Andy Burnelli
2023-03-02 23:07:00 UTC
And yet, every claim I've made for app functionality, I've backed up with
the URL to the actual apps on the App Store, while you never have
not only is that false, but some of the 'app functionality' you claimthe URL to the actual apps on the App Store, while you never have
doesn't exist doesn't actually need an app because it's *built* *into*
*ios*. needing to install a third party app is actually a *drawback*.
You said the same thing about graphical wi-fi debuggers, nospam.
Remember that?
Do I need to remind you of each and every one of your fabrications?
*It's a fact iOS devices can't even graph Wi-Fi signal strength over time*
You're so used to lying about everything, you think by saying it's built
into iOS you can claim _everything_ is built into iOS (like you did with
graphical wi-fi debugging, nospam).
And yet it's not.
You lied.
If it really is built into iOS, you'd be able to show a reference URL about
it, and you can't. Also you'd be able to show the GUI to it. And you can't.
You lied.
You _always_ lie.
It's how I know you would stab your own mother in the back nospam.
It's the kind of despicable person you are.
Never once have you shown any fact by me to be wrong,
many people do that regularly, myself included.That's because they don't exist.
You're lying.
It's your nature to lie, nospam.
It's how I know you're a truly despicable person.
That's not even an ad hominem attack.
That's just the truth.
Anyway, I'm different from you in that I'm not only intelligent, but I'm
confident in myself such that if you did find me make a mistake, just point
it out and I'll own up to it. I'm not a small child like you are, nospam.
*Updating the "wrong - by badgolferman" thread from May 29, 2019*
Point out my mistakes and I'll own up to them because I'm an adult.
*Name Just One*