OT: new pics up
(too old to reply)
2023-06-22 11:35:03 UTC
Some new photos online ... HDRs of long exposures of water.

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A couple of different compositions .. interested in feedback on
which presentation people find the more appealing.

FYI, these HDRs were done in Adobe Photoshop Elements,
not the full blown Photoshop. Not quite as many levers to
pull / adjust, but looks like it does well enough.

2023-06-22 17:34:13 UTC
Post by -hh
Some new photos online ... HDRs of long exposures of water.
A couple of different compositions .. interested in feedback on
which presentation people find the more appealing.
FYI, these HDRs were done in Adobe Photoshop Elements,
not the full blown Photoshop. Not quite as many levers to
pull / adjust, but looks like it does well enough.
They all look pretty great, HH...

...but I love the light in this one:


I think I'd like to see it cropped to either a vertical golden rectangle
image, or perhaps square...

...so I'm going to have a go if you don't mind.
2023-06-22 18:12:23 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by -hh
Some new photos online ... HDRs of long exposures of water.
A couple of different compositions .. interested in feedback on
which presentation people find the more appealing.
FYI, these HDRs were done in Adobe Photoshop Elements,
not the full blown Photoshop. Not quite as many levers to
pull / adjust, but looks like it does well enough.
They all look pretty great, HH...
That's the one that my wife likes best too .. seems to be the light coming
through upstream.
Post by Alan
I think I'd like to see it cropped to either a vertical golden rectangle
image, or perhaps square...
...so I'm going to have a go if you don't mind.
Sure, give it a shot. Be aware that I had some challenges with the upstream
water going purple.

For composition, I can see (retrospectively) that there could have been other
interesting angles if I'd been further to either side, to focus on the flows around
the big rock in the middle. I might have been able to get over to the right, but
going out the left would have required standing midstream.

