Post by Jolly RogerPost by Andy BurnelliIt's revealing that Jolly Roger can't see the humor in what Apple did.
What's much more revealing is how your little troll gang is so bent out
of shape about Apple announcing a new color for iPhones that you are
literally spending hours of your collective time complaining about it
and insulting complete strangers who dare to choose to purchase one. You
people are pathetic, angry, little snots. : )
Hi Jolly Roger,
This *YELLOW!!!!* is actually very important to understand you iKooks.
I study you because you're rather interesting to me (how your mind works).
What matters to me is _why_ you're so ashamed & fearful of what Apple did.
Post by Jolly RogerPost by Andy BurnelliIt seems the reason Jolly Roger is so upset
Projection. I'm not going around bitching and moaning about something
innocuous and belittling anyone who points out how shitty you're being.
Well, you can think that I'm "upset" that Apple did something for purely
MARKETING reasons such as put a shiny new coat of paint on the iPhone.
But I'm not.
I'm actually happy Apple did it because normally you iKooks would first
deny it, and then you'd say "nobody wants it" and "it's not needed".
Yet, for some reason, *YELLOW!!!!* is something that people actually want.
And, in fact, they need it.
Otherwise nospam would have said "nobody needs it" & "nobody wants it".
And yet, the record is clear on that fact. He did not.
That's interesting, is it not?
It shows EXACTLY how you iKooks think.
All you care about, ever, your entire lives, in fact, is defending Apple.
(and yet, with *YELLOW!!!!*... you can't)
The Apple customer is indoctrinated to believe EVERYTHING Apple says
(even as there are few companies that brazenly lie more than Apple does).