If you're seeing ads, especially targeted ads - you're on iOS (not Android)
(too old to reply)
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-07 23:37:01 UTC
If you're seeing ads, and especially if you're seeing TARGETED ads,
you're on iOS (because Android doesn't show ads on it anymore).

If you're seeing ads, especially targeted ads - you're on iOS (not Android).
Ask me how I know this.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-08 03:55:16 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
If you're seeing ads, and especially if you're seeing TARGETED ads,
you're on iOS (because Android doesn't show ads on it anymore).
If you're seeing ads, especially targeted ads - you're on iOS (not Android).
Ask me how I know this.
OK, How do you know that?
Hi Steve,

I'm an adult. I'm intelligent. I'm honest. I'm credible. Informative.
I'm nothing like the loathsome repugnant deplorable hate-filled iKooks.

I'm not afraid of backing up my claims with references, Steve.
Notice the iKooks are always _afraid_ of backing up their claims.

It's simple. Free. No root needed.
And, for older phones, it's a Google Play Store automatic update!

You should put it in your comparison document as a major difference:
*iOS === ads* ... vs ... *Android === no ads*

The FAQ should be titled: *How do you know when you're on iOS?*
*If you're seeing ads, you're on iOS*

Credible adults back up their claims.
1. If you're seeing _targeted_ ads, then you have your advertiser id
on iOS that you can't remove; but it's easily removed in Android.

2. If you're seeing google-inserted YouTube ads in videos, then
you are on iOS because Android has FOSS YouTube clients with no ads.

3. If you're seeing ads anywhere else on the phone, then you're on iOS
because Android has free FOSS ad blocking using any hosts file desired.

Note the apps nospam claims are imaginary; ask nospam to back up his brazen
lies with an App Store URL to test nospam's deceitful lies, here & now,

#1: Credible adults are not liars like all iKooks are.
*How to delete the Advertising ID on Android*

#2: Credible adults are not ignorant like all iKooks are.
*Go YouTube ad-free on Android without spending a penny*

#3: Credible adults are not uneducated, like all iKooks are.
*Enable NetGuard's Hidden Ad-Blocking Feature on Your Android Phone*
<https:// android.gadgethacks.com /how-to/enable-netguards-hidden-ad-blocking-feature-your-android-phone-0176386/>

I'm not afraid of facts. But the ignorant low-IQ uneducated iKooks are.

Please do not dispute these facts without even _clicking_ on the cites!
Why? Because that's what iKooks do. They're _afraid_ of facts.
They prefer to deny all facts they hate (which is a lot of facts).

And yes, unlike the uneducated low-IQ deceitful iKooks, I'm well
aware that Apple will let you opt out of "some" ads with each app.
The _adults_ on this ng should be asking the iKooks for references for
their claims - which always turn out as deceitful dishonest horrid lies.
2023-02-08 04:08:07 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
I'm an adult. I'm intelligent. I'm honest. I'm credible. Informative.
there is zero evidence to support any of those and ample evidence that
they're all crazy fantasy.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-08 04:23:44 UTC
Post by nospam
there is zero evidence to support any of those and ample evidence that
they're all crazy fantasy.
Look nospam.

You have no dignity. No honor. No credibility. No remorse. No shame.

Like any predator...
You would stab your own mother in the back & poison her dog too, nospam.

Just so that you could sadistically enjoy doing it for your own amusement.
That's the kind of despicably deplorable barbarous person you are, nospam.

Act like an honorable human being for just once in your entire sordid life.
*Back up your brazen lies about iOS functionality with credible cites.*
Ken Blake
2023-02-09 00:21:32 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
I'm an adult. I'm intelligent. I'm honest. I'm credible. Informative.
there is zero evidence to support any of those and ample evidence that
they're all crazy fantasy.
I think he's probably an adult.
2023-02-09 00:28:08 UTC
Post by Ken Blake
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
I'm an adult. I'm intelligent. I'm honest. I'm credible. Informative.
there is zero evidence to support any of those and ample evidence that
they're all crazy fantasy.
I think he's probably an adult.
chronologically perhaps, but not cognitively or behaviorally.
Ken Blake
2023-02-09 16:34:15 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Ken Blake
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
I'm an adult. I'm intelligent. I'm honest. I'm credible. Informative.
there is zero evidence to support any of those and ample evidence that
they're all crazy fantasy.
I think he's probably an adult.
chronologically perhaps,
Yes, that's exactly what I meant.
Post by nospam
but not cognitively or behaviorally.
Joerg Lorenz
2023-02-08 08:23:27 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by Andy Burnelli
If you're seeing ads, and especially if you're seeing TARGETED ads,
you're on iOS (because Android doesn't show ads on it anymore).
If you're seeing ads, especially targeted ads - you're on iOS (not Android).
Ask me how I know this.
OK, How do you know that?
Hi Steve,
I'm an adult.
Just a rumor.
Gutta cavat lapidem (Ovid)
2023-02-08 16:05:18 UTC
Post by Joerg Lorenz
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by Andy Burnelli
If you're seeing ads, and especially if you're seeing TARGETED ads,
you're on iOS (because Android doesn't show ads on it anymore).
If you're seeing ads, especially targeted ads - you're on iOS (not Android).
Ask me how I know this.
OK, How do you know that?
Hi Steve,
I'm an adult.
Just a rumor.
Baseless one at that.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-08 17:28:50 UTC
Post by Chris
Baseless one at that.
Once again, the clueless iKooks brazen ly deny all facts they simply hate.
(Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for so many facts that they hate.)

*If you're seeing ads, then you're on iOS*
<https:// www.androidpolice.com /google-delete-android-advertising-ids/>
<https:// newpipe.net/ >
<https:// github.com/ M66B/NetGuard/blob/master/ADBLOCKING.md>

*If you're _not_ seeing ads, then you're on Android*
<https:// www.ghacks.net /2022/02/17/how-to-delete-the-advertising-id-on-android/>
<https:// www.online-tech-tips.com /software-reviews/newpipe-a-lightweight-youtube-app-for-android/>\
<https:// android.gadgethacks.com /how-to/enable-netguards-hidden-ad-blocking-feature-your-android-phone-0176386/>
iKooks have no dignity. No honor. No credibility. No remorse. No shame.
Like any predator...
2023-02-08 17:36:08 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by Chris
Baseless one at that.
Once again, the clueless iKooks brazen ly deny all facts they simply hate.
(Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for so many facts that they hate.)
*If you're seeing ads, then you're on iOS*
<https:// www.androidpolice.com /google-delete-android-advertising-ids/>
<https:// newpipe.net/ >
<https:// github.com/ M66B/NetGuard/blob/master/ADBLOCKING.md>
*If you're _not_ seeing ads, then you're on Android* <https://
www.ghacks.net /2022/02/17/how-to-delete-the-advertising-id-on-android/>
<https:// www.online-tech-tips.com
<https:// android.gadgethacks.com
So you've just presented (badly) three links about how to remove ads...

...that you claim Android doesn't show.

Got it.
Jolly Roger
2023-02-08 19:24:51 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by Chris
Baseless one at that.
Once again, the clueless iKooks brazen ly deny all facts they simply hate.
(Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for so many facts that they hate.)
*If you're seeing ads, then you're on iOS*
<https:// www.androidpolice.com /google-delete-android-advertising-ids/>
<https:// newpipe.net/ >
<https:// github.com/ M66B/NetGuard/blob/master/ADBLOCKING.md>
*If you're _not_ seeing ads, then you're on Android* <https://
www.ghacks.net /2022/02/17/how-to-delete-the-advertising-id-on-android/>
<https:// www.online-tech-tips.com
<https:// android.gadgethacks.com
So you've just presented (badly) three links about how to remove ads...
...that you claim Android doesn't show.
Got it.
He's such an idiot.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-02-08 22:28:03 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by Chris
Baseless one at that.
Once again, the clueless iKooks brazen ly deny all facts they simply hate.
(Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for so many facts that they hate.)
*If you're seeing ads, then you're on iOS*
<https:// www.androidpolice.com /google-delete-android-advertising-ids/>
<https:// newpipe.net/ >
<https:// github.com/ M66B/NetGuard/blob/master/ADBLOCKING.md>
*If you're _not_ seeing ads, then you're on Android*
<https:// www.ghacks.net /2022/02/17/how-to-delete-the-advertising-id-on-android/>
<https:// www.online-tech-tips.com
<https:// android.gadgethacks.com
I'll repeat my question from before. I'm not seeing any personalised ads on
my iphone, what am I doing wrong?

Oh no! Has my phone been hacked?!

Is there some open source, freeware, no ads, no calling to mothership
anti-malware app I can run to fix my phone?
2023-02-08 22:56:57 UTC
Post by Chris
Post by Andy Burnelli
Once again, the clueless iKooks brazen ly deny all facts they simply hate.
(Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for so many facts that they hate.)
*If you're seeing ads, then you're on iOS*
Post by Chris
I'll repeat my question from before. I'm not seeing any personalised ads on
my iphone, what am I doing wrong?
according to arlen, you're not an adult, nor is the rest the kooky
klan, thus parental control would be the likely culprit, protecting
innocent children.
Post by Chris
Is there some open source, freeware, no ads, no calling to mothership
anti-malware app I can run to fix my phone?
you'll age out. eventually.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-08 23:11:15 UTC
Post by nospam
you'll age out. eventually.
Let's assume that either Chris is too stupid to recognize a targeted
ad, or, even by pure luck, Chris hasn't actually received targeted ads.

Good for hjm.
But that still doesn't change the main point one bit.

*If you're seeing _any_ ads, then you're on iOS* (not Android).

The reason has been supplied in the half dozen URLs that I previously
provided where the ad blocking functionality of iOS is clearly crippled.

The ad blockign in iOS is crippled, in that...
a. It's impossible to wipe out the advertiser ID on iOS
b. It's impossible to watch YouTube videos _without) any ads, nospam
c. It's impossible to set up a system wide hosts firewall on iOS
(all by its itty bitty self, nospam)

You brazenly deny all that I've provided cites for, and yet, you iKooks
never provide any cites for your brazen denials of what everyone knows.
The _adults_ on this ng should be asking the iKooks for references for
their claims, which always turn out as deceitful dishonest brazen lies.
Jolly Roger
2023-02-08 23:26:23 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
The ad blockign in iOS is crippled, in that...
a. It's impossible to wipe out the advertiser ID on iOS
Nope, on iOS devices, you can completely turn off personalized ads by
disabling Settings > Privacy > Apple Advertising > Personalized Ads.
Post by Andy Burnelli
b. It's impossible to watch YouTube videos _without) any ads, nospam
Also wrong - you can watch YouTube videos with no ads thanks to the
Vinegar app (or other similar apps).
Post by Andy Burnelli
c. It's impossible to set up a system wide hosts firewall on iOS
(all by its itty bitty self, nospam)
System-wide DNS ad blocking is available and works fine. I know because
I've used one such ad blocker for years without issue:
Post by Andy Burnelli
You brazenly deny all that I've provided cites for
All of your claims are false, Arlen.
Your trolls are weak. : )
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Jolly Roger
2023-02-09 03:36:26 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Andy Burnelli
The ad blockign in iOS is crippled, in that...
a. It's impossible to wipe out the advertiser ID on iOS
Nope, on iOS devices, you can completely turn off personalized ads by
disabling Settings > Privacy > Apple Advertising > Personalized Ads.
Also, since iOS 14 (we're at iOS 16 now), Apple requires app developers
to call system APIs that ask the user whether they want to allow the app
to track them, and only if the user taps Allow does the developer get an
ID - but even better, the user can completely disable Settings > Privacy
Post by Jolly Roger
Tracking > Allow Apps to Request to Track which prevents app
developers from asking for it in the first place. : )
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-02-08 23:58:14 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
a. It's impossible to wipe out the advertiser ID on iOS
b. It's impossible to watch YouTube videos _without) any ads
c. It's impossible to set up a system wide hosts firewall on iOS
it's impossible *for* *you*, and that obstacle is not limited to only
those three either.

those who want to do any or all of those things can easily do it,
should they choose to do so.
2023-02-09 07:41:43 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Chris
Post by Andy Burnelli
Once again, the clueless iKooks brazen ly deny all facts they simply hate.
(Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for so many facts that they hate.)
*If you're seeing ads, then you're on iOS*
Post by Chris
I'll repeat my question from before. I'm not seeing any personalised ads on
my iphone, what am I doing wrong?
according to arlen, you're not an adult, nor is the rest the kooky
klan, thus parental control would be the likely culprit, protecting
innocent children.
Ah good. At least someone is thinking about the children.
Post by nospam
Post by Chris
Is there some open source, freeware, no ads, no calling to mothership
anti-malware app I can run to fix my phone?
you'll age out. eventually.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-08 23:01:42 UTC
Post by Chris
I'll repeat my question from before. I'm not seeing any personalised ads on
my iphone, what am I doing wrong?
Oh no! Has my phone been hacked?!
Is there some open source, freeware, no ads, no calling to mothership
anti-malware app I can run to fix my phone?
Hi Chris,

First off, I apologize for the broken-up URLs where I thought people would
be intelligent enough to figure that's to foil lousy "badurl" nntp filters.

But apparently the iKooks completely whoosh on all obvious facts and
concentrate instead on what amounts to purposeful typos to fix bad url
filters (I have no control over what the nntp server considers bad urls).

Anyway, I clearly understand that you "said" you're not seeing _targeted_
ads, which, may or may not be true because you don't know how to tell.

Nobody does.

But let's assume you're right for the first time in your entire life, Chris
(although I remember you claiming a PhD which you clearly lied about).

Let's assume, Chris - that either you're too stupid to recognize a targeted
ad, or, even that by pure luck, you haven't actually received targeted ads.

Good for you.
But that still doesn't change the main point one bit.

*If you're seeing _any_ ads, then you're on iOS* (not Android).

The reason has been supplied in the half dozen URLs that I previously
provided where the ad blocking functionality of iOS is clearly crippled.
The _adults_ on this ng should be asking the iKooks for references for
their claims, which always turn out as deceitful dishonest brazen lies.
2023-02-08 23:58:13 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Anyway, I clearly understand that you "said" you're not seeing _targeted_
ads, which, may or may not be true because you don't know how to tell.
Nobody does.
other than you, who somehow can tell that you're not seeing targeted
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-10 17:39:19 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
Anyway, I clearly understand that you "said" you're not seeing _targeted_
ads, which, may or may not be true because you don't know how to tell.
Nobody does.
other than you, who somehow can tell that you're not seeing targeted
Hi nospam,

You defend Apple to the death using lies and deceit - never reliable facts.
*I simply state the facts* (where you have no _adult_ defense to facts).

As I said, I don't see _any_ ads on Android, targeted or otherwise.
*If you're seeing ads on a smartphone, then you're on iOS*

As I said, on Android you can wipe out the AdID in a single step.
*Not a billion iOS steps, once for each installed app, nospam*

Even better, Android has a free full system-wide firewall, nospam.
*This kind of powerful app functionality is impossible on iOS*
All by its itty bitty self.

What's clear about you nospam, is you're completely ignorant of all this.
2023-02-10 18:37:59 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
Anyway, I clearly understand that you "said" you're not seeing
_targeted_ ads, which, may or may not be true because you don't know
how to tell.
Nobody does.
other than you, who somehow can tell that you're not seeing targeted
Hi nospam,
You defend Apple to the death using lies and deceit - never reliable facts.
*I simply state the facts* (where you have no _adult_ defense to facts).
As I said, I don't see _any_ ads on Android, targeted or otherwise.
*If you're seeing ads on a smartphone, then you're on iOS*
As I said, on Android you can wipe out the AdID in a single step.
*Not a billion iOS steps, once for each installed app, nospam*
"Turn personalized ads on or off

Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Apple Advertising, then turn
Personalized Ads on or off."

2023-02-10 18:47:36 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
As I said, on Android you can wipe out the AdID in a single step.
*Not a billion iOS steps, once for each installed app, nospam*
not very many people have a billion apps, especially given that there's
less than 10 million apps.
Post by Alan
"Turn personalized ads on or off
Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Apple Advertising, then turn
Personalized Ads on or off."
that's two steps. :)

but at least it's less than 'a billion ios steps' that he proposed.
2023-02-10 18:56:12 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
As I said, on Android you can wipe out the AdID in a single step.
*Not a billion iOS steps, once for each installed app, nospam*
not very many people have a billion apps, especially given that there's
less than 10 million apps.
Post by Alan
"Turn personalized ads on or off
Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Apple Advertising, then turn
Personalized Ads on or off."
that's two steps. :)
Meh. I consider going to one place and turning off one control to be one
Post by nospam
but at least it's less than 'a billion ios steps' that he proposed.
2023-02-10 19:15:46 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by nospam
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
As I said, on Android you can wipe out the AdID in a single step.
*Not a billion iOS steps, once for each installed app, nospam*
not very many people have a billion apps, especially given that there's
less than 10 million apps.
Post by Alan
"Turn personalized ads on or off
Go to Settings  > Privacy & Security > Apple Advertising, then turn
Personalized Ads on or off."
that's two steps. :)
Meh. I consider going to one place and turning off one control to be one
Post by nospam
but at least it's less than 'a billion ios steps' that he proposed.
Which makes no difference. iOS is still an ad-littered hellscape.
2023-02-10 19:18:37 UTC
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by nospam
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
As I said, on Android you can wipe out the AdID in a single step.
*Not a billion iOS steps, once for each installed app, nospam*
not very many people have a billion apps, especially given that there's
less than 10 million apps.
Post by Alan
"Turn personalized ads on or off
Go to Settings  > Privacy & Security > Apple Advertising, then turn
Personalized Ads on or off."
that's two steps. :)
Meh. I consider going to one place and turning off one control to be
one step.
Post by nospam
but at least it's less than 'a billion ios steps' that he proposed.
Which makes no difference. iOS is still an ad-littered hellscape.
Jolly Roger
2023-02-10 20:11:46 UTC
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by nospam
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
As I said, on Android you can wipe out the AdID in a single step.
*Not a billion iOS steps, once for each installed app, nospam*
not very many people have a billion apps, especially given that
there's less than 10 million apps.
Post by Alan
"Turn personalized ads on or off
Go to Settings  > Privacy & Security > Apple Advertising, then turn
Personalized Ads on or off."
that's two steps. :)
Meh. I consider going to one place and turning off one control to be
one step.
Post by nospam
but at least it's less than 'a billion ios steps' that he proposed.
Which makes no difference. iOS is still an ad-littered hellscape.
Except it isn't, which is observable by every single person who uses
one. Your little lies are weak.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-02-10 20:15:57 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by nospam
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
As I said, on Android you can wipe out the AdID in a single step.
*Not a billion iOS steps, once for each installed app, nospam*
not very many people have a billion apps, especially given that
there's less than 10 million apps.
Post by Alan
"Turn personalized ads on or off
Go to Settings  > Privacy & Security > Apple Advertising, then turn
Personalized Ads on or off."
that's two steps. :)
Meh. I consider going to one place and turning off one control to be
one step.
Post by nospam
but at least it's less than 'a billion ios steps' that he proposed.
Which makes no difference. iOS is still an ad-littered hellscape.
Except it isn't, which is observable by every single person who uses
one. Your little lies are weak.
In which case it ought to be easy for you to point to one million
individuals within the claim 'every single person'. We'll wait.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-10 18:59:05 UTC
Post by nospam
but at least it's less than 'a billion ios steps' that he proposed.
The billion was a metaphor as it's only the _first_ step in preventing not
only ad personalizations but each and every ad in each and every app on

After personalization, you have to turn off location based ads on iOS.
(Or are you iKooks claiming that location-based ads aren't personalized?)

Once you do that... come back to me and we'll work on the next in the list.
2023-02-10 19:03:34 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by nospam
but at least it's less than 'a billion ios steps' that he proposed.
The billion was a metaphor as it's only the _first_ step in preventing not
only ad personalizations but each and every ad in each and every app on
Facts only, please!

Supported facts.
Post by Andy Burnelli
After personalization, you have to turn off location based ads on iOS.
(Or are you iKooks claiming that location-based ads aren't personalized?)
Location-based apps are clearly NOT personalized.
2023-02-10 19:25:30 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by nospam
but at least it's less than 'a billion ios steps' that he proposed.
The billion was a metaphor as it's only the _first_ step in preventing not
only ad personalizations but each and every ad in each and every app on
it's not any step.

maybe if you actually understood how things work, you'd realize how
nonsensical what you are spewing actually is.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-10 19:47:08 UTC
Post by nospam
it's not any step.
I agree with you that iOS can't do what Android does, nospam.
It's a billion steps in iOS and you _still_ can't do what Android does.
Post by nospam
maybe if you actually understood how things work, you'd realize how
nonsensical what you are spewing actually is.
It's clear you are who knows _nothing_ since you have to explicitly turn
off location based ads in iOS and you are completely unaware of that fact.

Even if you were aware of that fact, I'd bring up the next step because,
with iOS, you can't get the kind of privacy and ad blocking Android has.

*If you're seeing ads, then you're on iOS.* (Not Android.)
2023-02-10 19:48:43 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
I agree with you that iOS can't do what Android does,
nobody said that, liar.
Post by Andy Burnelli
It's a billion steps in iOS and you _still_ can't do what Android does.
no, it's essentially the same.

the actual apps might be from different developers, something which
greatly confuses you.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-10 19:55:11 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
I agree with you that iOS can't do what Android does,
nobody said that, liar.
Don't call me a liar because *_you_ don't know how iOS works*, nospam.

HINT: You have no clue you can't get tor project privacy out of webkit.
HINT: You have no clue these two apps aren't even close to similar.
HINT: You have no clue iOS doesn't have a system-wide on-device firewall.

The assessment remains factually valid and well substantiated, nospam:
*If you're seeing ads on a smartphone, then you're on iOS* (Not Android.)
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
It's a billion steps in iOS and you _still_ can't do what Android does.
no, it's essentially the same.
the actual apps might be from different developers, something which
greatly confuses you.
No. It's _you_ who is ignorant, nospam.
Not me.

Otherwise you wouldn't need to lie so much about iOS functionality.

How many times, for example, have you lied about iOS GPS spoofers, nospam?
How many times have you lied about system-wide iOS firewalls, nospam?
How many times did you lie on blocking wi-fi & cellular on a per app basis?

What all you deceitful iKooks do, all day, every day... is lie.
*You have no other defense to the truth than your lies.*
2023-02-10 20:07:49 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Don't call me a liar
stop lying and people won't call you a liar.

very simple.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-10 21:08:14 UTC
Post by nospam
very simple.
Don't call me a liar because *_you_ don't know how iOS works*, nospam.

You are a deceitful person who lies every time you can't respond to facts.
Which is almost all the time, unfortunately.

If you wish to refute this summary, then refute that using facts, nospam.
*If you're seeing ads* on a smartphone, then *you're on iOS*

Refute that, nospam, but use _facts_ to refute that (which you can't).
Instead of resorting to lies which only prove my point of what you are.
Why should iKooks look anything up when it's easier for them to just lie.
2023-02-10 21:21:53 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Don't call me a liar because *_you_ don't know how iOS works*
that's not why they're calling you a liar.

they're calling you a liar because you lie a lot.
Post by Andy Burnelli
I am a deceitful person who lies every time I can't respond to facts.
Which is almost all the time, unfortunately.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-11 11:46:46 UTC
Post by nospam
they're calling you a liar because you lie a lot.
And yet, you've never found a single fact from me to ever be wrong.
You can't.

I'm not like you nospam.

I'm nothing like you, in fact.
You have no shame. No pride. No honor. No morals. No respect for yourself.

You have no respect for any human being, nospam.

You would feel no remorse stabbing your own mother in the back nospam.
That's the kind of deceitful despicable piece of shit you truly are.
2023-02-11 16:28:37 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by nospam
they're calling you a liar because you lie a lot.
And yet, you've never found a single fact from me to ever be wrong.
Well that's a lie.
Thomas E.
2023-03-28 21:28:53 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
If you're seeing ads, and especially if you're seeing TARGETED ads,
you're on iOS (because Android doesn't show ads on it anymore).
If you're seeing ads, especially targeted ads - you're on iOS (not Android).
Ask me how I know this.
Crap! Android by default tracks you like bloodhound.
