Why do these rather strange iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
(too old to reply)
Wally J
2023-12-16 02:03:11 UTC
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?

*What kind of rather strange ?adult? repeatedly does such a thing?*

Is it what religious fanatics do?

Subject: Re: Beeper Mini: Latest Android app to emulate iMessage protocol
Newsgroups: misc.phone.mobile.iphone,comp.mobile.android
From: Alan Browne <***@blackhole.com>
Message-ID: <fD6fN.21859$***@fx13.iad>
2023-12-16 05:00:22 UTC
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
*What kind of rather strange ?adult? repeatedly does such a thing?*
Is it what religious fanatics do?
As opposed to calling people "iKook"?
Jolly Roger
2023-12-16 16:58:54 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
*What kind of rather strange ?adult? repeatedly does such a thing?*
Is it what religious fanatics do?
As opposed to calling people "iKook"?
*What kind of rather strange ?adult? repeatedly calls people juvenile
names like "iKook"?*

Is it what religious fanatics do?

E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-18 00:02:33 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
*What kind of rather strange ?adult? repeatedly calls people juvenile
names like "iKook"?*
Is it what religious fanatics do?
While I've been on the child-like Apple operating system newsgroups for
years, I've been on the adult operating system newsgroups for those same
years. The people who post to them are extremely different.

a. Those who post to the adult operating system newsgroups act normally.
b. Those who post to the child-like Apple newsgroups, decidedly do not.

So what would _you_ call those posters who post to Apple newsgroups, JR?

Almost never (and, in fact, likely never) does anyone on the adult
operating system newsgroups foment the kind of outright fabrications of
imaginary functionality that occurs _constantly_ on the Apple OS ngs.

A classic example of this imaginary functionality iOS fabrication is:
*It's a fact iOS devices can't even graph Wi-Fi signal strength over time*

Basically, when there is missing functionality on teh adult operating
systems newsgroups, people simply agree on the facts of the matter.

On the child-like Apple newsgroups, the iKooks _fabricate_ the
functionality, and yet, they can never answer this simple question:
*Name just one*

They always fail at that.
This is quite different from a normal person, Jolly Roger, is it not?

Nobody on the adult operating system newsgroups constantly fabricates
imaginary functionality that is easily proven to not exist, Jolly Roger.

That only happens on the Apple newsgroups.

Hence, it's a valid question to ask, where the iKooks are all the same ilk:
a. None of them has an IQ even approaching that of normal
b. None of them has any education over the high school level
c. All of them defend every Apple action to the death

Given that fact... *What would _you_ call that type of person?*
2023-12-16 14:17:07 UTC
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
*What kind of rather strange ?adult? repeatedly does such a thing?*
Is it what religious fanatics do?
Because those nuts consider themselves an it. So they think everybody
else is to. Very strange specimens indeed.
Wally J
2023-12-18 16:17:33 UTC
Post by John
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
*What kind of rather strange ?adult? repeatedly does such a thing?*
Is it what religious fanatics do?
Because those nuts consider themselves an it. So they think everybody
else is to. Very strange specimens indeed.
Well, I'm not sure, as what I'm sure about is all these strange people are
far to the left of the first quartile delineation in Dunning-Kruger graphs.

Hence, they have no adult response to facts that they simply don't like.

A. When they're confronted with a fact they don't like...
B. They just want that fact to go away.

However, the fact doesn't go away.
a. Facts are the most dangerous enemy of an imaginary belief system.
b. Which is why these people are desperate to make all facts disappear.

The only way they can make facts disappear... is to make the messenger
disappear, which is why in the past nospam asked for me to be killed.

Likewise, their fear of facts is why Jolly Roger said he would be happy if
I died - because then he wouldn't have to deal with facts about Apple.

The problem for them is that whether or not I exist, the facts will.
They don't understand that simple concept.

So they try to make me go away.
By calling me a "loser" (Jolly Roger), "gay" (Alan Baker) & "it" Alan
Browne (as if that child-like insult is their only response to facts).

This question really should be something akin to "Why do are these people
so deathly afraid of facts that they resort to kindergarten style insults
to make the bearer of facts go away?".

*What kind of rather oddly clearly rather strange person does that?*
If the iKooks left the child-like Apple newsgroups, suddenly and instantly,
these child-like Apple OS newsgroups would be like the adult OS newsgroups.
2023-12-18 17:17:25 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by John
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
*What kind of rather strange ?adult? repeatedly does such a thing?*
Is it what religious fanatics do?
Because those nuts consider themselves an it. So they think everybody
else is to. Very strange specimens indeed.
Well, I'm not sure, as what I'm sure about is all these strange people are
far to the left of the first quartile delineation in Dunning-Kruger graphs.
The most weaponized concept in psychology abused by a basement dwelling
Morlock who uses tools but doesn’t understand them. Ironic really. Maslow’s
law of the instrument in the flesh where Arlen lashes out with what turns
out to be a wet noodle (D-K effect not what it’s cracked up to be):



Post by Wally J
Hence, they have no adult response to facts that they simply don't like.
A. When they're confronted with a fact they don't like...
B. They just want that fact to go away.
However, the fact doesn't go away.
a. Facts are the most dangerous enemy of an imaginary belief system.
b. Which is why these people are desperate to make all facts disappear.
The only way they can make facts disappear... is to make the messenger
disappear, which is why in the past nospam asked for me to be killed.
Likewise, their fear of facts is why Jolly Roger said he would be happy if
I died - because then he wouldn't have to deal with facts about Apple.
The problem for them is that whether or not I exist, the facts will.
They don't understand that simple concept.
So they try to make me go away.
By calling me a "loser" (Jolly Roger), "gay" (Alan Baker) & "it" Alan
Browne (as if that child-like insult is their only response to facts).
This question really should be something akin to "Why do are these people
so deathly afraid of facts that they resort to kindergarten style insults
to make the bearer of facts go away?".
*What kind of rather oddly clearly rather strange person does that?*
Wally J
2023-12-18 18:40:29 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
The most weaponized concept in psychology abused by a basement dwelling
Morlock who uses tools but doesn't understand them. Ironic really. Maslow's
law of the instrument in the flesh where he lashes out with what turns
The question is what is it that makes these strange iKooks do what they do?
And why.

None of the iKooks are normal people. None act like adults.
None own the adult comprehensive skills to even understand the D-K graphs.

For example, any adult knows that every person with any level of skill fits
into DK quartiles. Except the iKooks.

These child-like iKooks actually don't understand that simple fact.
Why not?

The very fact Hemidactylus has absolutely no idea why I mentioned the first
quartile, is additional evidence these iKooks can't comprehend any facts.

Even so, plenty of people are to the left of the D-K first quartile.
Even people on the adult operating system newsgroups are (e.g., micky).

What makes the iKooks iKooks is their religious fanaticism.
Not their ignorance, low IQ, lack of education per se.

The iKooks all own a religious _hatred_ for facts about Apple products.

The point here isn't that. It's that they're child-like in their response.

Can't iKooks come up with a more adult "insult" than calling someone an it?
Jolly Roger
2023-12-16 16:50:20 UTC
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
Not people - just loser trolls like you. And it works. Look how
triggered you are. Precious! 🤣
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-18 00:13:26 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
Not people - just loser trolls like you. And it works. Look how
triggered you are. Precious!
Hi Jolly Roger,
I study you just like Dunning & Kruger studied that rather peculiar
lemon-juice covered bank robber.

You interest me.
Hence, I read _everything_ that you write on these newsgroups, JR.

Having gone to the best schools in this country and subsequently having
worked in high-tech startups in the Silicon Valley, I've never met in the
flesh people like these strange iKooks are - only here - on Apple ngs.

These strange people only exist on the child-like Apple newsgroups for the
most part, as almost nobody on the adult operating system newsgroups would
send users on a futile wild-goose chase just because they asked a question
of an Apple product that Apple doesn't want that product to be able to do.

There are _many_ (many!) examples of this interaction; here's just one:
*Why are iKooks sadistically sending innocent users on wild-goose chases?*

What normal person does that?
None, right?

So there's something rather strangely different about these Apple posters.
{JollyRoger,YourName,Haemactylus,nospam,AlanBrowne,AlanBaker,Snit, et al.}

They've lied for years about Apple support (or they were ignorant of
everything that they claimed - you can choose which one but not both).
*Proof the iKooks have lied for years - or - more to the point - have been IGNORANT for years*

They constantly lie to cover up what Apple does, to claim it didn't happen.
*Why do the low IQ iKooks like nospam always lie to cover up Apple's faults?*

What normal person does that?
None, right?

Only a small set of posters to the Apple newsgroups does that.
2023-12-18 02:44:17 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
Not people - just loser trolls like you. And it works. Look how
triggered you are. Precious!
Hi Jolly Roger,
I study you just like Dunning & Kruger studied that rather peculiar
lemon-juice covered bank robber.
You interest me.
Hence, I read _everything_ that you write on these newsgroups, JR.
Having gone to the best schools in this country and subsequently having
worked in high-tech startups in the Silicon Valley, I've never met in the
flesh people like these strange iKooks are - only here - on Apple ngs.
These strange people only exist on the child-like Apple newsgroups for the
most part, as almost nobody on the adult operating system newsgroups would
send users on a futile wild-goose chase just because they asked a question
of an Apple product that Apple doesn't want that product to be able to do.
*Why are iKooks sadistically sending innocent users on wild-goose chases?*
What normal person does that?
None, right?
So there's something rather strangely different about these Apple posters.
{JollyRoger,YourName,Haemactylus,nospam,AlanBrowne,AlanBaker,Snit, et al.}
They've lied for years about Apple support (or they were ignorant of
everything that they claimed - you can choose which one but not both).
*Proof the iKooks have lied for years - or - more to the point - have been IGNORANT for years*
They constantly lie to cover up what Apple does, to claim it didn't happen.
*Why do the low IQ iKooks like nospam always lie to cover up Apple's faults?*
What normal person does that?
None, right?
Only a small set of posters to the Apple newsgroups does that.
You REALLY need to get laid, Arlen.

Seriously... ...get out of your basement and meet a girl...

...or a guy if that's your thing.
Alan Browne
2023-12-18 15:09:00 UTC
Post by Alan
You REALLY need to get laid, Arlen.
Regardless of its needs, no woman or man should be called upon to
sacrifice their dignity to it.
“Markets can remain irrational longer than your can remain solvent.”
- John Maynard Keynes.
Wally J
2023-12-18 16:09:58 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Regardless of its needs, no woman or man should be called upon to
sacrifice their dignity to it.
*To the adults on these childish Apple OS newsgroups...*

a. [JR] The first person calls people "losers" & thinks that is clever.
b. [Baker] The next calls people gay & thinks that's really clever.
b. [Browne] The third calls people an "it", thinking that's also clever.

Isn't that strange?
A. This doesn't happen on the adult operating systems newsgroups.
B. It's only on the child-like Apple operating system newsgroups.
C. Why?

*Why do you think these people repeatedly act & think like children do?*

NOTE: It's their _only_ response to facts about Apple that they hate.
What kind of rather oddly strange clearly child-like person does that?
2023-12-18 17:51:39 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Alan Browne
Regardless of its needs, no woman or man should be called upon to
sacrifice their dignity to it.
*To the adults on these childish Apple OS newsgroups...*
a. [JR] The first person calls people "losers" & thinks that is clever.
b. [Baker] The next calls people gay & thinks that's really clever.
I didn't call anyone gay, Arlen.
2023-12-18 21:30:15 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Alan Browne
Regardless of its needs, no woman or man should be called upon to
sacrifice their dignity to it.
*To the adults on these childish Apple OS newsgroups...*
a. [JR] The first person calls people "losers" & thinks that is clever.
b. [Baker] The next calls people gay & thinks that's really clever.
b. [Browne] The third calls people an "it", thinking that's also clever.
Isn't that strange?
A. This doesn't happen on the adult operating systems newsgroups.
B. It's only on the child-like Apple operating system newsgroups.
C. Why?
*Why do you think these people repeatedly act & think like children do?*
NOTE: It's their _only_ response to facts about Apple that they hate.
Somebody who brags about adulthood and expertise as you do is most likely
neither an adult nor expert in anything. The only reason you keep coming
here is to make up for some embarrassingly shameful shortcomings you must
have. We are forced to suffer the effects of your inadequacies and
insecurities. Nobody posts like you do without having some severe
psychological issues. Glad I’m not you. Schadenfreude is an amazing thing.
Wally J
2023-12-18 22:56:39 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Somebody who brags about adulthood and expertise as you do is most likely
neither an adult nor expert in anything.
Hi Hemidactylus,

I study all you strange iKooks so I likely know you better than you know
yourself, especially I study why you hate the truth about Apple products.

What separates iKooks mostly from normal people is that iKooks are strange
religious zealots who don't understand facts and who are ignorant of them.

Yet, iKooks form completely imaginary belief systems based on no facts.
*Which is why iKooks are so deathly afraid of facts.*
*And of the mere messenger bearing facts.*

Hence, you have to admit, iKooks are very strange people indeed, so when
you try to claim I don't have the education that I do, think again please.

Tell that to Chris who fabricated a PhD in the biological sciences and yet
he immediately ridiculed the use of "vehicle" in terms of immunology.

HINT: Nobody who took even one immunology class would say thats that.

Same as Alan Baker who insists that he "teaches racing" and owns a BMW and
yet he doesn't even know the first thing about what BMW racing vehicles are
called. Similar with Alan Browne who claims to understand how Apple
products work and yet he's never once ever heard of the walled garden.
Likewise with Jolly Roger who claims to understand how Apple releases
software and yet for years claimed a lie that simply wasn't true (i.e.,
Apple only fully supports a single release for Mac and/or iOS is the only
truth there is despite Jolly Roger claiming otherwise for years on end).

It's the same with you, Hemidactylus. Liars you iKooks are. All liars.
You don't know the first thing about the D-K research papers.

Hell, you don't even know what's to the left of the first quartile mark and
what's to the right of the last one - which is fundamental to their

*If you don't even know that - you know absolutely nothing, Hemidactylus.*

Which was my point.
You "think" you understand D-K but it's clear you've _never_ read the
papers (hence, you know absolutely nothing about what those graphs mean).

You don't even know about the English test, for example, Hemidactylus.
That's how ignorant you are.

And that's OK.
But you can't _claim_ to be "not ignorant" when it's clear you are.
*That's what iKooks do*, Hemidactylus.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
The only reason you keep coming
here is to make up for some embarrassingly shameful shortcomings you must
have. We are forced to suffer the effects of your inadequacies and
insecurities. Nobody posts like you do without having some severe
psychological issues. Glad I¢m not you. Schadenfreude is an amazing thing.
No. You're wrong. I've told you iKooks many times why I'm here. You just
are too stupid to comprehend that people are actually honest and tell the
truth about Apple products.

It astounds you, in fact, that there are people that don't lie to defend
Apple's honor to the death, Hemidactylus.

You're disappointed, in fact, that there are people who do NOT gloat about
how much profit Apple makes off of the ignorant iKooks, Hemidactylus.

It shocks you that anyone would tell the truth about Apple, Hemidactylus.
So be it.
I'm here to learn from others and to add value to the topic, and, for the
child-like Apple newsgroups, I'm here to show the iKooks for what they are.
2023-12-18 23:29:21 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Somebody who brags about adulthood and expertise as you do is most likely
neither an adult nor expert in anything.
Hi Hemidactylus,
I study all you strange iKooks so I likely know you better than you know
yourself, especially I study why you hate the truth about Apple products.
What separates iKooks mostly from normal people is that iKooks are strange
religious zealots who don't understand facts and who are ignorant of them.
Yet, iKooks form completely imaginary belief systems based on no facts.
*Which is why iKooks are so deathly afraid of facts.*
*And of the mere messenger bearing facts.*
Hence, you have to admit, iKooks are very strange people indeed, so when
you try to claim I don't have the education that I do, think again please.
Tell that to Chris who fabricated a PhD in the biological sciences and yet
he immediately ridiculed the use of "vehicle" in terms of immunology.
HINT: Nobody who took even one immunology class would say thats that.
Same as Alan Baker who insists that he "teaches racing" and owns a BMW and
yet he doesn't even know the first thing about what BMW racing vehicles are
Most of the people who race BMWs at Mission call them "Pro 3s"...

...because that's the name of the CLASS they almost all run.

2023-12-19 00:24:37 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Somebody who brags about adulthood and expertise as you do is most likely
neither an adult nor expert in anything.
Hi Hemidactylus,
I study all you strange iKooks so I likely know you better than you know
yourself, especially I study why you hate the truth about Apple products.
What separates iKooks mostly from normal people is that iKooks are strange
religious zealots who don't understand facts and who are ignorant of them.
Yet, iKooks form completely imaginary belief systems based on no facts.
*Which is why iKooks are so deathly afraid of facts.*
*And of the mere messenger bearing facts.*
Hence, you have to admit, iKooks are very strange people indeed, so when
you try to claim I don't have the education that I do, think again please.
Tell that to Chris who fabricated a PhD in the biological sciences and yet
he immediately ridiculed the use of "vehicle" in terms of immunology.
HINT: Nobody who took even one immunology class would say thats that.
Same as Alan Baker who insists that he "teaches racing" and owns a BMW and
yet he doesn't even know the first thing about what BMW racing vehicles are
Most of the people who race BMWs at Mission call them "Pro 3s"...
...because that's the name of the CLASS they almost all run.
Arlen is an abusive serially nymshifting to bypass killfiles poseur who is
obsessed with “iKooks”. A very sad yet amusing state for a person to be
in…and unaware of how ridiculous he looks to pretty much every one posting
here, even those who are at odds with each other.
Wally J
2023-12-19 05:22:12 UTC
He is an abusive serially nymshifting to bypass killfiles poseur who is
obsessed with iKooks. A very sad yet amusing state for a person to be
in, and unaware of how ridiculous he looks to pretty much every one posting
here, even those who are at odds with each other.
I feel sorry for you rather strange iKooks, Hemidactylus. I really do.

a. None of you own an IQ even approaching normal, and, as a result,
b. None of you iKooks has any education to speak of, but worse...
c. Because of that, you're completely ignorant of almost everything.

But being completely ignorant of all that Apple does isn't why Jolly Roger
claimed for years that Apple fully patched older releases, Hemidactylus.

Being completely ignorant that the walled garden exists isn't what makes
Alan Browne repeatedly claim, in classic Trumpian fashion, that the walled
garden can't exist simply because he's never recognized it.

Being completely ignorant that anyone can change their headers isn't what
makes Alan Baker repeatedly claim that the newsreader directive must be
true or being completely ignorant of all things around racing isn't what
makes Alan Baker a liar...

Having a low IQ, no education & being ignorant isn't what makes you iKooks.

What makes you iKooks is you religiously defend everything Apple to the
death, and yet, you understand absolutely nothing about what Apple does.

Take nospam, for example.
a. Clearly he has the highest IQ of all the iKooks, right?
b. And yet, he's _constantly_ fabricating imaginary apps that do not exist.

The only valid answer is he's an iKook.

He can't comprehend the simplest things about Apple, Hemidactylus.
Neither can you.

In this situation, you can't fathom the simplest thing about D-K results.
I can.
You can't.
That's why you hate me.
So be it.
2023-12-18 16:56:57 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
Not people - just loser trolls like you. And it works. Look how
triggered you are. Precious!
Hi Jolly Roger,
I study you just like Dunning & Kruger studied that rather peculiar
lemon-juice covered bank robber.
You interest me.
Hence, I read _everything_ that you write on these newsgroups, JR.
Having gone to the best schools in this country and subsequently having
worked in high-tech startups in the Silicon Valley, I've never met in the
flesh people like these strange iKooks are - only here - on Apple ngs.
These strange people only exist on the child-like Apple newsgroups for the
most part, as almost nobody on the adult operating system newsgroups would
send users on a futile wild-goose chase just because they asked a question
of an Apple product that Apple doesn't want that product to be able to do.
*Why are iKooks sadistically sending innocent users on wild-goose chases?*
What normal person does that?
None, right?
So there's something rather strangely different about these Apple posters.
{JollyRoger,YourName,Haemactylus,nospam,AlanBrowne,AlanBaker,Snit, et al.}
They've lied for years about Apple support (or they were ignorant of
everything that they claimed - you can choose which one but not both).
*Proof the iKooks have lied for years - or - more to the point - have
been IGNORANT for years*
They constantly lie to cover up what Apple does, to claim it didn't happen.
*Why do the low IQ iKooks like nospam always lie to cover up Apple's faults?*
What normal person does that?
None, right?
Only a small set of posters to the Apple newsgroups does that.
You REALLY need to get laid, Arlen.
Seriously... ...get out of your basement and meet a girl...
...or a guy if that's your thing.
He could be furry or otherkin. Or into gadgetry.
Wally J
2023-12-18 18:47:33 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
He could be furry or otherkin. Or into gadgetry.
What makes the iKooks iKooks is their religious fanaticism.
Not their ignorance, low IQ, and clear lack of education, per se.

Every iKook tries to make facts go away with their childish taunts.
a. iKook [JR] person calls people "losers" & he thinks that is clever.
b. iKook [Baker] calls people "gay" & thinks he's being very clever.
c. iKook [Browne] calls people an "it", thinking that's oh so very clever.

Isn't that strange?
A. This doesn't happen on the adult operating systems newsgroups.
B. It's only on the child-like Apple operating system newsgroups.
C. Why?
Every iKook owns an intensely religious _hatred_ for facts about Apple.
2023-12-18 18:52:01 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
He could be furry or otherkin. Or into gadgetry.
What makes the iKooks iKooks is their religious fanaticism.
Not their ignorance, low IQ, and clear lack of education, per se.
Every iKook tries to make facts go away with their childish taunts.
a. iKook [JR] person calls people "losers" & he thinks that is clever.
b. iKook [Baker] calls people "gay" & thinks he's being very clever.
Who do you think I called "gay"? And what do the quotes mean in this
context, Arlen? Because normally they mean someone used that literal term...

...which I haven't.

2023-12-18 16:58:53 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
Not people - just loser trolls like you. And it works. Look how
triggered you are. Precious!
Hi Jolly Roger,
I study you just like Dunning & Kruger studied that rather peculiar
lemon-juice covered bank robber.
You interest me.
Hence, I read _everything_ that you write on these newsgroups, JR.
Having gone to the best schools in this country and subsequently having
worked in high-tech startups in the Silicon Valley, I've never met in the
flesh people like these strange iKooks are - only here - on Apple ngs.
These strange people only exist on the child-like Apple newsgroups for the
most part, as almost nobody on the adult operating system newsgroups would
send users on a futile wild-goose chase just because they asked a question
of an Apple product that Apple doesn't want that product to be able to do.
*Why are iKooks sadistically sending innocent users on wild-goose chases?*
What normal person does that?
None, right?
So there's something rather strangely different about these Apple posters.
{JollyRoger,YourName,Haemactylus,nospam,AlanBrowne,AlanBaker,Snit, et al.}
They've lied for years about Apple support (or they were ignorant of
everything that they claimed - you can choose which one but not both).
*Proof the iKooks have lied for years - or - more to the point - have been
IGNORANT for years*
They constantly lie to cover up what Apple does, to claim it didn't happen.
*Why do the low IQ iKooks like nospam always lie to cover up Apple's faults?*
What normal person does that?
None, right?
Only a small set of posters to the Apple newsgroups does that.
You REALLY need to get laid, Arlen.
Seriously... ...get out of your basement and meet a girl...
...or a guy if that's your thing.
The supply of girls (or guys) willing to put up with Arlen and others like
him is quite limited, unless cash is involved. (In Arlen’s case, a LOT of
Wally J
2023-12-18 18:55:25 UTC
The supply of girls (or guys) willing to put up with him and others like
him is quite limited, unless cash is involved. (In his case, a LOT of
I've studied the iKooks for years, and I think I understand them.

What makes the iKooks iKooks is their fact-free blind religious fanaticism.
Not their shocking ignorance, abnormally low IQ & lack of education.

Every iKook tries to make facts go away with their childish taunts.
a. iKook [JR] person calls people "losers" & he thinks that is clever.
b. iKook [Baker] calls people "gay" & thinks he's being very clever.
c. iKook [Browne] calls people an "it", thinking that's oh so very clever.

Isn't that strange?
A. This doesn't happen on the adult operating systems newsgroups.
B. It's only on the child-like Apple operating system newsgroups.
C. Why?
Every iKook owns an intensely religious _hatred_ for facts about Apple.
2023-12-18 16:52:17 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
Not people - just loser trolls like you. And it works. Look how
triggered you are. Precious!
Hi Jolly Roger,
I study you just like Dunning & Kruger studied that rather peculiar
lemon-juice covered bank robber.
They didn’t study that bank robber. That incident was used as an anecdote.
From their Methods: “Participants were 65 Cornell University undergraduates
from a variety of courses in psychology who earned extra credit for their
participation” which translates to WEIRD kids.

No surprise you can’t distinguish an illustrative anecdote from actual
research, which has been challenged as being nothing more than a
statistical exercise in seeing shapes in clouds.

You’re not “studying” anything. You are again masturbating in public (as
Post by Wally J
You interest me.
Hence, I read _everything_ that you write on these newsgroups, JR.
Having gone to the best schools in this country and subsequently having
worked in high-tech startups in the Silicon Valley, I've never met in the
flesh people like these strange iKooks are - only here - on Apple ngs.
These strange people only exist on the child-like Apple newsgroups for the
most part, as almost nobody on the adult operating system newsgroups would
send users on a futile wild-goose chase just because they asked a question
of an Apple product that Apple doesn't want that product to be able to do.
*Why are iKooks sadistically sending innocent users on wild-goose chases?*
What normal person does that?
None, right?
So there's something rather strangely different about these Apple posters.
{JollyRoger,YourName,Haemactylus,nospam,AlanBrowne,AlanBaker,Snit, et al.}
They've lied for years about Apple support (or they were ignorant of
everything that they claimed - you can choose which one but not both).
*Proof the iKooks have lied for years - or - more to the point - have
been IGNORANT for years*
They constantly lie to cover up what Apple does, to claim it didn't happen.
*Why do the low IQ iKooks like nospam always lie to cover up Apple's faults?*
What normal person does that?
None, right?
Only a small set of posters to the Apple newsgroups does that.
Wally J
2023-12-18 18:50:14 UTC
They didnÿt study that bank robber. That incident was used as an anecdote.
From their Methods: ŽParticipants were 65 Cornell University undergraduates
from a variety of courses in psychology who earned extra credit for their
participation¡ which translates to WEIRD kids.
No surprise you canÿt distinguish an illustrative anecdote from actual
research, which has been challenged as being nothing more than a
statistical exercise in seeing shapes in clouds.
Youÿre not Žstudying¡ anything. You are again masturbating in public (as
I know exactly what they studied, Hemidactylus.
Here's a question for you which shows that you don't.

What's to the left of the first quartile line on English proficiency?
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
Note that you have no idea what I'm asking, even as it's very simple.
2023-12-18 20:22:18 UTC
Post by Wally J
They didn´t study that bank robber. That incident was used as an anecdote.
From their Methods: “Participants were 65 Cornell University undergraduates
from a variety of courses in psychology who earned extra credit for their
participation” which translates to WEIRD kids.
No surprise you can´t distinguish an illustrative anecdote from actual
research, which has been challenged as being nothing more than a
statistical exercise in seeing shapes in clouds.
You´re not “studying” anything. You are again masturbating in public (as
I know exactly what they studied, Hemidactylus.
Then why did you assume they actually studied McArthur Wheeler?
Post by Wally J
Here's a question for you which shows that you don't.
What's to the left of the first quartile line on English proficiency?
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
More GIGO.

I’m not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there’s nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven’t gotten the memo.
Wally J
2023-12-18 20:36:24 UTC
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,

I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms) just as nospam constantly claims imaginary apps for iOS
that don't exist, just as Alan Baker always claims every fact is a lie,

Hemidactylus, Alan Browne, Snit, Alan Baker, Lewis, nospam, et al.

You iKooks all _hate_ facts.
You iKooks all _fear_ facts, in fact.

Hence, you fear (and hate) anyone who presents facts to an Apple newsgroup.

Yes, I know you iKooks better than you know yourselves, Hemidactylus.
a. None of you iKooks has an IQ that even approaches normal
b. None of you iKooks has any education above high school as a result
c. But worse, you're all completely ignorant of everything you speak about

You have no idea what a quartile is and yet it's used many times in the
seminal D-K papers, Hemidactylus, as it's an important inflection point.

Every one of you strange iKooks owns completely imaginary belief systems.
None of you strange iKooks makes any assessment based on the facts.

*The iKooks is a religious zealot.*

Which, by the way, truth be told, is exactly the reason why Alan Browne
thinks that anyone who is not a religious zealot is an "it", and why Jolly
Roger thinks anyone who is not a religious zealot is a "loser", and why
Alan Baker thinks anyone who is not a religious zealot is "gay", etc.
The iKooks alone turn every conversation on Usenet into childish taunts.
2023-12-18 21:05:23 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,
I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms)

Oh, Arlen... ...I don't need to lie.

Here's my page at DriverDB:


Here's me in my RF98 Van Diemen Honda:


And here is the Sports Car Club of BC Race Drivers Committee (i.e. the

<Loading Image...>

That's me kneeling by the front wheel in the sunglasses.

'The Race Drivers Committee organizes and operates the SCCBC Race Driver
Training Program. The driver training program is an important part of
preparing to enter the sport of racing at Mission and is a prerequisite
to acquiring a Novice race license. The twice annual Race Driver
Training program provides unparalleled instruction on handling vehicles
under extreme conditions. For more information, visit the Race Drivers
Training Program page.

Membership on the Race Drivers Committee is by invitation only. The
committee is comprised of some of the best racers in British Columbia.
Most committee members have won championships in their class while
others have done consistently well over the years and have proven
themselves capable of excelling in all race conditions.'

And here's the archived version of the page on the Race Drivers Committee:


'Race Drivers Committee Chairman Alan Baker'
2023-12-18 22:07:38 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,
I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms)
Oh, Arlen... ...I don't need to lie.
And here is the Sports Car Club of BC Race Drivers Committee (i.e. the
That's me kneeling by the front wheel in the sunglasses.
'The Race Drivers Committee organizes and operates the SCCBC Race Driver
Training Program. The driver training program is an important part of
preparing to enter the sport of racing at Mission and is a prerequisite
to acquiring a Novice race license. The twice annual Race Driver
Training program provides unparalleled instruction on handling vehicles
under extreme conditions. For more information, visit the Race Drivers
Training Program page.
Membership on the Race Drivers Committee is by invitation only. The
committee is comprised of some of the best racers in British Columbia.
Most committee members have won championships in their class while
others have done consistently well over the years and have proven
themselves capable of excelling in all race conditions.'
'Race Drivers Committee Chairman Alan Baker'
Hah! Arlen is an F1 driver so there! You will respect his authority on all
things like he’s the know-it-all version of Cartman from South Park. He’s
probably a pilot, yachtsman, and former Delta operator who spent a decade
in the Activity.

Or he’s just an empty braggart with no life and nothing to show for all the
hours wasted in mommy’s basement being an obnoxious snot on usenet groups.
He should thank us all profusely for even recognizing he exists.
2023-12-18 22:20:26 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,
I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms)
Oh, Arlen... ...I don't need to lie.
And here is the Sports Car Club of BC Race Drivers Committee (i.e. the
That's me kneeling by the front wheel in the sunglasses.
'The Race Drivers Committee organizes and operates the SCCBC Race Driver
Training Program. The driver training program is an important part of
preparing to enter the sport of racing at Mission and is a prerequisite
to acquiring a Novice race license. The twice annual Race Driver
Training program provides unparalleled instruction on handling vehicles
under extreme conditions. For more information, visit the Race Drivers
Training Program page.
Membership on the Race Drivers Committee is by invitation only. The
committee is comprised of some of the best racers in British Columbia.
Most committee members have won championships in their class while
others have done consistently well over the years and have proven
themselves capable of excelling in all race conditions.'
'Race Drivers Committee Chairman Alan Baker'
Hah! Arlen is an F1 driver so there! You will respect his authority on all
things like he’s the know-it-all version of Cartman from South Park. He’s
probably a pilot, yachtsman, and former Delta operator who spent a decade
in the Activity.
But, but... ...he misspelled "beemer" as "beamer".

He can't possibly know ANYTHING!

Post by *Hemidactylus*
Or he’s just an empty braggart with no life and nothing to show for all the
hours wasted in mommy’s basement being an obnoxious snot on usenet groups.
He should thank us all profusely for even recognizing he exists.
Or, yeah... ...that's probably it.

Alan Browne
2023-12-18 22:46:06 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,
I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms)
Oh, Arlen... ...I don't need to lie.
And here is the Sports Car Club of BC Race Drivers Committee (i.e. the
That's me kneeling by the front wheel in the sunglasses.
'The Race Drivers Committee organizes and operates the SCCBC Race Driver
Training Program. The driver training program is an important part of
preparing to enter the sport of racing at Mission and is a prerequisite
to acquiring a Novice race license. The twice annual Race Driver
Training program provides unparalleled instruction on handling vehicles
under extreme conditions. For more information, visit the Race Drivers
Training Program page.
Membership on the Race Drivers Committee is by invitation only. The
committee is comprised of some of the best racers in British Columbia.
Most committee members have won championships in their class while
others have done consistently well over the years and have proven
themselves capable of excelling in all race conditions.'
'Race Drivers Committee Chairman Alan Baker'
Hah! Arlen is an F1 driver so there! You will respect his authority on all
things like he’s the know-it-all version of Cartman from South Park. He’s
probably a pilot, yachtsman, and former Delta operator who spent a decade
in the Activity.
At a bar near him it's claimed he's also a Nobel Laureate in Physics,
Economics and Literature as well as a Fields Medal double dipper.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Or he’s just an empty braggart with no life and nothing to show for all the
hours wasted in mommy’s basement being an obnoxious snot on usenet groups.
He should thank us all profusely for even recognizing he exists.
“Markets can remain irrational longer than your can remain solvent.”
- John Maynard Keynes.
Wally J
2023-12-18 23:24:29 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
At a bar near him it's claimed he's also a Nobel Laureate in Physics,
Economics and Literature as well as a Fields Medal double dipper.
You have to admit, every time Alan Browne uses the word "it" for a person,
it proves my point that the iKooks are rather strange people indeed.

He actually believes he's being clever.
I'm not kidding.

I know these iKooks better than they know themselves.
He thinks he's hurting my feelings.

But all he's doing is showing the world that I'm 100% right about iKooks.
Note: This is the very same iKook who claimed he has never heard of the
term "walled garden" and because he is ignorant of it, it doesn't exist!
Wally J
2023-12-18 23:07:14 UTC
Hah! He is an F1 driver so there!
Notice that you iKooks have to build an imaginary strawman, that I'm an F1
Driver, just so that you have something (anything!) to say to negate it.
*Facts mean absolutely nothing to you iKooks.*

I never said I was a racer; however I do own both a bimmer & a beemer.
And we can look up the cite which shows Alan Baker never heard of them.

Think about that.
Think real hard about that.

It's the _first_ think you learn about BMWs, Hemidactylus.
Yes. The first thing.

If you don't know the difference between a bimmer and a beemer, especially
in racing circuits, then people will immediately assess you as a moron.

Which is why I assessed Alan Baker as a moron.
At least he admitted, at the time, he never heard the words used.

But who the hell is in racing circuits that never heard of those words?
Nobody right?

Only an iKook would.
*Facts mean absolutely nothing to you iKooks.*

Just like Chris claimed he had a PhD and yet he never heard the word
"vehicle" used in immunological terms - so he ridiculed that usage.

Who would do that?
Nobody right?

Only an iKook.
*Facts mean absolutely nothing to you iKooks.*
You will respect his authority on all
things like he's the know-it-all version of Cartman from South Park. He's
probably a pilot, yachtsman, and former Delta operator who spent a decade
in the Activity.
Unlike you iKooks, Hemidactylus, I wasn't told my whole life I was stupid.
Poor Jolly Roger was. So was Alan Baker. And Alan Browne. And you too.

In a way, I feel sorry for you all but you being stupid is NOT what makes
you iKooks after all. Even your religious zealotry isn't what makes you so
very strange.

It's that you are so stupid you don't realize how incredibly stupid you are
(and then you spout this bullshit about you understanding D-K for example).

You don't know the first thing about D-K, Hemidactylus.
Just like Alan Baker doesn't know the first thing about beemers or bimmers.
And like Alan Browne doesn't know the first thing about the walled garden.

Yet, you're too stupid to realize that simple fact.
Or he¢s just an empty braggart with no life and nothing to show for all the
hours wasted in mommy's basement being an obnoxious snot on usenet groups.
He should thank us all profusely for even recognizing he exists.
There's a good reason I expose iKooks for the disgusting people you are.
I'm here to learn from others and to add value to the topic, and, for the
child-like Apple newsgroups, I'm here to show the iKooks for what they are.
2023-12-18 23:27:37 UTC
Post by Wally J
Hah! He is an F1 driver so there!
Notice that you iKooks have to build an imaginary strawman, that I'm an F1
Driver, just so that you have something (anything!) to say to negate it.
*Facts mean absolutely nothing to you iKooks.*
I never said I was a racer; however I do own both a bimmer & a beemer.
And we can look up the cite which shows Alan Baker never heard of them.
Please... ...show us those cites.

I never said I hadn't heard of them; not to be taken literally anyway. I
was being FACETIOUS.
Post by Wally J
Think about that.
Think real hard about that.
It's the _first_ think you learn about BMWs, Hemidactylus.
Yes. The first thing.
No, actually. Some people are given to using slang and some are not.
Post by Wally J
If you don't know the difference between a bimmer and a beemer, especially
in racing circuits, then people will immediately assess you as a moron.
My peers don't think so...

...nor do my students.

2023-12-19 01:22:18 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,
I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms)
Oh, Arlen... ...I don't need to lie.
Does it diminish you in any way that Checo is ranked 3rd on that DriverDB
Top 100? I wonder if Arlen even knows who that is. My fave driver. I was
all set to watch him on his home turf on both TVs (one cockpit view) and he
wrecked 1st lap! Sad.
Post by Alan
Oh wow open wheel! I have a Civic so I was expecting a tricked out street
car. Nope!
Post by Alan
And here is the Sports Car Club of BC Race Drivers Committee (i.e. the
That's me kneeling by the front wheel in the sunglasses.
'The Race Drivers Committee organizes and operates the SCCBC Race Driver
Training Program. The driver training program is an important part of
preparing to enter the sport of racing at Mission and is a prerequisite
to acquiring a Novice race license. The twice annual Race Driver
Training program provides unparalleled instruction on handling vehicles
under extreme conditions. For more information, visit the Race Drivers
Training Program page.
Membership on the Race Drivers Committee is by invitation only. The
committee is comprised of some of the best racers in British Columbia.
Most committee members have won championships in their class while
others have done consistently well over the years and have proven
themselves capable of excelling in all race conditions.'
'Race Drivers Committee Chairman Alan Baker'
I think you established your bonafides. That Arlen is hung up on what
people call BMWs is ridiculous. Who cares.

I mostly like watching garage shows. There was one focused on modding JDMs.
I actually saw an old Skyline (I assume) a few months back locally with the
driver on the passenger side. Was stock and not modded at all.

I am also at a loss as to why people do the stance car look. Or maybe it’s
more the negative camber thing. Lowering was my thing in the late 80s with
a Nissan pickup (with some subwoofer bass but not competition). But the
camber look makes no sense. I guess every generation tries to be more
ridiculous than the preceding one. The mumble rap makes no sense either and
I grew up on hiphop.
Wally J
2023-12-19 05:36:37 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Does it diminish you in any way that Checo is ranked 3rd on that DriverDB
Top 100? I wonder if Arlen even knows who that is. My fave driver. I was
all set to watch him on his home turf on both TVs (one cockpit view) and he
wrecked 1st lap! Sad.
I don't know a damn thing about racing.
But then, I've never claimed to be a "racer" nor a "teacher" of racing.

Alan Baker doesn't know a damn thing about anything.

But that never stopped him from claiming you can't change your headers.

Repeatedly, and endlessly, Alan Baker said it couldn't be done.
Who is that stupid, Hemidactylus?

Nobody, right?
But iKooks are.

Likewise with Jolly Roger claiming that Apple fully patches older releases.
Who is _that_ stupid, Hemidactylus?

Nobody, right.
But iKooks are.

Similarly with Alan Browne claiming he's never experienced the walled
garden. Who is _that_ stupid that they don't know what it is?

Nobody, right?
But iKooks are.

Same as with nospam claiming that there are apps that show Wi-Fi signal
strength for all available access points, when they simply do not exist.

Who constantly fabricates imaginary app functionality, Hemidactylus?

Nobody, right?
But iKooks do.

You iKooks are strange people far to the left of the first D-K quartile.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Oh wow open wheel! I have a Civic so I was expecting a tricked out street
car. Nope!
Notice that the ONLY thing you iKooks _can_ do, is make childish remarks.
Which brings us back to the topic at hand.

*Q: Why do these rather strange iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?*

I know why.
Do you?
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I think you established your bonafides. That he is hung up on what
people call BMWs is ridiculous. Who cares.
Heh heh heh... Chris tried the same trick when he ridiculed the use of the
word "vehicle" in immunological contexts - because he was chilishly trying
to get out of the simple fact that he doesn't know the first thing about
immunology - even after having "claimed" to have a PhD in the sciences.

It's the same with Alan Baker.

He doesn't know the first thing about BMWs.
He just doesn't.

But he _thinks_ he does.
Which is exactly why he belongs in the first quartile of the D-K results.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I am also at a loss as to why people do the stance car look.
While I've written tutorials on the net on why passenger vehicle brake
rotors do not warp (even though ignorant people like iKooks think they do),
and while I've written tutorials on many BMW repairs (e.g., the ABS control
module), I do not claim to be an expert in anything related to car repairs.

Sure, I can change a clutch plate & flywheel - and I've written the
step-by-step tutorial on rec.autos.tech that shows others how to, but I
don't claim to be an expert in something that I'm not an expert in.

That's the fundamental difference between iKooks and normal people.
a. Normal people are to the right of the middle quartiles; while...
b. ... all the iKooks are far to the left.
Unfortunately, there isn't a single iKook that understands that sentence.
2023-12-19 08:34:30 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Does it diminish you in any way that Checo is ranked 3rd on that DriverDB
Top 100? I wonder if Arlen even knows who that is. My fave driver. I was
all set to watch him on his home turf on both TVs (one cockpit view) and he
wrecked 1st lap! Sad.
I don't know a damn thing about racing.
But then, I've never claimed to be a "racer" nor a "teacher" of racing.
Alan Baker doesn't know a damn thing about anything.
I know enough about racing to have started in 2012...

...and been invited to instruct just 4 years later.
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I think you established your bonafides. That he is hung up on what
people call BMWs is ridiculous. Who cares.
Heh heh heh... Chris tried the same trick when he ridiculed the use of the
word "vehicle" in immunological contexts - because he was chilishly trying
to get out of the simple fact that he doesn't know the first thing about
immunology - even after having "claimed" to have a PhD in the sciences.
It's the same with Alan Baker.
Other than that you tried to claim that a facetious comment about
"bimmer" vs "beemer" meant that I couldn't possibly be telling the truth
about being a racing driver and race driving instructor.
Post by Wally J
He doesn't know the first thing about BMWs.
He just doesn't.
I know I own one.
Jolly Roger
2023-12-19 18:30:22 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Does it diminish you in any way that Checo is ranked 3rd on that
DriverDB Top 100? I wonder if Arlen even knows who that is. My fave
driver. I was all set to watch him on his home turf on both TVs (one
cockpit view) and he wrecked 1st lap! Sad.
I don't know a damn thing about racing. But then, I've never claimed
to be a "racer" nor a "teacher" of racing.
Alan Baker doesn't know a damn thing about anything.
I know enough about racing to have started in 2012...
...and been invited to instruct just 4 years later.
Unless you have photos of old racing books, Arlen won't believe you. 🤣
Post by Alan
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I think you established your bonafides. That he is hung up on what
people call BMWs is ridiculous. Who cares.
Heh heh heh... Chris tried the same trick when he ridiculed the use
of the word "vehicle" in immunological contexts - because he was
chilishly trying to get out of the simple fact that he doesn't know
the first thing about immunology - even after having "claimed" to
have a PhD in the sciences.
It's the same with Alan Baker.
Other than that you tried to claim that a facetious comment about
"bimmer" vs "beemer" meant that I couldn't possibly be telling the
truth about being a racing driver and race driving instructor.
He doesn't know the first thing about BMWs. He just doesn't.
I know I own one.
It's not even an exclusive club. BMWs aren't huge fucking secrets. I
have only owned BMW cars since 2001, and while I don't do my own
repairs, I can certainly tell you where to connect jumper cables, how to
do routine maintenance, and so on. Arlen acts like "knowing the first
thing about BMWs" is some huge achievement when it just isn't.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-19 19:12:21 UTC
Unless you have photos of old racing books, he won't believe you
Hi Jolly Roger,
You again are completely wrong. All he'd have to do is say something about
bimmers (or beemers) that showed he actually knew something about them.

He knows nothing about them.
He doesn't even know what EVERYONE calls them in racing circuits, JR.

Who is _that_ ignorant, Jolly Roger?
Nobody, right?

Yet iKooks are.
Post by Alan
I know I own one.
It's not even an exclusive club. BMWs aren't huge fucking secrets.
It's no secret I've owned both a bimmer & beemer for years, Jolly Roger.
They're not "secrets" to anyone.

Mine have never been to a mechanic, even as they have many miles on them.
I have all the BMW tools, even as many of them are literally in German.

What _is_ a secret to the iKooks is even the simplest things about them.

If you can't tell a carburetor from fuel injection, Jolly Roger, then you
know nothing about the air:gas stoichiometric ratio either, Jolly Roger.
I have only owned BMW cars since 2001, and while I don't do my own
repairs, I can certainly tell you where to connect jumper cables, how to
do routine maintenance, and so on. He acts like "knowing the first
thing about BMWs" is some huge achievement when it just isn't.
There's a reason the iKooks are such rather strange people, Jolly Roger.

Your problems stem first from your low IQ but then you bought into the
Apple zealotry such that you lost any ability to think like an adult.

That's why you call anyone who tells you facts about Apple, an 'it'.
You're _afraid_ of that person.

Because you're _afraid_ of facts.

You're afraid of facts because your belief systems aren't based on them.
So facts are deadly dangerous weapons against you strange people, JR.

You iKooks don't know the first thing about _anything_, Jolly Roger.
a. Alan Browne doesn't even know there is a walled garden
b. Jolly Roger doesn't know how Apple updates/upgrades iOS
c. Nospam constantly claims imaginary functionality that doesn't exist
d. Alan Baker claims people are gay just for telling the truth about Apple

Who is _that_ ignorant, Jolly Roger?
Nobody, right?

Only the iKooks are.

a. They all have abnormally low IQs
b. Such that none of them has any semblance of an education
c. And worse, they know absolutely nothing about Apple products

With respect to the Dunning-Kruger quartiles, all iKooks are far to the
left, whereas normal people fit more into the middle & right sections.
There isn't an iKook who understands even that simple sentence above.
2023-12-19 19:26:20 UTC
Post by Wally J
Unless you have photos of old racing books, he won't believe you
Hi Jolly Roger,
You again are completely wrong. All he'd have to do is say something about
bimmers (or beemers) that showed he actually knew something about them.
Why is knowledge of those particular pieces of slang and their precise
usage a prerequisite for race driving and race driving instruction?
Post by Wally J
He knows nothing about them.
He doesn't even know what EVERYONE calls them in racing circuits, JR.
As I've said before, the guys I know who actually race BMW 325i(s)
prepared to a particular set of class rules...

...they call them "Pro 3s".

Post by Wally J
Who is _that_ ignorant, Jolly Roger?
Nobody, right?
Yet iKooks are.
Post by Alan
I know I own one.
It's not even an exclusive club. BMWs aren't huge fucking secrets.
It's no secret I've owned both a bimmer & beemer for years, Jolly Roger.
They're not "secrets" to anyone.
Mine have never been to a mechanic, even as they have many miles on them.
I have all the BMW tools, even as many of them are literally in German.
What _is_ a secret to the iKooks is even the simplest things about them.
If you can't tell a carburetor from fuel injection, Jolly Roger, then you
know nothing about the air:gas stoichiometric ratio either, Jolly Roger.
No, sorry, but that simply doesn't follow.
Post by Wally J
I have only owned BMW cars since 2001, and while I don't do my own
repairs, I can certainly tell you where to connect jumper cables, how to
do routine maintenance, and so on. He acts like "knowing the first
thing about BMWs" is some huge achievement when it just isn't.
There's a reason the iKooks are such rather strange people, Jolly Roger.
Your problems stem first from your low IQ but then you bought into the
Apple zealotry such that you lost any ability to think like an adult.
That's why you call anyone who tells you facts about Apple, an 'it'.
You're _afraid_ of that person.
Because you're _afraid_ of facts.
You're afraid of facts because your belief systems aren't based on them.
So facts are deadly dangerous weapons against you strange people, JR.
You iKooks don't know the first thing about _anything_, Jolly Roger.
a. Alan Browne doesn't even know there is a walled garden
b. Jolly Roger doesn't know how Apple updates/upgrades iOS
c. Nospam constantly claims imaginary functionality that doesn't exist
d. Alan Baker claims people are gay just for telling the truth about Apple
Now that last is simply a lie, Arlen.

Why must you lie?

2023-12-19 19:29:27 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Does it diminish you in any way that Checo is ranked 3rd on that
DriverDB Top 100? I wonder if Arlen even knows who that is. My fave
driver. I was all set to watch him on his home turf on both TVs (one
cockpit view) and he wrecked 1st lap! Sad.
I don't know a damn thing about racing. But then, I've never claimed
to be a "racer" nor a "teacher" of racing.
Alan Baker doesn't know a damn thing about anything.
I know enough about racing to have started in 2012...
...and been invited to instruct just 4 years later.
Unless you have photos of old racing books, Arlen won't believe you. 🤣

...I COULD take a picture of the dozens of books I have on racing...

...but they're mostly about the design, construction and care and
feeding of race cars.

I do have the seminal work by Niki Lauda on driving:

"The Art and Science of Grand Prix Driving".

Does that count?

Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I think you established your bonafides. That he is hung up on what
people call BMWs is ridiculous. Who cares.
Heh heh heh... Chris tried the same trick when he ridiculed the use
of the word "vehicle" in immunological contexts - because he was
chilishly trying to get out of the simple fact that he doesn't know
the first thing about immunology - even after having "claimed" to
have a PhD in the sciences.
It's the same with Alan Baker.
Other than that you tried to claim that a facetious comment about
"bimmer" vs "beemer" meant that I couldn't possibly be telling the
truth about being a racing driver and race driving instructor.
He doesn't know the first thing about BMWs. He just doesn't.
I know I own one.
It's not even an exclusive club. BMWs aren't huge fucking secrets. I
have only owned BMW cars since 2001, and while I don't do my own
repairs, I can certainly tell you where to connect jumper cables, how to
do routine maintenance, and so on. Arlen acts like "knowing the first
thing about BMWs" is some huge achievement when it just isn't.
The truly hilarious part is that he thinks that using two particular
slang terms means you know everything else about race driving.

Jolly Roger
2023-12-19 22:57:39 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Unless you have photos of old racing books, Arlen won't believe you. 🤣
...I COULD take a picture of the dozens of books I have on racing...
...but they're mostly about the design, construction and care and
feeding of race cars.
"The Art and Science of Grand Prix Driving".
Does that count?
Pics or it's fake news in Arlen's World! 😉
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
He doesn't know the first thing about BMWs. He just doesn't.
I know I own one.
It's not even an exclusive club. BMWs aren't huge fucking secrets. I
have only owned BMW cars since 2001, and while I don't do my own
repairs, I can certainly tell you where to connect jumper cables, how
to do routine maintenance, and so on. Arlen acts like "knowing the
first thing about BMWs" is some huge achievement when it just isn't.
The truly hilarious part is that he thinks that using two particular
slang terms means you know everything else about race driving.
He's a true man child who can't help but give himself away every time he
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-19 23:22:03 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Pics or it's fake news
What's interesting is Android updates security about monthly for all
devices on the Internet that are Android 10+, while iOS rarely updates.

Yet, Jolly Roger has claimed that iOS updates more frequently than Android.

What kind of person is that ignorant?
Nobody, right?

Just iKooks.
*There won't be a monthly Google Play System update
for December 2023 for all Android 10+ phones on the Internet*
2023-12-19 23:37:49 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Pics or it's fake news
What's interesting is Android updates security about monthly for all
devices on the Internet that are Android 10+, while iOS rarely updates.
It's more interesting that you're busily running away from the obvious
proof that I'm a race driving instructor...

...and for "interesting" read "hilarious"!

Jolly Roger
2023-12-20 00:08:17 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Pics or it's fake news
What's interesting is Android updates security about monthly for all
devices on the Internet that are Android 10+, while iOS rarely updates.
It's more interesting that you're busily running away from the obvious
proof that I'm a race driving instructor...
...and for "interesting" read "hilarious"!
He's a pathetic juvenile man child.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-20 00:21:09 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
He's a pathetic juvenile man child.
And yet, you congratulated Snit on having found the purely imaginary
completely fabricated wholly imaginary iOS app that (iKooks claim) graphs
Wi-Fi signal strength for all available access points, Jolly Roger...
iKooks can't even see the fatal flaw!

Who is that shockingly ignorant to not even know the difference between
a. A decibel, &,
b. A megabit?

Nobody, right?
Just the iKooks.

You iKooks are all far to the left of the first D-K quartile, Jolly Roger.
And you don't even realize that fact is _why_ you're an iKook after all.
Jolly Roger
2023-12-20 00:07:45 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Pics or it's fake news
Android updates blah blah blah...
Note how childish Arlen desperately tries to change the subject when
he's been called out on his bullshit and has nowhere else to run. 🤣
Jolly Roger has claimed that iOS updates more frequently than Android.
Little Arlen then resorts to outright lies - nowhere on Usenet have I
*ever* said this, and to prove it, Arlen won't be able to show a post
where I said it, despite his absolute *love* for posting Google Groups
links to posts. You have to be a complete gullible rube to fall for
Arlen's easily-disproved lies. 😉
What kind of person is that ignorant?
Projection from an ignorant lying fool. 🤣
Schoolyard insults and lies are all poor, little Arlen has when he's
called out on his bullshit.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-20 00:29:43 UTC
He then resorts to outright lies...
You're the one who disputed Apple's own words about updates/upgrades, JR.
*Distinguishing software updates from upgrades*

Not me.
*I _knew_ Apple has the worst bug support of any device in the industry.*

Yet, for years on end, you've been touting what you "thought" was Apple's
policy of "fully fixing" all the security holes in older iOS releases...

Heh... heh... heh.

*It was all a lie, now wasn't it*, Jolly Roger.
*You know you lied for years and years*, Jolly Roger.

The person who called you on that lie, was me, now wasn't it, Jolly Roger.

You hate me for proving you lied about Apple updates for years on end, JR.
So be it.

Q: Do you now agree Apple has the worst zero-day support in the industry?
The difference between strange iKooks & a normal person is astounding.
2023-12-19 23:59:16 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Unless you have photos of old racing books, Arlen won't believe you. 🤣
...I COULD take a picture of the dozens of books I have on racing...
...but they're mostly about the design, construction and care and
feeding of race cars.
"The Art and Science of Grand Prix Driving".
Does that count?
Pics or it's fake news in Arlen's World! 😉
Well... ...I had all the books on a bookshelf right next to me so...

Jolly Roger
2023-12-20 00:08:54 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Unless you have photos of old racing books, Arlen won't believe you. 🤣
...I COULD take a picture of the dozens of books I have on racing...
...but they're mostly about the design, construction and care and
feeding of race cars.
"The Art and Science of Grand Prix Driving".
Does that count?
Pics or it's fake news in Arlen's World! 😉
Well... ...I had all the books on a bookshelf right next to me so...
Nice spread!
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-12-20 00:28:17 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Unless you have photos of old racing books, Arlen won't believe you. 🤣
...I COULD take a picture of the dozens of books I have on racing...
...but they're mostly about the design, construction and care and
feeding of race cars.
"The Art and Science of Grand Prix Driving".
Does that count?
Pics or it's fake news in Arlen's World! 😉
Well... ...I had all the books on a bookshelf right next to me so...
Nice spread!
And I've read them all and do you know what?

Not ONE of them has the word "bimmer" or "beemer" in it?

Jolly Roger
2023-12-20 05:54:24 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Unless you have photos of old racing books, Arlen won't believe you. 🤣
...I COULD take a picture of the dozens of books I have on racing...
...but they're mostly about the design, construction and care and
feeding of race cars.
"The Art and Science of Grand Prix Driving".
Does that count?
Pics or it's fake news in Arlen's World! 😉
Well... ...I had all the books on a bookshelf right next to me so...
Nice spread!
And I've read them all and do you know what?
Not ONE of them has the word "bimmer" or "beemer" in it?
That just means each of the authors don't know the first thing about
cars. 😉
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-20 18:12:13 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
That just means each of the authors don't know the first thing about
It's always the same with you low-IQ ignorant child-like iKooks, JR.

Remember, Alan Browne is the same low-IQ ignorant child-like iKook who
repeatedly claimed it was impossible to change newsreader headers, JR.

All you low-IQ iKooks greatly suffer from the D-K left-quartile flaws, JR.

For example, that you actually believe a technical book would use common
slang is interesting. It might. But it just as likely might not. The mere
fact they don't use slang isn't any indication that they're unaware of it.

Certainly NOBODY who is on a BMW forum would _ever_ be unaware, JR.
(They ridicule the hell out of any moron who doesn't know these words.)

Remember, Alan Baker "said" he's a racer & teacher - and yet - he clearly
did not know the simplest things about that which he claims excellence.

What's different is that someone who supposedly has been owning BMWs and
racing cars (and even "teaching" racing, if you can believe that),
who doesn't know the first thing about those cars - is either extremely
a. ignorant - or -
b. a liar.

Pick one.
All iKooks are ignorant of almost everything they speak about, which is how
I know they have low IQs, no education, and that they are DK left quartile.
Wally J
2023-12-20 18:15:38 UTC
Post by Wally J
Remember, Alan Browne is the same low-IQ ignorant child-like iKook who
repeatedly claimed it was impossible to change newsreader headers, JR.
All you low-IQ iKooks greatly suffer from the D-K left-quartile flaws, JR.
Correction. I get these iKooks confused.

Alan Brown is the low-IQ ignorant iKook who has never seen the walled
garden (and, in fact, he claims because he is ignorant of it, it can't

Who is that ignorant?
Nobody, right?

Nobody but iKooks.


Alan Baker is the low-IQ ignorant iKook who claims to teach racing and own
BMWs and yet he doesn't know even the slightest about bimmers or beemers.

Who is that ignorant?
Nobody, right?

Nobody but iKooks.
2023-12-20 18:50:45 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
Remember, Alan Browne is the same low-IQ ignorant child-like iKook who
repeatedly claimed it was impossible to change newsreader headers, JR.
All you low-IQ iKooks greatly suffer from the D-K left-quartile flaws, JR.
Correction. I get these iKooks confused.
Alan Brown is the low-IQ ignorant iKook who has never seen the walled
garden (and, in fact, he claims because he is ignorant of it, it can't
Who is that ignorant?
Nobody, right?
Nobody but iKooks.
Alan Baker is the low-IQ ignorant iKook who claims to teach racing and own
BMWs and yet he doesn't know even the slightest about bimmers or beemers.
I know quite a lot about BMWs

I just don't go in for slang much.

2023-12-20 18:38:43 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
That just means each of the authors don't know the first thing about
It's always the same with you low-IQ ignorant child-like iKooks, JR.
Remember, Alan Browne is the same low-IQ ignorant child-like iKook who
repeatedly claimed it was impossible to change newsreader headers, JR.
All you low-IQ iKooks greatly suffer from the D-K left-quartile flaws, JR.
For example, that you actually believe a technical book would use common
slang is interesting. It might. But it just as likely might not. The mere
fact they don't use slang isn't any indication that they're unaware of it.
Certainly NOBODY who is on a BMW forum would _ever_ be unaware, JR.
(They ridicule the hell out of any moron who doesn't know these words.)
I'm not on any BMW forums, Arlen.
Post by Wally J
Remember, Alan Baker "said" he's a racer & teacher - and yet - he clearly
did not know the simplest things about that which he claims excellence.
What's different is that someone who supposedly has been owning BMWs and
racing cars (and even "teaching" racing, if you can believe that),
who doesn't know the first thing about those cars - is either extremely
a. ignorant - or -
b. a liar.
Pick one.
You're both ignorant AND a liar.

Wally J
2023-12-20 00:36:54 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Nice spread!
While I don't claim to be a racer, I know what a catenary is.
Does Alan Baker?

Bearing in mind the IQ 40 Alan Baker thinks he's a genius and yet, he
repeatedly insisted nobody could change the newsreader header line...

Please ask the iKook Alan Baker if he knows how a catenary affects racing.
The problem with the iKooks is not so much that they're all of low IQ,
but that they're religious zealots who know nothing about Apple products.
2023-12-20 00:45:10 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Nice spread!
While I don't claim to be a racer, I know what a catenary is.
Does Alan Baker?
As a matter of fact, I DO know what a catenary is.
Post by Wally J
Bearing in mind the IQ 40 Alan Baker thinks he's a genius and yet, he
repeatedly insisted nobody could change the newsreader header line...
Please ask the iKook Alan Baker if he knows how a catenary affects racing.

This should be good.
2023-12-20 04:01:49 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Nice spread!
While I don't claim to be a racer, I know what a catenary is.
Does Alan Baker?
As a matter of fact, I DO know what a catenary is.
Post by Wally J
Bearing in mind the IQ 40 Alan Baker thinks he's a genius and yet, he
repeatedly insisted nobody could change the newsreader header line...
Please ask the iKook Alan Baker if he knows how a catenary affects racing.
This should be good.
The offspring of Sylvester and Tweety Bird?
2023-12-20 04:02:56 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Nice spread!
While I don't claim to be a racer, I know what a catenary is.
Does Alan Baker?
As a matter of fact, I DO know what a catenary is.
Post by Wally J
Bearing in mind the IQ 40 Alan Baker thinks he's a genius and yet, he
repeatedly insisted nobody could change the newsreader header line...
Please ask the iKook Alan Baker if he knows how a catenary affects racing.
This should be good.
The offspring of Sylvester and Tweety Bird?
Just wait.

Wally J
2023-12-20 18:33:56 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Please ask the iKook Alan Baker if he knows how a catenary affects racing.
This should be good.
The offspring of Sylvester and Tweety Bird?
Rest assured, I read EVERYTHING you write on this newsgroup, Hemidactylus.
The reason is I study you strange people as I've never met anyone like you.

You see the word "catenary".
You are told it has something to do with "racing".
Specifically something about "teaching" racing, right?

And your only response is to make silly childish kindergarten jokes?
Every response from you, Hemidactylus, shows your IQ is abnormally low.

Don't worry about your IQ.
You can't do anything about it (except prove it every time you post).

That abnormally low IQ is a trait of all the iKooks, Hemidactylus
Jolly Roger, Alan Browne, Alan Baker, Chris, Lewis, nospam, et al.

Let's see what Alan Baker 40 IQ is capable of responding to with the word
"catenary" (given he's a self-proclaimed "instructor of racing"), shall we?
The Apple iKooks are all of such an abnormally low IQ that they can't ever
form any semblance of an adult response to any fact about Apple products.
2023-12-20 18:39:27 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Please ask the iKook Alan Baker if he knows how a catenary affects racing.
This should be good.
The offspring of Sylvester and Tweety Bird?
Rest assured, I read EVERYTHING you write on this newsgroup, Hemidactylus.
The reason is I study you strange people as I've never met anyone like you.
You see the word "catenary".
You are told it has something to do with "racing".
Specifically something about "teaching" racing, right?
And your only response is to make silly childish kindergarten jokes?
Every response from you, Hemidactylus, shows your IQ is abnormally low.
Don't worry about your IQ.
You can't do anything about it (except prove it every time you post).
That abnormally low IQ is a trait of all the iKooks, Hemidactylus
Jolly Roger, Alan Browne, Alan Baker, Chris, Lewis, nospam, et al.
Let's see what Alan Baker 40 IQ is capable of responding to with the word
"catenary" (given he's a self-proclaimed "instructor of racing"), shall we?
Let's see YOUR response, Arlen...

...oh, wait!

You have be killfiled!
2023-12-20 22:55:24 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Please ask the iKook Alan Baker if he knows how a catenary affects racing.
This should be good.
The offspring of Sylvester and Tweety Bird?
Rest assured, I read EVERYTHING you write on this newsgroup, Hemidactylus.
The reason is I study you strange people as I've never met anyone like you.
You see the word "catenary".
You are told it has something to do with "racing".
Specifically something about "teaching" racing, right?
And your only response is to make silly childish kindergarten jokes?
Every response from you, Hemidactylus, shows your IQ is abnormally low.
Don't worry about your IQ.
You can't do anything about it (except prove it every time you post).
That abnormally low IQ is a trait of all the iKooks, Hemidactylus
Jolly Roger, Alan Browne, Alan Baker, Chris, Lewis, nospam, et al.
Let's see what Alan Baker 40 IQ is capable of responding to with the word
"catenary" (given he's a self-proclaimed "instructor of racing"), shall we?
Oh great an obsessive stalker.
2023-12-21 00:43:17 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Please ask the iKook Alan Baker if he knows how a catenary affects racing.
This should be good.
The offspring of Sylvester and Tweety Bird?
Rest assured, I read EVERYTHING you write on this newsgroup, Hemidactylus.
The reason is I study you strange people as I've never met anyone like you.
You see the word "catenary".
You are told it has something to do with "racing".
Specifically something about "teaching" racing, right?
And your only response is to make silly childish kindergarten jokes?
Every response from you, Hemidactylus, shows your IQ is abnormally low.
Don't worry about your IQ.
You can't do anything about it (except prove it every time you post).
That abnormally low IQ is a trait of all the iKooks, Hemidactylus
Jolly Roger, Alan Browne, Alan Baker, Chris, Lewis, nospam, et al.
Let's see what Alan Baker 40 IQ is capable of responding to with the word
"catenary" (given he's a self-proclaimed "instructor of racing"), shall we?
Oh great an obsessive stalker.
The hilarious part is that he claims to have me killfiled, and if so,
he'll never see my reply anyway.

Wally J
2023-12-21 08:40:00 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Let's see what Alan Baker 40 IQ is capable of responding to with the word
"catenary" (given he's a self-proclaimed "instructor of racing"), shall we?
Oh great an obsessive stalker.
No. It's the _opposite_ of a stalker, Hemidactylus. He's plonked.

Nonetheless, I'm sure one of you will quote the IQ 40 Alan Baker if he
desperately googles to see how a catenary applies to racing, particularly
when racing beemers, but it also applies to cagers depending on the track.

If he responds to the challenge, you childish iKooks won't be able to hold
yourselves back saying that Alan knew the simplest racing terms after all.

Yet he doesn't.
So he won't.

*You think I don't know how ignorant all you iKooks are Hemidactylus?*

Whether or not you quote his replies, my point is that all you iKooks are
a. Low IQ
b. Uneducated
c. Ignorant

Such that you iKooks are so far to the left of the D-K first quartile that
you don't even realize how ignorant you are - as you think you're a genius.

Which is the point.

While I don't ever claim to be a racer, nor a teacher, I probably already
know more about racing than the iKook Alan Baker will know in his life.

That's literally how incredibly ignorant all you iKooks are Hemidactylus.
A. *Who is so ignorant to claim Apple fully patches older releases?*
Nobody right? Yet the ignorant iKook Jolly Roger says so all the time.

B. *Who is so ignorant to claim the famed walled garden doesn't exist?*
Nobody right? Yet the ignorant iKook Alan Browne says so all the time.

C. *Who is so ignorant to claim imaginary graphical WiFi strength apps?*
Nobody right? Yet the ignorant nospam fabricates the apps all the time.

It's no longer shocking how utterly ignorant all iKooks are, Hemidactylus.

Which is why I'm positive Alan Baker has no idea of the racing term even as
it's one of the most significant and common terms to teach in racing.
The problem with the iKooks isn't so much they own the brains of small
children, but more that they don't realize they are incredibly ignorant.
2023-12-21 11:48:06 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Let's see what Alan Baker 40 IQ is capable of responding to with the word
"catenary" (given he's a self-proclaimed "instructor of racing"), shall we?
Oh great an obsessive stalker.
No. It's the _opposite_ of a stalker, Hemidactylus. He's plonked.
I was referring to your “Rest assured, I read EVERYTHING you write on this
newsgroup, Hemidactylus.” creeper.
Post by Wally J
Nonetheless, I'm sure one of you will quote the IQ 40 Alan Baker if he
desperately googles to see how a catenary applies to racing, particularly
when racing beemers, but it also applies to cagers depending on the track.
If he responds to the challenge, you childish iKooks won't be able to hold
yourselves back saying that Alan knew the simplest racing terms after all.
Yet he doesn't.
So he won't.
*You think I don't know how ignorant all you iKooks are Hemidactylus?*
Whether or not you quote his replies, my point is that all you iKooks are
a. Low IQ
b. Uneducated
c. Ignorant
Such that you iKooks are so far to the left of the D-K first quartile that
you don't even realize how ignorant you are - as you think you're a genius.
So you make up some fictitious category “iKooks” lacking real application
in the world and still cling to the illusory statistical artifact of the
D-K graph. Then you pretend to lecture me about anything. Silly ignorant
Post by Wally J
Which is the point.
While I don't ever claim to be a racer, nor a teacher, I probably already
know more about racing than the iKook Alan Baker will know in his life.
That's literally how incredibly ignorant all you iKooks are Hemidactylus.
A. *Who is so ignorant to claim Apple fully patches older releases?*
Nobody right? Yet the ignorant iKook Jolly Roger says so all the time.
B. *Who is so ignorant to claim the famed walled garden doesn't exist?*
Nobody right? Yet the ignorant iKook Alan Browne says so all the time.
C. *Who is so ignorant to claim imaginary graphical WiFi strength apps?*
Nobody right? Yet the ignorant nospam fabricates the apps all the time.
It's no longer shocking how utterly ignorant all iKooks are, Hemidactylus.
Which is why I'm positive Alan Baker has no idea of the racing term even as
it's one of the most significant and common terms to teach in racing.
How would you know? Aren’t you a mere dilettante at best? Maybe you’re way
out of your league. I don’t trust you to convey much of anything accurately
as you’re just an arrogant blowhard who might have gotten a GED and a
mail-order degree from a diploma mill.
Wally J
2023-12-21 14:22:54 UTC
Post by Wally J
No. It's the _opposite_ of a stalker, Hemidactylus. He's plonked.
I was referring to your "Rest assured, I read EVERYTHING you write on this
newsgroup, Hemidactylus." creeper.
Hi Hemidactylus,
I read everything you post to this newsgroup, so it's not surprising to me
that you consider anyone who does, a creep. It says more about you than me.

All you iKooks are Dunning-Kruger first quartile, where nobody I've ever
gone to school with or worked with in the Silicon Valley was even close.

That's why you strange abnormally low-IQ iKooks interest me so much.
Post by Wally J
Such that you iKooks are so far to the left of the D-K first quartile that
you don't even realize how ignorant you are - as you think you're a genius.
So you make up some fictitious category "iKooks" lacking real application
in the world and still cling to the illusory statistical artifact of the
D-K graph.
Did you notice nobody would put Ant or badgolferman or Steve Scharf in the
iKook category. Does it ever occur to you why they're not iKooks & you are?

Even Hank Rogers isn't an iKook (as far as I can tell from what he writes).

The people who are iKooks are Your Name, nospam, Lewis, Jolly Roger, Alan
Browne, Alan Baker, Snit, Connor Shannon, et al. They're all of abnormally
low IQ, but that alone isn't what makes you iKooks iKooks, Hemidactylus.

If you don't know, by now, what makes you an iKook, well then, that's proof
positive that I'm correct about everything I've said about you iKooks.
Then you pretend to lecture me about anything. Silly ignorant kook.
I find it interesting that you are ashamed of what you are, Hemidactylus.

I feel sorry for you low-IQ iKooks because your whole life people told you
that you were stupid. They told you that everything you say is stupid.

And now I'm telling you the same things you've been told all along.
Post by Wally J
It's no longer shocking how utterly ignorant all iKooks are, Hemidactylus.
Which is why I'm positive Alan Baker has no idea of the racing term even as
it's one of the most significant and common terms to teach in racing.
How would you know?
Heh heh heh... How would I know that Alan Baker doesn't know the first
thing about anything? Have you _ever_ heard him say anything intelligent?
Aren't you a mere dilettante at best?
Heh heh heh... like I said, Hemidactylus. I never claimed to be a racer.
But I do claim to have higher education.

Which means I understand what a catenary is.
And how it applies to racing.

By contrast, Alan Baker has never heard of a catenary in his entire life.
Even after desperately googling it, he still can't figure out what it is.

And yet, it's one of the most important racing terms there ever was.
Maybe you're way out of your league.
That's what nospam told me when he claimed imaginary wi-fi debugging tools,
Hemidactylus. That's what Jolly Roger told me when he claimed Apple fully
supports older releases, Hemidactylus. That's what Alan Browne told me when
he claimed he's never noticed the walled garden so he says it can't exist.

Do you think you telling me that you're too stupid to understand a catenary
is your best way of trying to tell me that I'm not in your league?

You know you've been called stupid your entire life.
Do you think I don't know it?
I don't trust you to convey much of anything accurately
as you're just an arrogant blowhard who might have gotten a GED and a
mail-order degree from a diploma mill.
And yet, the fact remains that the iKooks call people an 'it' because they
hate that those people tell them facts about Apple products that they hate.
What makes iKooks so interesting is that they don't even realize everything
they say tells me they've always been called stupid their entire lives.
2023-12-21 15:46:20 UTC
Post by Wally J
Aren't you a mere dilettante at best?
Heh heh heh... like I said, Hemidactylus. I never claimed to be a racer.
But I do claim to have higher education.
Which means I understand what a catenary is.
And how it applies to racing.
By contrast, Alan Baker has never heard of a catenary in his entire life.
Sure I have. It's the curve that a chain or rope makes when it hangs
down between two elevated end points.
Post by Wally J
Even after desperately googling it, he still can't figure out what it is.
I know exactly what it is.
Post by Wally J
And yet, it's one of the most important racing terms there ever was.

7 years of teaching

11 years of racing

Decades of studying racing and racing cars...

...and I have never once seen "catenary" used in relation to racing.

Jolly Roger
2023-12-21 17:36:41 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Let's see what Alan Baker 40 IQ is capable of responding to with
the word "catenary" (given he's a self-proclaimed "instructor of
racing"), shall we?
Oh great an obsessive stalker.
No. It's the _opposite_ of a stalker, Hemidactylus. He's plonked.
I was referring to your “Rest assured, I read EVERYTHING you write on
this newsgroup, Hemidactylus.” creeper.
Post by Wally J
Nonetheless, I'm sure one of you will quote the IQ 40 Alan Baker if
he desperately googles to see how a catenary applies to racing,
particularly when racing beemers, but it also applies to cagers
depending on the track.
If he responds to the challenge, you childish iKooks won't be able to
hold yourselves back saying that Alan knew the simplest racing terms
after all.
Yet he doesn't. So he won't.
*You think I don't know how ignorant all you iKooks are
Whether or not you quote his replies, my point is that all you iKooks
are a. Low IQ b. Uneducated c. Ignorant
Such that you iKooks are so far to the left of the D-K first quartile
that you don't even realize how ignorant you are - as you think
you're a genius.
So you make up some fictitious category “iKooks” lacking real
application in the world and still cling to the illusory statistical
artifact of the D-K graph. Then you pretend to lecture me about
anything. Silly ignorant kook.
It's *always* projection with assholes like Arlen. They can't help but
project their own weaknesses onto others.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Which is the point.
While I don't ever claim to be a racer, nor a teacher, I probably
already know more about racing than the iKook Alan Baker will know in
his life.
That's literally how incredibly ignorant all you iKooks are
Hemidactylus. A. *Who is so ignorant to claim Apple fully patches
older releases?* Nobody right? Yet the ignorant iKook Jolly Roger
says so all the time.
B. *Who is so ignorant to claim the famed walled garden doesn't
exist?* Nobody right? Yet the ignorant iKook Alan Browne says so all
the time.
C. *Who is so ignorant to claim imaginary graphical WiFi strength
apps?* Nobody right? Yet the ignorant nospam fabricates the apps all
the time.
It's no longer shocking how utterly ignorant all iKooks are,
Which is why I'm positive Alan Baker has no idea of the racing term
even as it's one of the most significant and common terms to teach in
How would you know? Aren’t you a mere dilettante at best? Maybe you’re
way out of your league. I don’t trust you to convey much of anything
accurately as you’re just an arrogant blowhard who might have gotten a
GED and a mail-order degree from a diploma mill.
Every single accusation from Arlen is a confession.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-21 20:35:43 UTC
They can't help but project their own weaknesses onto others.
Actually it's Alan Browne, not me, who calls people bearing facts, an "it".
How would you know? Aren¢t you a mere dilettante at best? Maybe you¢re
way out of your league. I don¢t trust you to convey much of anything
accurately as you¢re just an arrogant blowhard who might have gotten a
GED and a mail-order degree from a diploma mill.
Every single accusation from him is a confession.
My point about you iKooks is you're all Dunning-Kruger 1st quartile, JR.

That's why I brought up one of the most important racing terms, which I'm
sure that none of you low-IQ uneducated iKooks has any clue why it's so.

You iKooks can only google but it's like you googling the metric tensor.
The low IQ and lack of education means you can't understand what you find.

HINT: Anyone who took Physics would know EXACTLY how a catenary applies to
racing in such a way as to make it one of racing's most important terms.
Why is Arlen such a coward?
2023-12-21 21:55:14 UTC
Post by Wally J
They can't help but project their own weaknesses onto others.
Actually it's Alan Browne, not me, who calls people bearing facts, an "it".
How would you know? Aren┤ you a mere dilettante at best? Maybe you┴e
way out of your league. I don┤ trust you to convey much of anything
accurately as you┴e just an arrogant blowhard who might have gotten a
GED and a mail-order degree from a diploma mill.
Every single accusation from him is a confession.
My point about you iKooks is you're all Dunning-Kruger 1st quartile, JR.
That's why I brought up one of the most important racing terms, which I'm
sure that none of you low-IQ uneducated iKooks has any clue why it's so.
You iKooks can only google but it's like you googling the metric tensor.
The low IQ and lack of education means you can't understand what you find.
HINT: Anyone who took Physics would know EXACTLY how a catenary applies to
racing in such a way as to make it one of racing's most important terms.

Anyone who could explain its relevance would actually have done so by now.

As certified race driving instructor for 7 years, I can tell you it's
never come up.

2023-12-21 15:43:25 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Let's see what Alan Baker 40 IQ is capable of responding to with the word
"catenary" (given he's a self-proclaimed "instructor of racing"), shall we?
Oh great an obsessive stalker.
No. It's the _opposite_ of a stalker, Hemidactylus. He's plonked.
Nonetheless, I'm sure one of you will quote the IQ 40 Alan Baker if he
desperately googles to see how a catenary applies to racing, particularly
when racing beemers, but it also applies to cagers depending on the track.
1. I don't race a "beemer" or a BMW. I race a 1998 Formula F Van Diemen
RF98 Honda.
Post by Wally J
If he responds to the challenge, you childish iKooks won't be able to hold
yourselves back saying that Alan knew the simplest racing terms after all.
2. The challenge is on YOU, Arlen.
Post by Wally J
Yet he doesn't.
So he won't.
I'm pretty sure I know how YOU think it's significant...

...but you're wrong.
Post by Wally J
Which is why I'm positive Alan Baker has no idea of the racing term even as
it's one of the most significant and common terms to teach in racing.
It really isn't.


Attended 3 racing schools.

Raced for a decade.

Taught racing since 2017.

And no one has ever used that term.

Not once.
Jolly Roger
2023-12-21 17:39:10 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Let's see what Alan Baker 40 IQ is capable of responding to with
the word "catenary" (given he's a self-proclaimed "instructor of
racing"), shall we?
Oh great an obsessive stalker.
No. It's the _opposite_ of a stalker, Hemidactylus. He's plonked.
Nonetheless, I'm sure one of you will quote the IQ 40 Alan Baker if
he desperately googles to see how a catenary applies to racing,
particularly when racing beemers, but it also applies to cagers
depending on the track.
1. I don't race a "beemer" or a BMW. I race a 1998 Formula F Van
Diemen RF98 Honda.
Post by Wally J
If he responds to the challenge, you childish iKooks won't be able to
hold yourselves back saying that Alan knew the simplest racing terms
after all.
2. The challenge is on YOU, Arlen.
Post by Wally J
Yet he doesn't. So he won't.
I'm pretty sure I know how YOU think it's significant...
...but you're wrong.
Post by Wally J
Which is why I'm positive Alan Baker has no idea of the racing term
even as it's one of the most significant and common terms to teach in
It really isn't.
Attended 3 racing schools.
Raced for a decade.
Taught racing since 2017.
And no one has ever used that term.
Not once.
The ignoramus picks such strange hills to die on... It's crystal clear
who the real "kook" is here. 🤣
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-21 20:48:28 UTC
It's crystal clear who the real "kook" is here.
Hi Jolly Roger,

I agree with you. I'll agree with anyone who presents a sensible argument.
*Why do these rather strange iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?*

Alan Browne, for example, calls anyone bearing facts, an "it", which is his
way of making all inconvenient facts about Apple products go away for him.

Likewise, you claimed many times that Apple fully supports older releases.
Just as nospam constantly fabricated imaginary app store apps for iOS.

Alan Baker, admittedly the lowest IQ of all the iKooks, claimed many times
that you can't change something as trivial as the newsreader header line.

And even now, the IQ 40 iKook Alan Baker "claims" to "teach racing" and yet
he doesn't know the simplest most basic of racing terms such as how a
catenary applies to racing circuits when it's the most critical component
in terms of racing strategy.

At this moment, Alan is furiously desperately googling & yet he still can't
comprehend what he sees because he has never taken Calculus or Physics.
He may as well google Christoffel Symbols or the Metric Tensor for all the
value his admittedly shockingly low IQ will afford him an understanding of.
Why is Arlen such a coward?
2023-12-21 21:53:45 UTC
Post by Wally J
It's crystal clear who the real "kook" is here.
Hi Jolly Roger,
I agree with you. I'll agree with anyone who presents a sensible argument.
*Why do these rather strange iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?*
Alan Browne, for example, calls anyone bearing facts, an "it", which is his
way of making all inconvenient facts about Apple products go away for him.
Likewise, you claimed many times that Apple fully supports older releases.
Just as nospam constantly fabricated imaginary app store apps for iOS.
Alan Baker, admittedly the lowest IQ of all the iKooks, claimed many times
that you can't change something as trivial as the newsreader header line.
And even now, the IQ 40 iKook Alan Baker "claims" to "teach racing" and yet
he doesn't know the simplest most basic of racing terms such as how a
catenary applies to racing circuits when it's the most critical component
in terms of racing strategy.
I claim I teach racing...

...because I do teach racing.

I've been a member of the Race Drivers Committee of the Sports Car Club
of British Columbia since 2017, and was the chairman this past year:

Post by Wally J
At this moment, Alan is furiously desperately googling & yet he still can't
comprehend what he sees because he has never taken Calculus or Physics.
Ummmm... ...nope.

I studied both Calculus and Physics in both high school and university.

Jolly Roger
2023-12-21 23:06:19 UTC
Post by Wally J
It's crystal clear who the real "kook" is here.
*Why do these rather strange iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?*
*Why does Arlen repeatedly call anyone who disagrees with him "iKooks"?*

Answer: Pure projection, as usual. Arlen, like any other narcissistic
bully, can't help but project his own insecurities and weaknesses onto
others. He calls everyone else a "kook" because he knows deep down
that *he* is a kook.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-22 01:27:21 UTC
Post by Wally J
*Why do these rather strange iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?*
*Why does he repeatedly call anyone who disagrees with him "iKooks"?*
Heh heh heh... You're actually too stupid to realize how stupid you are.
Even though your entire life, people have been calling you stupid, JR.

You know, Jolly Roger, I've explained a million times what makes you an
iKook, and it's _not_ that someone disagrees with any assessments.

Hell, I'll agree with _anyone_ who presents a sensibly logical opinion.

What's interesting, Jolly Roger, is you don't know why you're an iKook.

HINT: You being an iKook has nothing to do with agreeing with anyone.
DOUBLEHINT: You claimed for years that Apple fully patched old releases.
Answer: Pure projection, as usual. He, like any other narcissistic
bully, can't help but project his own insecurities and weaknesses onto
others. He calls everyone else a "kook" because he knows deep down
that *he* is a kook.
Notice the hilarity of Jolly Roger calling someone else a "bully".

What's interesting is these iKooks are all to the far left of the
Dunning-Kruger first quartile such that they can't even fathom why they're
The simplest way to put it is they're too stupid to realize how incredibly
stupid they are as I told them a million times what makes them iKooks.
Jolly Roger
2023-12-22 01:30:23 UTC
Post by Wally J
*Why do these rather strange iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?*
*Why does he repeatedly call anyone who disagrees with him "iKooks"?*
Heh heh heh...You're actually too stupid to realize how stupid you
Witness is Arlen's typical juvenile response to being called out.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-22 01:55:55 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
typical juvenile response to being called out.
I feel sorry for you, Jolly Roger, just as I feel sorry for all disabled
people where your problem is clearly your lack of adult cognitive skills.

To wit...

The reason you're an iKook, Jolly Roger, has _nothing_ to do with
disagreements. Hell, I disagree with sms (Steve Scharf) all the time.

*Yet I don't call sms an iKook*

I think micky is a moron, Jolly Roger.

*Yet I don't call micky an iKook*

There's a reason you're an iKook, Jolly Roger.

What you need to do is look at yourself, Jolly Roger.
And figure out _why_ you're such a strange iKook.

I already told you why you're an iKook. Telling you again won't help you
figure it out, just like explaining what a catenary is to Alan Baker won't
help him with his brazen lies that he's a racecar driver and instructor.

There isn't anyone intelligent in racing circuits who doesn't know the
significance of the catenary in terms of teaching basic racing skills.
Your whole life people called you stupid - and - well - they were right.
2023-12-22 02:20:20 UTC
Post by Wally J
There isn't anyone intelligent in racing circuits who doesn't know the
significance of the catenary in terms of teaching basic racing skills.
I’m not a racer, but I would guess it has something to do with calculating
how to enter and exit a curve. As a motorcycle rider there are some very
fine points of curve management one must learn to handle their bike safely.
2023-12-22 02:25:49 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Wally J
There isn't anyone intelligent in racing circuits who doesn't know the
significance of the catenary in terms of teaching basic racing skills.
I’m not a racer, but I would guess it has something to do with calculating
how to enter and exit a curve. As a motorcycle rider there are some very
fine points of curve management one must learn to handle their bike safely.
I am a racer... ...for the last 11 years.

And before I was a racer, I took a 3-day race driving school with Skip
Barber (look them up) followed by 2 2-day advance courses.

And now I myself am a certified senior race driving instructor.

And I can back up everything I say.

In all that time, no one has ever referred to the line that a car takes
through a corner as being a catenary.

But Arlen is too cowardly to engage.

2023-12-20 01:29:24 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Nice spread!
While I don't claim to be a racer, I know what a catenary is.
Does Alan Baker?
Bearing in mind the IQ 40 Alan Baker thinks he's a genius and yet, he
repeatedly insisted nobody could change the newsreader header line...
Please ask the iKook Alan Baker if he knows how a catenary affects racing.
So please no one respond to this until you've replied to the other
message I made replying to Arlen's post.

This is solely my prediction that he's about to claim that a catenary is
the shape of the path of a car (or other vehicle) going round a corner
at the highest possible speed.

And I'll say here and now that he's wrong. I've studied this very
problem and there are some very obvious arguments about WHY it cannot be
a catenary curve.

I won't say what the real answer is until later.

Jolly Roger
2023-12-20 05:55:34 UTC
["Followup-To:" header set to comp.sys.mac.system.]
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Nice spread!
While I don't claim to be a racer, I know what a catenary is.
Is that what you will end up hanging yourself with, you sorry sack of
shit? We can dream... 🙂
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-12-20 18:24:23 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wally J
While I don't claim to be a racer, I know what a catenary is.
Is that what you will end up hanging yourself with, you sorry sack of
shit? We can dream...
Hi Jolly Roger,

I love when all you iKooks post. I really do. I read EVERYTHING you say.
I learn (about you) from you, in fact, Jolly Roger. And from Alan Browne.

Also from Hemidactylus. It's only Joerg and Alan Baker that I plonked.
Everything I post to the child-like Apple newsgroups has a purpose.

A. To disseminate (or learn) facts about Apple products, and,
B. To show the iKooks for what they are.

The reason for bringing up the fact Alan Baker claimed repeatedly that
nobody could change newsreader headers was to prove that the iKooks form
very strong belief systems which are based on exactly zero actual facts.

It's the same reason I bring up that Alan Baker claimed repeatedly that he
"taught racing" and owns a BMW, and yet, he knows nothing about either.

That's why I brought up the word "catenary" which _every_ (real) racer
knows all about, as it's one of the most important words in racing schools.

Yet I'll be Alan Baker is, at this very moment, furiously googling what the
word catenary means - and all he's finding is cites about bridge building.

This so-called "racer" is confused by that word. Bewildered. Flummoxed.
His low-IQ brain can't figure out what a catenary has to do with racing.

Which is my point after all, Jolly Roger.

*All you iKooks are DK left quartile - you are ignorant of everything*
Alan Browne believes that the walled garden can't possibly exist, simply
because he's too ignorant to see it in almost everything done on iOS.
2023-12-20 18:47:52 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Wally J
While I don't claim to be a racer, I know what a catenary is.
Is that what you will end up hanging yourself with, you sorry sack of
shit? We can dream...
Hi Jolly Roger,
I love when all you iKooks post. I really do. I read EVERYTHING you say.
I learn (about you) from you, in fact, Jolly Roger. And from Alan Browne.
Also from Hemidactylus. It's only Joerg and Alan Baker that I plonked.
Everything I post to the child-like Apple newsgroups has a purpose.
A. To disseminate (or learn) facts about Apple products, and,
B. To show the iKooks for what they are.
The reason for bringing up the fact Alan Baker claimed repeatedly that
nobody could change newsreader headers was to prove that the iKooks form
very strong belief systems which are based on exactly zero actual facts.
It's the same reason I bring up that Alan Baker claimed repeatedly that he
"taught racing" and owns a BMW, and yet, he knows nothing about either.
That's why I brought up the word "catenary" which _every_ (real) racer
knows all about, as it's one of the most important words in racing schools.
No... ...it really isn't.

I attended Skip Barber's 3-day school in 2012 and they never once
mentioned it.

I followed that up with attending two of their advanced 1-day schools
and it wasn't mentioned then, either.

BTW, I was such a good student, that I got to attend their free contest
for their best 33 students at Sebring Raceway in their "Skip Barber
INDYCAR Academy" competition for a fully-sponsored ride in the "Skip
Barber Formula Car Series" as the first step on the "Mazda Road to Indy".


I was the oldest in the field by 12 years at age 51.
Post by Wally J
Yet I'll be Alan Baker is, at this very moment, furiously googling what the
word catenary means - and all he's finding is cites about bridge building.
No... ...I know what you think its relevance is...

...but you're wrong...

...and I can prove it.
Post by Wally J
This so-called "racer" is confused by that word. Bewildered. Flummoxed.
His low-IQ brain can't figure out what a catenary has to do with racing.
And you won't ever say...

2023-12-19 08:40:24 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,
I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms)
Oh, Arlen... ...I don't need to lie.
Does it diminish you in any way that Checo is ranked 3rd on that DriverDB
Top 100? I wonder if Arlen even knows who that is. My fave driver. I was
all set to watch him on his home turf on both TVs (one cockpit view) and he
wrecked 1st lap! Sad.
Yep... ...and it was such a foolish wreck.

There's a saying in racing:

"You can't win a race on the first lap, but you can certainly lose it".
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Oh wow open wheel! I have a Civic so I was expecting a tricked out street
car. Nope!
From the moment I decided to go racing, I knew I really wanted to race
an open wheel class. And top of my list was definitely what was still
commonly called "Formula Ford" (but by the time I got one, officially
called "Formula F" to reflect the /F/ord and Honda /F/it engines that
were legal by then).
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
And here is the Sports Car Club of BC Race Drivers Committee (i.e. the
That's me kneeling by the front wheel in the sunglasses.
'The Race Drivers Committee organizes and operates the SCCBC Race Driver
Training Program. The driver training program is an important part of
preparing to enter the sport of racing at Mission and is a prerequisite
to acquiring a Novice race license. The twice annual Race Driver
Training program provides unparalleled instruction on handling vehicles
under extreme conditions. For more information, visit the Race Drivers
Training Program page.
Membership on the Race Drivers Committee is by invitation only. The
committee is comprised of some of the best racers in British Columbia.
Most committee members have won championships in their class while
others have done consistently well over the years and have proven
themselves capable of excelling in all race conditions.'
'Race Drivers Committee Chairman Alan Baker'
I think you established your bonafides. That Arlen is hung up on what
people call BMWs is ridiculous. Who cares.
Are you kidding? I'm just amused by it.

Post by *Hemidactylus*
I mostly like watching garage shows. There was one focused on modding JDMs.
I actually saw an old Skyline (I assume) a few months back locally with the
driver on the passenger side. Was stock and not modded at all.
I am also at a loss as to why people do the stance car look. Or maybe it’s
more the negative camber thing. Lowering was my thing in the late 80s with
a Nissan pickup (with some subwoofer bass but not competition). But the
camber look makes no sense. I guess every generation tries to be more
ridiculous than the preceding one. The mumble rap makes no sense either and
I grew up on hiphop.
Like in so many things, "stance" is an example of taking something that
does make sense (a certain amount of negative camber DOES enhance
cornering grip) and taking it to ridiculous extremes. Look at any racing
series and you'll see some degree of negative camber on both axles; more
for narrower tires, and less for wider. The tuner crowd just sees that
and turns it up to eleven.

2023-12-19 11:17:58 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,
I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms)
Oh, Arlen... ...I don't need to lie.
Does it diminish you in any way that Checo is ranked 3rd on that DriverDB
Top 100? I wonder if Arlen even knows who that is. My fave driver. I was
all set to watch him on his home turf on both TVs (one cockpit view) and he
wrecked 1st lap! Sad.
Yep... ...and it was such a foolish wreck.
"You can't win a race on the first lap, but you can certainly lose it".
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Oh wow open wheel! I have a Civic so I was expecting a tricked out street
car. Nope!
From the moment I decided to go racing, I knew I really wanted to race
an open wheel class. And top of my list was definitely what was still
commonly called "Formula Ford" (but by the time I got one, officially
called "Formula F" to reflect the /F/ord and Honda /F/it engines that
were legal by then).
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
And here is the Sports Car Club of BC Race Drivers Committee (i.e. the
That's me kneeling by the front wheel in the sunglasses.
'The Race Drivers Committee organizes and operates the SCCBC Race Driver
Training Program. The driver training program is an important part of
preparing to enter the sport of racing at Mission and is a prerequisite
to acquiring a Novice race license. The twice annual Race Driver
Training program provides unparalleled instruction on handling vehicles
under extreme conditions. For more information, visit the Race Drivers
Training Program page.
Membership on the Race Drivers Committee is by invitation only. The
committee is comprised of some of the best racers in British Columbia.
Most committee members have won championships in their class while
others have done consistently well over the years and have proven
themselves capable of excelling in all race conditions.'
'Race Drivers Committee Chairman Alan Baker'
I think you established your bonafides. That Arlen is hung up on what
people call BMWs is ridiculous. Who cares.
Are you kidding? I'm just amused by it.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I mostly like watching garage shows. There was one focused on modding JDMs.
I actually saw an old Skyline (I assume) a few months back locally with the
driver on the passenger side. Was stock and not modded at all.
I am also at a loss as to why people do the stance car look. Or maybe it’s
more the negative camber thing. Lowering was my thing in the late 80s with
a Nissan pickup (with some subwoofer bass but not competition). But the
camber look makes no sense. I guess every generation tries to be more
ridiculous than the preceding one. The mumble rap makes no sense either and
I grew up on hiphop.
Like in so many things, "stance" is an example of taking something that
does make sense (a certain amount of negative camber DOES enhance
cornering grip) and taking it to ridiculous extremes. Look at any racing
series and you'll see some degree of negative camber on both axles; more
for narrower tires, and less for wider. The tuner crowd just sees that
and turns it up to eleven.
Thanks for your very knowledgable reply. I was wondering if the hellaflush
look is because the popularity of drift racing.
2023-12-19 16:49:50 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,
I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms)
Oh, Arlen... ...I don't need to lie.
Does it diminish you in any way that Checo is ranked 3rd on that DriverDB
Top 100? I wonder if Arlen even knows who that is. My fave driver. I was
all set to watch him on his home turf on both TVs (one cockpit view) and he
wrecked 1st lap! Sad.
Yep... ...and it was such a foolish wreck.
"You can't win a race on the first lap, but you can certainly lose it".
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
Oh wow open wheel! I have a Civic so I was expecting a tricked out street
car. Nope!
From the moment I decided to go racing, I knew I really wanted to race
an open wheel class. And top of my list was definitely what was still
commonly called "Formula Ford" (but by the time I got one, officially
called "Formula F" to reflect the /F/ord and Honda /F/it engines that
were legal by then).
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Alan
And here is the Sports Car Club of BC Race Drivers Committee (i.e. the
That's me kneeling by the front wheel in the sunglasses.
'The Race Drivers Committee organizes and operates the SCCBC Race Driver
Training Program. The driver training program is an important part of
preparing to enter the sport of racing at Mission and is a prerequisite
to acquiring a Novice race license. The twice annual Race Driver
Training program provides unparalleled instruction on handling vehicles
under extreme conditions. For more information, visit the Race Drivers
Training Program page.
Membership on the Race Drivers Committee is by invitation only. The
committee is comprised of some of the best racers in British Columbia.
Most committee members have won championships in their class while
others have done consistently well over the years and have proven
themselves capable of excelling in all race conditions.'
'Race Drivers Committee Chairman Alan Baker'
I think you established your bonafides. That Arlen is hung up on what
people call BMWs is ridiculous. Who cares.
Are you kidding? I'm just amused by it.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I mostly like watching garage shows. There was one focused on modding JDMs.
I actually saw an old Skyline (I assume) a few months back locally with the
driver on the passenger side. Was stock and not modded at all.
I am also at a loss as to why people do the stance car look. Or maybe it’s
more the negative camber thing. Lowering was my thing in the late 80s with
a Nissan pickup (with some subwoofer bass but not competition). But the
camber look makes no sense. I guess every generation tries to be more
ridiculous than the preceding one. The mumble rap makes no sense either and
I grew up on hiphop.
Like in so many things, "stance" is an example of taking something that
does make sense (a certain amount of negative camber DOES enhance
cornering grip) and taking it to ridiculous extremes. Look at any racing
series and you'll see some degree of negative camber on both axles; more
for narrower tires, and less for wider. The tuner crowd just sees that
and turns it up to eleven.
Thanks for your very knowledgable reply. I was wondering if the hellaflush
look is because the popularity of drift racing.
That's probably a part of it, and for drifting, having more negative
camber on the tires probably just makes it easier to get them spinning.

And racing cars and how they function (and consequently their design)
has been a passion of mine since I was maybe 12.
2023-12-18 21:18:17 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Wally J
What's to the right of the last D-K test result quartile, Hemidactylus?
I'm not playing your silly gotcha game with poorly put questions, Morlock.
If the D-K effect evaporates into artifact there's nothing but shapes in
clouds. The graphs mean nothing. That you are still clinging to D-K shows
you haven't gotten the memo.
Don't worry Hemidactylus,
I knew you never read their seminal papers, so you have no clue whom they
studied, just like Alan Baker is a liar that he teaches racing since he
doesn't even know the difference between a bimmer and a beamer (which grew
up as racing terms) just as nospam constantly claims imaginary apps for iOS
that don't exist, just as Alan Baker always claims every fact is a lie,
Hemidactylus, Alan Browne, Snit, Alan Baker, Lewis, nospam, et al.
You iKooks all _hate_ facts.
You iKooks all _fear_ facts, in fact.
Hence, you fear (and hate) anyone who presents facts to an Apple newsgroup.
Yes, I know you iKooks better than you know yourselves, Hemidactylus.
a. None of you iKooks has an IQ that even approaches normal
b. None of you iKooks has any education above high school as a result
c. But worse, you're all completely ignorant of everything you speak about
You have no idea what a quartile is and yet it's used many times in the
seminal D-K papers, Hemidactylus, as it's an important inflection point.
Every one of you strange iKooks owns completely imaginary belief systems.
None of you strange iKooks makes any assessment based on the facts.
*The iKooks is a religious zealot.*
Which, by the way, truth be told, is exactly the reason why Alan Browne
thinks that anyone who is not a religious zealot is an "it", and why Jolly
Roger thinks anyone who is not a religious zealot is a "loser", and why
Alan Baker thinks anyone who is not a religious zealot is "gay", etc.
I posted multiple links showing the whole concept of D-K itself is flawed
and instead of acknowledging that you march out some trivial graphs and
still cling to the concept. This shows you are an uncritical ideologue. No
surprise there. It’s like me saying phrenology is flawed and pointing to
some expert debunkings and you asking me to examine a bump on your head
because head bumps are fundamental to understanding your idee fixe of
Wally J
2023-12-18 23:21:32 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I posted multiple links showing the whole concept of D-K itself is flawed
and instead of acknowledging that you march out some trivial graphs and
still cling to the concept. This shows you are an uncritical ideologue. No
surprise there. It¢s like me saying phrenology is flawed and pointing to
some expert debunkings and you asking me to examine a bump on your head
because head bumps are fundamental to understanding your idee fixe of
You don't even _understand_ the D-K papers, Hemidactylus.
And you claim they're flawed?

What kind of strange person does that?
You iKooks do.

But normal people don't do that.
Again. You need to read the seminal D-K papers, Hemidactylus.

HINT: Every single person with any skill is on those Dunning-Kruger graphs.

Note that if you don't even know _that_, then you know nothing about D-K.
Which is my point.

You iKooks are so incredibly stupid that you "think" you know everything.
And yet... you know absolutely nothing.

a. Jolly Roger knows nothing about how Apple updates releases.
(but that doesn't stop him from claiming Apple fully updates all)
b. Alan Browne knows nothing about the walled garden.
(but that doesn't stop him from claiming it simply doesn't exist)
c. Alan Baker knows nothing about just about everything.
(but that doesn't stop him from calling absolutely all facts a lie)

What's no longer shocking about you iKooks, Hemidactylus, is that you are
so very confident that you think you know something - and yet - you know
absolutely nothing.

It's so easy to prove you iKooks know absolutely nothing, Hemidactylus.

Look at this example where Alan Baker claimed header lines can't be changed

Who is _that_ stupid?
Nobody right?

But you iKooks are.
Alan Baker knows nothing about headers, yet he still confidently claims
(over and over again) that they can't be spoofed. Who is that stupid?

You are the same as Alan Baker, Hemidactylus.

You know nothing about D-K - and that's clearly shown many times over.
And yet, you feel so very confident to claim it's flawed?

What kind of strange person does that, Hemidactylus?
Every iKook tries to make facts go away with their childish taunts.
a. iKook [JR] person calls people "losers" & he thinks that is clever.
b. iKook [Baker] calls people "gay" & thinks he's being very clever.
c. iKook [Browne] calls people an "it", thinking that's oh so very clever.
2023-12-19 00:20:17 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I posted multiple links showing the whole concept of D-K itself is flawed
and instead of acknowledging that you march out some trivial graphs and
still cling to the concept. This shows you are an uncritical ideologue. No
surprise there. Itขs like me saying phrenology is flawed and pointing to
some expert debunkings and you asking me to examine a bump on your head
because head bumps are fundamental to understanding your idee fixe of
You don't even _understand_ the D-K papers, Hemidactylus.
And you claim they're flawed?
What kind of strange person does that?
You iKooks do.
But normal people don't do that.
Again. You need to read the seminal D-K papers, Hemidactylus.
I have. And where do you think I got the quote: “Participants were 65
Cornell University undergraduates from a variety of courses in psychology
who earned extra credit for their participation” and realized the lemon
juice guy was used merely as an illustrative anecdote. McArthur Wheeler
wasn’t a part of the study as you claimed since he wasn’t one of the
Cornell undergrads. I called you on this ignorant comment “Dunning & Kruger
studied that rather peculiar lemon-juice covered bank robber” and you
lashed out at me.

I also read this, which you as a propagandist will continue to ignore:

[quote]“The persistent popularity of the DKE meme may say more about our
psychological foibles than the DKE itself does. Excessive self-confidence
is more noticeable (and objectionable) than excessive modesty, so it may
appear to require a special explanation. Our pattern-seeking minds find it
easier to embrace a causal explanation with a satisfying human story
(‘stupid people are too stupid to know they are stupid’) than an impersonal
statistical force (regression-to-the mean). The causal story is then
protected by a confirmation bias, whereby we count supporting examples in
its favour, whilst explaining away the counter-examples. If we see an
expert wracked by self-doubt, we may attribute this to a different
phenomenon (‘imposter syndrome’), failing to notice that this contradicts
the idea that competence begets self-knowledge.

There is a self-satisfied air of superiority when the DKE is ‘weaponised’
as a way to dismiss the views of others, or to impugn their intelligence.
Calling someone out as a victim of the DKE seems watertight, because any
denials can be taken to confirm the lack of awareness that the insult
implies. But the irony is that to namecheck the DKE in this way shows a
lack of awareness of the evidence, so any air of superiority is only an
illusion.”[end quote]

Let that sink in Arlen. You are a poster boy for namechecking and
weaponizing the DKE. You only illustrate your own ignorance of which you
are ironically very unaware. Why did you not now the DKE had been found
wanting by so many independent researchers? Because you are an empty
Post by Wally J
HINT: Every single person with any skill is on those Dunning-Kruger graphs.
Note that if you don't even know _that_, then you know nothing about D-K.
Which is my point.
You iKooks are so incredibly stupid that you "think" you know everything.
And yet... you know absolutely nothing.
a. Jolly Roger knows nothing about how Apple updates releases.
(but that doesn't stop him from claiming Apple fully updates all)
b. Alan Browne knows nothing about the walled garden.
(but that doesn't stop him from claiming it simply doesn't exist)
c. Alan Baker knows nothing about just about everything.
(but that doesn't stop him from calling absolutely all facts a lie)
What's no longer shocking about you iKooks, Hemidactylus, is that you are
so very confident that you think you know something - and yet - you know
absolutely nothing.
It's so easy to prove you iKooks know absolutely nothing, Hemidactylus.
Look at this example where Alan Baker claimed header lines can't be changed
Who is _that_ stupid?
Nobody right?
But you iKooks are.
Alan Baker knows nothing about headers, yet he still confidently claims
(over and over again) that they can't be spoofed. Who is that stupid?
You are the same as Alan Baker, Hemidactylus.
You know nothing about D-K - and that's clearly shown many times over.
And yet, you feel so very confident to claim it's flawed?
What kind of strange person does that, Hemidactylus?





And yet you shoot the messenger.
Wally J
2023-12-19 05:14:31 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Again. You need to read the seminal D-K papers, Hemidactylus.
I have.
With all due respect, you have not.
That is clear from everything you claimed about it.

You don't know the first thing about what the seminal D-K papers said.

Just as...
a. nospam constantly fabricates imaginary functionality
b. But when asked to point out the app he claims exists...
c. He never can do something as simple as *name just one*

All you iKooks are the same, Hemidaqctylus.
As it's obvious you _never_ read the seminal Dunning-Kruger papers.

You iKooks are perfect examples of those to the left of the first quartile.

"People tend to hold overly favorable views of their abilities
in many social and intellectual domains. The authors suggest
that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who
are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only
do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate
choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive
ability to realize it. Paradoxically, improving the skills of
participants, and thus increasing their metacognitive competence,
helped them recognize the limitations of their abilities."

If you accept, Hemidactylus, that I have higher degrees, you have to
understand how frustrating it is to try to converse with you iKooks.

There's absolutely nothing even slightly complex you iKooks can comprehend.

That's frustrating, because EVERYTHING you say, is always dead wrong.
Which, let's face is - is the epitome of the iKook's belief system.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
And where do you think I got the quote: "Participants were 65
Cornell University undergraduates from a variety of courses in psychology
who earned extra credit for their participation" and realized the lemon
juice guy was used merely as an illustrative anecdote.
You are an idiot, Hemidactylus. An utter unfathomably ignorant idiot.

Read the abstract, you idiot.
*Do you see "grammar" in that abstract, you idiot.*

My point isn't to call you an idiot, Hemidactylus; it's to show the world
that EVERYTHING the iKooks say is out of their own sheer & utter ignorance.

You "think" you can dig up a quote and then that quote you think you
understood well enough to dispute what I said, based on the facts.

This conversation is PERFECT for showing EXACTLY what the iKooks are.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
McArthur Wheeler
wasn't a part of the study as you claimed since he wasn't one of the
Cornell undergrads. I called you on this ignorant comment "Dunning & Kruger
studied that rather peculiar lemon-juice covered bank robber" and you
lashed out at me.
The seminal papers by Dunning & Kruger were about cognitive bias in
assessing one's own skills, Hemidactylus. You iKooks are in the low end.

The problem is you iKooks are hampered by
a. No education whatsoever
b. No ability to comprehend anything
c. No desire to understand anything either

All you iKooks ever do is guess.

a. Alan Browne guessed there's no walled garden
(because _he_ was ignorant that it exists)
b. JollY Roger guessed Apple fully patches older releases
(because _he_ was ignorant that they don't)
c. Alan Baker guessed how to race vehicles
(because _he_ is ignorant of the first things in racing)

All you iKooks always just guess because you do not own the mental capacity
to comprehend something as simple as the Dunning Kruger seminal papers.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Look Hemidactylus. I have higher degrees. You do not. Mine are in tough
subjects. You could barely pass high school algebra.

I understand that science isn't always black and white, Hemidactylus.
You do not.

Hell, you don't even understand your own cite above for God's sake.
That's why it's no longer shocking how incredibly wrong you iKooks are.

Nor is it shocking that you're entire argument starts with Donald Trump.
Mine don't.

Here are mine:

None of my cites start with Donald Trump.
Yours do.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Let that sink in.
You are an ignorant iKook, Hemidactylus, which is why it's so frustrating
dealing with people like you who can't comprehend even their own cites.

Your own cite says this, you iKook:
"For all four studies in the paper, and for many studies since,
the same general pattern emerged. Poor performers overestimated
themselves much more than did those who were truly competent.
This is the signature pattern of the DKE."

Let _that_ sink in, given iKooks are to the left of the 1st quartile mark.
a. Alan Baker is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
b. Alan Browne is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
c. Lewis is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
d. Jolly Roger is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
e. Chris is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
f. Snit is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
g. Rod Speed is and was a "poor performer" his entire life

I know this because you iKooks can't fathom the simplest of things.
a. No iKook has an IQ that even approaches normal
b. As a direct result, no iKook owns something as common as a degree
c. Nor does any iKooks know the first thing about what he speaks of

You're all unfathomably ignorant of EVERYTHING you speak of, Hemidactylus.
Even when you try to lie and claim you've read the seminal D-K papers.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
You are a poster boy for namechecking and
weaponizing the DKE. You only illustrate your own ignorance of which you
are ironically very unaware. Why did you not now the DKE had been found
wanting by so many independent researchers? Because you are an empty
You believe that and yet you don't even know what D-K effects are.
Do you realize I said EVERYONE fits on the D-K graphs, Hemidactylus?

You. Me. My mother. Your favorite college professor.
Hell, even a race-car driver fits on the D-K scale, you iKook.

What you do NOT realize is EVERYTHING you think is completely wrong.
Because you don't own a mental capacity to understand the simplest things.

It's the basic hallmark of all you low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
HINT: Every single person with any skill is on those Dunning-Kruger graphs.
That. That is what you do not understand.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
What kind of strange person does that, Hemidactylus?
And yet you shoot the messenger.
You are an idiot. Or more precisely, you're a classic iKook.
a. You know nothing
b. Yet you don't realize that
c. So you guess
d. And when caught guessing, you lie

What you need to do _before_ you go about 'dissing the seminal D-K results
is you have to first _understand_ them. After that, you're welcome to come
back and discuss why you disagree with the results, Hemidactylus.

All you're doing above is desperately googling for a cite (any cite, it
doesn't matter to you) that says something about D-K and that's it.

It's what you iKooks do.

The fact is:
a. You have absolutely no idea what the D-K papers actually say.
b. Worse, you lied that you read them
c. Or, if you ever did, as with Alan Browne who says there's
no walled garden, you didn't understand a thing about them.

This conversation is classic for what it's like to deal with you iKooks.
Like Alan Baker claiming to teach racing, he's a liar because _everything_
he says shows he doesn't know the simplest thing about what he claims.
Hemidactylus is like Chris who tried to claim he had a PhD and yet he
didn't know the simplest words that everyone in that field would know.

Same with Alan Baker. Alan Browne. Lewis. Jolly Roger. All of them.
2023-12-19 08:41:54 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Again. You need to read the seminal D-K papers, Hemidactylus.
I have.
With all due respect, you have not.
This is precisely like you latching on to my comments about "bimmer" and
"beemer" and deciding I can't possibly be a race driving instructor
because of it.
Post by Wally J
This conversation is classic for what it's like to deal with you iKooks.
Like Alan Baker claiming to teach racing, he's a liar because _everything_
he says shows he doesn't know the simplest thing about what he claims.
I am a race driving instructor, Arlen.

That's simply a fact.
2023-12-19 11:14:35 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
Again. You need to read the seminal D-K papers, Hemidactylus.
I have.
With all due respect, you have not.
That is clear from everything you claimed about it.
You don't know the first thing about what the seminal D-K papers said.
Just as...
a. nospam constantly fabricates imaginary functionality
b. But when asked to point out the app he claims exists...
c. He never can do something as simple as *name just one*
All you iKooks are the same, Hemidaqctylus.
As it's obvious you _never_ read the seminal Dunning-Kruger papers.
You iKooks are perfect examples of those to the left of the first quartile.
"People tend to hold overly favorable views of their abilities
in many social and intellectual domains. The authors suggest
that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who
are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only
do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate
choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive
ability to realize it. Paradoxically, improving the skills of
participants, and thus increasing their metacognitive competence,
helped them recognize the limitations of their abilities."
If you accept, Hemidactylus, that I have higher degrees, you have to
understand how frustrating it is to try to converse with you iKooks.
From Cracker Jack U? You surely know how to pile high and deeper, I’ll give
you that.
Post by Wally J
There's absolutely nothing even slightly complex you iKooks can comprehend.
That's frustrating, because EVERYTHING you say, is always dead wrong.
Which, let's face is - is the epitome of the iKook's belief system.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
And where do you think I got the quote: "Participants were 65
Cornell University undergraduates from a variety of courses in psychology
who earned extra credit for their participation" and realized the lemon
juice guy was used merely as an illustrative anecdote.
You are an idiot, Hemidactylus. An utter unfathomably ignorant idiot.
Read the abstract, you idiot.
*Do you see "grammar" in that abstract, you idiot.*
My point isn't to call you an idiot, Hemidactylus; it's to show the world
that EVERYTHING the iKooks say is out of their own sheer & utter ignorance.
You "think" you can dig up a quote and then that quote you think you
understood well enough to dispute what I said, based on the facts.
This conversation is PERFECT for showing EXACTLY what the iKooks are.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
McArthur Wheeler
wasn't a part of the study as you claimed since he wasn't one of the
Cornell undergrads. I called you on this ignorant comment "Dunning & Kruger
studied that rather peculiar lemon-juice covered bank robber" and you
lashed out at me.
The seminal papers by Dunning & Kruger were about cognitive bias in
assessing one's own skills, Hemidactylus. You iKooks are in the low end.
So you will not admit your silly error about whether they actually studied
the lemon juice guy as you asserted. You are covering for your juvenile
Post by Wally J
The problem is you iKooks are hampered by
a. No education whatsoever
b. No ability to comprehend anything
c. No desire to understand anything either
All you iKooks ever do is guess.
a. Alan Browne guessed there's no walled garden
(because _he_ was ignorant that it exists)
b. JollY Roger guessed Apple fully patches older releases
(because _he_ was ignorant that they don't)
c. Alan Baker guessed how to race vehicles
(because _he_ is ignorant of the first things in racing)
All you iKooks always just guess because you do not own the mental capacity
to comprehend something as simple as the Dunning Kruger seminal papers.
Unlike you I don’t interpret these papers as Holy Gospel. I am skeptical
and in Popperian fashion think sacred cows need to stand up to rigid
treatment. So I have gone much further than you in my intellectual
development and seen the emperor may not have clothes. The DK effect
appears as an artifact. We are pattern seeking creatures. No doubt you are
gullible enough to see a face on Mars.
Post by Wally J
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Look Hemidactylus. I have higher degrees. You do not. Mine are in tough
subjects. You could barely pass high school algebra.
Basket weaving is tough. Especially underwater. Congrats on that.
Post by Wally J
I understand that science isn't always black and white, Hemidactylus.
You do not.
Hell, you don't even understand your own cite above for God's sake.
That's why it's no longer shocking how incredibly wrong you iKooks are.
Nor is it shocking that you're entire argument starts with Donald Trump.
Mine don't.
Do you even read your cites? This one says:
“Our explanation of the DK effect is based on the fact that the data are
bounded. This feature of the data has not received much attention, with the
exception of Burson et al. (2006), who concluded that the boundary
restriction “is an important concern that should be addressed in future
research;” and Krajc and Ortmann (2008), who noted that students in the
bottom quartile can only make optimistic errors placing themselves into a
higher quartile, while students in the top quartile can only make
pessimistic errors placing themselves in a lower quartile.

The remark by Krajc and Ortmann provides the essence of our story. Consider
a brilliant student who typically scores 95 or 99 points out of 100.
Because of the bound at 100, there is not much room to predict higher than
her ability but there is plenty of room to predict lower, so she would
typically predict 85 or 90, thus underestimating her score. The same
happens at the bottom end of the scale, where there is a bound of 0 and a
student would typically overestimate. This simple observation is the basis
of our model.”

And: “In this article, we have attempted to provide an explanation of the
DK effect which does not require any psychological explanation. By
specifying a simple statistical model which explicitly takes the (random)
boundary constraints into account, we achieve a near-perfect fit, thus
demonstrating that the DK effect is a statistical artifact. In other words:
there is an effect, but it does not reflect human nature.”

The abstract says: “An explanation of the Dunning–Kruger effect is provided
which does not require any psychological explanation, because it is derived
as a statistical artifact. This is achieved by specifying a simple
statistical model which explicitly takes the (random) boundary constraints
into account. The model fits the data almost perfectly.”

Again: “does not require any psychological explanation”

If you weren’t so intellectually dishonest you would stop for more than a
brief moment and reflect on this. You can’t because your arrogance prevents
Post by Wally J
None of my cites start with Donald Trump.
Yours do.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Let that sink in.
You are an ignorant iKook, Hemidactylus, which is why it's so frustrating
dealing with people like you who can't comprehend even their own cites.
"For all four studies in the paper, and for many studies since,
the same general pattern emerged. Poor performers overestimated
themselves much more than did those who were truly competent.
This is the signature pattern of the DKE."
There is the apparent pattern, but there is also its explanation. I doubt
you have the intellectual capacity to distinguish the two. The debunkers of
DKE go with artefact over psychological explanation. That interpretation
pulls the rug from under you and turns your favored weapon into a wet
noodle. You are unskilled and unaware because your polemics cloud your
Post by Wally J
Let _that_ sink in, given iKooks are to the left of the 1st quartile mark.
a. Alan Baker is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
b. Alan Browne is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
c. Lewis is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
d. Jolly Roger is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
e. Chris is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
f. Snit is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
g. Rod Speed is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
I know this because you iKooks can't fathom the simplest of things.
a. No iKook has an IQ that even approaches normal
b. As a direct result, no iKook owns something as common as a degree
c. Nor does any iKooks know the first thing about what he speaks of
You're all unfathomably ignorant of EVERYTHING you speak of, Hemidactylus.
Even when you try to lie and claim you've read the seminal D-K papers.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
You are a poster boy for namechecking and
weaponizing the DKE. You only illustrate your own ignorance of which you
are ironically very unaware. Why did you not now the DKE had been found
wanting by so many independent researchers? Because you are an empty
You believe that and yet you don't even know what D-K effects are.
Do you realize I said EVERYONE fits on the D-K graphs, Hemidactylus?
You. Me. My mother. Your favorite college professor.
Hell, even a race-car driver fits on the D-K scale, you iKook.
What you do NOT realize is EVERYTHING you think is completely wrong.
Because you don't own a mental capacity to understand the simplest things.
It's the basic hallmark of all you low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
HINT: Every single person with any skill is on those Dunning-Kruger graphs.
That. That is what you do not understand.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Wally J
What kind of strange person does that, Hemidactylus?
And yet you shoot the messenger.
You are an idiot. Or more precisely, you're a classic iKook.
a. You know nothing
b. Yet you don't realize that
c. So you guess
d. And when caught guessing, you lie
What you need to do _before_ you go about 'dissing the seminal D-K results
is you have to first _understand_ them. After that, you're welcome to come
back and discuss why you disagree with the results, Hemidactylus.
All you're doing above is desperately googling for a cite (any cite, it
doesn't matter to you) that says something about D-K and that's it.
It's what you iKooks do.
a. You have absolutely no idea what the D-K papers actually say.
b. Worse, you lied that you read them
c. Or, if you ever did, as with Alan Browne who says there's
no walled garden, you didn't understand a thing about them.
This conversation is classic for what it's like to deal with you iKooks.
Like Alan Baker claiming to teach racing, he's a liar because _everything_
he says shows he doesn't know the simplest thing about what he claims.
I doubt you know a thing about immunology. You have not demonstrated that.
You know how to bullshit yourself though.
Wally J
2023-12-19 23:35:24 UTC
No doubt you are gullible enough to see a face on Mars.
Hi Hemidactylus,

I've been called a lot of things in life, but "gullible" was never one of
those things, so you will be the 1st to claim that it's me who is gullible.

Given you "said" you read (and understood) the seminal D-K papers, then
that means you'll easily be able to answer this, the most basic question:

Q: *Where do _you_ think iKooks fit on the D-K quartile sections?*
Unlike you I don't interpret these papers as Holy Gospel.
You're missing the point. Which I knew from the start.
Because you never read a word of the seminal D-K papers, Hemidactylus.

We're talking about iKooks, right?
And we're discussing the iKooks in terms of D-K quartiles, right?

Where do _you_ think all the iKooks fit in the D-K quartiles Hemidactylus?
I am skeptical and in Popperian fashion think sacred cows need to
stand up to rigid treatment.
I had to look up what "Popperian fashion" means... do you mean Carl Popper?
So I have gone much further than you in my intellectual
development and seen the emperor may not have clothes.
OK. Good. That's great. You're much smarter than I am, Hemidactylus.
Fine. So be it. Billions of people are smarter than I am, so that's OK.

I'll accept your claim of supreme excellence, a priori.

So answer the question then...
Q: *Where do _you_ think iKooks fit on the D-K quartile sections?*
The DK effect appears as an artifact. We are pattern seeking creatures.
Given (based on your own high self assessment) that you're so enlightened,
tell us Hemidactylus where on the graphs do you think all the iKooks fit?
Note the iKooks don't even understand the simplest of questions asked.
Jolly Roger
2023-12-20 00:10:25 UTC
Post by Wally J
No doubt you are gullible enough to see a face on Mars.
I've been called a lot of things in life, but "gullible" was never one
of those things
Yet another lie. I've personally called out your gullible behavior, and
that of your brain-dead followers like badgolferman who gleefully
participates in your lame trolls.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-12-18 16:55:12 UTC
Post by Wally J
Why do iKooks repeatedly call people an "it"?
*What kind of rather strange ?adult? repeatedly does such a thing?*
Is it what religious fanatics do?
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again…It places the
lotion in the basket.
Wally J
2023-12-18 18:59:57 UTC
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again¡KIt places the
lotion in the basket.
Notice the iKooks _hate_ anyone who speaks facts about Apple products.
a. Facts are to be feared
b. People who state facts are to be feared

*Zealots holding religious belief systems _always fear facts_ by the way.*
*Everyone not a zealot, in fact... is to be feared.*

What makes the iKooks iKooks is their fact-free blind religious fanaticism.
Not their shocking ignorance, abnormally low IQ & lack of education.

Every iKook tries to make facts go away with their childish taunts.
a. iKook [JR] person calls people "losers" & he thinks that is clever.
b. iKook [Baker] calls people "gay" & thinks he's being very clever.
c. iKook [Browne] calls people an "it", thinking that's oh so very clever.

Isn't that strange?
A. This doesn't happen on the adult operating systems newsgroups.
B. It's only on the child-like Apple operating system newsgroups.
C. Why?
Every iKook owns an intensely religious _hatred_ for facts about Apple.
Wally J
2023-12-21 14:00:48 UTC
However, I suspect that Alan may have a point. I will continue to be amused by
the antics of the trolls and those who rise to their bait - silently.
Please be a bit more discerning, Mr. Hill, when listening only to iKooks.

I've written so many tutorials I can't count them Mr. Hill, and these
people you are listening to wrote how many? Did I hear you say zero?

Yes. Zero.
That would be correct.

Here's just one tutorial, Mr. Hill... which contains more value alone than
all the posts ever from all the iKooks combined in their entire lives.
*Tutorial: Creating one-tap shortcuts to turn on Apple Airtag unknown tracker alerts*

This tutorial, for example, also contains more value than all the iKooks
have ever added to any Usenet thread, combined, in their entire lives.
*Tutorial: Real world testing installing & backing up Android APKs 100% from Windows (Mac or Linux) over adb on USB*

Or this one:
*Tutorial: Installing open-source automatic call recording (ACR) on Android 13+ Samsung Galaxy*

Or this:
*Tutorial: How to set up sdcards for re-use & backup/restore*

Hell, just this post today of mine, Mr. Hill, contains more value than Alan
Baker & Alan Browne have ever added to any newsgroup post in their lives.
*What's the easiest way to manually switch the cell tower you are hotspotting/tethering to?*

Please keep that in mind next time when you listen only to the iKooks.
The problem with the iKooks is they have never added any value to any
Usenet thread in their entire lives - all they can do is subtract value.