Wally J
2023-12-06 19:57:50 UTC
No matter how many
times you insist that other people are dumb. We aren't, we just make
different choices than you.
It's not the choices people make that show their IQ.times you insist that other people are dumb. We aren't, we just make
different choices than you.
It's how they logically reason given the salient facts.
Take the example of the typical low-IQ iKook, Carlos.
a. They claim lower total cost of ownership, for example,
simply because Apple will buy back a recent model iPhone, '
if, they use that "credit" to buy another iPhone.
b. Yet they ignore the huge costs they incur buying what
most Android owners don't even need to purchase
(such as cloud accounts, radio subscriptions,
proprietary cabling, expensive replacement parts,
AppleCare services, extensive lack of FOSS apps,
bluetooth headsets, high-speed chargers, etc.).
c. And they limit the comparison to only expensive Androids
(where, let's be clear, my free Galaxy A32-5G has far
more app functionality than any iPhone ever sold, and it
only cost the 10% California sales tax on the $250 MSRP).
What shows their low IQ, Carlos, isn't their choices, Carlos.
It's the fact that they can't form a sensibly logical choice.
Worse, when confronted with the pertinent logical facts, Carlos.
They make endless excuses for their lack of comprehensive skills.
They sputter that the thousands of things that an iPhone can't do that
every other phone can do, must be because nobody wants or needs it.
Apple is no different than Big Tobacco is.
Apple is no different than Big Tobacco is.