where's nospam?
(too old to reply)
Wally J
2023-10-14 02:41:11 UTC
Nah. I very much look forward to the day you trolls no longer disrupt
this newsgroup. My concern is: when will that be?
Hi Jolly Roger,

Years ago, when I was new to Apple products, you and nospam led me on a
slew of wild goose chases - and I watched you lead other innocents

Much like Dunning & Kruger wondered who would do such a thing, I wondered
why you and nospam and JF Mezei and Lewis and Snit, et al., constantly
claimed imaginary iOS app functionality that simply didn't exist.

It didn't take me long to realize what you iKooks are, and I've said it
since, very many times - so you should know what makes you an iKook by now.

All iKooks have the same fundamental traits:
a. They're uneducated
b. They're ignorant
c. They're low IQ

But that alone just makes iKooks stupid, not iKooks.

What makes those people iKooks is they have this herd mentality about Apple
(which is why they gloat over how much money Apple makes from them!).

Has it ever occurred to you that nobody on the Android ng gloats over
Google profits; and nobody on the Windows ng gloats over Microsoft profit?

Well think about it.

Only on Apple newsgroups do the posters gloat over the mothership's profit.
What does that tell you, Jolly Roger, about the nature of these iKooks?
Jolly Roger
2023-10-14 02:49:42 UTC
Post by Wally J
Nah. I very much look forward to the day you trolls no longer disrupt
this newsgroup. My concern is: when will that be?
you iKooks
you an iKook by now.
All iKooks
low IQ
You're a broken record. *YAWN*
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-10-14 05:21:19 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
You're a broken record.
We each have our respective roles on this child-like Apple newsgroup, JR.

Your role is to incessantly fabricate imaginary iOS functionality because
you're acutely _ashamed_ of the shocking lack of basic iOS functionality.

You do that well.
2023-10-14 05:38:21 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
You're a broken record.
We each have our respective roles on this child-like Apple newsgroup, JR.
And yours is broken record troll...
