Post by Thomas E.Post by Thomas E.For someone who does not use CarPlay on a daily basis you seem to
think you know how it works. It's not the same experience you get
using Siri from a phone or tablet. As I said in the video, Siri
works most of the time. Google Assistant is better at fuzzy
Finally, if Siri cannot understand that a request coming from the
Apple Maps App on CarPlay is asking for a location or directions
what good is it for that purpose? That's the basis of the many
issues cited in the YouTube video cited above. Now with the
launch of Copilot Siri is falling even farther behind.
Wow, you are thick, dick. "if Siri cannot understand that a request
coming from the Apple Maps App on CarPlay is asking for a location
or directions what good is it for that purpose?" Because, you
incredible simpleton...
What application is in the foreground makes no difference to
Siri's response. For all Siri can know, you could be asking to play
music, or make a phone call, and if you want to just give a
location when Apple Maps is foremost, there is an interface within
CarPlay to do PRECISELY that. And what's more, you know it, you
lying piece of shit.
All through these comparisons, you have deliberately compared
making a general query to Siri with tapping the microphone icon
WITHIN Google Maps location field. That is utterly dishonest, and
so very much on brand.
No Alan, you lied yet again. After trying a general Siri search
within Apple Maps, without success, I invoked Siri with a tap on the
screen. Go to 5:36 at the URL below. I tap the Siri icon. Siri's
responded "Where do you want to go." clearly indicating that Siri was
aware I was making a request from the Apple Maps app and wants a
location for navigation. Siri did not find the requested location.
Now go to 6:40 and you are in Google Maps. I tap the voice icon and
make the same request. Google Maps finds the correct location and
offers navigation.
Now open Apple Maps on your iPhone. Tap the microphone icon. Say
"Northeast Taildraggers RC Club Noblesville". My result is "No
matching places found". If you get a different result please post a
video showing how you did it.
Now, from the iPhone home page ask Siri "Navigate to Northeast
Taildraggers RC Club Noblesville" and "Drive to Northeast
Taildraggers RC Club Noblesville". Siri returns general search
results. Maps is not invoked with driving directions. At least not
So why can Google find it and Siri cannot? Why does "Drive to ..."
not invoke Apple Maps? Siri's heuristics.
Please admit that if you tap the Siri icon from within Apple Maps on
CarPlay Siri knows the request is coming from Maps.
hobbyist club in their database...