Andy Burnelli
2023-03-28 22:00:21 UTC
OSMAND/OSMAND+ is a very useful offline mapping app.
Steve is confused because he's comparing, for Android anyway...a. OSMAnd+ on Google Play <>
b. with OSMAnd on Google Play <net.osmand>
c. (which are completely _different_ packages!).
And in doing so, he is _ignoring_ these two packages are the same!
a. OSMAnd+ on Google Play <>
b. OSMAnd+ on F-Droid (aka OSMAnd~) <>
c. Which are the exact same package for Christs' sake.
The difference between the <> on the Google Play repo and
the exact same <> package on the F-Droid repo, besides the
Google Play <> costing money and F-Droid's <>
being free, is only in minor differences such as signing & subversions
(where it's said F-Droid <> subversions "may" be behind).
We've covered this _many_ (many!) times in gory detail on the Android
newsgroup, so it would be shocking for Steve to _still_ be ignorant.
But people who filter out facts will always remain ignorant.
Unfortunately, at some point ignorance begets stupidity.
As I said on the Android newsgroup in the Casting thread today...
*Casting to tablet while doing something else on the phone.*
I don't care that Steve is ignorant.
I don't care that Steve filters out facts.
I don't even care that because Steve filters facts, he's stupid.
What I care about is Steve is telling others very bad advice.
We covered this so many times I'm tired of hashing it out.
The fact is OSMAnd+ <> on the Google Play repository is the
exact same package as OSMAnd+ <> (aka OSMAnd~) on the
F-Droid repository, whether Steve comprehends that fact, or not.
People like Steve (and the iKooks like Alan Browne) who filter out all
facts will remain ignorant, and I don't care - unless they spew their
ignorance to others - and that's when I care to call them out on it.
Minor differences are in the signing and supposedly in timely updates.
Minor differences are in the signing and supposedly in timely updates.