Andy Burnelli
2023-04-07 16:17:09 UTC
Hi badgolferman,C'mon... Let's be realistic. :)
Firstly, you have to consider the "premium" market isn't cost sensitive.
So a resale-value comparison in a market that isn't sensitive to costs, is
kind of a ridiculous endeavor, don't you think?
Hence, the article is not making a realistic comparison to "Android".
As an iPhone will (almost) always cost more to own than an Android phone.
On average.
What that article did was severely limit the Android phones under test.
It's not iPhone-to-Android so much as iPhone-to-non-cost-sensitive Android.
There's much more to total phone ownership costs other than resale value,
e.g., Apple uses non-standard connectors, for example, but even if we
concentration only on the phone itself, bear in mind I paid only the ~$20
sales tax on my ~$200 Samsung Galaxy A32-5G which, let's be very clear,
will outlast any iPhone ever made, & which runs more powerful software than
any iPhone ever made (and you know both to be true statements because the
battery capacity is huge & the iPhone is crippled in app functionality).
Even ignoring that all iPhones are lacking basic hardware and software
functionality, just looking at resale value of the select few Android
models which aren't cost sensitive provides a skewed outlook.
I'm not saying their statistics are wrong.
I'm saying their statistics are skewed by comparing only 2 Android models.
Two Android models whose market isn't cost sensitive in the first place.
And, let's be clear, since all Android phones have more power and far more
functionality than any iPhone ever built, it's not a fair fight.
But allow me to look at the numbers as I haven't read the article yet.
I'm just telling you the entire premise is ridiculous from the start.
You don't buy premium phones for total ownership cost reasons, and hence,
the numbers are basically almost meaningless in terms of comparison given
they're measuring something that most of the owners don't even care about.