The iKooks will be happy to know the iPhone is superior in security to the Russian-made Yota smartphone
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Andy Burnelli
2022-12-22 06:00:59 UTC
The iKooks will be happy to know the iPhone is superior to Russian-made
Yota smartphones as definitively confirmed in this recent Guardian report.

*Calls by Russian forces intercepted*

"Security has always been a mess, both in the army and among
defence officials", the source said. "For example, in 2013
they tried to get all the staff at the ministry of defence
to replace our iPhones with Russian-made Yota smartphones.

"But everyone just kept using the iPhone as a second mobile
because it was much better.

We would just keep the iPhone in the car's glove compartment
for when we got back from work. In the end, the ministry gave
up and stopped caring. If the top doesn't take security very
seriously, how can you expect any discipline in the regular army?"

Thankfully, the iPhone is superior to the Russian made Yota smartphone.

Notice the Russian Yota has an even _smaller_ battery than the always
laughably decrepit iPhone battery - which is embarrassing for Yota.

And, the moment you've been waiting for, the iPhone 14 shootout!
Notice the laughably puny RAM on iPhone is also better than a Yota!

What's exciting is that the iPhone is normally the bottom of the barrel
when it comes to modern specs - but now in the Yota:iPhone shootout!

Laugh no more at the always laughably primitive iPhone specifications.
The latest iPhone finally beats the Russian Yota hands down!
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-06 22:11:23 UTC
Neither of us said that
Your claim, and that of nospam, has _always_ been that it's "normal" for
only certain iPhones (but not others, and not iPads, or macOS laptops),
to have batteries that suddenly and secretly "just die" on you when you
upgrade from iOS 10.x to iOS 10.y (I think it was iOS 10.2 but it doesn't

You've _always_ said that was perfectly normal, Jolly Roger.
Apple did nothing wrong.

Then Apple blamed their desperate secret throttling on "battery chemistry",
and specifically "battery chemistry aging processes".

Which you wholeheartedly agreed with.

Why is it then, Jolly Roger, that only Apple has this special battery
chemistry that no other device on the planet has, which has to be
purposefully and _secretly_ throttled in an OS release, Jolly Roger.

Tell us what this special battery chemistry that only Apple has,
which is "normal" to require the company to _purposefully_ (not
accidentally, but _purposefully_ and secretly) throttle the phone.

This secret Apple-only battery chemistry that all you iKooks claim
is absurd. And yet, it's a strong belief system all you iKooks hold.

It's one of the ways I know you have a substandard IQ, Jolly Roger.
And no education.
Jolly Roger
2023-01-07 05:22:48 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Neither of us said that
Your claim, and that of nospam, has _always_ been that it's "normal"
for only certain iPhones (but not others, and not iPads, or macOS
laptops), to have batteries that suddenly and secretly "just die" on
Arlen apparently bought into Goebbels advice that repeating outright
lies over and over will fool people into believing them. Unfortunately
for Arlen, anyone with critical thinking facilities can easily look at
all of my posts to see I've never said this - ever. Arlen's a pathetic
fool. : )
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Andy Burnelli
2023-03-18 02:25:54 UTC
It's a terrible design. Unfit for general use.
Wrong, since many millions of people use it daily without issue and
without connecting to any server.
Based on their actions, this is how you should think of the Apple iKooks...
<Loading Image...>

What's happening here is classic because Apple owners are so filled with
propaganda that they don't realize things are done differently on Android.

Apple owners are like uneducated low-class Russian proletariat who have
never been informed how people live on the outside of their walled gardens.

Think of this Jolly Roger, for example, as a fat stunted fifth grader who
was held back for years and who has no teeth and no education at all; what
he wants Apple to provide him, just like Russians do, is safety & security.

He's _proud_ to be an Apple owner because his whole life of drinking vodka
and getting drunk, he has been told by everyone around him he's stupid.

But Apple loves him.
Just as Putin loves the uneducated Russian proletariat.

Apple raises his self esteem - which is critical to understand about JR.]
Any question about Apple that he hates, is an attack against him.

A simple question... to iKooks... is as existential as it is to Putin.

The Apple owners don't realize there is a world outside the walled garden
where you do NOT have to log into an account just to get the apps to work.

The mistake was in the original poster connecting the two worlds, which is
like asking this question of people in Ukraine (Android) & Russia (Apple).

Q: Isn't this Apple camera app the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Russian Answer:
Tim Cook tells me that it's normal for apps to only work inside of the
walled garden so I'm fine with being a prisoner of the Apple Gulag.

Ukrainian Answer:
Why would I use any app that requires me to maintain an active account
on a Russian server when Russia doesn't have my best interest in mind?
Jolly Roger
2023-03-18 06:28:43 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
It's a terrible design. Unfit for general use.
Wrong, since many millions of people use it daily without issue and
without connecting to any server.
Based on their actions, this is how you should think of the Apple iKooks...
What's happening here is I am #Triggered.
Indeed. : )
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-03-18 11:13:26 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
It's a terrible design. Unfit for general use.
Wrong, since many millions of people use it daily without issue and
without connecting to any server.
Based on their actions, this is how you should think of the Apple iKooks...
What's happening here is classic because Apple owners are so filled with
propaganda that they don't realize things are done differently on Android.
Apple owners are like uneducated low-class Russian proletariat who have
never been informed how people live on the outside of their walled gardens.
Think of this Jolly Roger, for example, as a fat stunted fifth grader who
was held back for years and who has no teeth and no education at all; what
he wants Apple to provide him, just like Russians do, is safety & security.
He's _proud_ to be an Apple owner because his whole life of drinking vodka
and getting drunk, he has been told by everyone around him he's stupid.
But Apple loves him.
Just as Putin loves the uneducated Russian proletariat.
Apple raises his self esteem - which is critical to understand about JR.]
Any question about Apple that he hates, is an attack against him.
A simple question... to iKooks... is as existential as it is to Putin.
The Apple owners don't realize there is a world outside the walled garden
where you do NOT have to log into an account just to get the apps to work.
The mistake was in the original poster connecting the two worlds, which is
like asking this question of people in Ukraine (Android) & Russia (Apple).
Q: Isn't this Apple camera app the greatest thing since sliced bread?
Tim Cook tells me that it's normal for apps to only work inside of the
walled garden so I'm fine with being a prisoner of the Apple Gulag.
Why would I use any app that requires me to maintain an active account
on a Russian server when Russia doesn't have my best interest in mind?
Wow. You are deteriorating rapidly. Not even a semblance of reality above.
Are you peeing in jars in your home theater yet?
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-19 06:32:53 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Wow. You are deteriorating rapidly. Not even a semblance of reality above.
Actually, I understand the iKooks who are no different than this person is.

You have to comprehend that iKooks suffer hugely from self-esteem issues.

Their whole lives, people told them that they were stupid (and they are).
But they found a cult, that loves them, and respects them, which is Apple.

Apple _loves_ the iKooks.
And, in turn, the iKooks defend everything Apple does, to the death.

If you don't understand how different this is from normal behavior, then
you won't be able to understand why iKooks find all facts to be a danger.

And all bearers of fact to be a danger to them.
Any facts about Apple are like a dagger to their self esteem.

The iKooks fear facts more than anything else in the world.

And it all boils down to the fact that Apple shores up their self esteem.
Facts do not.
