Maybe that makes you a better person to admit you're wrong, but you're
still obsessed with Apple.
Hi Hemidactylus,
Since your response was an adult response, I'll treat you as an adult
but at the risk of overloading you with information you can't process.
Thanks for your assessment of the situation which I think you don't quite
understand that I'm nothing whatsoever like you iKooks are so all your
projection of your own feelings and motives onto me will be dead wrong.
To me, an iPhone or an Android phone is just a commodity.
It's a thing. A tool. A means to an end.
It doesn't do anything for me but the job it's designed to do.
Which is a job of a commodity
1. Make/receive phone calls & text/mms messages
2. Take/send photos/videos & edit files as needed
3. Run programs as needed such as map routing & mock gps locations
A phone (whether Apple or Samsung) is just a commodity in my pocket that
does basic stuff (and sometimes neatly sophisticated stuff too!).
It's not a status symbol. It's not a measure of my style. It's not an
expression of my personality. It's nothing. It's just a phone.
The phone in my pocket says _nothing_ about me.
It's not supposed to.
That's not its job.
But to you... things are different... aren't they?
An iPhone is much (much) more to you than just a commodity phone, right?
You're really _proud_ of your iPhone, are you not?
You're rather proud of the high price too, are you not?
You're even proud of Apple's (ungodly) _profit_ margins, are you not?
All those makes you feel like _you_ made the right choice, do they not?
I'm _not_ like you.
A phone to me is not what a phone is to you.
Apple or Samsung to me is not what Apple or Samsung are to you.
If you know Roman history, Apple is the blues to you and Google the reds.
To me, they're just different shades of the same thing.
You never see me defend Google unless Google does something good.
Just as you never see me defend Apple unless Apple does something good.
To me, Apple or Google are the same thing.
They make a commodity.
For you to claim I am "obsessed" with Apple is merely for you to complement
me on being obsessed with the truth about Apple, just as I'm obsessed about
the truth on Google.
I'm not invested in either one financially, and more to the concept here,
my _ego_ isn't invested in either company's commodity product lines.
You _think_ I think the way you think - but you're wrong.
I'm normal. You're not.
You don't get it that you and I aren't in the same playing field.
You are driven completely differently than I'm driven, on this newsgroup.
My goals on this newsgroup are the same as on the adult OS newsgroups
a. Learn from others
b. Help others (particularly write tutorials and solutions)
And, what's _different_ is another goal on the child-like Apple newsgroups.
c. Show the iKooks for what they are
I don't know if you realize how despicable all you iKooks are.
You probably don't realize how shockingly unprepossessing you iKooks are.
A. Your whole life people have been telling you that you're stupid
B. You failed in every attempt at educating yourself as a result of that
And, what's _different_ is another trait all you iKooks commonly share.
C. Your entire ego is unnaturally invested in _your_ perception of Apple.
That third trait is not normal.
Nobody sane gloats how much profit Apple makes off of them.
But iKooks do.
Nobody normal defends any company to the death unless they are deeply
invested in that company, where you iKooks invest your ego into Apple.
Hence you iKooks find me a threat.
And I'm actually here to _be_ that threat.
You see, you hate me, because you perceive that I hate Apple.
But I don't care about Apple any more than I care about Google or Samsung.
My goal on this newsgroup, besides to learn from and help others, is to
show the world, in the public permanent record, what a horribly despicable
set of individuals _all_ you iKooks truly are.
You consider me a threat because I prove with facts that your entire belief
system is based on mere marketing words - and not on facts that normal
people process - but I'm aware that it's not me you're most afraid of.
It's those facts.
Which, to the point of this thread, is why my credibility is what matters.
I hope Apple, warts and all, is the Godzilla that crushes Muskrat. Or
Europe. Somebody?
As alluded to above, all iKooks have been told your whole lives that you're
worthless, which I understand - and that's why all of you iKooks react with
such stunted fifth-grade hatred for anyone and anything successful.
In a way, I feel sorry for you despite you being such offensive people in
that (a) it's not your fault you have low IQs, and (b) no education, and as
a result of your understandable low self esteem, you fall for every
marketing trick in the book that makes you feel better about yourself.
Apple makes you feel real nice about yourself don't they?
Apple loves you.
Apple tells you that you're making all the right choices, don't they?
And Apple simply takes a bit here, and a bit there, and a bit over there.
Apple loves you more than anyone ever did - and that's why you're iKooks.
Because Apple fills that self esteem hole that nothing has ever filled.
It's why you all react with vicious hatred to all facts showing that you
were fooled into believing in an imaginary belief system that isn't real.
iKook: Santa is great! He's gonna give me a new iPhone for Christmas!
Adult: No son. That's just a marketing gimmick. Your parents are Santa.
iKook: No. You're wrong. He exists. I saw him on an Apple advertisement.
Adult: That's how marketing works, son. Apple wants you to think that.
Adult: The facts are Santa can't do that magical stuff you believe in.
iKook: Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! I hate you. I hate you! You're wrong!