Adult observation iKooks are what they are - because - they HATE facts about Apple
(too old to reply)
Andy Burnelli
2022-08-29 21:52:23 UTC
The iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks existed.

In a recent thread, the iKooks denied what was in fact a fact about the
resource fork and data fork inherent in setting up comparability between
the SunOS/Solaris + Windows + Mac corporate environments of the past.
Samba + CIFs/SMB + CAP

I started to wonder why the Apple iKooks deny all facts about Apple, even
these facts about the data & resource fork which nobody normal would deny.

*iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks existed*

I wondered... why do these rather strange people always think merely
mentioning facts about Apple is bashing Apple... when it dawned on me...

*These iKooks _hate_ Apple designed that resource + data fork system.*

Hence, to an iKook, _any_ fact about Apple, that they hate (which is a
_lot_ of facts indeed), they consider "bashing" Apple.

Strange people indeed they are.
They _hate_ what Apple is.

Merely mentioning even well-known facts about Apple is what they hate most.
2022-08-29 22:05:15 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
The iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks
existed. Why?
In a recent thread, the iKooks denied what was in fact a fact about
the resource fork and data fork inherent in setting up comparability
between the SunOS/Solaris + Windows + Mac corporate environments of
the past. Samba + CIFs/SMB + CAP I started to wonder why the Apple
iKooks deny all facts about Apple, even these facts about the data &
resource fork which nobody normal would deny.
Quote this alleged denial, Arlen...

...and you surely meant "compatibility"...

...and Apple developed the "AppleDouble" format specifically to provide
Your Name
2022-08-30 06:26:50 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
The iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks
existed. Why?
In a recent thread, the iKooks denied what was in fact a fact about
the resource fork and data fork inherent in setting up comparability
between the SunOS/Solaris + Windows + Mac corporate environments of
the past. Samba + CIFs/SMB + CAP I started to wonder why the Apple
iKooks deny all facts about Apple, even these facts about the data &
resource fork which nobody normal would deny.
Quote this alleged denial, Arlen...
...and you surely meant "compatibility"...
...and Apple developed the "AppleDouble" format specifically to provide
...and since you can't run Mac apps on SunOS/Solaris or Windows, the
only "compatitibility" has to be with standard document files (like
Word, etc.), most of which have no need two forks since they do not
have nor need a Resource Fork anyway.

The fact is that the moron simply doesn't all you had to do is add the
stupid Windoze three letter file suffix and everything works fine.
Andy Burnelli
2022-08-31 18:09:37 UTC
Post by Your Name
...and since you can't run Mac apps on SunOS/Solaris or Windows, the
only "compatitibility" has to be with standard document files (like
Word, etc.), most of which have no need two forks since they do not
have nor need a Resource Fork anyway.
The fact is that the moron simply doesn't all you had to do is add the
stupid Windoze three letter file suffix and everything works fine.
Below is an _adult_ observation...

It was years ago, but I have the experience and Your Name clearly does not,
so we have to take into account Your Name lacks any credibility at all.

All Your Name cares to do is justify _his_ decision to pay more for iOS.
In that endeavor, Your Name will claim all facts about Apple are lies.
Where his rationale is that all facts about Apple make _his_ choice wrong.

To those who own adult cognitive skills, as I recall, when I set up the
SunOS servers (later Solaris), I could have all the diverse people access
the _same_ files (without data management, of course) on all platforms.


The types of documents were mostly Microsoft Office documents, where the
problem was the non-technical secretaries and non-technical marketing.

The technical engineers and Windows users (who were generally the technical
marketing teams as they didn't need the fancy graphics engines) had no
problem when I explained to them the need to understand that some documents
had what appears to be an empty fork - they just used the other fork.

It was the non technical people who I had to explain this fork nonsense to.
Most of them were Apple users.

*It was my first taste of the utterly sophomoric Apple coding philosophy.*

So it's no surprise that we hear from nospam how much he admires high
school coding skills in developers who end up working for Apple full time.
2022-08-31 19:28:55 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by Your Name
...and since you can't run Mac apps on SunOS/Solaris or Windows, the
only "compatitibility" has to be with standard document files (like
Word, etc.), most of which have no need two forks since they do not
have nor need a Resource Fork anyway.
The fact is that the moron simply doesn't all you had to do is add the
stupid Windoze three letter file suffix and everything works fine.
Below is an _adult_ observation...
<< Snipped bits out >>

Not bloody likely.
Andy Burnelli
2022-09-02 01:21:28 UTC
Post by RocketSurgeon
Not bloody likely.
The adult observation is not so much that the iKooks are driven by
propaganda but by their inability to distinguish fact from fiction coupled
with their ego being _directly_ tied to the size of Apple's profit margins.
Notice you need all _three_ traits to be an iKook; not just one or two.
2022-11-09 04:10:07 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by RocketSurgeon
Not bloody likely.
The adult observation is not so much that the iKooks are driven by
propaganda but by their inability to distinguish fact from fiction coupled
with their ego being _directly_ tied to the size of Apple's profit margins.
Ah, yes. I had heard you had become clairvoyant.

Yeah, we all palaver for every $100,000,000 that hits the bottom line.
And, of course are in every way alike when it comes to computers.
Andy Burnelli
2022-11-09 14:09:54 UTC
Also your fear of Arlen has made you look incredibly ignorant. Every time
you accuse me of being Arlen you only make yourself look more stupid.
I think it's funny that they accuse everyone who says anything they don't
want to hear, of being someone whom they hate for the facts he writes.

1. None of the iKooks reads any news about Apple or the iPhone
2. All of the iKooks live a decade in the past when the iPhone was better
3. None of them have any idea of what's happened in the last five years

Like all religious zealots, the iKooks fear facts.

Worse, the more ignorant (e.g., Jolly Roger, Your Name, Lewis, et. al)
intensely hate & fear the bearer of facts even more than they fear facts.

Just watch how they respond to any bearer of facts (like Gordon Kelly).
a. Denial
b. Fear
c. Hatred

Even when _every_ news outfit is reporting on the exact same facts!
*iKooks not only hate facts - but they intensely hate the bearer*

This is because of three traits all the iKooks own...
A. All iKooks are all of abnormally low IQ
(which is important because they have no tools to respond to facts)
B. Every iKook completely lacks any semblance of education over K12
(again, this is important because they lack the tools to comprehend)
c. All the iKooks, their whole lives, have been told they were stupid

This last item is the most important.
The iKooks all (rightly so) have extremely low self esteem.

Yet Apple loves them. And, in turn, they love Apple.

Did you ever wonder why iKooks gloat when Apple profit margins are huge?
What normal person would gloat that a company fleeced them nearly to death?

Nobody sane. Right.
Yet the iKooks _gloat_ over how much profit Apple makes off of them.

I know why.

See above.
Apple gives them the social acceptance they craved their entire lives.
Andy Burnelli
2022-12-01 02:42:02 UTC
Maybe that makes you a better person to admit you're wrong, but you're
still obsessed with Apple.
Hi Hemidactylus,

Since your response was an adult response, I'll treat you as an adult
but at the risk of overloading you with information you can't process.

Thanks for your assessment of the situation which I think you don't quite
understand that I'm nothing whatsoever like you iKooks are so all your
projection of your own feelings and motives onto me will be dead wrong.

To me, an iPhone or an Android phone is just a commodity.
It's a thing. A tool. A means to an end.

It doesn't do anything for me but the job it's designed to do.

Which is a job of a commodity
1. Make/receive phone calls & text/mms messages
2. Take/send photos/videos & edit files as needed
3. Run programs as needed such as map routing & mock gps locations

A phone (whether Apple or Samsung) is just a commodity in my pocket that
does basic stuff (and sometimes neatly sophisticated stuff too!).

It's not a status symbol. It's not a measure of my style. It's not an
expression of my personality. It's nothing. It's just a phone.

The phone in my pocket says _nothing_ about me.
It's not supposed to.

That's not its job.

But to you... things are different... aren't they?
An iPhone is much (much) more to you than just a commodity phone, right?

You're really _proud_ of your iPhone, are you not?
You're rather proud of the high price too, are you not?
You're even proud of Apple's (ungodly) _profit_ margins, are you not?

All those makes you feel like _you_ made the right choice, do they not?

I'm _not_ like you.
A phone to me is not what a phone is to you.

Apple or Samsung to me is not what Apple or Samsung are to you.

If you know Roman history, Apple is the blues to you and Google the reds.
To me, they're just different shades of the same thing.

You never see me defend Google unless Google does something good.
Just as you never see me defend Apple unless Apple does something good.

To me, Apple or Google are the same thing.
They make a commodity.

For you to claim I am "obsessed" with Apple is merely for you to complement
me on being obsessed with the truth about Apple, just as I'm obsessed about
the truth on Google.

I'm not invested in either one financially, and more to the concept here,
my _ego_ isn't invested in either company's commodity product lines.

You _think_ I think the way you think - but you're wrong.
I'm normal. You're not.

You don't get it that you and I aren't in the same playing field.
You are driven completely differently than I'm driven, on this newsgroup.

My goals on this newsgroup are the same as on the adult OS newsgroups
a. Learn from others
b. Help others (particularly write tutorials and solutions)

And, what's _different_ is another goal on the child-like Apple newsgroups.
c. Show the iKooks for what they are

I don't know if you realize how despicable all you iKooks are.
You probably don't realize how shockingly unprepossessing you iKooks are.

A. Your whole life people have been telling you that you're stupid
B. You failed in every attempt at educating yourself as a result of that

And, what's _different_ is another trait all you iKooks commonly share.
C. Your entire ego is unnaturally invested in _your_ perception of Apple.

That third trait is not normal.
Nobody sane gloats how much profit Apple makes off of them.

But iKooks do.
Nobody normal defends any company to the death unless they are deeply
invested in that company, where you iKooks invest your ego into Apple.

Hence you iKooks find me a threat.
And I'm actually here to _be_ that threat.

You see, you hate me, because you perceive that I hate Apple.
But I don't care about Apple any more than I care about Google or Samsung.

My goal on this newsgroup, besides to learn from and help others, is to
show the world, in the public permanent record, what a horribly despicable
set of individuals _all_ you iKooks truly are.

You consider me a threat because I prove with facts that your entire belief
system is based on mere marketing words - and not on facts that normal
people process - but I'm aware that it's not me you're most afraid of.

It's those facts.
Which, to the point of this thread, is why my credibility is what matters.
I hope Apple, warts and all, is the Godzilla that crushes Muskrat. Or
Europe. Somebody?
As alluded to above, all iKooks have been told your whole lives that you're
worthless, which I understand - and that's why all of you iKooks react with
such stunted fifth-grade hatred for anyone and anything successful.

In a way, I feel sorry for you despite you being such offensive people in
that (a) it's not your fault you have low IQs, and (b) no education, and as
a result of your understandable low self esteem, you fall for every
marketing trick in the book that makes you feel better about yourself.

Apple makes you feel real nice about yourself don't they?
Apple loves you.

Apple tells you that you're making all the right choices, don't they?
And Apple simply takes a bit here, and a bit there, and a bit over there.

Apple loves you more than anyone ever did - and that's why you're iKooks.
Because Apple fills that self esteem hole that nothing has ever filled.

It's why you all react with vicious hatred to all facts showing that you
were fooled into believing in an imaginary belief system that isn't real.

iKook: Santa is great! He's gonna give me a new iPhone for Christmas!
Adult: No son. That's just a marketing gimmick. Your parents are Santa.

iKook: No. You're wrong. He exists. I saw him on an Apple advertisement.
Adult: That's how marketing works, son. Apple wants you to think that.

Adult: The facts are Santa can't do that magical stuff you believe in.
iKook: Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! I hate you. I hate you! You're wrong!
2022-12-01 04:53:18 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Maybe that makes you a better person to admit you're wrong, but you're
still obsessed with Apple.
Hi Hemidactylus,
Since your response was an adult response, I'll treat you as an adult
but at the risk of overloading you with information you can't process.
Thanks for your assessment of the situation which I think you don't quite
understand that I'm nothing whatsoever like you iKooks are so all your
projection of your own feelings and motives onto me will be dead wrong.
To me, an iPhone or an Android phone is just a commodity.
It's a thing. A tool. A means to an end.
It doesn't do anything for me but the job it's designed to do.
Which is a job of a commodity
1. Make/receive phone calls & text/mms messages
2. Take/send photos/videos & edit files as needed
3. Run programs as needed such as map routing & mock gps locations
A phone (whether Apple or Samsung) is just a commodity in my pocket that
does basic stuff (and sometimes neatly sophisticated stuff too!).
It's not a status symbol. It's not a measure of my style. It's not an
expression of my personality. It's nothing. It's just a phone.
The phone in my pocket says _nothing_ about me.
It's not supposed to.
That's not its job.
But to you... things are different... aren't they?
An iPhone is much (much) more to you than just a commodity phone, right?
You're really _proud_ of your iPhone, are you not?
You're rather proud of the high price too, are you not?
You're even proud of Apple's (ungodly) _profit_ margins, are you not?
All those makes you feel like _you_ made the right choice, do they not?
I'm _not_ like you.
A phone to me is not what a phone is to you.
Apple or Samsung to me is not what Apple or Samsung are to you.
If you know Roman history, Apple is the blues to you and Google the reds.
To me, they're just different shades of the same thing.
You never see me defend Google unless Google does something good.
Just as you never see me defend Apple unless Apple does something good.
To me, Apple or Google are the same thing.
They make a commodity.
For you to claim I am "obsessed" with Apple is merely for you to complement
me on being obsessed with the truth about Apple, just as I'm obsessed about
the truth on Google.
I'm not invested in either one financially, and more to the concept here,
my _ego_ isn't invested in either company's commodity product lines.
You _think_ I think the way you think - but you're wrong.
I'm normal. You're not.
You don't get it that you and I aren't in the same playing field.
You are driven completely differently than I'm driven, on this newsgroup.
My goals on this newsgroup are the same as on the adult OS newsgroups
a. Learn from others
b. Help others (particularly write tutorials and solutions)
And, what's _different_ is another goal on the child-like Apple newsgroups.
c. Show the iKooks for what they are
I don't know if you realize how despicable all you iKooks are.
You probably don't realize how shockingly unprepossessing you iKooks are.
A. Your whole life people have been telling you that you're stupid
B. You failed in every attempt at educating yourself as a result of that
And, what's _different_ is another trait all you iKooks commonly share.
C. Your entire ego is unnaturally invested in _your_ perception of Apple.
That third trait is not normal.
Nobody sane gloats how much profit Apple makes off of them.
But iKooks do.
Nobody normal defends any company to the death unless they are deeply
invested in that company, where you iKooks invest your ego into Apple.
Hence you iKooks find me a threat.
And I'm actually here to _be_ that threat.
You see, you hate me, because you perceive that I hate Apple.
But I don't care about Apple any more than I care about Google or Samsung.
My goal on this newsgroup, besides to learn from and help others, is to
show the world, in the public permanent record, what a horribly despicable
set of individuals _all_ you iKooks truly are.
You consider me a threat because I prove with facts that your entire belief
system is based on mere marketing words - and not on facts that normal
people process - but I'm aware that it's not me you're most afraid of.
It's those facts.
Which, to the point of this thread, is why my credibility is what matters.
I hope Apple, warts and all, is the Godzilla that crushes Muskrat. Or
Europe. Somebody?
As alluded to above, all iKooks have been told your whole lives that you're
worthless, which I understand - and that's why all of you iKooks react with
such stunted fifth-grade hatred for anyone and anything successful.
In a way, I feel sorry for you despite you being such offensive people in
that (a) it's not your fault you have low IQs, and (b) no education, and as
a result of your understandable low self esteem, you fall for every
marketing trick in the book that makes you feel better about yourself.
Apple makes you feel real nice about yourself don't they?
Apple loves you.
Apple tells you that you're making all the right choices, don't they?
And Apple simply takes a bit here, and a bit there, and a bit over there.
Apple loves you more than anyone ever did - and that's why you're iKooks.
Because Apple fills that self esteem hole that nothing has ever filled.
It's why you all react with vicious hatred to all facts showing that you
were fooled into believing in an imaginary belief system that isn't real.
 iKook: Santa is great! He's gonna give me a new iPhone for Christmas!
 Adult: No son. That's just a marketing gimmick. Your parents are Santa.
 iKook: No. You're wrong. He exists. I saw him on an Apple advertisement.
 Adult: That's how marketing works, son. Apple wants you to think that.
 Adult: The facts are Santa can't do that magical stuff you believe in.
 iKook: Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! I hate you. I hate you! You're wrong!
2022-12-01 08:22:44 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli

To me, an iPhone or an Android phone is just a commodity.
It's a thing. A tool. A means to an end.
It doesn't do anything for me but the job it's designed to do.
Which is a job of a commodity
1. Make/receive phone calls & text/mms messages
2. Take/send photos/videos & edit files as needed
3. Run programs as needed such as map routing & mock gps locations
A phone (whether Apple or Samsung) is just a commodity in my pocket that
does basic stuff (and sometimes neatly sophisticated stuff too!).
It's not a status symbol. It's not a measure of my style. It's not an
expression of my personality. It's nothing. It's just a phone.
The phone in my pocket says _nothing_ about me.
It's not supposed to.
That's not its job.
So merely a functional approach; got it.
Post by Andy Burnelli
But to you... things are different... aren't they?
An iPhone is much (much) more to you than just a commodity phone, right?
You're really _proud_ of your iPhone, are you not?
You're rather proud of the high price too, are you not?
You're even proud of Apple's (ungodly) _profit_ margins, are you not?
All those makes you feel like _you_ made the right choice, do they not?
But is this unique to iPhones? Nope. Not only are there ample Android
fanboys too, but also recall the guy with the Zune tattoo.
Post by Andy Burnelli
To me, Apple or Google are the same thing.
They make a commodity.
So then as just a commodity, are you suggesting a simple functionality
based “buy and hold” strategy?
Post by Andy Burnelli
That third trait is not normal.
Nobody sane gloats how much profit Apple makes off of them.
YMMV, but I’ve made more off of Apple than they’ve made off of me.
Post by Andy Burnelli
But iKooks do.
Nobody normal defends any company to the death unless they are deeply
invested in that company, where you iKooks invest your ego into Apple.
Or APPL stock. You know, a literal investment.

Andy Burnelli
2023-01-06 22:12:07 UTC
Neither of us said that
Your claim, and that of nospam, has _always_ been that it's "normal" for
only certain iPhones (but not others, and not iPads, or macOS laptops),
to have batteries that suddenly and secretly "just die" on you when you
upgrade from iOS 10.x to iOS 10.y (I think it was iOS 10.2 but it doesn't

You've _always_ said that was perfectly normal, Jolly Roger.
Apple did nothing wrong.

Then Apple blamed their desperate secret throttling on "battery chemistry",
and specifically "battery chemistry aging processes".

Which you wholeheartedly agreed with.

Why is it then, Jolly Roger, that only Apple has this special battery
chemistry that no other device on the planet has, which has to be
purposefully and _secretly_ throttled in an OS release, Jolly Roger.

Tell us what this special battery chemistry that only Apple has,
which is "normal" to require the company to _purposefully_ (not
accidentally, but _purposefully_ and secretly) throttle the phone.

This secret Apple-only battery chemistry that all you iKooks claim
is absurd. And yet, it's a strong belief system all you iKooks hold.

It's one of the ways I know you have a substandard IQ, Jolly Roger.
And no education.
Jolly Roger
2023-01-07 05:11:22 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Neither of us said that
Your claim, and that of nospam, has _always_ been that it's "normal"
for only certain iPhones (but not others, and not iPads, or macOS
laptops), to have batteries that suddenly and secretly "just die"
Never said that either, Arlen, which is why you can't show a single post
of me saying it. You're a weak troll who mistakenly thinks the rest of
us will just blindly believe your bullshit lies. You never back up your
false claims, and your words means nothing. You're a sad failure of a
human being who spends literal hours all day every day trolling because
you literally have nothing more productive to do with your pathetic
little life.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Andy Burnelli
2023-01-07 05:39:44 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Never said that either,
C'mon Jolly Roger.

You and nospam both defended Apple's throttling to the death.
Both you and nospam said it was quite normal what Apple did to customers.

You defended Apple's action to the death, Jolly Roger.
And you don't even remember that?

Both you and nospam claimed that it's quite normal for only Apple designed
iPhones to be secretly throttled without the customer being told about it.

Only Apple has secret battery chemistry that causes an iOS release, of all
things, to cause batteries to suddenly degrade to the point of no return.

You said it was perfectly normal for only certain iPhones to suddenly and
inexplicably age within a single year to the point that Apple had to
_secretly_ throttle them, lest they become unstable.

The entire time you iKooks came up with fantastical theories that Samsung
made Apple have to _secretly_ and _permanently_ throttle iPhones, when it
was a purposefully Apple-only decision that was made by Apple.

Apple admitted so in the criminal case in France, for which they plead
guilty and for which Apple paid the _criminal_ fine.

All the while you and nospam said Apple had special battery chemistry
which only caused certain iPhones to need to be secretly throttled.

You even claimed Apple _told_ the customer about it - for which Tim Cook
was caught in a very public lie which cost about 136 million alone when
sued by the Attorneys General of dozens of states.

All this you claim is "normal" for iPhones, which according to you have a
special battery chemistry that makes it normal for Apple to do this to its
(admittedly gullible) trusting customers.
Jolly Roger
2023-01-08 01:14:17 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by Jolly Roger
Never said that either,
C'mon Jolly Roger.
After you, Arlen.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Andy Burnelli
2023-01-08 17:48:30 UTC
But mostly he lacks memory as nospam can't keep his excuses straight.
Funny that both nospam and Alan Baker responded to the thread:
*Remember Apple essentially LIED to Congress last year ... well ...*
*guess what ... ANOTHER LETTER for Tim Cook from Congress*

All the iKooks own the cognitive skills and base memory of a gnat.
*Which is why all iKooks are abnormally stupid & ignorant of facts*

None of the iKooks reads the news like normal adults do.
*All the iKooks ever read are Apple advertisements.*

That's it.
Nothing else.

Just Apple ads.

It's all they know is what Apple feeds them.
*iKooks brazenly deny even what Apple publicly stated to Congress*

To wit:
*iPhone throttling of the iPhone 8 and iPhone X*

In summary, the iKooks suffer from three fundamental human deficiencies:
1. All iKooks are of abnormally low IQ & as a result none are educated
(that's why they can't respond as an adult to articles of fact)

2. All iKooks have been told their whole lives that they are stupid
(and as a result, all iKooks suffer from abnormally low self esteem)

3. Apple does NOT tell iKooks they're stupid - Apple loves the iKooks
(and, in turn, the iKooks love Apple back - to the death it seems)

The loyalty between Apple & the iKooks can easily be explained by that.
*Even when Apple screws the low IQ iKooks - they _still_ love Apple!*
I don't begrudge Apple a profit motive but I do deplore HOW Apple does it.
Particularly when Apple spends almost nothing in R&D and so much on ads.
These ads are all that the iKooks know, and love, and believe in.
Jolly Roger
2023-01-08 01:15:50 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by Jolly Roger
Never said that either,
C'mon Jolly Roger.
After you, Arlen.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2022-08-31 20:36:24 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
The iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks existed.
In a recent thread, the iKooks denied what was in fact a fact about the
resource fork and data fork inherent in setting up comparability between
the SunOS/Solaris + Windows + Mac corporate environments of the past.
Samba + CIFs/SMB + CAP
I started to wonder why the Apple iKooks deny all facts about Apple, even
these facts about the data & resource fork which nobody normal would deny.
*iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks existed*
I wondered... why do these rather strange people always think merely
mentioning facts about Apple is bashing Apple... when it dawned on me...
*These iKooks _hate_ Apple designed that resource + data fork system.*
Hence, to an iKook, _any_ fact about Apple, that they hate (which is a
_lot_ of facts indeed), they consider "bashing" Apple.
Strange people indeed they are.
They _hate_ what Apple is.
Merely mentioning even well-known facts about Apple is what they hate most.
If you ever decide to post some of these messages to the Apple support
forums let us know. I’m wondering if they would be less protective of iOS
and iPhones or even more than here.
2022-08-31 20:45:48 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Andy Burnelli
The iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks existed.
In a recent thread, the iKooks denied what was in fact a fact about the
resource fork and data fork inherent in setting up comparability between
the SunOS/Solaris + Windows + Mac corporate environments of the past.
Samba + CIFs/SMB + CAP
I started to wonder why the Apple iKooks deny all facts about Apple, even
these facts about the data & resource fork which nobody normal would deny.
*iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks existed*
I wondered... why do these rather strange people always think merely
mentioning facts about Apple is bashing Apple... when it dawned on me...
*These iKooks _hate_ Apple designed that resource + data fork system.*
Hence, to an iKook, _any_ fact about Apple, that they hate (which is a
_lot_ of facts indeed), they consider "bashing" Apple.
Strange people indeed they are.
They _hate_ what Apple is.
Merely mentioning even well-known facts about Apple is what they hate most.
If you ever decide to post some of these messages to the Apple support
forums let us know. I’m wondering if they would be less protective of iOS
and iPhones or even more than here.
Why would anyone care that once, more than 20 years ago, Apple's file
system supported two-fork files?
Jolly Roger
2022-09-01 14:12:06 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by badgolferman
Post by Andy Burnelli
The iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks existed.
In a recent thread, the iKooks denied what was in fact a fact about the
resource fork and data fork inherent in setting up comparability between
the SunOS/Solaris + Windows + Mac corporate environments of the past.
Samba + CIFs/SMB + CAP
I started to wonder why the Apple iKooks deny all facts about Apple, even
these facts about the data & resource fork which nobody normal would deny.
*iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks existed*
I wondered... why do these rather strange people always think merely
mentioning facts about Apple is bashing Apple... when it dawned on me...
*These iKooks _hate_ Apple designed that resource + data fork system.*
Hence, to an iKook, _any_ fact about Apple, that they hate (which is a
_lot_ of facts indeed), they consider "bashing" Apple.
Strange people indeed they are.
They _hate_ what Apple is.
Merely mentioning even well-known facts about Apple is what they hate most.
If you ever decide to post some of these messages to the Apple support
forums let us know. I’m wondering if they would be less protective of iOS
and iPhones or even more than here.
Why would anyone care that once, more than 20 years ago, Apple's file
system supported two-fork files?
Because: troll, of course.

Good luck trolling Apple Discussions forums, morons. : )
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Andy Burnelli
2022-11-08 18:24:23 UTC
Even nospam probably understands the benefit of being able to plan a
trip using a computer then sending it the phone.
another ad hominem.
You have to admit, the king of ad hominem attacks, nospam, knows it when he
sees it being used by someone else, in this case Steve's sarcasm about him.

Basically nospam has only seven excuses for his Apple deity's flaws.

When most are exhausted is when nospam flings the childish attacks
(e.g., ftfy ad hominem attacks)...
<Loading Image...>

Note that's _thousands_ of times nospam flings "ftfy" attacks alone!
Each of them in response to a fact nospam had no _adult_ response to.
Andy Burnelli
2022-09-01 17:46:04 UTC
Post by badgolferman
If you ever decide to post some of these messages to the Apple support
forums let us know. I�m wondering if they would be less protective of iOS
and iPhones or even more than here.
Hi badgolferman,

This is an _adult_ conversation so I won't treat you like I do the iKooks.

I _have_ contacted Apple a few times and I was shocked, at first, at how
sophomoric Apple customer support is. Clearly I was _not_ impressed.

I wrote about my _first_ encounter with the blue shirts years ago, in fact,
and I published the audio recording of that first encounter with my iPad.

I'm not joking when I tell you I said then and now that I asked the Apple
"experts" why my Wi-Fi wasn't working as well as my Android does when I
have both the Android phone and the (much more expensive) iPad in my hands
as I walk around the house. Android switches SSIDs easily; iOS does not.

My first shock at how incredibly sophomoric Apple customer support is came
then, because I showed them the proof with decibel readings off a graph.

Do you want to know what the "expert" asked me?
That Apple "expert" literally asked me: "*What's a decibel?*"

I kid you not (look in the archives for this newsgroup).

This Apple "expert" is supposed to help me "fix" the crappy Wi-Fi on the
iPad, and he doesn't even know what a decibel is? Holy cow.

If the Apple "expert" doesn't even know what every high school kid knows,
then that's my first indication that Apple "expert" support is sophomoric.

He told me to buy a new iPad...

My second shock was the _only_ thing this "expert" at Apple knew how to do
was to backup and re-install everything... after they ran a test (which I
don't know what it consisted of) and said they couldn't find a problem.

That's when I concluded that Apple Wi-Fi on my iPad was done poorly, but
the lesson I learned was these "experts" are not experts in anything.

Just like Alan Baker, Snit, Rod Speed, Jolly Roger, Lewis, Your Name,
Haemactylus, Chris, Joerg Lorenz, Alan Browne, et. al, all know nothing.

It's no longer shocking how uneducated and ignorant these iKooks are.

BTW, that's just my _first_ dealing with the Apple "experts" at the Apple
Store. Since then, I have been to various Apple stores over the years and
_this_ is all they really know how to do.
a. Run whatever test they run
b. Tell you to back it up, wipe out out, and re-install everything
c. If that doesn't work, they tell you "*Buy a new iPad*"

True story.
(I wrote it up in this ng at the time, and posted the recorded audio.)

My conclusion is that Apple technical support is as bad as Apple coding.
Sophomoric is the single most descriptive word I could use for it.

But this thread is about _why_ iKooks hate every fact about Apple.
I think I know why, but you have to understand how an iKook thinks.

a. They believed all the hype
b. So they paid through the nose for that imaginary belief system
c. Hence, anything that shows they were wrong - hurts their ego

Notice their "ego" is wrapped up indelibly so into this buying choice.
1. Any fact that goes against their choice hurts their ego
2. Any person who provides that fact they hate
3. So they hate me.

So be it.
I have two goals on this ng - the second of which is to show iKooks for
what they are, which is that they're truly unpreposessing despicable people
while the first is to learn and teach about how iOS works & what it can do.
2022-09-01 19:44:02 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Since then, I have been to various Apple stores over the years and
_this_ is all they really know how to do.
a. Run whatever test they run
b. Tell you to back it up, wipe out out, and re-install everything
c. If that doesn't work, they tell you "*Buy a new iPad*"
I don’t disagree with what you say about their troubleshooting support, but
they have at least answered my calls and tried to help, sometimes
succeeding. That’s much more than I can say for Google support who never
responds to any message.

My question wasn’t about your dealings with support on the phone or at the
store, it was what kind of reaction would you get if you posted some of the
scenarios you present here in their support forums.
Andy Burnelli
2022-09-01 20:38:17 UTC
I don�t disagree with what you say about their troubleshooting support, but
they have at least answered my calls and tried to help, sometimes
succeeding. That�s much more than I can say for Google support who never
responds to any message.
Hi badgolferman,

Again, this will be an adult conversation as you're not an iKook so I don't
have to talk to you in short sentences with the main point underlined.

Google support, in a word, sucks.
There's lots of it, perhaps - but it still sucks (IMHO).

Take for example my attempt to get Google to change their maps in an area
I'm concerned with - where - Lord knows - I've tried to get somone on the

Sure you can call Mountain View; and you'll get an operator; but you'll
never get a support person for that product on the phone itself.

However... I did get an emailed response back once they gave me the support
page to ask the detailed maps question - and - to their credit - they fixed
the maps in about a month - so it wasn't all that bad in the end.

But you can forget about getting a Google support contact on the phone.
At least you can get someone from Apple technical support on the phone.
My question wasn�t about your dealings with support on the phone or at the
store, it was what kind of reaction would you get if you posted some of the
scenarios you present here in their support forums.
It's a good thoughtful question to ask that you ask, which is whether or
not the reaction from others is so defensive as it is here to facts about

Some web forums are downright parochial, e.g., the troublefree pools forum
is one example where they shill their test kit like Steve shills Verizon.

If you tell them you don't want to use their test kit, that's it for
getting civil answers from them on the topic of pool water chemistry.

Other forums are NOT parochial as much as they are, such as the bimmer
forums where they accept that people can say "bad facts" about the bimmer.

I think the reason the iKooks do what they do here is more like the
troublefree pool forum than it is like the bimmerfest BMW forum in that
people have to justify their own thought processes.

The Android and Windows forums don't seem to need to justify their
purchase, as you can say the truth about Android on XDA Developers, for
example, and nobody is going to do what Jolly Roger & Lewis do to you.

So I think it "could" be that the Apple iOS owner is an anomaly perhaps?
Or, maybe, as you seem to be suggesting, it's only this ng that is odd.

The observation can't be lost on anyone that most normal people do NOT
react the way that the iKooks do - but many people get defensive about
choices that they spent a LOT of money on... so maybe it's everywhere?

Take a trivial example, of, oh, say I went to your house and I said facts
about your pool which you spent a lot of money on, then you might get
defensive just as I might get defensive if you said facts about my wife
which I also spent a lot on money on. :)

Whatever we feel we need to justify - the more fragile our ego - the more
we humans tend to not want to hear facts about.

It's simply that these iKooks migrated here because they literally are
seeking justification to reassure them of their expensive decision, just as
I might do on a pool or bimmer forum to justify my huge expense in product.

The problem for them is that the facts I provide don't justify their
expense, which is why they hate those facts, and, as a result, they hate

That's fine - as part of my goal is to show them for what they are, so, it
suits me perfectly when they're forced to constantly brazenly fabricate
purely imaginary functionality for the iPhone that simply doesn't exist.

It's why I bring up facts about the iOS operating system, for example.

I'm well aware they're ignorant of those facts, so I make sure they can't
remain ignorant that iOS updates as a primitive monolith and that iOS
updates die sooner than all others in terms of app updates - and even that
it's quite rare for iOS to update an older iOS (like they did this week).

These are all facts that I'm well aware of - but - the iKooks are oblivious
of these basic facts about how Apple propaganda has shaped their lives.

Will an Apple forum react the same defensive way to facts about iOS?

What forum do you suggest I create an account on to run that test?
Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
2022-09-01 20:47:16 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
I don�t disagree with what you say about their troubleshooting support, but
they have at least answered my calls and tried to help, sometimes
succeeding. That�s much more than I can say for Google support who never
responds to any message.
Hi badgolferman,
Again, this will be an adult conversation
You deserve to be slapped in the face every time you say that.
2022-09-01 21:06:41 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
Again, this will be an adult conversation
You deserve to be slapped in the face every time you say that.
what about a kick to the groin?
2022-09-02 00:56:06 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
Again, this will be an adult conversation
You deserve to be slapped in the face every time you say that.
what about a kick to the groin?
Andy Burnelli
2022-11-07 16:33:07 UTC
but they
might be more likely to stop trolling if they used their own name.
it hasn't stopped you, and that's yet another one of your ad hominem
Hi nospam,

I study those in this newsgroup who are worthy of my attention to detail.

You and Steve are quite different from the uneducated unintelligent iKooks.
a. You defend Apple to the death, no matter what,
b. While Steve presents a far more balanced view of Apple
(Yet, in terms of Verizon, Steve does what you do with Apple.)

Yet, unlike the rest of the iKooks, there actually is sometimes productive
merit in your conversations, as there is with Steve's technical content.

Both of you, in different ways, add technical value to these discussions.

However, for you to accuse sms of "ad hominem attacks" reeks of duplicity.
Almost every accusation you make of others, is a projection of yourself.

If you stuck with technical content, you wouldn't be an iKook after all.
It's not your fault.

Due to your enslavement to the Apple deity, you desperately feel the need
to accuse everyone not enslaved of all the duplicity you own on your own.

aka... *Projection*
Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
which, in this case, is to point out the duplicity in nospam's accusation.
2022-11-09 04:12:50 UTC
<< Snipped bits out >>
Post by Andy Burnelli
Yet, unlike the rest of the iKooks, there actually is sometimes productive
merit in your conversations, as there is with Steve's technical content.
Both of you, in different ways, add technical value to these discussions.
However, for you to accuse sms of "ad hominem attacks" reeks of duplicity.
Almost every accusation you make of others, is a projection of yourself.
If you stuck with technical content, you wouldn't be an iKook after all.
It's not your fault.
Due to your enslavement to the Apple deity, you desperately feel the need
to accuse everyone not enslaved of all the duplicity you own on your own.
aka... *Projection*
Pot, kettle.
2022-09-02 00:55:24 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
What forum do you suggest I create an account on to run that test?
Andy Burnelli
2022-09-02 01:16:34 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Andy Burnelli
What forum do you suggest I create an account on to run that test?
Hi badgolferman,

Thanks for being an adult where you first understood what I was asking (as
I certainly understood what you were advising me about) & then answered it.

Notice you didn't make some fifth-grade childish joke about kicking me in
the balls (which is how the iKooks reacted) because they're afraid of me.

More importantly, they call me a "girl" and they make fun of my "education"
because they're afraid that I have a weapon that they can't fight: FACTS

What's kind of sad is they think calling me a "girl" or saying they'll kick
me in the balls somehow, in their twisted brains, hurts my feelings.

You, as an adult, can see their reaction to the facts proves my point about
them, which is they're so afraid of facts they ridicule the bearer of them.

You can't really blame the iKooks for the way they reacted since they're
like a held-back fifth grader who should be in eight grade who is told by
other fifth graders that Santa Claus isn't real... and he says "liar liar
pants on fire" because he still believes in the marketing propaganda.

Anyway, for you I'll run an anonymous experiment where I'll ask essentially
the exact same question on the Android, iOS & the "apple community" forum.

I've run that test many times by asking the same question on the Android &
iOS newsgroups so I know that this newsgroup always acts differently than
normal adults - so I already have a baseline to compare the results to.

I'll even add the XDA Developers forum, which I am on daily but which isn't
all that active for such types of questions - so it may be nobody responds.

In summary...

I'll open a separate thread with the three links after I finish the test.
1. How the Android Usenet newsgroup responded to the question
2. How the iPhone Usenet newsgroup responded to the question
3. How the Apple community responded to the question
4. How the XDA Developers community responded to the question

Note this will only be a single datapoint; but it will tell us whether it's
rampant that the Apple community acts like the iKooks do on this Usenet ng.

Or not.
2022-09-02 01:43:53 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by badgolferman
Post by Andy Burnelli
What forum do you suggest I create an account on to run that test?
Hi badgolferman,
Thanks for being an adult where you first understood what I was asking (as
I certainly understood what you were advising me about) & then answered it.
Notice you didn't make some fifth-grade childish joke about kicking me in
the balls (which is how the iKooks reacted) because they're afraid of me.
More importantly, they call me a "girl" and they make fun of my "education"
because they're afraid that I have a weapon that they can't fight: FACTS
What's kind of sad is they think calling me a "girl" or saying they'll kick
me in the balls somehow, in their twisted brains, hurts my feelings.
You, as an adult, can see their reaction to the facts proves my point about
them, which is they're so afraid of facts they ridicule the bearer of them.
You can't really blame the iKooks for the way they reacted since they're
like a held-back fifth grader who should be in eight grade who is told by
other fifth graders that Santa Claus isn't real... and he says "liar liar
pants on fire" because he still believes in the marketing propaganda.
Anyway, for you I'll run an anonymous experiment where I'll ask essentially
the exact same question on the Android, iOS & the "apple community" forum.
I've run that test many times by asking the same question on the Android &
iOS newsgroups so I know that this newsgroup always acts differently than
normal adults - so I already have a baseline to compare the results to.
I'll even add the XDA Developers forum, which I am on daily but which isn't
all that active for such types of questions - so it may be nobody responds.
In summary...
I'll open a separate thread with the three links after I finish the test.
1. How the Android Usenet newsgroup responded to the question
2. How the iPhone Usenet newsgroup responded to the question
3. How the Apple community responded to the question
4. How the XDA Developers community responded to the question
Note this will only be a single datapoint; but it will tell us whether it's
rampant that the Apple community acts like the iKooks do on this Usenet ng.
Or not.
I expect some will follow you there just so they can feel like they are
protecting the unsuspecting Apple forum users.
Jolly Roger
2022-09-02 01:54:06 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by badgolferman
Post by Andy Burnelli
What forum do you suggest I create an account on to run that test?
Anyway, for you I'll run an anonymous experiment where I'll ask
essentially the exact same question on the Android, iOS & the "apple
community" forum.
I expect some will follow you there just so they can feel like they
are protecting the unsuspecting Apple forum users.
LOL... The dip shit trolls are full of themselves. Nobody cares that
they are going to troll Apple Discussions (oh, my!). : D
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2022-09-02 01:56:44 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by badgolferman
I expect some will follow you there just so they can feel like they
are protecting the unsuspecting Apple forum users.
LOL... The dip shit trolls are full of themselves. Nobody cares that
they are going to troll Apple Discussions (oh, my!). : D
other venues will drop the ban hammer, which is why he ended up on
usenet. nobody wants to hear his babble.
Andy Burnelli
2022-09-02 04:44:39 UTC
Post by badgolferman
I expect some will follow you there just so they can feel like they are
protecting the unsuspecting Apple forum users.
Hi badgolferman,
That's a valid concern perhaps, but many times I've opened the exact same
thread on what I call the "adult os newsgroups" & the iKooks didn't follow.

*The fact is, the iKooks can't stand an adult conversation on their ng*

One example comes to mind when I asked about Truecrypt/Veracrypt
containers, for example, where there was zero difference in the asking of
the question between the Android thread and the iOS thread. Not a word.

*The fact is, the iKooks can't stand an adult conversation on their ng*

The Android thread remained civil but nospam and his iKooks turned the iOS
thread into a pigsty, always with their brazen fabrications of imaginary
iOS functionality (which is one of the hallmarks of these iKooks).

Have you noticed, by the way, how much the iKooks hate our adult discourse?
Look at what they do....

They already threatened to cut my head off and shit in the cavity, right?
And they'll likely respond to you with similarly childish diatribe.

*The fact is, the iKooks can't stand an adult conversation on their ng*

Just watch.
2022-09-04 00:47:28 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by badgolferman
If you ever decide to post some of these messages to the Apple support
forums let us know. I�m wondering if they would be less protective of iOS
and iPhones or even more than here.
Hi badgolferman,
This is an _adult_ conversation so I won't treat you like I do the iKooks.
I _have_ contacted Apple a few times and I was shocked, at first, at how
sophomoric Apple customer support is. Clearly I was _not_ impressed.
I wrote about my _first_ encounter with the blue shirts years ago, in fact,
and I published the audio recording of that first encounter with my iPad.
I'm not joking when I tell you I said then and now that I asked the Apple
"experts" why my Wi-Fi wasn't working as well as my Android does when I
have both the Android phone and the (much more expensive) iPad in my hands
as I walk around the house. Android switches SSIDs easily; iOS does not.
My first shock at how incredibly sophomoric Apple customer support is came
then, because I showed them the proof with decibel readings off a graph.
Do you want to know what the "expert" asked me?
That Apple "expert" literally asked me: "*What's a decibel?*"
I kid you not (look in the archives for this newsgroup).
This Apple "expert" is supposed to help me "fix" the crappy Wi-Fi on the
iPad, and he doesn't even know what a decibel is? Holy cow.
If the Apple "expert" doesn't even know what every high school kid knows,
then that's my first indication that Apple "expert" support is sophomoric.
He told me to buy a new iPad...
My second shock was the _only_ thing this "expert" at Apple knew how to do
was to backup and re-install everything... after they ran a test (which I
don't know what it consisted of) and said they couldn't find a problem.
That's when I concluded that Apple Wi-Fi on my iPad was done poorly, but
the lesson I learned was these "experts" are not experts in anything.
Just like Alan Baker, Snit, Rod Speed, Jolly Roger, Lewis, Your Name,
Haemactylus, Chris, Joerg Lorenz, Alan Browne, et. al, all know nothing.
It's no longer shocking how uneducated and ignorant these iKooks are.
BTW, that's just my _first_ dealing with the Apple "experts" at the Apple
Store. Since then, I have been to various Apple stores over the years and
_this_ is all they really know how to do.
a. Run whatever test they run
b. Tell you to back it up, wipe out out, and re-install everything
c. If that doesn't work, they tell you "*Buy a new iPad*"
True story.
(I wrote it up in this ng at the time, and posted the recorded audio.)
My conclusion is that Apple technical support is as bad as Apple coding.
Sophomoric is the single most descriptive word I could use for it.
But this thread is about _why_ iKooks hate every fact about Apple.
I think I know why, but you have to understand how an iKook thinks.
a. They believed all the hype
b. So they paid through the nose for that imaginary belief system
c. Hence, anything that shows they were wrong - hurts their ego
Notice their "ego" is wrapped up indelibly so into this buying choice.
1. Any fact that goes against their choice hurts their ego
2. Any person who provides that fact they hate
3. So they hate me.
So be it.
Still trying to find one fact you have ever stated about Apple.
Andy Burnelli
2022-11-06 21:02:20 UTC
I'm going to try to speak to you as if you are an adult
NARRATOR: He won't.
The adults on this newsgroup know who the child-like iKooks are where they
(i.e., you, Jolly Roger) are all uneducated, ill-informed, and above all,
of a rather disproportionately low IQ).

All those traits each of you child-like iKooks share isn't what makes you
iKooks though.

Plenty of people on Usenet are stupid.
Plenty of them have no education too.

But you iKooks are different.
You only exist in the main on iOS newsgroups.

Why is that?
I know why because I've studied you iKooks for more than a decade.

I know why you do what you do, perhaps more than you even know why.
Want me to tell you why?

You hate yourself.

You hate that your entire life everyone has been calling you stupid.
It never ends.

Because you _are_ stupid.

And yet, you don't even realize it.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad, but you're actually too stupid to
realize how incredibly stupid you are.

That's a pretty bad indictment on you iKooks but that's not the worst.

What worse is that you invested almost all of your loss of self esteem into
the Apple Propaganda that Apple (brilliantly) has fed you over the years.

You are so invested in that errant Apple propaganda that your entire belief
system as it revolves around Apple products is entirely immune to facts.

Facts are dangerous to you because they belie your errant belief system.
So are people (like Gordon Kelly, for example) who are bearers of facts.

To you, the fact and the bearer of the fact are the same evil.
Because the evil is the fact.

And because the fact belies your entire belief system.

That alone wouldn't be too bad but what makes you iKooks is that any fact
that belies your errant belief system, you consider a danger to your ego.

If you weren't told your entire life that you were stupid, this wouldn't be
so bad, but because your whole life you've been told you're stupid, you're
desperate for someone (anyone!) to tell you that you're NOT stupid.

You know who does that for you?
I do.



Apple told you that you were smart for paying all that money for their
fantastically advertised and highly stylish product Jolly Roger.

Apple appreciates you.
Very much indeed.

Apple rewards your ego, Jolly Roger.
You like that don't you.

Apple makes you feel "not stupid" for the first time in your life, Jolly
Roger. I get it. I understand you Jolly Roger. I know what makes you tick.

You are desperate for someone (anyone) to tell you that you're NOT stupid.
And Apple is HAPPY to tell you that.

For a fee anyway.
Profits particularly.

Astronomical profit margins, specifically.
(You can't make those ungodly profit margins off of intelligent people.)

In fact, the reason you gloat over Apple profits (which no normal person
would ever do unless they're investors) is BECAUS you're desperate for
affirmation that you're NOT stupid.

Apple profits means you made a good choice which means you're NOT stupid.
I wonder if you will ever realize what everyone else knows about you?
Andy Burnelli
2022-11-07 01:50:06 UTC
Classic example of the iKook death spiral... protecting the deity.

*iphone tracking settings*
I�m happy to say those settings were already disabled on my phone.
Either it�s by default or perhaps I had changed it in a previous phone
and it migrated over as a switched phones.
You do you. Just don't try to suggest there's anything inherently
dangerous about the Significant Locations feature without verified
evidence of that claim, then turn around and get upset when someone
calls you out on it. ; )
Why must you do this? Did I actually say anyone should do anything? I
merely provided a news story and shared my own experience. You absolutely
must find a way to denigrate people no matter what.
I've studied these iKooks... they are not anywhere near like normal people.
Here's what happened (and which is what always happens on iOS newsgroups).

1. The OP (badgolferman) posted a link to an interesting on-topic datum
2. Everyone read the article and digested what the article taught us
3. Andy Burnelli read the article, learned, and thanked badgolferman
4. Andy Burnelli also added additional value that was not in the article
5. The OP added additional on-topic value stating his related settings
... then the ikooks got involved... infesting the thread...
... why? ... because iKooks hate any fact about Apple products...
... why? ... because iKooks have invested their ego in Apple propaganda...
... why? ... hehhehheh... because iKooks are iKooks...

6. *An iKook (Jolly Roger) responds with ancient data where his _only_*
*purpose is to defend all Apple decisions (good or bad) to the death!*

7. The thread goes on a death spiral due to the iKook infestation,
which is the modus operandi for all iKooks on the Apple newsgroups.

The goal of the iKooks is to deflect, detract, and otherwise deteriorate
any conversation that has anything to do with Apple not being a deity.

A. The iKook (Jolly Roger) accused the OP of being ill meaning
B. The iKook (Jolly Roger) accused posters of value of being stupid

Notice how these iKooks all operate:
a. They infest any thread that doesn't bow to the Apple deity
b. They accuse all posters of ill will if they don't bow to the deity
c. All because they hate themselves... they hate that their whole
life people have been telling them they're stupid... except Apple.

Apple loves the iKooks.
You can't make those ungodly profits off of intelligent people.

Apple loves that the iKooks defend everything Apple, to the death.
The iKooks literally claim Apple profits off of them is proof of the deity.

Literally, iKooks defend Apple like they defend a deity.
Andy Burnelli
2022-11-07 01:50:53 UTC
Classic example of the iKook death spiral... protecting the deity.

*iphone tracking settings*
*Apple's iOS Devices Are Vulnerable to Location-Based Snooping*
"A pair of security researchers pointed out the vulnerability
on January 2, 2020, submitting it to Apple"
LOL... As is often the case with uneducated unintelligent trolls like
Arlen, he skims over articles without having an actual understanding of
what they are actually about
Hi Jolly Roger,
I understand you. I've studied you for many years, as you well know I have.

Your whole life people have been calling you stupid.
That's why you hate yourself.

I get it.
I really do.

In a strange pitiful way, I'm sorry for you.
In self defense, you call everyone else stupid.

Just like you did above by calling me stupid.
However, I'm ok that you called me stupid.

My ego doesn't depend on you.
More to the point, my ego doesn't depend on anything Apple does.

Unfortunately for you, your ego is almost completely dependent on Apple.
Apple is the only entity on this planet that doesn't call you stupid.

Apple loves you.
They really do.

Tour ego is indelibly intertwined into the deity you respect more than all
others: Apple, so that's why you lashed out at badgolferman and me.

You are merely defending the only entity that does not call you stupid.
*Why You Should Stop This 'Hidden' Location Tracking On Your iPhone*
As ESET cyber guru Jake Moore warns, "significant locations is one
of those features ... I cannot think of a positive or useful reason
why Apple would include this feature on any of their devices."
Then Jake has no imagination and/or is clueless about the iPhone.
Hmmm... could it possibly be _you_ who is clueless?
Naaaah... can't be you.
Must be all the experts.
Hmmm... cyber gurus and security experts are saying the little
functionality that it provides isn't worth the loss in privacy that can be
expected to occur now, and in the future (since you will never know).
Nonsense. The data is end-to-end encrypted and cannot be accessed by
third parties including Apple. You're fear mongering as usual, and its
lame. You're also a dumb ass troll.
Again, I understand why you can't respond to any facts about your deity
without calling every fact a lie, a troll, fear mongering, etc.

Your whole life people have been calling you stupid, Jolly Roger.
Except Apple.

Apple loves you.
Therefore you defend Apple to the death, no matter what.

Otherwise, what would you be after all?
2022-11-07 02:58:02 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Classic example of the iKook death spiral... protecting the deity.
*iphone tracking settings*
I�m happy to say those settings were already disabled on my phone.
Either it�s by default or perhaps I had changed it in a previous phone
and it migrated over as a switched phones.
You do you. Just don't try to suggest there's anything inherently
dangerous about the Significant Locations feature without verified
evidence of that claim, then turn around and get upset when someone
calls you out on it. ; )
Why must you do this? Did I actually say anyone should do anything? I
merely provided a news story and shared my own experience. You absolutely
must find a way to denigrate people no matter what.
I've studied these iKooks... they are not anywhere near like normal people.
Here's what happened (and which is what always happens on iOS newsgroups).
1. The OP (badgolferman) posted a link to an interesting on-topic datum
2. Everyone read the article and digested what the article taught us
3. Andy Burnelli read the article, learned, and thanked badgolferman
4. Andy Burnelli also added additional value that was not in the article

Ordinary, normal adults don't refer to themselves in the third person.
2022-11-09 04:04:46 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
Classic example of the iKook death spiral... protecting the deity.
*iphone tracking settings*
I�m happy to say those settings were already disabled on my phone.
Either it�s by default or perhaps I had changed it in a previous phone
and it migrated over as a switched phones.
You do you. Just don't try to suggest there's anything inherently
dangerous about the Significant Locations feature without verified
evidence of that claim, then turn around and get upset when someone
calls you out on it. ; )
Why must you do this? Did I actually say anyone should do anything? I
merely provided a news story and shared my own experience. You absolutely
must find a way to denigrate people no matter what.
I've studied these iKooks... they are not anywhere near like normal people.
Here's what happened (and which is what always happens on iOS
1. The OP (badgolferman) posted a link to an interesting on-topic datum
2. Everyone read the article and digested what the article taught us
3. Andy Burnelli read the article, learned, and thanked badgolferman
4. Andy Burnelli also added additional value that was not in the article
Ordinary, normal adults don't refer to themselves in the third person.
We most certainly do not!
2022-12-18 17:58:19 UTC
<< Snipped bits out >>
Post by Alan
Ordinary, normal adults don't refer to themselves in the third person.
We are not amused.
Joerg Lorenz
2022-11-07 09:38:26 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
The iKooks said we "bashed" Apple merely for _mentioning_ forks existed.
Arlen. You are a soliloquist. All these threads are fabricated by an
acute schizophrenic personality.
Gutta cavat lapidem (Ovid)
Andy Burnelli
2022-11-07 14:53:31 UTC
Why must you do this? Did I actually say anyone should do anything? I
merely provided a news story and shared my own experience. You absolutely
must find a way to denigrate people no matter what.
On the contrary, by making the false claim that correcting blatant
disinformation is supposedly "denigrating" anyone, you are siding
with those spreading the disinformation and denigrating yourself.
I've studied Jolly Roger for years, and I think I understand him.
He's a truly dangerous person; however, he's also incredibly stupid.

People like Jolly Roger are the most dangerous when they have power.
Luckily, Jolly Roger isn't Ali Khamenei or Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

I love studying iKooks like Jolly Roger because they don't have any
capacity to hide their feelings that any comment whatsoever that their
deity (Apple) maybe perhaps isn't of god like infallible character.

In this case, Jolly Roger calls "disinformation" an article (accurately so,
by the way), which pointed out two settings one might wish to look at.

Just _that_ suggestion scared the bejeezus out of Jolly Roger, much as a
simple protest scares the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps into action.

That fear Jolly Roger intensely feels against anyone who says anything
about his deity is what would make him dangerous if he had any power.
added a setting that one should consider turning off
You and your best buddy Arlen aren't fooling any of the adults here.
One can't help but notice how Jolly Roger associates _everyone_ who has a
different religious opinion about his deity (Apple), as a threat to him!

If people like Jolly Roger have any power, that's when they are dangerous.

He's absolutely no different from Ali Khamenei or Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini except Jolly Roger doesn't have the power that they wield.
Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
which, in this case, is to explain how people like Jolly Roger act & think.
Joerg Lorenz
2022-11-07 16:03:38 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Why must you do this? Did I actually say anyone should do anything? I
merely provided a news story and shared my own experience. You absolutely
must find a way to denigrate people no matter what.
On the contrary, by making the false claim that correcting blatant
disinformation is supposedly "denigrating" anyone, you are siding
with those spreading the disinformation and denigrating yourself.
I've studied Jolly Roger for years,
Learn to quote correctly, Arlen.
Gutta cavat lapidem (Ovid)
Andy Burnelli
2022-12-16 03:49:33 UTC
I just proved, beyond any doubt, how shockingly ignorant the iKooks
(such as nospam) are when it comes to them denying what Apple does.

a. The iKooks first denied all facts about Apple
b. But when pressed for the facts... the iKooks desperately deflected
c. They don't know anything about Apple.

I just proved, beyond any doubt, how shockingly ignorant the iKooks are
about what Apple does in this set of representative responses from nospam.

*Apple Rumored to Allow Third Party App Stores, At Least in the EU*

I've spent years trying to understand the iKooks, but in the end, it simply
boils down to the iKooks being only three things concurrently (as proven).

1. They are shockingly ignorant about everything Apple is
2. That's a result of their extremely low IQ most likely
3. But what makes them an iKook is they deny all facts they hate
and yet, as I just proved, they're completely ignorant of the facts.

This nospam iKook denied Apple inserts a unique identifier into the IPA.

And when asked to explain what Apple inserts, all the iKooks could do
is _desperately_ (again and again) deflect to how bad they think Google is.

a. I mentioned what Apple inserts into every IPA that you install on iOS.

b. The iKook nospam, brazenly denies that fact about Apple (which everyone knows!)

c. I ask the iKook, nospam, to tell us how he "thinks" it works with IPAs.

d. The iKook, nospam, _desperately_ tries to change the narrative to google!

e. I bring the narrative back to the fact the iKooks are ignorant of Apple.

This is classic for what happens on the child-like Apple newsgroups.

It's been happening for decades.
Always for the same three reasons.

A. The iKooks are not only of very low IQ, but completely ignorant of what Apple is
B. The iKooks _hate_ all facts about Apple (most of which they're ignorant of!)
C. The iKooks therefore brazenly deny all facts about Apple
(even facts nobody normal would ever deny!)

It's classic.

The iKooks are shockingly ignorant of _everything_ they claim about Apple.
And yet they still deny all facts about Apple that they hate about Apple.

No normal person does that.
It's what makes the iKooks, iKooks after all.

Their whole lives, people have been telling iKooks that they're stupid.
But Apple doesn't do that. Apple loves the iKooks.
And in turn, the iKooks love Apple.

Nobody ever gave them the self esteem they need in life - except Apple.

Apple loves the iKooks because they're Apple's main target market.
And in turn, the iKooks love Apple to the point of defending Apple to the death.

Even when the iKooks are completely ignorant of everything that Apple is.
2022-12-16 03:56:35 UTC
I just proved, beyond any doubt...
...that you're so obsessed with yourself that you have to post these
missives twice?
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-17 20:58:09 UTC
Newsgroups: misc.phone.mobile.iphone,comp.sys.mac.system,alt.comp.os.windows-10
Subject: Re: (OT) What makes some people iKooks anyway?
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2023 20:55:41 +0000
There were death threats, which were reported to the FBI made by "Rod
Speed" (& by nospam)
i did not make a death threat to you or anyone else.
The FBI said they'd investigate and I said I'd be changing the nym.
then you're flat broke.
Stop it nospam.
Death threats are a serious thing, your childish trolls notwithstanding.

People like Ken Blake are too stupid to understand any adult concept,
but I expect you to own up to your own words, nospam. You wrote them.

Don't deny your own words, nospam.
Only a fool (or a liar) denies a fact which is inherently easily proven.

Read your own post on 07/31/2021, nospam.

You said, and I quote, that my death "can be arranged" by you.

Your death threat wasn't anywhere near as overt as that of Rod Speed.
*You buggers are very quiet.*
"I'll organise a death squad if you like, the email is real,
its not munged either."

I take all death threats seriously, nospam.
Especially from people who are clearly deranged, as Rod Speed must be.

And I report all these death threats to the FBI.

It's a simple phone call to report these threats to the FBI.
And if you think I didn't report them, then you'd be mistaken, nospam.

I have no idea if the FBI contacted their counterparts in NZ where Rod
Speed claims to live; but rest assured, I reported it the moment I saw it.

I take all death threats seriously, nospam.
Even from you.
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-17 21:18:01 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
I take all death threats seriously, nospam.
Even from you.
What I find revealing is how _afraid_ the iKooks are of facts.

Since they're iKooks, they also hate the _bearer_ of those facts.

The reason is instructive:
a. The iKook belief system is almost completely imaginary
b. Facts are a _danger_ to any imaginary belief system

The iKooks are like a fifth-grade held-back oversized bully who has just
been told by the other fifth graders that Santa Claus is not real.

This iKook can't believe Santa is an (admittedly clever) MARKETING gimmick.

Kid: Santa isn't real.
iKook: Yes he is. I saw him at the mall.

Kid: No silly, that's just a person dressed up in a Santa outfit.
iKook: False.

Kid: There's no way he flies & visits every chimney in one evening.
iKook: Wrong.

Kid: Seriously? You really _believe_ these mere MARKETING gimmicks?
iKook: Look stupid. I told you Santa is real. I saw him. So fuck off.

The point of that analogy is that iKooks hold dear imaginary beliefs.
And imaginary beliefs are based on absolutely zero actual facts.

So even a _single_ fact is dangerous to these iKooks.
Worse, is the _bearer_ of those facts.

Because without the bearer of facts, the iKooks can remain ignorant.
Which is exactly how they prefer to be.

Literally, as a result - they're ignorant of all things Apple.

That's an iKook for you.
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-22 18:10:49 UTC
As a current EE I prefer wireless to wires.
go back to school.
Hi nospam,

You have no right to say that.

I checked Steve's resume and he _does_ have an EE degree, as do I (among
others), where you are too uneducated to know how hard EE degrees are.

They're _extremely_ difficult to earn, as the math and physics involved is
deeply complex - which means Steve has the ability to comprehend details.

While there's no evidence inherent in your lame excuses for Apple products
that you have _any_ formal education to speak of, your "claim" that you're
a programmer might mean you have a comp sci degree - but - I doubt you even
went to college, nospam - simply because your posts show lack of education.

Given my assessment of your posts indicates you have _zero_ formal
education, and given I already checked out Steve's education, I'd want to
point out you iKooks will stop at nothing to deprecate people who are
educated (since you're not educated).

I seriously doubt you're even a coder, nospam, since _nothing_ you've ever
written indicates knowledge of coding - and - in fact - almost everything
you write is easily shown to be false, misleading, and just plain wrong.

Hence... since half my goal on this ng is to expose you ignorant despicable
ill-mannered ill-meaning unprepossessing iKooks for what you are, I would
say that when it comes to electrical engineering, Steve knows what he's
talking about (as does badgolferman on electrotechnical topics).

That isn't to say Steve doesn't play his nonsensical wacko far-to-the-left
wacko political shenanigans (which I exposed during the Covid discussions
as I _also_ have a degree in the biological sciences - where it was
instantly evident the iKook "Chris" fabricated his "PhD" in that field
(and yet, Chris was unaware of even the most basic of science terms).

All you iKooks, nospam, completely lack both IQ and education - which is a
huge component of _why_ you're all iKooks - but you have to add your insane
religious attachment to all that Apple spews to make you truly an iKook.

Interestingly, you, of all the iKooks, nospam, are the "most intelligent",
and, perhaps even the "most educated"... even as both are dismal for you.

In summary, you, of all people, have been dead wrong so many times on the
_simplest_ of things about Apple... that you... have no right whatsoever...
to say Steve needs to "go back to school".
2023-01-22 18:32:36 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
I checked Steve's resume and he _does_ have an EE degree, as do I (among
others), where you are too uneducated to know how hard EE degrees are.
i see you're digging yourself another hole.
Post by Andy Burnelli
They're _extremely_ difficult to earn, as the math and physics involved is
deeply complex -
maybe for you it's '_extremely- difficult' and 'deeply complex'.
Post by Andy Burnelli
which means Steve has the ability to comprehend details.
what he has is the ability to blatantly lie about details while
sounding like he knows what he's talking about. if you actually had an
ee degree (and weren't also a liar), you'd realize just how full of
shit he is.
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-22 20:23:32 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
I checked Steve's resume and he _does_ have an EE degree, as do I (among
others), where you are too uneducated to know how hard EE degrees are.
i see you're digging yourself another hole.
Look nospam, I'm not ashamed (like you are) to admit what degrees I have,
and what degrees I do not have - where you think it's embarrassing to admit
what you don't know - but I find no shame in admitting what I do not know.

I looked up Steve's resume (which, after all, you must know is not hard to
find on the Internet due to his previous political employment) and it says
he has an EE degree. I believe he has that degree, a priori, & you don't.

I told you on what basis I believe that Steve has earned an EE degree.
Now you tell us all on what basis you have assessed that he has not?
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
They're _extremely_ difficult to earn, as the math and physics involved is
deeply complex -
maybe for you it's '_extremely- difficult' and 'deeply complex'.
Hehhehheh.... Just like when "Chris" told me he had a PhD in the life
sciences, and yet Chris ridiculed the use of "vehicle" in immunology, which
is about as common a scientific term in microbiology as xtor is in EE.

What's revealing about you poorly educated iKooks, nospam, and what you
just revealed yourself, is you just don't know how much you don't know.

Since you do NOT have any degree, let alone an EE degree (which, let's face
it, is one of the hardest undergraduate degrees to earn, bar none), you
don't have any clue how difficult the topics are in the EE curriculum.

*You're too ignorant*, nospam, to *realize how ignorant you truly are.*
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
which means Steve has the ability to comprehend details.
what he has is the ability to blatantly lie about details while
sounding like he knows what he's talking about.
I agree with you that Steve makes it sound like he is an expert in cellular
coverage, & yet, he either lied or was ignorant _all_ his FCC maps didn't
say what he said they said (none had _any_ 5G coverage, for example).

Who _lies_ that brazenly?
Who _lies_ that repeatedly?
Who has _never_ admitted his lies, even after we proved them beyond doubt?

That's who.

I agree with you that Steve tries to come off as an "expert", and, indeed,
he's pretty damn good at finding good deals, although they're complex as
hell as he's a Verizon-wanna-be using all sorts of MVNOs to get there.

Since I'm an adult (unlike you iKooks), I can easily also agree with you
that Steve comes across as an expert in things like fingerprint readers,
and Face-ID gimmicks, and, in particular, the Covid trackers, which I went
head to head against him and demolished his point of view simply because
Steve does NOT also have a degree in the life sciences, as I do.

Nobody on this newsgroup will I let get away with all that covid nonsense
they came up with - where - with Steve - it was all his political bullshit.

In addition to Steve's wacko far-to-the-left politics with smartphones and
covid, Steve is strangely pro Apple in terms of sleazily changing the
search criteria to NOT prove the vast majority of new Android models have
either portable memory slots or wired headphone slots - two thirds of which
have both. For some reason, Steve is _desperate_ to deny that simple fact.

We can go on, like when Steve just today claimed that the iPhones break so
often (battery, screen & lightning port) that people tend to just replace
them instead of repairing them - and yet - Steve never put any repair costs
into his specious claims that iPhones cost less to own than Androids do.

Just as Steve did when he tried to show the vast majority of Android do not
have what they actually have, in his haste to create a false pre-determined
stand on total ownership costs, Steve _completely ignored_ all the Android
models which do have lower costs of ownership than the flagship models

To Steve, and to you despicable iKooks, the end justifies the means.
And the end, to both Steve and the iKooks, is to promulgate a brazen lie.

At least I always strive to maintain the God's honest truth.
This is something you can't fathom nospam.

To you, it's unfathomable someone would have the credibility I have
because, in your deceitful mind, any lie is fair game to promote if it
serves your cause of defending Apple to the death, like a Samurai.
Post by nospam
if you actually had an
ee degree (and weren't also a liar), you'd realize just how full of
shit he is.
First off, your claim that I'm not an EE is now based on the fact that I
don't realize how "full of shit" Steve often is when he posts here?

Are you really that stupid, nospam?

*How many times have I criticized Steve for the things he has said?*

This would be shocking for a normal person to make that claim.
But you're an iKook after all.

*Ignorant of everything you iKooks always prove to be.*

That you are completely ignorant of all that is no longer shocking nospam.

Every argument from you is so easily shot down that it's how I know you
don't own the IQ or education of a normal person, nospam. Seriously.
Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
which, in this case, is to respond that Steve _can_ handle detail.
He just chooses to lie about it (much like all the iKooks also do).
2023-01-22 20:26:20 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
I checked Steve's resume and he _does_ have an EE degree, as do I (among
others), where you are too uneducated to know how hard EE degrees are.
i see you're digging yourself another hole.
Look nospam, I'm not ashamed (like you are) to admit what degrees I have,
What degree you CLAIM to have, you mean.
2023-01-22 20:37:27 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
I'm not ashamed (like you are) to admit what degrees I have,
What degree you CLAIM to have, you mean.
by using photos of long outdated books.
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-22 21:51:11 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
I'm not ashamed (like you are) to admit what degrees I have,
What degree you CLAIM to have, you mean.
by using photos of long outdated books.
It's interesting that you iKooks are so ignorant, that you don't realize
any textbook I've used on my degrees, _must_ be older books to be credible.

Hence, you iKooks are so ignorant that while you recognize my textbooks
are old, you can't comprehend that they would have to be old to be from my
college days.

Also, I only see Alan Baker's kindergarten responses when people quote
them, but what's no longer amazing is he blurts out the most childish
of retorts to _everything_ he hates about Apple product lines.

It's like he a retarded child, and, in fact, it may be that he is.

You iKooks all bait, like a dumb mouse greedily eying the loaded mousetrap,
where you actually think it's "witty" to make your kindergarten responses
which is how I know you own the thought process of a mere child, nospam.

It's why you never recognize the glue trap Apple craftily laid for you.
2023-01-22 23:10:31 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by nospam
Post by Alan
   I'm not ashamed (like you are) to admit what degrees I have,
What degree you CLAIM to have, you mean.
by using photos of long outdated books.
It's interesting that you iKooks are so ignorant, that you don't realize
any textbook I've used on my degrees, _must_ be older books to be credible.
But the converse is not necessarily true.

Possession of such books is not proof that you have a degree.
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-27 15:41:10 UTC
where Samsung unilaterally _extended_ support to most older models.
they did not.
This is an important post because it elucidates the depravity of nospam.

What is wrong with your brain, nospam?
Why do you brazenly deny what everyone else already knows to be true?

Who does that?
Only fools, right?

Why nospam, do you deny that which is well known to everyone else?
*Samsung�s fantastic software update policy will soon welcome new members*
Last updated: January 25th, 2023 at 15:16 UTC+01:00

Do you never read the news, nospam?
Do you know absolutely _nothing_ about Samsung updates, nospam?

It's OK that you're ignorant - but then why are you so _confident_ when you
deny facts that everyone who does read the news already knows, nospam?

Who does that?

It seems you outright deny anything that you simply don't happen to like.
"[In 2023, Samsung] even extended the new long term update promise
to devices launched in 2021."

Will you now admit you are wrong, nospam?

*You have all the confidence in the world in your own ignorance*,
*nospam, but now that you've been shown to be wrong, do you own*
*the confidence to admit it?*

That's an important question which _defines_ your character, nospam.

Rest assured, my facts are never wrong(1), and your statements almost
always are, because I'm held to a standard of truth and credibility.

You don't give a shit about your credibility, nospam.
You simply deny any fact that you simply don't like.

Like you just did.

Will you ever admit that you're wrong, nospam?
*Updating the "wrong - by badgolferman" thread from May 29, 2019*
(1) Bear in mind I can make a mistake - but I don't say facts without
already having read the references and _understanding_ what they say.
And if I ever do make a factual mistake (which is extremely rare as a
result of my attention to accurate detail), I openly admit that mistake.
(see reference above)
2023-01-22 20:37:26 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Who _lies_ that brazenly?
Who _lies_ that repeatedly?
Who has _never_ admitted his lies, even after we proved them beyond doubt?
what reflective surfaces do you have in close proximity?
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-22 21:56:30 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
Who _lies_ that brazenly?
Who _lies_ that repeatedly?
Who has _never_ admitted his lies, even after we proved them beyond doubt?
what reflective surfaces do you have in close proximity?
Every response from you, nospam, is that of a retarded child.

Grow up.

I agreed with you that Steve wants to come across as an expert.
Just accept that I agreed with you and leave it at that.

What all you iKooks lack, nospam, is any semblance of adult balance.

Like your assessment of Steve, mind is that Steve is a wannabe...
a. He's a wannabe Verizon-high-end customer, and,
b. He's a wannabe Apple iPhone high-end customer.

And, as you assessed, Steve tries to come across as an Apple:Android expert
c. He wants to come across as an expert (as do you, nospam)

However, I _like_ that Steve is a wannabe high end customer, nospam.
For logical and sensible reasons, nospam.

It works to my advantage, as I'm a low to middle end customer who doesn't
want to go through all the hassles that Steve does to _find_ a good price.

So when Steve pointed to a good almost free Moto G(7) for free from Google,
I took him up on that offer, and I benefited from Steve's information.

Likewise, when Steve pointed to a set of three inexpensive PD & QC USB-C
and USB-A chargers, I picked up a pack and gave them as stocking stuffers.

Similarly, when Steve pointed to the one-day-only Amazon-Prime sale on $9
USB-C + USB-C + USB-A 67 Watt chargers, I took him up on that also.

In keeping with following Steve's advice, I picked up two of those Qi
chargers Steve recommended, and that's when I learned they come with USB-C
to USB-C cables (I had expected them to come with USB-A to USB-C instead).

I even picked up an HDMI/USB/SD hub that Steve recommended to help someone
with a high end HDMI-able Samsung to move his data off the memory storage.

Given how much of Steve's advice I've taken in just the past few months, I
would be remiss in not thanking Steve for his wonderful acumen in such

Sometimes Steve is a liar.
But other times Steve finds good deals.

When he's a liar, I confront him with facts.
When he finds a good deal, I check it out - and - often - I buy it.

That's adult balance for you.
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-27 15:53:50 UTC
Notice below that the iKooks can't _comprehend_ facts.
a. iKooks are immune to facts
b. iKooks never read the news
c. iKooks are mired in Apple advertisements from a decade ago

Things have changed... but the iKooks can't keep up.
Case in point below... for future researchers to ponder...
no it's not. it's what's on samsung's site right now, dated february
2023, and includes 'upcoming devices' in the classifications.
oops. feb 2022.
The fact remains iOS has the _shortest_ update lifespan of all modern OSs.
That's just a fact.

Only a fool disputes facts.
(That's why they're fools.)

What you fail to grasp is that Apple, Google, and Microsoft will all fix a
bug in an older release when that bug is heinous enough - but you fail to
grasp that fixing a bug in a ten year old release is not fixing all of

It's a fact that _intelligent_ people can grasp, by the way, but not you.

Apple only fixes all known bugs in the _single_ current release.
That's just a fact, nospam.

You dispute that fact - but that's why I said nobody but a fool does that.
I also said Android is broken into layers which are updated differently.

Your brain can't comprehend that Android updates by layers.
Android is not a monolith like iOS is.

When the iOS monolith dies, the _entire_ set of Apple-provided layers die.
Your feeble brain can't comprehend what a monolith is compared to layers.

Most of what's in those Android layers are updated forever, nospam.
(Forever has been defined here as there is no EOL date, and, perhaps more
importantly, _all_ those forever layers are donated to the Open Source
community - just in case forever is only ten or twenty years to start

The point is you do not understand how Android updates, nospam.
You don't even understand how iOS updates.

Your brain won't allow you to understand, but the fact remains a fact:
*iOS has the _shortest_ update lifespan of all common operating systems*

That's just a fact.
Prove me wrong.

But you can't.
Because you don't understand how Android & iOS update.

Read _this_ before you reply please:


HINT: Apple lied.
Andy Burnelli
2023-02-04 18:20:13 UTC
What you are always ignorant of, nospam, is you can't comprehend that on
Android there is no need to log into the Google mothership just to send and
receive text messages, while that need is _required_ on your iPhone.
It's statements like that, nospam, which deny what _everyone_ else knows to
be true, which make me believe you own a truly loathsome character, nospam.

Who could deny what you just brazenly denied, but someone like you are?

Adherence to basic respect for truth isn't a component of your personality.
ftfy, and android too, for that matter.
That you resort to kindergarten attempts of changing the quoted material
just so that your child-like brain can formulate a retort, is classic.

It's how I know you don't own anywhere near normal adult development.

The _only_ response you have to all facts you are ignorant of, and which
when told you happen to viscerally hate, is to simply deny facts exist.
This is posted because I have two goals on this newsgroup, one of which is
to learn and disseminate useful information; the other is to expose iKooks
for the ignorant despicable horribly unprepossessing people they truly are.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-02 06:04:58 UTC
This thread is designed to provide evidence, for future researchers and for
the permanent record, how _different_ from normal people the iKooks are.

Today was a _classic_ example, where I'll let one iKook (in this case,
Hemidactylus) explain it to the other iKooks (in this case, Jolly Roger and
nospam) exactly how consistently sadistically despicable these iKooks are
in their defense of Apple taken to Islamic-religion style lengths to
protect the prophet Apple.

Permanent representative classic thread:
*ipad battery drain rapidly increased in the last week.*

Permanent representative classic subthread which starts with brazen
lying fabrications by the iKook nospam claiming imaginary functionality.

clearly nospam sadistically is sending the reader on a wild goose chase
because the Hemidactylus truly desires (reasonably so) this functionality
which nospam and Jolly Roger will repeatedly fabricate that it exists.

The iKooks sadistically sent Hemidactylus on a doomed-to-fail wild-goose chase.
And then they ridiculed Hemidactylus for attempting to follow their lies.

It was a sadistic wild-goose chase perpetrated by the unprepossessing
iKooks, Jolly Roger and nospam, against other iKooks in this case
(namely Chris & Hemidactylus).

From Hemidactylus
My question to this lying piece of shit is why I can�t get an answer on
battery 'maximum capacity' on my ipad but can on my iphone.
You actually played into his lying fucking bullshit. Jolly Roger should
come by and gaslight everyone as to why that is unimportant. Seriously
don�t fucking bullshit me more assclown liars about how this is unimportant
because you are fucking lamers. Pay almost a thousand dollars for a high
end iPad and have fucking liars lie. Lying assclowns.
Implicitly admitted is that ipads are not self-sufficient. You need a
Windows PC to check battery health. Low end bullshit.
Long ago I observed what Hemidactylus did about the iKooks who will stab
their own mothers in the back if that defends Apple's honor at all cost.

*Why do the Apple Apologists constantly send poor unsuspecting iOS users on wild goose chases?*

The iKooks have no honor. No shame. Nor morals. No knowledge. No heart.
*The iKooks are truly despicable wholly unprepossessing people*
They have no knowledge.
All the iKooks _can_ do, is lie.
Their goal: To defend Apple to the death.

See also:
*lack of battery health & charging info on your iPad*
Joerg Lorenz
2023-03-02 09:06:37 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
This thread is designed to provide evidence, for future researchers and for
the permanent record, how _different_ from normal people the iKooks are.
To all current and future researchers: Andy Burnelli needs urgently
robust psychological support. Immediately but that is self-explaining.
Gutta cavat lapidem (Ovid)
Alan Browne
2023-03-02 13:30:32 UTC
Post by Joerg Lorenz
Post by Andy Burnelli
This thread is designed to provide evidence, for future researchers and for
the permanent record, how _different_ from normal people the iKooks are.
To all current and future researchers: Andy Burnelli needs urgently
robust psychological support. Immediately but that is self-explaining.
Everyone who replies to it is giving it "robust psychological support".
“Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present
danger to American democracy.”
- J Michael Luttig - 2022-06-16
- Former US appellate court judge (R) testifying to the January 6
2023-03-02 20:04:29 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Everyone who replies to it is giving it "robust psychological support".
That you use it means he's right about you being always childish.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-06 15:41:48 UTC
Post by cris
Post by Alan Browne
Everyone who replies to it is giving it "robust psychological support".
That you use it means he's right about you being always childish.
If I had to switch to an Android phone (which is not an impossibility),
it would still be wrong about most everything it spouts.
For _adults_ on this ng (admittedly, only a handful), I'm providing a free
psychological & behavioral analysis of Alan Browne's stated convictions...

I kindly & generously place these assessments in the permanent record.

Being intelligent and curious and always learning based on observable
facts, I study iKooks - where Alan Browne is as classic as is Jolly Roger.

Adults will note these facts (and my assessment of those facts).

FACT 1: Alan Browne uses "it" for a person he doesn't appear to like.
FACT 2: Alan Browne provides a sweeping view sans a single fact.
FACT 3: Alan Browne says _everything_ is wrong (which is unrealistic).

a. Alan Brown owns the brain of a small child (seriously, no joking).
b. Alan Brown is forming a belief system based on zero actual facts.
c. Alan Brown doesn't seem to care about (nor understand) his credibility.

When you put it together with all the other information we know about this
Alan Browne iKook, it's no different than what Alan Baker or Lewis says.

The iKooks like Alan Brown all suffer from the same class flaws:
1. No education and low IQ means lack of adult comprehensive skills.
2. Inability to process facts means they gravitate to religious messages.
3. Only Apple hasn't told them they were stupid their entire lives
so they use Apple as a way to bring them out of their low class.

Now, to the point that Alan Brown "thinks" he made (sans any facts),
I made the point that the iPhone has had more zero day bugs than Android.

That's simply a fact, right?
So that's one he can't disprove.

I could go on, for example, there is no way to do graphical wi-fi signal
strength debugging on iOS for all wi-fi access points in the vicinity.

That's simply a fact, right?
So that's another one he can't disprove.

Notice that Alan Browne, like all iKooks, simply _hates_ facts.

Because when you own a belief system NOT based on facts, then facts are the
most dangerous thing to your strongly held (religious) beliefs, right?

Alan Browne not only hates facts - but he hates the bearer of fact.
So much that he uses the most clever of all insults he can come up with.

Hehhehheh... "it"... (wow, that's clever, isn't it).
Post by cris
As to keeping my iPhone, the troll is not part of my decision.
As far as I'm aware, on this newsgroup only Steve and I habitually switch
between Android and iOS (is that right - or do others switch all the time)?

The ecosystems are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in almost every way imaginable.

In fact, if you are intelligent about the comparison, iOS is completely
different from _every_ common consumer operating system. (Even macOS.)

Mostly it's in the walled garden, which, Alan Browne, characteristically
and quite tellingly, insists with religious fervor that it doesn't exist.
Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
which, in this case, is to analyze why Alan Browne does what he does.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-09 05:22:47 UTC
*Apple announcement today - new yellow color option for iPhone 14 - with matching $49 case
Apparently these people overflow with juvenile hatred and feel compelled
to lash out at random strangers over utterly trivial things.
It's pretty sad behavior. (Jolly Roger
Yet another irony meter just exploded! (badgolferman)
Indeed. For one of this newsgroups most profligate trolls, to post that,
is indeed amusing. (sms)
For the adults on this newsgroup, and for the permanent record...
1. Everyone but JR discussed the incontrovertible facts of what Apple did.
2. For whatever reasons, Jolly Roger _hates_ what Apple clearly did.
3. The iKook has no _adult_ defense to that fact - so - he lashes out.

This thread is a classic case of the iKooks being what I've been saying
they are, as I understand them - based on 3 fundamental character flaws.
a. Jolly Roger owns both a low IQ and as a result, a lack of education
b. Therefore, Jolly Roger was told he was stupid and ignorant his whole
life, so he's desperate to fall for Apple's religious advertising.
c. Where Jolly Roger derives appreciable self esteem from the presumed
superiority of "his" decision to pay more for Apple products.

*Nobody can discuss _anything_ negative about Apple in JR's presence*

It's not allowed to ever discuss any fact about Apple where the iKooks
perceive that fact to hold Apple in even a slightly negative light.

Like a stunted fifth-grader told by his buddies that Santa Claus is a
marketing gimmick, he lashed out at everyone who was simply noticing what
Apple did (which clearly is a marketing gimmick revolving around colors).

He can't dispute what Apple did (although he certainly would if he could).
So he lashes out, viciously so, at those who simply noticed what Apple did.

The most apropos analogy is a religious zealot defending any perceived
slight against Mohammed, whom they truly believe to be their savior.

*The iKooks defend Apple to the death*, no matter what.
*But, since they're have no education & low IQ, it's always childishly so*

The don't own the _adult_ skills to respond to the facts any other way.

Paradoxically, what's really going on to cause this vicious hatred is...
*Jolly Roger _hates_ what Apple did because it opens Apple up to scrutiny*

Discussion of fact isn't allowed on this newsgroup, if it's not
complementary to Apple of course (and hence, pejorative to Jolly Roger's
self esteem which is appreciably derived from the Apple advertising.)
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-09 22:29:57 UTC
Here's another tangential example of what makes an iKook so ignorant.
*How do we show the display variable refresh rate in real time on iOS screens?*
I'm interested in driving cars fast, and I own a BMW. I'm not sure what
a "bimmer" or "beemer" means (or why you would use both terms).
Both mean BMW. Using both terms is a red piece of cloth waving in the
molecules of nitrogen, oxygen and other trace gases flowing by.
This is interestingly another case of how clueless the iKooks truly are.

The tools that work on a beemer are NOT the same as those for a bimmer.

For the iKooks to conflate the two is classic!
a. The iKooks are uneducated and of low IQ
b. Hence, they know nothing about any topic
c. Yet - they _think_ they know everything....

And yet... they don't even know the _simplest_ things of this topic.

*The entire belief system of the iKook is completely imaginary!*

It's like when Chris claimed to have a PhD in the life sciences, and yet,
he didn't even know what the word "vehicle" meant in immunological terms.

When people are technically competent (i.e., not iKooks) descriptive words
mean something to those who understand and who have technical competency.
HINT: If someone calls their bimmer a beemer, it's as instant a recognition
that they don't know anything about BMW just as if they have no teeth and
they can't speak proper grammar, it's a clue they didn't earn a PhD either.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-11 01:10:49 UTC
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard to
get a straight answer from him.
my answers are always straight, unless i'm toying with a troll.
Is that what you think of me?
it should be obvious to whom i'm referring, and it's not you.
Hi badgolferman,

Clearly, nospam is not a normal person, as you're well aware I'm sure.
*He would stab his own mother in the back* if he felt like it.

He'll send innocent people on fruitless wild-goose chases, out of not
ignorance, but out of his own sadistic nature to cause others pain.

*People like nospam actually _enjoy_ being sadistic to others*

The reason is known only to his psychologist; but I assume it's because he
was told he was stupid his entire life - and here he wants to get back.

*He's desperate to claim that he's _not_ stupid* - and yet - he is.

But a lot of people are stupid - and they're not sadistic like nospam is.
*A lot of people are stupid - but they're not inveterate liars like he is*

There's more to nospam than just his ignorance and his sadistic nature.

One thing you know is that I strive to understand why nospam is what he is.
Perhaps, even, I understand nospam's motives better than he knows himself.

*Everything nospam does is to defend Apple* to the death, no matter what.

Because of that, all facts about Apple are a _danger_ to nospam.

*Literally, nospam _fears_ facts*
*He's deathly _afraid_ of all facts* which put Apple in a negative light.

Hence, not only does nospam call everyone who speaks facts, a troll,
but nospam will brazenly deny all facts about Apple he hates.

(which is, let's be clear, a _lot_ of facts)

What nospam does is what anyone does who is deathly afraid of the topic.
He deflects. He lies. He redirects. He lies some more. He denies.

*Mostly nospam uses 7 repeated approaches to deflect from facts*

In summary, everything nospam does on this newsgroup is because he is so
deathly _afraid_ of facts, that not only are the facts dangerous to his
belief system... but the bearer of facts is an overt danger too.

He's a religious fanatic who is afraid of something as benign as the truth.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-13 17:40:00 UTC
It's revealing that Jolly Roger can't see the humor in what Apple did.
What's much more revealing is how your little troll gang is so bent out
of shape about Apple announcing a new color for iPhones that you are
literally spending hours of your collective time complaining about it
and insulting complete strangers who dare to choose to purchase one. You
people are pathetic, angry, little snots. : )
Hi Jolly Roger,

This *YELLOW!!!!* is actually very important to understand you iKooks.

I study you because you're rather interesting to me (how your mind works).
What matters to me is _why_ you're so ashamed & fearful of what Apple did.
It seems the reason Jolly Roger is so upset
Projection. I'm not going around bitching and moaning about something
innocuous and belittling anyone who points out how shitty you're being.
Well, you can think that I'm "upset" that Apple did something for purely
MARKETING reasons such as put a shiny new coat of paint on the iPhone.

But I'm not.

I'm actually happy Apple did it because normally you iKooks would first
deny it, and then you'd say "nobody wants it" and "it's not needed".

Yet, for some reason, *YELLOW!!!!* is something that people actually want.
And, in fact, they need it.

Otherwise nospam would have said "nobody needs it" & "nobody wants it".
And yet, the record is clear on that fact. He did not.

That's interesting, is it not?
It shows EXACTLY how you iKooks think.

All you care about, ever, your entire lives, in fact, is defending Apple.
(and yet, with *YELLOW!!!!*... you can't)
The Apple customer is indoctrinated to believe EVERYTHING Apple says
(even as there are few companies that brazenly lie more than Apple does).
Jolly Roger
2023-03-13 21:10:56 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
It's revealing that Jolly Roger can't see the humor in what Apple did.
What's much more revealing is how your little troll gang is so bent
out of shape about Apple announcing a new color for iPhones that you
are literally spending hours of your collective time complaining
about it and insulting complete strangers who dare to choose to
purchase one. You people are pathetic, angry, little snots. : )
This *YELLOW!!!!* is actually very important
It really isn't.
Post by Andy Burnelli
What matters to me is _why_ I am so ashamed & fearful of what Apple
Mostly insecurity. Books could be written about your psychological
issues - yes, BOOKS (plural)!
Post by Andy Burnelli
It seems the reason Jolly Roger is so upset
Projection. I'm not going around bitching and moaning about something
innocuous and belittling anyone who points out how shitty you're being.
I'm "upset" that Apple did something
Clearly. It's unfortunate, but only you are in control over your
Post by Andy Burnelli
*YELLOW!!!!* is something that people actually want.
Some do, some don't - like any other color. The fact that you are this
upset about it says way more about you than anyone else.
Post by Andy Burnelli
That's interesting, is it not?
No. It's actually downright boring that you spend your days and nights
trolling about *the* most inane bullshit.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-03-13 21:25:22 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Andy Burnelli
It's revealing that Jolly Roger can't see the humor in what Apple did.
What's much more revealing is how your little troll gang is so bent
out of shape about Apple announcing a new color for iPhones that you
are literally spending hours of your collective time complaining
about it and insulting complete strangers who dare to choose to
purchase one. You people are pathetic, angry, little snots. : )
This *YELLOW!!!!* is actually very important
It really isn't.
Post by Andy Burnelli
What matters to me is _why_ I am so ashamed & fearful of what Apple
Mostly insecurity. Books could be written about your psychological
issues - yes, BOOKS (plural)!
Post by Andy Burnelli
It seems the reason Jolly Roger is so upset
Projection. I'm not going around bitching and moaning about something
innocuous and belittling anyone who points out how shitty you're being.
I'm "upset" that Apple did something
Clearly. It's unfortunate, but only you are in control over your
Post by Andy Burnelli
*YELLOW!!!!* is something that people actually want.
Some do, some don't - like any other color. The fact that you are this
upset about it says way more about you than anyone else.
Post by Andy Burnelli
That's interesting, is it not?
No. It's actually downright boring that you spend your days and nights
trolling about *the* most inane bullshit.
"Tedious" is the word that springs to mind for me.
Wally J
2023-12-22 17:16:30 UTC
There isn't anyone intelligent in racing circuits who doesn't know the
significance of the catenary in terms of teaching basic racing skills.
I¢m not a racer, but I would guess it has something to do with calculating
how to enter and exit a curve. As a motorcycle rider there are some very
fine points of curve management one must learn to handle their bike safely.
How does anyone deal with these shockingly strange people known as iKooks?

This is a seminal discussion which shows what the iKooks really are
and which needs to be in the public record for future generations.

Exactly. This is why I've never considered you (or Ant or Steve, et al.) an
iKook but why _everyone_ knows that Alan Baker, for one, is an iKook.

You have the cognitive ability to comprehend that physical forces are the
same in all directions, particularly the forces that suspend a bridge are
the same forces that act upon a motorcycle navigating a curve at speed.

As an aside (owning a K1200 myself as I believe you have a Gold Wing), it
mostly applies in racing circuits (as the real world has opposing traffic).

It's likely that Alan Baker, even after furiously searching for the
definition, found mostly equidistant suspension bridging references, and
yet, since he lacks any education in Calculus or Physics, he can't relate
the vertical directional forces with the same horizontally directed forces.

Worse, while he claims to own a BMW, he's ignorant of the most basic of the
terms used for bimmers and beemers alike, which means his mind is on off.

Likewise, he claims to "teach racing" and yet he's likely never heard of a
catenary, which, let's be clear, would be discussed in any racing circuit
(other than straight-line drag racing perhaps, as no curves are involved).

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

The point of bringing up the catenary or the metric tensor or Christoffel
symbols or even Dunning Kruger effects isn't so much what they are - but
that the iKooks are ignorant of them and yet they form strong opinions.

Jolly Roger thinks he's an iKook because "we disagree" but that's yet
another trait of the iKook to completely misunderstand the obvious.

He's an iKook not because we disagree - but because he strongly believes in
things which he's completely ignorant of - for example, Jolly Roger
repeatedly claims Apple fully patches older releases - when Apple doesn't.

Sure. We disagree. But my disagreement is based on Apple's own words.
His belief system is based on absolutely no facts whatsoever that matter.

Apple says they do not fully patch older releases.
Jolly Roger says they do.
In fact, he's sure of it.

Simply because Apple fixed a bug or two in an older release.
That's full "proof" to Jolly Roger that Apple fully patches older releases!

No fact can or will sway Jolly Roger from his purely imaginary beliefs.

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

Not only do the iKooks lack that cognitive ability, badgolferman, but they
form strong opinions that all science is "dubious" simply because they
a. are ignorant of it...
b. because they're uneducated...
c. as a result of their low IQ

It's why the iKooks can't put together that Apple's variant excuses for
removing basic functionality is because Apple wants to them to buy it back.

Instead of putting things together, as you just did (and as most normal
adults would do), they accept Apple's individual explanations (e.g., "it's
courageous") because it's much simpler for them to accept a direct excuse.

The whole point of this thread is to point out what iKooks really are.

My main point about the iKooks is simply that they form strong opinions
about things that they spend absolutely no energy actually understanding.

Alan Browne, for example, repeatedly claims there is no walled garden
simply because he's completely ignorant that he's logging into it.

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

This is a classic Dunning-Kruger first quartile trait, where they are so
confident of their assessments that they don't realize how wrong they are.

It's what I'm trying to patiently explain to Hemidactylus, who deprecated
the Dunning-Kruger graphs, where I fit into those same graphs as do you.

The difference is that I _understand_ what Dunning-Kruger papers explained.

It's the same with the catenary where, by now, Alan Baker has probably
furiously googled enough to find that it's a well-taught well-discussed
term in racing (particularly in motorcycle racing, as you've surmised).

Yet, he's likely never heard of it nor, more importantly, since ignorance
can be cured, he doesn't understand that it's an extremely important fact.

Just as nospam can't stand that he was ignorant that iOS doesn't have any
app store apps that graphically show wi-fi signal strength over time,
they'll make a childish kindergarten excuse for why they lack knowledge.

In nospam's case, that childish excuse is he'll repeatedly claim that apps
exist - and yet - when asked to "name just one" - he's never once named it.

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

It's the same with Hemidactylus claiming the D-K is a weapon when everyone
fits into the D-K graphs - yes - everyone - including you and including me.

*How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

The iKooks don't even realize _why_ they're iKooks, badgolferman.

But they prove it whenever the only way they can deal with facts that
they're ignorant of, like Alan Browne did, is to call people an 'it'.

Do you know why Alan Browne calls people dealing with facts an 'it'?
I do.

HINT: If he negates the person, he feels he's negated all the facts too.
How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?