Post by Andy BurnelliIf you're seeing ads, and especially if you're seeing TARGETED ads,
you're on iOS (because Android doesn't show ads on it anymore).
If you're seeing ads, especially targeted ads - you're on iOS (not Android).
Ask me how I know this.
OK, How do you know that?
Hi Steve,
I'm an adult. I'm intelligent. I'm honest. I'm credible. Informative.
I'm nothing like the loathsome repugnant deplorable hate-filled iKooks.
I'm not afraid of backing up my claims with references, Steve.
Notice the iKooks are always _afraid_ of backing up their claims.
It's simple. Free. No root needed.
And, for older phones, it's a Google Play Store automatic update!
You should put it in your comparison document as a major difference:
*iOS === ads* ... vs ... *Android === no ads*
The FAQ should be titled: *How do you know when you're on iOS?*
*If you're seeing ads, you're on iOS*
Credible adults back up their claims.
1. If you're seeing _targeted_ ads, then you have your advertiser id
on iOS that you can't remove; but it's easily removed in Android.
2. If you're seeing google-inserted YouTube ads in videos, then
you are on iOS because Android has FOSS YouTube clients with no ads.
3. If you're seeing ads anywhere else on the phone, then you're on iOS
because Android has free FOSS ad blocking using any hosts file desired.
Note the apps nospam claims are imaginary; ask nospam to back up his brazen
lies with an App Store URL to test nospam's deceitful lies, here & now,
#1: Credible adults are not liars like all iKooks are.
*How to delete the Advertising ID on Android*
#2: Credible adults are not ignorant like all iKooks are.
*Go YouTube ad-free on Android without spending a penny*
#3: Credible adults are not uneducated, like all iKooks are.
*Enable NetGuard's Hidden Ad-Blocking Feature on Your Android Phone*
<https:// /how-to/enable-netguards-hidden-ad-blocking-feature-your-android-phone-0176386/>
I'm not afraid of facts. But the ignorant low-IQ uneducated iKooks are.
Please do not dispute these facts without even _clicking_ on the cites!
Why? Because that's what iKooks do. They're _afraid_ of facts.
They prefer to deny all facts they hate (which is a lot of facts).
And yes, unlike the uneducated low-IQ deceitful iKooks, I'm well
aware that Apple will let you opt out of "some" ads with each app.
The _adults_ on this ng should be asking the iKooks for references for
their claims - which always turn out as deceitful dishonest horrid lies.