nospam I want to know what apps you've written
(too old to reply)
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-10 01:05:48 UTC
You think Google adds them for no reason whatsoever? The fact remains these
debugging tools exist for Android and yet they're impossible on iOS.
if the unnamed google debugging tools are so powerful, why is it that
you couldn't use any of them to get *sample* *code* to work?
Look nospam, I get it you lied about coding as it's clear you've never
written even a single app in your entire life. You fabricated it.

But I wrote more than a dozen tutorials, every single step, every single
line of code, and I PUBLISHED them, and they're on the net for all to see.

Do I need to POINT to them just to prove what anyone can tell?

Here it is, nospam. A dozen tutorials PURPOSEFULLY HELPFULLY published:
*Report: My first "hello world" using Android Studio freeware on Windows*


I told the truth. *You lied*.

Your whole life people have told you that you were stupid, nospam.
So you feel _desperate_ to lie to claim skills you clearly do not own.

At least I have a dozen apps published on the Android ng, with the src.
You have zero.

Each app was changed in ways that needed to be changed to work on the
hardware I used and with the emulators I used and with the phone I used.

All that is covered, in honest detail, in that thread nospam.
That thread has more coding than you've done in your entire life, nospam.

Bear in mind, I don't claim to be a developer; you do.
And yet, you've never once ever written a single line of code in your life.

While I've only published a dozen Android apps in my entire life, that's a
dozen more apps than YOU have ever published in your entire life nospam.

Please stop fabricating that you wrote apps.
It's a brazen unsubstantiated lie.

To the _adults_ on this newsgroup... I am NOT a coder but I played with
Android to the point that I published a dozen purposefully helpful noob
beginner's tutorials, starting with, you guessed it, "hello.world.apk".

What has nospam published to be purposefully helpful to the newsgroups?
HINT: Absolutely nothing.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-10 01:47:30 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
At least I have a dozen apps published on the Android ng, with the src.
You _hate_ that everyone knows you fabricated that you are a developer.

The fact is I never said I was a developer, and, in fact, I said quite the
opposite which was that I started with "hello.world.apk" and after about a
dozen apps, I wrote a TraderJoe.apk app which is my personal shopping app.
*Report: My first "hello world" using Android Studio freeware on Windows*

That one app is more coding than you've done in your entire life, nospam.
You lied about being a developer.

Everyone knows that you are fabricating that you're a developer.
I'm not fabricating that I'm not.

Yet here's src I published YEARS ago on that personal grocery app, nospam.

That one post contains more code than you've written in your entire life.
*You lied*

The reason you lied is your whole life everyone told you you're stupid.
You lied about being someone. Being a developer. An intelligent person.

Yet, you fabricated the entire story, nospam.

You think everyone doesn't know you fabricated being a developer, nospam?
It's what you uneducated iKooks do.

Just like Chris lied about having a PhD in the life sciences and yet he
didn't even realize how huge the virus genome is in terms of viral
particles, nor did he know the most basic of immunological terms.

Just like Alan Browne, Alan Baker & Jolly Roger lied about having even the
most basic of rudimentary knowledge about BMW debugging tools, nospam.

All you iKooks suffer from the same problem of low IQ and no education.
All you can do, is fabricate your endless lies.
The fact is something _that_ common & simple on Android, is _impossible_ on
the crippled iOS, nospam, and all your attempts to deflect are transparent.
Andy Burnelli
2023-04-02 01:18:26 UTC
We're also doing a lot of IOT from
mobile devices and we have to use Android for that, way too complex to
deal with the whole iOS App system.
rubbish. iot development (which you've clearly never done) is easier on
ios because of excellent homekit, matter and thread support.
*It's clear that nospam is lying when he "claims" to be a developer*

Hehhehheh... these iKooks never stop their brazen lies about everything.

All I've ever wirtten in terms of coding smartphone apps is I wrote a dozen
"hello world" style step-by-step tutorials for Windows/Android...
*Tutorial: My first "hello world" using Android Studio on Windows *


And yet as trivially simple as those dozen complete tutorials are, that's a
dozen more apps than nospam has ever written and published in his life.
*nospam I want to know what apps you've written*


It was clear from that alone, plus thousands of incorrect statemens about
coding from nospam, that nospam has never written code in his entire life.

This... is nospam... where he uses his lies to break out of his world...
<Loading Image...>

All the iKooks live in a fantasy world, where nospam is a brazen liar about
his coding skills... which... let's face it, if he had _any_ coding
experience, he wouldn't have been wrong _hundreds_ of times when you ask
him if there are apps on the app store that "do stuff" such as, oh, let's
pick graphical wi-fi debugging - where nospam didn't know the difference
between a megabit and a decibel.
*It's a fact iOS devices can't even graph Wi-Fi signal strength over time*


There is zero chance nospam has written a single app in his entire life.
He wouldn't be so dead wrong so many times on his claims had he done so.
The iKooks all live in a fantasy world devoid of personal shame for their
lies which they propagate like there is no tomorrow sans a single fact.
Andy Burnelli
2023-04-02 03:52:44 UTC
You can't even figure out how a Usenet message header path functions.
Two ways to respond to that, one of which is to let you know I don't use a
newsreader since my "editor" is 'vi' and my 'newsreader' is 'telnet' so the
headers, like wrapping paper, aren't the package which is the gift inside.

The gift of my information is not in the headers - but in the message body.

The headers are almost arbitrary (I don't even choose them, just as I don't
choose my timezone nor my encoding nor any line in the header). They all
come out of a dictionary lookup that is locked down per identity & ng.

As for the main point, the point I am making about the iKooks is they all
suffer from the same low iQ and lack of self esteem and they're all liars.

For example, I showed you exactly the dozen Android apps I used for the
tutorial (with every single step outlined of how to compile & push to the
phone, even down to how to create the icons and activities & the like).

I said I'm not a developer, but I published those dozen tutorials anyway.
*Here are a dozen complete Android apps for you to compile & upload*


Notice every single step, and every single line of source code is provided
in those dozen tutorials, even though I am decidedly _not_ a developer.

Yet nospam "claims" to be a developer.
Hehhehheh... he is a liar.

*It's obvious nospam has never written a single line of code in his life.*

The reason nospam lies is he was told his entire life by everyone around
him that he's stupid - so he lacks the self esteem that he would have if,
all of a sudden, his lies could elevate him to the level of a "developer".

By doing so, nospam proves to be no different from this guy...

In stark contrast, the low-IQ uneducated iKook nospam _claims_ he is a
developer, but it's clear he has never written a line of code in his life.
*nospam I want to know what apps you've written*

Please do not respond until/unless you've skimmed _both_ those references.
Whom do _you_ believe & what logical basis do you employ for that belief?
2023-04-02 04:29:13 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
You can't even figure out how a Usenet message header path functions.
Two ways to respond to that, one of which is to let you know I don't use a
newsreader since my "editor" is 'vi' and my 'newsreader' is 'telnet' so the
headers, like wrapping paper, aren't the package which is the gift inside.


What apps have you written?

2023-04-02 18:49:11 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
You can't even figure out how a Usenet message header path functions.
Two ways to respond to that, one of which is to let you know I don't use a
newsreader since my "editor" is 'vi' and my 'newsreader' is 'telnet' so the
headers, like wrapping paper, aren't the package which is the gift inside.
What apps have you written?
He very many times said he doesn't consider himself a developer.

Even so, he pointed you to what looks like something like a few thousand
lines of working code in those tutorials that sure look like they work
because plenty of other people tried it as I could tell from skimming.

You did click on his link before you said he didn't write apps, riiiiiight?
How could you have missed that there are thousands of lines of code there?

If there are ten or twenty apps in that posted published source code,
then that's ten or twenty more apps than nospam has published, isn't it?

Knowing he's published ten or twenty apps, how many have YOU published?
2023-04-02 21:28:35 UTC
Post by Maxmillian
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
You can't even figure out how a Usenet message header path functions.
Two ways to respond to that, one of which is to let you know I don't use a
newsreader since my "editor" is 'vi' and my 'newsreader' is 'telnet' so the
headers, like wrapping paper, aren't the package which is the gift inside.
What apps have you written?
He very many times said he doesn't consider himself a developer.
Even so, he pointed you to what looks like something like a few thousand
lines of working code in those tutorials that sure look like they work
because plenty of other people tried it as I could tell from skimming.
You did click on his link before you said he didn't write apps, riiiiiight?
How could you have missed that there are thousands of lines of code there?
"Thousands" Hardly.
Post by Maxmillian
If there are ten or twenty apps in that posted published source code,
then that's ten or twenty more apps than nospam has published, isn't it?
Knowing he's published ten or twenty apps, how many have YOU published?
"Published"? Do you mean actually created?

Because code is easy to copy and paste.
2023-04-03 08:55:50 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Maxmillian
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
You can't even figure out how a Usenet message header path functions.
Two ways to respond to that, one of which is to let you know I don't use a
newsreader since my "editor" is 'vi' and my 'newsreader' is 'telnet' so the
headers, like wrapping paper, aren't the package which is the gift inside.
What apps have you written?
He very many times said he doesn't consider himself a developer.
Even so, he pointed you to what looks like something like a few thousand
lines of working code in those tutorials that sure look like they work
because plenty of other people tried it as I could tell from skimming.
You did click on his link before you said he didn't write apps, riiiiiight?
How could you have missed that there are thousands of lines of code there?
"Thousands" Hardly.
Post by Maxmillian
If there are ten or twenty apps in that posted published source code,
then that's ten or twenty more apps than nospam has published, isn't it?
Knowing he's published ten or twenty apps, how many have YOU published?
"Published"? Do you mean actually created?
Because code is easy to copy and paste.
Even easier now with Co-Pilot and chatGPT. You don't need to write a single
line of code for the very simplest app.
2023-04-03 09:30:55 UTC
Post by Chris
Post by Alan
Post by Maxmillian
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
You can't even figure out how a Usenet message header path functions.
Two ways to respond to that, one of which is to let you know I don't use a
newsreader since my "editor" is 'vi' and my 'newsreader' is 'telnet' so the
headers, like wrapping paper, aren't the package which is the gift inside.
What apps have you written?
He very many times said he doesn't consider himself a developer.
Even so, he pointed you to what looks like something like a few thousand
lines of working code in those tutorials that sure look like they work
because plenty of other people tried it as I could tell from skimming.
You did click on his link before you said he didn't write apps, riiiiiight?
How could you have missed that there are thousands of lines of code there?
"Thousands" Hardly.
Post by Maxmillian
If there are ten or twenty apps in that posted published source code,
then that's ten or twenty more apps than nospam has published, isn't it?
Knowing he's published ten or twenty apps, how many have YOU published?
"Published"? Do you mean actually created?
Because code is easy to copy and paste.
Even easier now with Co-Pilot and chatGPT. You don't need to write a single
line of code for the very simplest app.
I actually did a quick search...

...and he pretty obviously plagiarized.
2023-04-03 14:18:37 UTC
Post by Alan
...and he pretty obviously plagiarized.
It seems like you have never written any code yourself by what you said.

I looked at the many applications which are published in that thread.
He honestly stated from the beginning he wasn't a developer.

His first application was "hello world" which is normal for people
just starting out - so if you say he plagiarized hello world, you're a fool
as you don't know what it takes to actually get all the ducks lined up.

His code started with hello world and then he added more things over time.

People were asking him to implement features and he implemented them.
Then people tested the implementations and found bugs & told him about it.
He fixed those bugs. And then people said it was then working for them.

You don't know the first thing about code if you missed all that.
Besides, this thread isn't about his twenty or thirty applications.
He's not a developer and he said so.

It's nospam who says he's a developer. Not him.
Where are nospam's applications?
2023-04-04 23:50:31 UTC
Post by Peter
Post by Alan
...and he pretty obviously plagiarized.
It seems like you have never written any code yourself by what you said.
I haven't written much code.

But I can READ code.

And I can COMPARE it against the results of a Google search.
Post by Peter
I looked at the many applications which are published in that thread.
He honestly stated from the beginning he wasn't a developer.
His first application was "hello world" which is normal for people
just starting out - so if you say he plagiarized hello world, you're a fool
as you don't know what it takes to actually get all the ducks lined up.
His code started with hello world and then he added more things over time.
He worked his way through a tutorial that basically spoon-fed him.
Post by Peter
People were asking him to implement features and he implemented them.
Then people tested the implementations and found bugs & told him about it.
He fixed those bugs. And then people said it was then working for them.
You don't know the first thing about code if you missed all that.
Besides, this thread isn't about his twenty or thirty applications.
He's not a developer and he said so.
It's nospam who says he's a developer. Not him.
Where are nospam's applications?
2023-04-06 22:19:34 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Peter
It seems like you have never written any code yourself by what you said.
I haven't written much code.
But I can READ code.
Add I can COMPARE it against the results of a Google search.
Good. Point to YOUR code and I'll compare it for you.

I'll patiently wait but do not reply without a link to YOUR code please.

Just like I'm waiting for the nospam guy to point to his make believe code.
Post by Alan
Post by Peter
His code started with hello world and then he added more things over time.
He worked his way through a tutorial that basically spoon-fed him.
You only read the first post.
He created entire apps from scratch.

Maybe you don't know how to read code after all.
2023-04-06 22:25:08 UTC
Post by Peter
Post by Alan
Post by Peter
It seems like you have never written any code yourself by what you said.
I haven't written much code.
But I can READ code.
Add I can COMPARE it against the results of a Google search.
Good. Point to YOUR code and I'll compare it for you.
I'm not claiming to have written any.

Do you understand that one can compare code without needing to have
written any?
Post by Peter
I'll patiently wait but do not reply without a link to YOUR code please.
I'm not claiming to have written any.

Do you understand that one can compare code without needing to have
written any?
Post by Peter
Post by Alan
He worked his way through a tutorial that basically spoon-fed him.
You only read the first post.
He created entire apps from scratch.
Show me one.

I'll show you where he plagiarized it from.
Post by Peter
Maybe you don't know how to read code after all.
Maybe you don't understand what "compare" means.

Alan Browne
2023-04-03 13:35:59 UTC
Post by Chris
Even easier now with Co-Pilot and chatGPT. You don't need to write a single
line of code for the very simplest app.
I've played with ChatGPT to write some basic snippets of code, and it
can do that pretty well (easier to head over to github and find better
stuff if you need it).

As an example I asked it to write a simple command-line Python program
for Mac OS to display images from a folder and to advance to the next
image when I hit spacebar. The code would not run w/o error: the image
code library it wanted to load did not exist. The code "looked" okay,
but it would not run.
“Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present
danger to American democracy.”
- J Michael Luttig - 2022-06-16
- Former US appellate court judge (R) testifying to the January 6
Jolly Roger
2023-04-03 16:27:00 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Chris
Even easier now with Co-Pilot and chatGPT. You don't need to write a
single line of code for the very simplest app.
I've played with ChatGPT to write some basic snippets of code, and it
can do that pretty well (easier to head over to github and find better
stuff if you need it).
As an example I asked it to write a simple command-line Python program
for Mac OS to display images from a folder and to advance to the next
image when I hit spacebar. The code would not run w/o error: the
image code library it wanted to load did not exist. The code "looked"
okay, but it would not run.
Which is to be expected. It's simply sourcing code snippets that are
available on the net, many of which are incomplete, buggy, and not
suitable for working production environments. Garbage in, garbage out.
In the end it's not much more useful than a visit to StackOverflow.
You'll still need a human being to clean the code up, refactor for
purpose, and debug it. We're a hell of a long way off from AI replacing
actual software developers.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Alan Browne
2023-04-03 18:56:10 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Chris
Even easier now with Co-Pilot and chatGPT. You don't need to write a
single line of code for the very simplest app.
I've played with ChatGPT to write some basic snippets of code, and it
can do that pretty well (easier to head over to github and find better
stuff if you need it).
As an example I asked it to write a simple command-line Python program
for Mac OS to display images from a folder and to advance to the next
image when I hit spacebar. The code would not run w/o error: the
image code library it wanted to load did not exist. The code "looked"
okay, but it would not run.
Which is to be expected. It's simply sourcing code snippets that are
available on the net, many of which are incomplete, buggy, and not
suitable for working production environments. Garbage in, garbage out.
In the end it's not much more useful than a visit to StackOverflow.
You'll still need a human being to clean the code up, refactor for
purpose, and debug it. We're a hell of a long way off from AI replacing
actual software developers.
Well, it's not that bad. As an example I had it write quicksort in C
using the variable types and labels I wanted. It spit it out in a
recursive version. I told it to re-write non recursively and it did so.
I examined but didn't test the code - but it was right - basic 201 stuff.

Then repeated it for Pascal, Fortran, Ada, Python and Modula-II.

All looked okay - all were in the form of functions or procedures that
still needed a program around them to test.

Had it write some functions in x86_64 and ARM assembly as well. The
intel stuff looked right; ARM: dunno.
“Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present
danger to American democracy.”
- J Michael Luttig - 2022-06-16
- Former US appellate court judge (R) testifying to the January 6
Andy Burnelli
2023-04-04 02:22:36 UTC
FACT: *Only iOS lacks torrenting apps on the app store*
Yet again, in a vain attempt to treat nospam as if he's an adult...

I will patiently explain that... and... I hate to burst your bubble... but
1. *You own the brain of a child*
2. *You "think" you're clever*
3. *You're not*

You think you're pulling a "clever trick" over me by repeatedly "not"
saying that Apple is the only consumer OS suppler who cynically
purposefully _cripples_ the app store so that a "normal" person can't
install the app... because... Apple prevents the app from being there.

You seriously think you're "confusing" me by saying, instead of that truth,
that you, apparently the greatest developer on the planet, can _write_ the
code that Apple prevents existing on the app store.

You think you're being clever, nospam, like a kid which who just kicked the
dog on purpose who tells his parents the dog "fell down the stairs" nospam.

You think I don't realize your claim is that you, the greatest developer
that ever lived, could write the program even though Apple won't let that
program be on the app store.

Your point is the _phone_ is capable of doing what Apple disallowed in the
app store, which is a strawman you built because you can't face the facts.

Nobody disputed ever that the phone _hardware_ can do what Apple disallows.

You're so stupid, the _only_ way you can respond to the facts is for you to
build that imaginary made-up strawman, so that you can beat that to death.

I repeat...
1. You own the brain of a child.
2. You "think" you're clever.
3. You're not.

the fact remains Apple _crippled_ the iPhone in terms of torrenting.
You hate that fact.

In addition, Apple is the _only_ common OS that does that, nospam.
You hate that fact also.

But the fact you hate these facts doesn't change those facts being facts.

*Either agree with the facts or continue to prove you are an imbecile*

You're so incredibly stupid, that you actually think you're being clever.

For one, you own the brain of a child, nospam.
And, for another, you've never written a single line of code in your life.
このメールは、アバスト アンチウイルス ソフトウェアでウイルス チェックされています。
Andy Burnelli
2023-04-06 16:22:52 UTC
From: Andy Burnelli <***@nospam.net>
Newsgroups: misc.phone.mobile.iphone,comp.mobile.android,comp.mobile.ipad
Subject: Re: There is zero app functionality on iOS not already on Android
- not even a single app - not even one
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2023 17:15:57 +0100
Organization: To protect and to server
Message-ID: <u0mr7c$ick6$***@paganini.bofh.team>
References: <u0kln4$6lba$***@paganini.bofh.team>
<u0kt72$24kq$***@dont-email.me> <u0lfsh$ds3r$***@paganini.bofh.team>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Injection-Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2023 16:15:41 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info: paganini.bofh.team; logging-data="602758";
Cancel-Lock: sha256:upn1vt8kDPfyni2kGlmGy8tPpUwdOvxZZ56xkYytqOI=
X-Notice: Filtered by postfilter v. 0.9.3
Content-Language: en-GB
Xref: sewer misc.phone.mobile.iphone:118779 comp.mobile.android:99741
have no doubt Android can do automation and probably better than iOS,
it can't.
Hehhehheh... nospam is _desperate_ to hide these huge flaws in iOS...

It's clear nospam spends about two seconds on his posts, where, like all
iKooks, he's _desperate_ to excuse the obvious fact that it's Apple who
crippled iOS such that iOS is not only the least secure smartphone in
history in terms of constantly ever increasing zero-day holes, but also
in terms of Apple's zero days being exploited more than others (due to
the primitive stone-age iOS update monolith), and, as a result of Apple's
restrictive app policy - iOS users enjoy far less app functionality.

By controlling iOS, like a dictator controls a country, the users lose
because Apple _never_ has the consumers' best interest in mind.

*Apple is like a tobacco company in almost every respect.*
but I had trouble finding anything in those links which addressed
Android's capabilities in a similar fashion to the Accessibility
features of iOS hearing aid support. Manufacturer apps just don't seem
to tap into the additional functions available at the OS level, but
admittedly my sample size is only one...
that's because hardware manufacturers generally are not good at writing
software, even with some of the larger companies who have the budget to
do so, with camera companies being one of the more common examples.
if their apps are cross-platform, they are limited to features common
between both and ignore anything unique on only one platform.
Hi badgolferman (via nospam's inelaborate desperate mere excuse above)...

I do on Android anything that I want to do on Android, whereas on iOS,
Apple severely cripples what anyone can do, so the images below are only
for Android - but they are all mine - so I've done everything I claim.

(Unlike nospam, who elevates himself to "developer status" even as that's
clearly a brazen lie as he has never written a line of code in his life.)

Since nospam's response was a classic "I wish iOS could do the things iOS
clearly can't do so I'll just claim that iOS is better without any facts"

Unlike nospam, who doesn't even own the Android devices he claims to know
so well (hell, nospam doesn't even own a modern iPhone), I not only own
a modern Android device, but I've created Shortcuts to Activities on them.

Hence, I will provide to badgolferman some images I have in my archive
of things I've done, along the lines of creating shortcuts to do things,
some of which are similar to what badgolferman wants for switching radios.

1. Accessing network modes which are hidden from an unknowing user base.
<Loading Image...> Hidden Network-Mode Activity
<Loading Image...> Hidden Band-Selection Activity
<Loading Image...> Band selection options

2. Creating Shortcuts to any Activity inside of any Android app or setting.
<Loading Image...> Custom Shortcut icons
<Loading Image...> Creating URL Shortcuts
<Loading Image...> Creating FOLDER Shortcuts
<Loading Image...> Editing Shortcut icons
<Loading Image...> Choosing custom icons
<Loading Image...> Squaring the custom icon
<Loading Image...> Finding icons to extract
<Loading Image...> Extracting icons to PNG
<Loading Image...> Net icon, before & after
<Loading Image...> Copy net icon to Android
<Loading Image...> Select & edit custom icon
<Loading Image...> Custom screenshot icon
<Loading Image...> Set custom icon on Android
<Loading Image...> Sample custom Shortcuts
<Loading Image...> Open phone to the keypad
<Loading Image...> Open to ANY app Activity
<Loading Image...> Find all hidden Activities
<Loading Image...> Set opening tab yourself
<Loading Image...> Avoid all Google Activities
<Loading Image...> Determine # of Activities
<Loading Image...> Open app to a page you want
<Loading Image...> Disable Google Activities
<Loading Image...> Elevate to homescreen
<Loading Image...> Create custom Shortcuts
<Loading Image...> Add Shortcuts to homescreen
<Loading Image...> Much Shortcut functionality
<Loading Image...> Access any app Activity

3. Creating a shortcut to a setting deep inside the Android settings.
<Loading Image...> Shortcut to battery status

4. Create a Shortcut to "ps -aux | grep <PID> & kill -9 <PID>" on Android.
<Loading Image...> Native widget results
<Loading Image...> SettingsCreator results
<Loading Image...> ps -aux | kill -9 <PID>

5. Create a Shortcut to power off the phone & test it easily.
<Loading Image...> Shortcut to turn phone off
<Loading Image...> Test your custom Shortcuts

6. Access Activities inside an app to kill running & bg processes.
<Loading Image...> Kill a running service
<Loading Image...> App info force stop
<Loading Image...> Recent apps force stop
<Loading Image...> Activity kill running <PID>
<Loading Image...> Activity kill a bg <PID>

7. Creating custom Shortcuts to all Activities & even to all Intents.
<Loading Image...> Custom Shortcuts folder
<Loading Image...> Powerful Intent customization
<Loading Image...> Tremendous Shortcut power!
<Loading Image...> Change "open with" options
<Loading Image...> Intercept Open-With dialogs
<Loading Image...> Example intercepting Intents

8. Finding information about missing Activities and Shortcut targets.
<Loading Image...> App is no longer installed
<Loading Image...> Shortcut knows what it is
<Loading Image...> App is found in Aurora Store
<Loading Image...> App is found in F-Droid
<Loading Image...> App is found in Aurora Droid
<Loading Image...> App is installed from F-Droid

9. This basic changing of default Shortcuts is _impossible_ on iOS!
<Loading Image...> Android changes DEFAULT icons
<Loading Image...> Edit default Shortcut icons
<Loading Image...> Change the name and/or icon
<Loading Image...> iOS is crippled & can't do this
<Loading Image...> Android gives you full control
The main reason iOS has far more security holes than Android, and far more
exploited security holes, and far less functionality is due to Apple's
strategy of controlling every aspect of the operating system & app choice.

It doesn't help that Apple's R&D spend is the lowest of all tech companies.
(HINT: Apple is no different than soda or tobacco companies in product.)