Apple's clever lies are already spewing forth - regarding the defective iPhone 15 overheating
(too old to reply)
Wally J
2023-10-03 04:36:35 UTC
Apple's clever lies are already spewing forth regarding the defective
iPhone 15 overheating.

Nobody can lie as openly and eloquently as Apple has publicly lied
in the past (you're holding it wrong & the batteries made me do it).

Well... Apple's eloquently misleading brazen public lies have begun anew...

1. Apple didn't test the iPhone 15 for overheating before selling it.
2. When Apple was forced to test it - Apple found _many_ causes.
3. Since fixing the clearly defective hardware is out of the question...
4. Apple can only throttle the iPhone CPU or the apps running on it.

Reducing performance is Apple's only option - so what we want to look
closely at is exactly how Apple fudges the language to try not to say that.

Here's our first peek...
"The company told CNN the current overheating issues are not a safety
risk and will not affect the *long-term* performance of impacted
iPhone models. It also emphasized that iPhones have internal
protections for components to help regulate the temperature
if it gets too high."

Which means... *Apple is going to throttle the shit out of these iPhones!*

BTW, note the use of "long term" which doesn't fit so you know Apple is
playing some kind of game here. Also note the "emphasis" on "internal
protections" (read "throttle the shit out of it") weasel words by Apple.

I'm not sure why Apple made the distinction on "long term" but the fact
they inserted that caveat means there will definitely be short-term
negative performance impacts (because Apple is careful with their wording,
especially since they're likely to be sued for their incompetence again).

But it's clear why Apple "emphasized" the "internal protections" (which
they say because they can blame pre-existing software throttling this way).

Nobody lies like Apple lies.
Stay tuned... and please post more Apple lies to this thread for reference.
2023-10-03 04:39:18 UTC
Post by Wally J
Apple's clever lies are already spewing forth regarding the defective
iPhone 15 overheating.
Nobody can lie as openly and eloquently as Apple has publicly lied
in the past (you're holding it wrong & the batteries made me do it).
Well... Apple's eloquently misleading brazen public lies have begun anew...
1. Apple didn't test the iPhone 15 for overheating before selling it.
That's not a fact.

I'll just snip the rest of your bullshit for brevity, Clown.
Wally J
2023-10-04 20:37:24 UTC
Apple never wrote "long-term performance reduction".
Ah, but they did. I already cited those exact words, Jolly Roger.
However, I'll note that your _first_ response to all facts about Apple
products that you hate - is - to deny that any facts can exist.

So that's step 1 of your 7-step process of denying all Apple facts.
(I know what you'll do in step 2 since I know you better than you do.)
Those are *your*
words, and you are the true weasel here.
Normally you use the insulting as your last step, Jolly Roger.
So you skipped six steps in your desperation to deny all facts about Apple

I know you iKooks better than you do.
You _hate_ all facts about Apple products.

But you don't own the adult cognitive skills to realize that fact.
B. There should not be a *top performance reduction*
Apple never wrote "top performance reduction".
Again, I cited where Apple said that.
You being ignorant of the facts doesn't change that they're facts.

You will deny _every_ fact about Apple products that you don't like.
So it's merely step 1 in your process of avoiding all facts about Apple.
Those are *your* words,
and you are the true weasel here.
Nope. Apple said them. They're a matter of public record.
You just don't _like_ what Apple said, Jolly Roger.

Just like you don't like that Apple said they only fully support one
release. For years you've lied about Apple's support Jolly Roger.

You hate me because I tell you facts about Apple that you hate.
So be it.
C. There won't be an *A17 Pro chip performance reduction* etc.
Apple never wrote "A17 Pro chip performance reduction". Those are *your*
words, and you are the true weasel here.
Yet again, those are verbatim cut-and-paste from the Apple statement.
What you _hate_, Jolly Roger, is all facts about Apple products.

Your _first_ step in "protecting" yourself from facts is to deny that any
facts exist about Apple products. That's what you're doing here, JR.

So be it.
You only have 7 responses to all facts about Apple that you hate.

You used up two of them already.
1. You deny all facts about Apple can exist.
7. You try to make facts disappear by insulting the bearer of facts.
Your trolling is weak, old fart.
You call all facts you hate about Apple, "trolling", JR.
Do you know why you do that?

I do.

You hate me, Jolly Roger... *because you fear me*.
You fear that I present facts about Apple products that you hate.

You fear all facts about Apple products, Jolly Roger. Don't you.

So be it.

You fear anyone who informs you of the truth about Apple products.

Your entire goal in life - is to remain ignorant of the truth.
By me bringing the truth to you - I ruin your pleasant life.

So be it.

My goal is to bring an adult conversation to these child-like Apple
newsgroups in terms of the truth behind what Apple says & what they do.

What's no longer shocking is how deathly afraid low-IQ uneducated ignorant
religious-zealot iKooks are of the simple truths about Apple products.

a. Apple fucked up with the design of the defective iPhone 15 product line;
b. Worse, Apple forgot to test that defective iPhone 15 product line;
c. When Apple was forced to test the defective iPhone 15 product line,
Apple found multiple and rather embarrassingly diverse causative bugs.

Even worse... while Apple was forced to admit the defective iPhones are
overheating, Apple has blamed everyone but Apple for the defective iPhones.

That's the truth, right?
*Why are you so deathly _afraid_ of those simple truths, Jolly Roger?*

What is going to be interesting, for adults to ponder, is how Apple reduced
performance since we know Apple's lawyers have already couched that fact.

A. Apple publicly said they'll try to limit the *long-term* impact;
B. Apple said they'll try to not limit the *top performance* impact;
C. And Apple said there won't be an *A17 Pro chip performance* reduction.

That's the truth, right?
*Why are you so deathly _afraid_ of these simple truths, Jolly Roger?

What intelligent adults need to find out is how bad the performance impact
with be (whether long term, short term, app performance, or bus speeds).
My goal is to bring an adult conversation to these child-like Apple
newsgroups in terms of the truth behind what Apple says & what they do.