Wally J
2024-01-01 04:34:47 UTC
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And itdoesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
OT. Please ignore if you care about the subject matter of this thread.
The only _relevant_ information in the post below are these screenshots.
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Now back to the "Dave Royal" (aka Alan Baker) response...
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Some people try to add value in every post.
Others subtract it in every post.
In decades on Usenet, I've only plonked a handful of people who _can't_ add
value such as Snit, Dustin Cook, Sn!pe, and every nym of Alan Baker (of
which Dave Royal is but one - where there are so many I can't count them).
The nyms are OK, as with my newsreader setup, I don't even see who posts
unless I look - which is kind of like Trump words - where I don't look up
what he said unless someone tells me and I say "did he really say that?).
Point being, nothing from Dave Royal adds value (as he's Alan Baker).
In fact, Dave Royal _subtracts_ vale (aka Alan Baker) in every post.
Even if he's not Alan Baker - he has the same IQ of about 40 (which is why
he loudly proclaims to the world that he is an utter genius when he finally
figures out what was never hidden from anyone - except from dumb robots).
It irks me that people this incredibly stupid, actually exist - which is
exactly why the Mount Stupid graphs exist - which fits the iKooks well.
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Jesus Christ. Every time these low-IQ iKooks have nothing to say, they say
it. Dave Royal _is_ Alan Baker who _is_ Jack_Of_All_Trades_Master_of_None
<***@andybastard.com> who _is_ a hundred other nyms, all of which are
childish kindergarten attempts at "outing" what they think they're geniuses
at, but which only proves they live squarely atop the D-K Mount Stupid.
*These strange low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks live squarely atop Mount Stupid*
If it takes an _adult_ more than five seconds to figure out my posts, then
they're idiots because the only purpose of the random headers is privacy
from robots - which these ignorant uneducated iKooks can't comprehend.
For God's sake, when I post a thousand screenshots to the Windows newsgroup
that have the _exact same screen_, how long can it take an idiot like you?
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How many of these does a normal person take to figure it out?
One right? Two maybe?
But iKooks? It takes them a thousand. Two thousand. Three thousand.
And then they declare that they're a "genius" for figuring it out.
When it was never hidden.
Who is that stupid?
Hell, I post a thousand screenshots to the Android newsgroup like this,
and it takes more than a thousand for you to claim you're a genius?
<https://i.postimg.cc/nVWkJT35/text01.jpg> Edit plain text files
<https://i.postimg.cc/j5dkpx5j/text02.jpg> Simple Text Editor shows up
<https://i.postimg.cc/0jzXNV7R/text03.jpg> Shortcut can be created
<https://i.postimg.cc/4yjLHp1K/text04.jpg> Shortcut opens as a text file
<https://i.postimg.cc/mDX6Rvzy/text05.jpg> Sometimes it does NOT show up
<https://i.postimg.cc/L6rwJFyy/text06.jpg> Sometimes it can't SAVE it
<https://i.postimg.cc/KzbPK6vB/text07.jpg> Simple Text Editor Permissions
<https://i.postimg.cc/50mw8s6G/text08.jpg> WriterP Permissions
I even post a thousand screenshots to the child-like Apple newsgroups,
where only the child-like Apple religious iKooks claim that they're a
genius for "finally figuring out" what was never hidden in the 1st place.
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It doesn't occur to these fantastically ignorant iKooks that the
screenshots are the same, year after year, for thousands of them.
Who is _that_ stupid?
Nobody right?
Except the iKooks are.
They're so stupid, they don't even know how stupid they really are.
croy: there are loads of them. Just search playstore for 'text editor' and
try a few. Or FDroid or whatever you get apps from.
That's something only an idiot would say, which is why Alan Baker said it.try a few. Or FDroid or whatever you get apps from.
It means you don't know the first thing about Android text editors, Alan.
That's because you live on Mount Stupid.
It irks me that people this incredibly stupid, actually exist - which is
exactly why the Mount Stupid graphs exist - which fits the iKooks well.
It irks me that people this incredibly stupid, actually exist - which is
exactly why the Mount Stupid graphs exist - which fits the iKooks well.