The hardware bits are likely all built in, as part of the Qualcomm
modem, but they decided to not include this capability in iPadOS.
because that's how they were able to get cheaper ipad data plans which
can be activated on the device itself and benefits far more people
(i.e., everyone with a cellular ipad) versus the tiny number of people
who might want to use an ipad as a phone.
Hehhehhehh... good one... nospam... that's funny. It's a good joke.
it's not a joke.
You can't make those ungodly profits off of an intelligent consumer,
nospam, so for you to claim Apple tries to lower consumer costs, is a joke.
Everything Apple does is to lead the ignorant sheep to slaughter.
Meanwhile, regarding your joke, Apple is laughing all the way to the bank.
You don't really think Apple is as stupid as you just claimed, do you?
Apple crippled cellular iPads for the same reason they cripple everything.
they didn't cripple anything.
You forget that while you've never used an Android device in your entire
life, I own both platforms - and - get this - I use them _both_ every day.
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> Half my devices are iOS
To compare Android functionality to iOS is to _know_ iOS is crippled.
To claim iOS isn't crippled is to not understand a thing about Android.
ipads were launched with an optional no-contract pay-as-you-go $15/mo
or $30/mo data plan, which was much cheaper than what was available on
phones (ios or android) and could be activated and deactivated on the
device as needed without needing to go to a store or web site.
a couple of years later, apple introduced a universal sim (what later
became an e-sim), which was not tied to only one carrier. that meant a
user could *switch* carriers at any time for any reason, without
needing to get another sim. this was particularly useful for travelers,
who could activate their ipad with a few taps upon arrival.
that's also how t-mobile was able to offer a 200mb plan for free, which
they blocked on phones.
The fact is I have that $200MB/month free tablet SIM and it works on both
Android and on iOS so clearly there's no advantage at all on the iPad.
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> free tablet SIM card
that's quite a lot of functionality, the very opposite of crippled.
As the most basic of the simplest of all possible examples, just to show
you how shockingly crippled iOS is, it can't even list all the apps you've
installed on it into an editable text file for God's sake, nospam.
Rest assured I know if you _add_ a few thousand dollars of PC hardware,
then (and only then) can you do these simplest of things with iOS.
I can't think of a _simpler_ task for iOS, and yet it can't even do that!
*If anyone says iOS is not crippled, then they have never used iOS*
Or... they're joking...