Wally J
2023-12-15 20:33:10 UTC
Most definitely so.First off, we are discussing this issue at length in the peering newsgroup:
*Effective February 15, 2024, Google Groups will no longer support new Usenet content*
Which is a followup to this original request for who is peering this spam:
*Who is peering all these spams ostensibly from Google Groups?*
Which itself was followed up in a request for people to complain to Google:
*Please complain to Google about their spamming of Usenet*
Secondly, the child-like ignorant uneducated low-IQ iKooks (see above) who
say good riddance to any ability to search Usenet archives for the masses
are the exact same iKooks who are singularly ignorant of almost everything.
They're also rather selfish in that they don't care about anyone else
(where these web searchable articles are available to everyone on earth).
For example, that's why I created these easy-to-use URLs long ago.
Not for me.
But for everyone else to benefit from everything that we do on Usenet.
As I see it, the advantage of a permanent archive is that people can search
before they post and they can search for references they refer to.
Of course, the iKooks would _never_ resort to being adults, so they don't
see any value in being able to refer to their own words in the past, e.g.,
*It's a fact iOS devices can't even graph Wi-Fi signal strength over time*
Please note, very clearly, the disgustingly inhumane iKooks will always
disavow their own words - where many (like Jolly Roger) are so deceitful as
to claim they didn't say what they clearly said (likewise with Alan Baker).
To the duplicitiously deceitful iKooks, they can lie all they want to if
you can't find the articles that show EXACTLY what was proven in the past.
Worse, the sadistically cruel iKooks will play innocent users like a
fiddle, for their own amusement, which is clearly shown in the archives.
*Why are iKooks sadistically sending innocent users on wild-goose chases?*
In summary, there is a loss to the users if people can't search before
posting, and there is a loss if people can't refer to old articles when
backing up their claims - both of which suite the child-like iKooks.
But nobody else.
Luckily, there _are_ other archives, which aren't as good as dejagoogle,
but after February of next year, they're all we have (as far as I know).
If there's someone on these newsgroups who knows more than I do, please let
me know if you know of a better archive than the ones I just explained.
The problem with the iKooks isn't so much that they're ignorant, selfish,
deceitful or sadistic - but that they're all disgusting people of no worth.
The problem with the iKooks isn't so much that they're ignorant, selfish,
deceitful or sadistic - but that they're all disgusting people of no worth.