Wally J
2023-10-30 20:58:17 UTC
It never ends the enormous number of kernel & webkit holes in iOS.
Surprise, surprise, poor memory handling improved.It never ends the enormous number of kernel & webkit holes in iOS.
trolling nonsense.
products so much that they claim the truth about Apple is "anti Apple".
a. I posted the truth about Apple.
b. "News" noted that Apple fixed a few instances of poor memory handling
(Without noting that it's _always_ memory handling & webkit flaws!)
c. "Your Name" complains that the truth about Apple is "Anti-Apple"
*Do you know why iKooks claim all truth about Apple is "Anti-Apple"?*
I do.
My goal on the child-like Apple newsgroups is to show the world how strange
the mind of the ignorant low-iq uneducated iKooks is - using them as proof.
My goal on the child-like Apple newsgroups is to show the world how strange
the mind of the ignorant low-iq uneducated iKooks is - using them as proof.