Thomas E.
2024-02-21 12:51:07 UTC
It's been quite a ride. My first post was in the late 1990's when this group was a lively MacOS vs Windows discussion forum. W95/98 and OS 7 or 8 were still current topics. Today CSMA is a shadow of its former self. There are only 3 of us and a few x-poster's left, arguing back and forth about most anything but Mac vs Windows. Then there is the Wally troll persona, making wild and false claims about Apple, the company ,and the customers.
In truth, Mac vs Windows was settled a long time ago. Today both are highly developed operating systems with significant differences, but vastly improved. Mac no longer needs advocacy. The forum became redundant a long time ago. Apple and Microsoft are doing just fine without this forum.
So it's goodbye for a while. We leave Friday for the annual 2-week Colorado ski trip. With Google Groups becoming a history repository tomorrow the activity level has dropped. A good time to enjoy the mountains again and focus on just having fun.
Apparently those remaining don't value CSMA enough to go to a paid service. NNTP will live on for a while, remains to seen how long. It's a primitive system, long of tooth like FTP. I'll not be surprised if it eventually dies.
In truth, Mac vs Windows was settled a long time ago. Today both are highly developed operating systems with significant differences, but vastly improved. Mac no longer needs advocacy. The forum became redundant a long time ago. Apple and Microsoft are doing just fine without this forum.
So it's goodbye for a while. We leave Friday for the annual 2-week Colorado ski trip. With Google Groups becoming a history repository tomorrow the activity level has dropped. A good time to enjoy the mountains again and focus on just having fun.
Apparently those remaining don't value CSMA enough to go to a paid service. NNTP will live on for a while, remains to seen how long. It's a primitive system, long of tooth like FTP. I'll not be surprised if it eventually dies.