Post by *Hemidactylus*Post by Wally JAgain. You need to read the seminal D-K papers, Hemidactylus.
I have.
With all due respect, you have not.
That is clear from everything you claimed about it.
You don't know the first thing about what the seminal D-K papers said.
Just as...
a. nospam constantly fabricates imaginary functionality
b. But when asked to point out the app he claims exists...
c. He never can do something as simple as *name just one*
All you iKooks are the same, Hemidaqctylus.
As it's obvious you _never_ read the seminal Dunning-Kruger papers.
You iKooks are perfect examples of those to the left of the first quartile.
"People tend to hold overly favorable views of their abilities
in many social and intellectual domains. The authors suggest
that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who
are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only
do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate
choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive
ability to realize it. Paradoxically, improving the skills of
participants, and thus increasing their metacognitive competence,
helped them recognize the limitations of their abilities."
If you accept, Hemidactylus, that I have higher degrees, you have to
understand how frustrating it is to try to converse with you iKooks.
There's absolutely nothing even slightly complex you iKooks can comprehend.
That's frustrating, because EVERYTHING you say, is always dead wrong.
Which, let's face is - is the epitome of the iKook's belief system.
Post by *Hemidactylus*And where do you think I got the quote: "Participants were 65
Cornell University undergraduates from a variety of courses in psychology
who earned extra credit for their participation" and realized the lemon
juice guy was used merely as an illustrative anecdote.
You are an idiot, Hemidactylus. An utter unfathomably ignorant idiot.
Read the abstract, you idiot.
*Do you see "grammar" in that abstract, you idiot.*
My point isn't to call you an idiot, Hemidactylus; it's to show the world
that EVERYTHING the iKooks say is out of their own sheer & utter ignorance.
You "think" you can dig up a quote and then that quote you think you
understood well enough to dispute what I said, based on the facts.
This conversation is PERFECT for showing EXACTLY what the iKooks are.
Post by *Hemidactylus*McArthur Wheeler
wasn't a part of the study as you claimed since he wasn't one of the
Cornell undergrads. I called you on this ignorant comment "Dunning & Kruger
studied that rather peculiar lemon-juice covered bank robber" and you
lashed out at me.
The seminal papers by Dunning & Kruger were about cognitive bias in
assessing one's own skills, Hemidactylus. You iKooks are in the low end.
The problem is you iKooks are hampered by
a. No education whatsoever
b. No ability to comprehend anything
c. No desire to understand anything either
All you iKooks ever do is guess.
a. Alan Browne guessed there's no walled garden
(because _he_ was ignorant that it exists)
b. JollY Roger guessed Apple fully patches older releases
(because _he_ was ignorant that they don't)
c. Alan Baker guessed how to race vehicles
(because _he_ is ignorant of the first things in racing)
All you iKooks always just guess because you do not own the mental capacity
to comprehend something as simple as the Dunning Kruger seminal papers.
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Look Hemidactylus. I have higher degrees. You do not. Mine are in tough
subjects. You could barely pass high school algebra.
I understand that science isn't always black and white, Hemidactylus.
You do not.
Hell, you don't even understand your own cite above for God's sake.
That's why it's no longer shocking how incredibly wrong you iKooks are.
Nor is it shocking that you're entire argument starts with Donald Trump.
Mine don't.
Here are mine:
None of my cites start with Donald Trump.
Yours do.
You are an ignorant iKook, Hemidactylus, which is why it's so frustrating
dealing with people like you who can't comprehend even their own cites.
Your own cite says this, you iKook:
"For all four studies in the paper, and for many studies since,
the same general pattern emerged. Poor performers overestimated
themselves much more than did those who were truly competent.
This is the signature pattern of the DKE."
Let _that_ sink in, given iKooks are to the left of the 1st quartile mark.
a. Alan Baker is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
b. Alan Browne is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
c. Lewis is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
d. Jolly Roger is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
e. Chris is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
f. Snit is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
g. Rod Speed is and was a "poor performer" his entire life
I know this because you iKooks can't fathom the simplest of things.
a. No iKook has an IQ that even approaches normal
b. As a direct result, no iKook owns something as common as a degree
c. Nor does any iKooks know the first thing about what he speaks of
You're all unfathomably ignorant of EVERYTHING you speak of, Hemidactylus.
Even when you try to lie and claim you've read the seminal D-K papers.
Post by *Hemidactylus*You are a poster boy for namechecking and
weaponizing the DKE. You only illustrate your own ignorance of which you
are ironically very unaware. Why did you not now the DKE had been found
wanting by so many independent researchers? Because you are an empty
You believe that and yet you don't even know what D-K effects are.
Do you realize I said EVERYONE fits on the D-K graphs, Hemidactylus?
You. Me. My mother. Your favorite college professor.
Hell, even a race-car driver fits on the D-K scale, you iKook.
What you do NOT realize is EVERYTHING you think is completely wrong.
Because you don't own a mental capacity to understand the simplest things.
It's the basic hallmark of all you low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks.
Post by *Hemidactylus*Post by Wally JHINT: Every single person with any skill is on those Dunning-Kruger graphs.
That. That is what you do not understand.
Post by *Hemidactylus*Post by Wally JWhat kind of strange person does that, Hemidactylus?
And yet you shoot the messenger.
You are an idiot. Or more precisely, you're a classic iKook.
a. You know nothing
b. Yet you don't realize that
c. So you guess
d. And when caught guessing, you lie
What you need to do _before_ you go about 'dissing the seminal D-K results
is you have to first _understand_ them. After that, you're welcome to come
back and discuss why you disagree with the results, Hemidactylus.
All you're doing above is desperately googling for a cite (any cite, it
doesn't matter to you) that says something about D-K and that's it.
It's what you iKooks do.
The fact is:
a. You have absolutely no idea what the D-K papers actually say.
b. Worse, you lied that you read them
c. Or, if you ever did, as with Alan Browne who says there's
no walled garden, you didn't understand a thing about them.
This conversation is classic for what it's like to deal with you iKooks.
Like Alan Baker claiming to teach racing, he's a liar because _everything_
he says shows he doesn't know the simplest thing about what he claims.
Hemidactylus is like Chris who tried to claim he had a PhD and yet he
didn't know the simplest words that everyone in that field would know.
Same with Alan Baker. Alan Browne. Lewis. Jolly Roger. All of them.