loading Image...
> App is found in Aurora Store
Loading Image...
> App is found in F-Droid
Loading Image...
> App is found in Aurora Droid
Loading Image...
> App is installed from F-Droid
9. This basic changing of default Shortcuts is _impossible_ on iOS!
Loading Image...
> Android changes DEFAULT icons
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> Edit default Shortcut icons
Loading Image...
> Change the name and/or icon
Loading Image...
> iOS is crippled & can't do this
Loading Image...
> Android gives you full control
The main reason iOS has far more security holes than Android, and far more
exploited security holes, and far less functionality is due to Apple's
strategy of controlling every aspect of the operating system & app choice.
It doesn't help that Apple's R&D spend is the lowest of all tech companies.
(HINT: Apple is no different than soda or tobacco companies in product.)