These strange low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks live squarely atop Mount Stupid
(too old to reply)
Wally J
2023-12-28 16:20:22 UTC
I have a good memory, even after the recent spate of operations, where you
ridiculed the use of "vehicle" in immunology - and yes - you RIDICULED it.
If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,
I disagree.
Hi Chris,

This stuff is how I know you iKooks all have a substandard below-normal IQ.
a. Your belief systems are all completely imaginary
b. Hence, facts threaten everything you believe in
c. So you simply resort to kindergarten blind denials that facts can exist

All you iKooks ever do (besides defending Apple to the death, no matter
what), is deny all facts about anything that you simply do not like.

By denying facts, in your mind, they go away (much like the Russians do,
but more to the point, it's why Alan Browne claims he's never seen the
walled garden that, literally, he logs into every day of his living life).
The pattern, which you can't see of course, is you using terms incorrectly
and then get all arsey when those who actually know stuff try to correct
Usenet is water under the bridge to me, where I respond only to what people
say; I don't care who says it - if it makes sense - I will agree with it.

I never disagree with a sentient logical statement, Chris, no matter whom
it comes from. It could come from the Devil himself, and if it makes sense,
I'd agree with it.

You said at one point that Mount Stupid isn't on the Dunning-Kruger graphs,
and I only belatedly understood why you said that - and once I did - I
agreed with you - but that just means I was using off-the-cuff terminology
as I knew full well the quartile graphs that were in the seminal papers.

So I give you full credit for pointing that out (but no credit for getting
the reason wrong - as it's clear by now I read and understood the papers).

I have to give you credit Chris, much as I give Alan Baker credit when his
quoted text shows something correctly, that you once caught a decimal-place
error in my off-the-cuff statements (about Covid deaths in children).

I have a good memory Chris - even after a spate of life-saving operations.
Anyone who can earn higher degrees in the sciences and engineering MUST
have a good memory - or they wouldn't be able to pass any of the exams.

You do NOT have a good memory Chris as you don't remember ridiculing the
use of "vehicle" (making jokes about cars) in immunology when it's a common
term of anyone who took courses in immunology (which I have taken).

Hell... I even have my immunology textbooks, which you uneducated iKooks
ridicule because you hate that none of you iKooks even has an undergrad
degree (neither Alan Baker nor Jolly Roger could have even a high school
diploma, Chris). Nobody with their IQs would.

Those are accurate observations of fact.
First off, I was a lowly grad student, and secondly, all you have to do to
be a "contributing author" to such peer-reviewed papers is do some of the
And what did you do that warrants you being able to still call yourself an
immunologist decades later?
Again, this is how I know all you uneducated iKooks have a substandard IQ.
I never once said I was an immunologist. Not then. Not now.
Yet your "Mount Stupid" iKook brain simply makes that up out of nothing.
I did my bachelors and PhD in Chemistry I don't call myself a chemist these
days. I lead research projects in other fields.
You did not. You are a liar. You're too stupid to have a PhD in anything,
let along a bachelors degree Chris. Sorry. But you can't.

What's the reason that water is such a good solvent, Chris?
Do you know?

HINT: You're furiously googling (much as Alan Baker would), but that's an
easy one to find in Google searches - so it's an easy one for you too.

Let's try what this means '1s22s22p6' (offhand I'm pretty sure that's
correct) as some things in chemistry (such as .0821) stick in your mind
because you use them so often.

What is the significance of those two sets of things above to chemistry?
Hint: They're both huge so if you have to google, you don't know chemistry.
- so you again ridiculing it isn't warranted as my point was only
that I have degrees
That's what you claim yet won't directly evidence. The only thing others
can go on is what you say, which is worthless. Especially when you
constantly attack the messengers and name call.
You think I'm making it up because that's what _you_ do, Chris.
All you ignorant low-IQ iKooks make _everything_ up, Chris.
It's why you live west of Mount Stupid on the Dunning-Kruger extrapolation.
in stuff that you iKooks don't and yet you iKooks
ridicule things such as a catenary & D-K quartiles & immunology terms.
Name calling isn't at all ridiculouS, of course.
Telling you that you are west of Mount Stupid is an accurate assessment.
Telling you that denying all facts you don't like is childish is an
accurate assessment. Telling you that you're a liar is an accurate

You don't hear me saying that about Ant, do you Chris?
I don't say it about badgolferman, do I Chris?

And yet, I say it about Steve (being a liar) and yet I don't call him an
iKook. Doesn't it ever occur to you the _reason_ I call you an iKook...

...Is because you are...

Remember, iKooks are a special kind of person west of Mount Stupid.
My point is simply that you're all squarely to the west of Mount Stupid.
You're so stupid - you don't even realize how stupid you are.
That's the nicest way I can put it, at least the nicest way I can think of.
What's most funny regarding all this DK nonsense is you don't recognise how
relevant it is to you. The more you claim you're an expert the more you
come across as a know-it-all who actually knows little.
I never once said I was an expert in anything (as far as I recall), Chris,
where you just _think_ I'm an expert because I know so much more than you

Likewise, Alan Baker _claims_ to be an expert but he doesn't know the first
thing about things he claims to be an expert in - where I only know them
because I have a grasp of detail (e.g., what a BMW is called in racing
circuits) that Alan Baker lacks. But let's be clear here, Chris - showing
that I know more than Alan Baker does makes me no expert at all Chris.

All it means is I got past kindergarten, Chris.

You mistake me poking fun at the ignorant iKooks for me claiming I'm an
expert. My goal isn't to claim that and in many (many!) cases I expressly
disavow being an expert because I'm too well educated to make that claim.

Only people to the left of Mount Stupid claim to be experts (like Alan
Baker for example) when they're actually incredibly ignorant people.

HINT: Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Unless they live on Mount Stupid.
I won't quote it as my name is on it - and you'll refute
it out of hand
So even you aren't confident on its significance.
One scientific paper? The significance? Not much. However it was seminal.
It can't be seminal if it wasn't very significant. Unless it's about
That's true actually. What I meant in the casual conversation was that it
was prescient, more so than seminal. Thanks for clarifying as I agree with

Again (and again) and again, I will agree with anyone (hell, even nospam)
if that person makes a statement that makes sense logically.

When Alan Baker claims that he's an expert and yet he knows nothing about
the subject, that doesn't make sense.

When Steve claims that T-Mobile has no signal where it does, that doesn't
make sense (especially as Steve lied for years about the FCC data).

When Jolly Roger claims Apple fully patches older releases when even Apple
expressly says they do NOT do that - what JR thinks doesn't make sense.

When nospam constantly fabricates imaginary apps in the app store that
simply don't exist - that doesn't make sense.

When Snit claims this video shows an iOS app that can graphically show
Wi-Fi signal strength over time for all nearby access points, that doesn't
make sense (although all the ignorant iKooks believed it, Chris).
iKooks can't even see the fatal flaw!
We studied the organisms and we studied their reactions and we surmised how
what we observed could possibly have happened given the organisms were
never exposed to what they were found to be immune to and we looked at
patterns and we made assessments based on the facts as we knew them - which
- turns out - a decade later - we were vindicated in all our premises.
You could easily tell us who the senior author was. They likely published
dozens if not hundreds of papers which wouldn't divulge anything we don't
already know.
If any of this true, I suspect you didn't travel far so would have likely
been at UCSF or UCSD.
The thing Chris, is none of you iKooks has any education so if I posted my
books, for example, you'd ridicule it endlessly like a kindergarten class
where someone in the class knew how to tell time when the others didn't.

When you show you've read (and understood) the seminal Dunning-Kruger
papers, come back and ask me to point you to the principal author of mine.
When you ridicule textbooks, it hints of you having never attended college.
I'm not ridiculing books. I'm ridiculing you for using photos of books as
evidence of your college degrees. The fact you feel the need to even do
this speaks volumes about your fragile ego.
It was in response to just the kind of "show me proof" that you ignorant
iKooks requested - just as you did above with the principle author, Chris.
You're right, I never attended college. I went straight to university from
You're a liar Chris. Not a single iKook owns the IQ to pass a college exam,
let alone what it takes to earn a PhD. You just do not own that intellect.

I'll change my mind the instant you show me that you do own that intellect.
Usenet is water under the bridge to me, where I respond only to what people
say; I don't care who says it - if it makes sense - I will agree with it.
2023-12-28 17:52:18 UTC
Post by Wally J
What's most funny regarding all this DK nonsense is you don't recognise how
relevant it is to you. The more you claim you're an expert the more you
come across as a know-it-all who actually knows little.
I never once said I was an expert in anything (as far as I recall), Chris,
where you just_think_ I'm an expert because I know so much more than you
Likewise, Alan Baker_claims_ to be an expert but he doesn't know the first
thing about things he claims to be an expert in - where I only know them
because I have a grasp of detail (e.g., what a BMW is called in racing
circuits) that Alan Baker lacks. But let's be clear here, Chris - showing
that I know more than Alan Baker does makes me no expert at all Chris.
I'm starting to understand your psyche, Arlen.

You simply can't admit you're wrong.

2023-12-28 23:25:06 UTC
Post by Wally J
I have a good memory, even after the recent spate of operations, where you
ridiculed the use of "vehicle" in immunology - and yes - you RIDICULED it.
If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,
I disagree.
Hi Chris,
You stated you'd find the cites. Where are they?
2023-12-28 23:30:44 UTC
Post by Chris
Post by Wally J
I have a good memory, even after the recent spate of operations, where you
ridiculed the use of "vehicle" in immunology - and yes - you RIDICULED it.
If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,
I disagree.
Hi Chris,
You stated you'd find the cites. Where are they?

Not following through and instead deflecting onto whether or not people
I know use "bimmer" instead of just saying "BMW"?

Say it ain't so!

Wally J
2023-12-29 00:07:21 UTC
Post by Chris
You stated you'd find the cites.
You're so stupid, you don't even realize how stupid you are, Chris.
*You're classic Mount Stupid*, in fact, Chris.

That's a classic iKook tactic Chris - deny all facts - even words that YOU
said yourself (you hate that your whole life people called you stupid).
Post by Chris
Where are they?
The key way I'm different from you iKooks (other than my IQ isn't
substandard and I don't defend Apple to the death as a result), is that if
I say something happened - it happened.

I do not own an imaginary belief system like all you ignorant iKooks do.

Will you openly apologize when I post the URLs proving you said what you
said, Chris - or will you play silly childish iKook games again Chris?

Remember, I'm an adult. You're not.
I readily and easily admit when I'm accidentally wrong. You can't.

Do you know why?
I do.

HINT: You're a child, Chris. You have been told your entire life that you
are stupid and you are - so you're _afraid_ of admitting when you're wrong.
Someone once advised me that the tactic of the ignorant iKooks was to force
you to prove everything or they won't believe it - even words _they_ said.
2023-12-29 01:27:55 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Chris
You stated you'd find the cites.
You're so stupid, you don't even realize how stupid you are, Chris.
*You're classic Mount Stupid*, in fact, Chris.
"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"
Post by Wally J
That's a classic iKook tactic Chris - deny all facts - even words that YOU
said yourself (you hate that your whole life people called you stupid).
"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"
Post by Wally J
Post by Chris
Where are they?
The key way I'm different from you iKooks (other than my IQ isn't
substandard and I don't defend Apple to the death as a result), is that if
I say something happened - it happened.
"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"
Post by Wally J
I do not own an imaginary belief system like all you ignorant iKooks do.
"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"
Post by Wally J
Will you openly apologize when I post the URLs proving you said what you
said, Chris - or will you play silly childish iKook games again Chris?
"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"
Post by Wally J
Remember, I'm an adult. You're not.
I readily and easily admit when I'm accidentally wrong. You can't.
"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"
Post by Wally J
Do you know why?
I do.
Post by Wally J
HINT: You're a child, Chris. You have been told your entire life that you
are stupid and you are - so you're _afraid_ of admitting when you're wrong.
"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

(Was that childish? 😜)
2023-12-29 16:43:55 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Chris
You stated you'd find the cites.
You're so stupid,
Any chance of those promised cites? Without the abuse and name calling.
That would be much appreciated.
Wally J
2023-12-29 17:08:29 UTC
Post by Chris
Post by Wally J
Post by Chris
You stated you'd find the cites.
You're so stupid,
Any chance of those promised cites?
For any _adult_ on these child-like Apple operating system newsgroups,

The reason Apple ngs are the cesspool they are, is because of iKooks.
That's not a fact - but it's an assessment of many (many) facts.

I don't say something is a fact unless it is a fact, unlike the child-like
iKooks who repeatedly claim facts that they can never back up with cites.
a. nospam constantly fabricates imaginary iOS apps that don't exist
b. Jolly Roger constantly claims imaginary iOS support that doesn't exist
c. Alan Browne claims the walled garden he logs into doesn't exist

Who is that incredibly stupid?
Nobody right?

Except the iKooks.
Post by Chris
Without the abuse and name calling.
I'm on plenty of adult operating system newsgroups, Chris.
And what happens there is NOT what happens on the child-like Apple ngs.

The Apple newsgroups are infested with people who own religious beliefs.
That's why you iKooks are so deathly afraid of simple things, like facts.

The whole reason Apple newsgroups are what they are, Chris - is because you
low-IQ ignorant uneducated religious zealots exist - such that you defend
everything Apple ever did, said, or will do - to the death.

It's what makes you an iKook, Chris.
Post by Chris
That would be much appreciated.
For years, Apple newsgroups have been different from adult OS newsgroups.
The reason is that you iKooks are what makes Apple ngs so childish, Chris.

I posted them already Chris. It was trivial to find since you said it.
What's interesting is you didn't bother looking up your own words.

*Like all iKooks* - your belief systems are always based on zero facts.

Every statement from you child-like iKooks proves what I say about you.
a. You did what I said you did.
b. You brazenly denied what you did do.
c. And then you haughtily ask me to prove you did what you said you did.

Without ever bothering to check the facts, Chris.
Never even once did you check what you had said, Chris.
Before outrighting denying that you said exactly what I said you said.

Who does that?
Nobody right?

Except the iKooks do it all the time, Chris.
The whole reason Apple groups are what they are, is because of you iKooks.

That is what I'm trying to show the world, Chris.
HINT: *Proof the iKooks are ignorant low IQ uneducated despicable*
*people far to the left of Mount Stupid*
2023-12-29 17:14:20 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Chris
Post by Wally J
Post by Chris
You stated you'd find the cites.
You're so stupid,
Any chance of those promised cites?
For any _adult_ on these child-like Apple operating system newsgroups,
The reason Apple ngs are the cesspool they are, is because of iKooks.
That's not a fact - but it's an assessment of many (many) facts.
"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites"
Post by Wally J
I don't say something is a fact unless it is a fact, unlike the child-like
iKooks who repeatedly claim facts that they can never back up with cites.
a. nospam constantly fabricates imaginary iOS apps that don't exist
b. Jolly Roger constantly claims imaginary iOS support that doesn't exist
c. Alan Browne claims the walled garden he logs into doesn't exist
Who is that incredibly stupid?
Nobody right?
Except the iKooks.
Post by Chris
Without the abuse and name calling.
I'm on plenty of adult operating system newsgroups, Chris.
And what happens there is NOT what happens on the child-like Apple ngs.
The Apple newsgroups are infested with people who own religious beliefs.
That's why you iKooks are so deathly afraid of simple things, like facts.
The whole reason Apple newsgroups are what they are, Chris - is because you
low-IQ ignorant uneducated religious zealots exist - such that you defend
everything Apple ever did, said, or will do - to the death.
It's what makes you an iKook, Chris.
Post by Chris
That would be much appreciated.
For years, Apple newsgroups have been different from adult OS newsgroups.
The reason is that you iKooks are what makes Apple ngs so childish, Chris.
I posted them already Chris. It was trivial to find since you said it.
What's interesting is you didn't bother looking up your own words.
*Like all iKooks* - your belief systems are always based on zero facts.
Every statement from you child-like iKooks proves what I say about you.
a. You did what I said you did.
b. You brazenly denied what you did do.
c. And then you haughtily ask me to prove you did what you said you did.
Without ever bothering to check the facts, Chris.
Never even once did you check what you had said, Chris.
Before outrighting denying that you said exactly what I said you said.
Who does that?
Nobody right?
Except the iKooks do it all the time, Chris.
The whole reason Apple groups are what they are, is because of you iKooks.
That is what I'm trying to show the world, Chris.
"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites"
Wally J
2023-12-29 22:14:10 UTC
Post by Wally J
I don't say something is a fact unless it is a fact, unlike the child-like
iKooks who repeatedly claim facts that they can never back up with cites.
The only one not backing up with cites in this thread is you.
Jesus Christ, Chris.

I gave you the cites already Chris.
You're too stupid to CLICK on the link I gave you!

Classic Alan Baker behavior, Chris.
Facts can't exist (to you) if you refuse to acknowledge that they exist.
That makes you the "iKook" here, doesn't it?
Do you have to always PROVE MY POINT that you iKooks live on MT. Stupid?

a. You're too stupid to search for your own words, and,
b. When I do the work for you, you're too stupid to click the links.

Who is _that_ stupid, Chris?

Just you iKooks (all of whom live on Mount Stupid).
Post by Wally J
I posted them already Chris. It was trivial to find since you said it.
No you didn't.
Yes I did.
Why are you lying?
Why are you so stupid that you can't even do one of two simple things?
a. Find your own words that _you_ wrote, or, since I did that for you,
b. Click on the link that I already provided to you, Chris.

This is a _perfect_ proof that all you iKoooks live on Mount Stupid.
Post by Wally J
That is what I'm trying to show the world, Chris.
That's quite an inflated ego you have there.
It's not ego, Chris. It's a curiousity akin to that which Dunning-Kruger
had about people's self assessments, Chris, where you live on Mount Stupid.

They studied people's self bias on skills.
I study why Apple posters do the very strange things that they do.
a. They can't process facts
b. Just like you just proved.

First you deny words you said, that you said.
Then you deny links exist, that exist.

Everything you say, Chris... proves you iKooks live on Mount Stupid.
Not sure the world cares about your opinions.
Just as Jolly Roger claimed he thinks he's an iKook simply because he
disagreed with the facts, he doesn't understand a word that I said.

Neither do you, Chris.

a. I gave you the link.
b. You didn't even click on the link that I gave you.

And then... you claim it doesn't say what clearly it says?

Who does that?
Nobody, right?

Except you iKooks.
Which proves my point.

All you iKooks are too stupid to even click on a link of words that you
said that you are too stupid to look up for yourself (so I did it for you).

Who is _that_ stupid, Chris?
Just you iKooks.

You all live on Mount Stupid.
All you iKooks live on Mount Stupid.
2023-12-29 22:19:00 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
I don't say something is a fact unless it is a fact, unlike the child-like
iKooks who repeatedly claim facts that they can never back up with cites.
The only one not backing up with cites in this thread is you.
Jesus Christ, Chris.
I gave you the cites already Chris.
You're too stupid to CLICK on the link I gave you!
Classic Alan Baker behavior, Chris.
Facts can't exist (to you) if you refuse to acknowledge that they exist.
Why must you lie, Arlen?

"If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites"
Post by Wally J
That makes you the "iKook" here, doesn't it?
Do you have to always PROVE MY POINT that you iKooks live on MT. Stupid?
a. You're too stupid to search for your own words, and,
b. When I do the work for you, you're too stupid to click the links.
What links? Where?
2023-12-31 00:43:39 UTC
Wally J <***@invalid.nospam> wrote:
Post by Wally J
Who is _that_ stupid, Chris?
Just you iKooks.
iKooks is not a thing in the real world. You are projecting from your hate
addled mind.
Post by Wally J
You all live on Mount Stupid.
Mount Stupid is not a thing. You are delusional. You spend way too much
time attacking people on usenet. This is not healthy.
2023-12-31 00:47:20 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Who is _that_ stupid, Chris?
Just you iKooks.
iKooks is not a thing in the real world. You are projecting from your hate
addled mind.
Post by Wally J
You all live on Mount Stupid.
Mount Stupid is not a thing. You are delusional. You spend way too much
time attacking people on usenet. This is not healthy.
It's really quite hilarious the way he decides based on one thing he
thinks he knows that his critics can't possibly be competent in their

Wally J
2023-12-31 01:14:49 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Who is _that_ stupid, Chris?
Just you iKooks.
iKooks is not a thing in the real world.
You are projecting from your hate addled mind.
Actually I don't hate the iKooks at all. In fact, I study you intently.
That's why I know more about you, Hemidactylus, than you know yourself.

This is a stick diagram of the iKooks who post to Apple OS newsgroups.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
You all live on Mount Stupid.
Mount Stupid is not a thing. You are delusional.
And yet, Mount Stupid _is_ a thing.
<Loading Image...>

The fact you can't fathom that is partly why you're an iKook - but it takes
a confluence of traits to be an iKook - particularly religious zealotry.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
You spend way too much time attacking people on usenet.
This is not healthy.
I have two goals on usenet, one of which is achieved by me writing the many
tutorials I've written (where I've noticed you've never written even one).

The second goal comes from studying why only on the Apple newsgroups do the
strange people exist who defend the mothership to the death, like zealots.

You iKooks even gloat about Apple gouging your eyes out with profits.
Who does that?
Nobody normal, right?

Only iKooks.

You strange people don't realize it's not normal to defend the mothership
to the death - slinging lies - outright denials - and false answers.

On the _adult_ operating systems newsgroups, they act more like adults.
On the child-like Apple newsgroups, most of you do not act like adults.

What is common to all the iKooks though is that they live on Mount Stupid.
<Loading Image...>
2023-12-31 02:03:54 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Who is _that_ stupid, Chris?
Just you iKooks.
iKooks is not a thing in the real world.
You are projecting from your hate addled mind.
Actually I don't hate the iKooks at all. In fact, I study you intently.
That's why I know more about you, Hemidactylus, than you know yourself.
This is a stick diagram of the iKooks who post to Apple OS newsgroups.
Just FYI, this:

"If you think you are average at something, that means you are right in
the middle: Half of the people out there are better than you, and half
are worse."

Is wrong. That's not the AVERAGE they're talking about: it's the MEDIAN.
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
You all live on Mount Stupid.
Mount Stupid is not a thing. You are delusional.
And yet, Mount Stupid _is_ a thing.
Drawings don't prove anything.
2024-01-02 00:30:57 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
I don't say something is a fact unless it is a fact, unlike the child-like
iKooks who repeatedly claim facts that they can never back up with cites.
The only one not backing up with cites in this thread is you.
Jesus Christ, Chris.
I gave you the cites already Chris.
You're too stupid to CLICK on the link I gave you!
I had a thorough look through all your posts in this thread and I
eventually found an obfuscated link to an ng with no relevance to this
thread in your fucking signature. Why would any sane person do that? You
were intentionally trying to hide it.

Having found the hidden link and within it I needed to click through other
links to find your cites. Eventually I found the thread.

And yes, I admit, I probably did mock you for your incorrect usage of
technical/biological terminology. In my defence you had written an
extremely long and in many ways ill-informed post.
2024-01-02 00:32:49 UTC
Post by Chris
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
I don't say something is a fact unless it is a fact, unlike the child-like
iKooks who repeatedly claim facts that they can never back up with cites.
The only one not backing up with cites in this thread is you.
Jesus Christ, Chris.
I gave you the cites already Chris.
You're too stupid to CLICK on the link I gave you!
I had a thorough look through all your posts in this thread and I
eventually found an obfuscated link to an ng with no relevance to this
thread in your fucking signature. Why would any sane person do that? You
were intentionally trying to hide it.
Having found the hidden link and within it I needed to click through other
links to find your cites. Eventually I found the thread.
And yes, I admit, I probably did mock you for your incorrect usage of
technical/biological terminology. In my defence you had written an
extremely long and in many ways ill-informed post.
That's our Arlen!
Wally J
2024-01-01 04:37:39 UTC
The adults will notice that the iKooks live on Mount Stupid in many ways,
as witnessed, moments ago, from their Mount Stupid posts to both the
Windows newsgroup (always via Alan Baker nyms) & to Android (Dave Royal).

To wit... (for the permanent Usenet record to find by future researchers).
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).

OT. Please ignore if you care about the subject matter of this thread.
The only _relevant_ information in the post below are these screenshots.
<Loading Image...> Edit plain text files
<Loading Image...> Simple Text Editor shows up
<Loading Image...> Shortcut can be created
<Loading Image...> Shortcut opens as a text file
<Loading Image...> Sometimes it does NOT show up
<Loading Image...> Sometimes it can't SAVE it
<Loading Image...> Simple Text Editor Permissions
<Loading Image...> WriterP Permissions

Now back to the "Dave Royal" (aka Alan Baker) response...

Some people try to add value in every post.
Others subtract it in every post.

In decades on Usenet, I've only plonked a handful of people who _can't_ add
value such as Snit, Dustin Cook, Sn!pe, and every nym of Alan Baker (of
which Dave Royal is but one - where there are so many I can't count them).

The nyms are OK, as with my newsreader setup, I don't even see who posts
unless I look - which is kind of like Trump words - where I don't look up
what he said unless someone tells me and I say "did he really say that?).

Point being, nothing from Dave Royal adds value (as he's Alan Baker).
In fact, Dave Royal _subtracts_ vale (aka Alan Baker) in every post.

Even if he's not Alan Baker - he has the same IQ of about 40 (which is why
he loudly proclaims to the world that he is an utter genius when he finally
figures out what was never hidden from anyone - except from dumb robots).

It irks me that people this incredibly stupid, actually exist - which is
exactly why the Mount Stupid graphs exist - which fits the iKooks well.

Jesus Christ. Every time these low-IQ iKooks have nothing to say, they say
it. Dave Royal _is_ Alan Baker who _is_ Jack_Of_All_Trades_Master_of_None
<***@andybastard.com> who _is_ a hundred other nyms, all of which are
childish kindergarten attempts at "outing" what they think they're geniuses
at, but which only proves they live squarely atop the D-K Mount Stupid.
*These strange low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks live squarely atop Mount Stupid*

If it takes an _adult_ more than five seconds to figure out my posts, then
they're idiots because the only purpose of the random headers is privacy
from robots - which these ignorant uneducated iKooks can't comprehend.

For God's sake, when I post a thousand screenshots to the Windows newsgroup
that have the _exact same screen_, how long can it take an idiot like you?
<Loading Image...> Windows browsers
<Loading Image...> No cortana search icon
<Loading Image...> Menus are just folders
<Loading Image...> Menu comments displayed
<Loading Image...> Comments can be changed
<Loading Image...> (deleted)
<Loading Image...> Hierarchies should match
<Loading Image...> One web browser per task
<Loading Image...> Need to organize os

How many of these does a normal person take to figure it out?
One right? Two maybe?

But iKooks? It takes them a thousand. Two thousand. Three thousand.
And then they declare that they're a "genius" for figuring it out.
When it was never hidden.

Who is that stupid?

Hell, I post a thousand screenshots to the Android newsgroup like this,
and it takes more than a thousand for you to claim you're a genius?
<https://i.postimg.cc/nVWkJT35/text01.jpg> Edit plain text files
<https://i.postimg.cc/j5dkpx5j/text02.jpg> Simple Text Editor shows up
<https://i.postimg.cc/0jzXNV7R/text03.jpg> Shortcut can be created
<https://i.postimg.cc/4yjLHp1K/text04.jpg> Shortcut opens as a text file
<https://i.postimg.cc/mDX6Rvzy/text05.jpg> Sometimes it does NOT show up
<https://i.postimg.cc/L6rwJFyy/text06.jpg> Sometimes it can't SAVE it
<https://i.postimg.cc/KzbPK6vB/text07.jpg> Simple Text Editor Permissions
<https://i.postimg.cc/50mw8s6G/text08.jpg> WriterP Permissions

I even post a thousand screenshots to the child-like Apple newsgroups,
where only the child-like Apple religious iKooks claim that they're a
genius for "finally figuring out" what was never hidden in the 1st place.
<Loading Image...> Apple _forces_ a log in!
<Loading Image...> 3 iOS 16.7.3 nag items
<Loading Image...> 2 iOS 16.7.3 nag items
<Loading Image...> 1 Update Apple ID settings

It doesn't occur to these fantastically ignorant iKooks that the
screenshots are the same, year after year, for thousands of them.

Who is _that_ stupid?
Nobody right?

Except the iKooks are.
They're so stupid, they don't even know how stupid they really are.
croy: there are loads of them. Just search playstore for 'text editor' and
try a few. Or FDroid or whatever you get apps from.
That's something only an idiot would say, which is why Alan Baker said it.
It means you don't know the first thing about Android text editors, Alan.

That's because you live on Mount Stupid.
It irks me that people this incredibly stupid, actually exist - which is
exactly why the Mount Stupid graphs exist - which fits the iKooks well.
2024-01-01 10:35:37 UTC
Post by Wally J
The adults will notice that the iKooks live on Mount Stupid in many ways,
as witnessed, moments ago, from their Mount Stupid posts to both the
Windows newsgroup (always via Alan Baker nyms) & to Android (Dave Royal).
To wit... (for the permanent Usenet record to find by future researchers).
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
You just...

...make stuff up...

...don't you?

For the record, I have never posted as "Dave Royal" or any variation
Thomas E.
2024-01-17 16:06:36 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
The adults will notice that the iKooks live on Mount Stupid in many ways,
as witnessed, moments ago, from their Mount Stupid posts to both the
Windows newsgroup (always via Alan Baker nyms) & to Android (Dave Royal).
To wit... (for the permanent Usenet record to find by future researchers).
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
You just...
...make stuff up...
...don't you?
For the record, I have never posted as "Dave Royal" or any variation
Alan does not make stuff up. He just does not answer questions, so no need to. Don't waste your time on Alan Baker.
2024-01-17 16:47:37 UTC
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
The adults will notice that the iKooks live on Mount Stupid in many ways,
as witnessed, moments ago, from their Mount Stupid posts to both the
Windows newsgroup (always via Alan Baker nyms) & to Android (Dave Royal).
To wit... (for the permanent Usenet record to find by future researchers).
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
You just...
...make stuff up...
...don't you?
For the record, I have never posted as "Dave Royal" or any variation
Alan does not make stuff up. He just does not answer questions, so no need to. Don't waste your time on Alan Baker.
Not answering your stalking it is not "just not answer[ing] questions"...

Thomas E.
2024-01-25 22:07:25 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
The adults will notice that the iKooks live on Mount Stupid in many ways,
as witnessed, moments ago, from their Mount Stupid posts to both the
Windows newsgroup (always via Alan Baker nyms) & to Android (Dave Royal).
To wit... (for the permanent Usenet record to find by future researchers).
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
You just...
...make stuff up...
...don't you?
For the record, I have never posted as "Dave Royal" or any variation
Alan does not make stuff up. He just does not answer questions, so no need to. Don't waste your time on Alan Baker.
Not answering your stalking it is not "just not answer[ing] questions"...
LOL, just asking for confirmation of facts is not stalking.
2024-01-25 22:52:03 UTC
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
The adults will notice that the iKooks live on Mount Stupid in many ways,
as witnessed, moments ago, from their Mount Stupid posts to both the
Windows newsgroup (always via Alan Baker nyms) & to Android (Dave Royal).
To wit... (for the permanent Usenet record to find by future researchers).
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
You just...
...make stuff up...
...don't you?
For the record, I have never posted as "Dave Royal" or any variation
Alan does not make stuff up. He just does not answer questions, so no need to. Don't waste your time on Alan Baker.
Not answering your stalking it is not "just not answer[ing] questions"...
LOL, just asking for confirmation of facts is not stalking.
Going looking for the "facts" is the the stalking part...

Thomas E.
2024-01-29 23:03:36 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
The adults will notice that the iKooks live on Mount Stupid in many ways,
as witnessed, moments ago, from their Mount Stupid posts to both the
Windows newsgroup (always via Alan Baker nyms) & to Android (Dave Royal).
To wit... (for the permanent Usenet record to find by future researchers).
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
You just...
...make stuff up...
...don't you?
For the record, I have never posted as "Dave Royal" or any variation
Alan does not make stuff up. He just does not answer questions, so no need to. Don't waste your time on Alan Baker.
Not answering your stalking it is not "just not answer[ing] questions"...
LOL, just asking for confirmation of facts is not stalking.
Going looking for the "facts" is the the stalking part...
LOL, you have SO much to hide loser.
2024-01-29 23:18:20 UTC
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
The adults will notice that the iKooks live on Mount Stupid in many ways,
as witnessed, moments ago, from their Mount Stupid posts to both the
Windows newsgroup (always via Alan Baker nyms) & to Android (Dave Royal).
To wit... (for the permanent Usenet record to find by future researchers).
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
You just...
...make stuff up...
...don't you?
For the record, I have never posted as "Dave Royal" or any variation
Alan does not make stuff up. He just does not answer questions, so no need to. Don't waste your time on Alan Baker.
Not answering your stalking it is not "just not answer[ing] questions"...
LOL, just asking for confirmation of facts is not stalking.
Going looking for the "facts" is the the stalking part...
LOL, you have SO much to hide loser.
I love how you double-down on the fact that you've been stalking me...
2024-01-22 15:07:46 UTC
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
The adults will notice that the iKooks live on Mount Stupid in many ways,
as witnessed, moments ago, from their Mount Stupid posts to both the
Windows newsgroup (always via Alan Baker nyms) & to Android (Dave Royal).
To wit... (for the permanent Usenet record to find by future researchers).
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
You just...
...make stuff up...
...don't you?
For the record, I have never posted as "Dave Royal" or any variation
Alan does not make stuff up. He just does not answer questions, so no need to. Don't waste your time on Alan Baker.
Alan is frequently confused about technical matters.
2024-01-22 20:01:29 UTC
Post by John
Post by Thomas E.
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
You just...
...make stuff up...
...don't you?
For the record, I have never posted as "Dave Royal" or any variation
Alan does not make stuff up. He just does not answer questions, so no
need to. Don't waste your time on Alan Baker.
Alan is frequently confused about technical matters.