Wally J
2023-12-24 17:37:22 UTC
Racist pig.
The child-like uneducated low-IQ ignorant iKooks lack the basic adultcapacity to comprehend even the simplest of concepts such as a catenary.
Nor can these child-like uneducated low-IQ ignorant iKooks comprehend that
everyone (yes, everyone!) fits in one of the D-K test results quartiles.
Given those two facts, how could anyone have expected these child-like
uneducated low-IQ ignorant iKooks to comprehend Apple's marketing strategy?
No surprise.
Actually, I'm surprised you're the only one who responded that way, as youare already on record for making guesses as to what's in the cites, without
ever bothering to look at the cites.
There were two types of cites in the OP:
1. The first type were examples of Apple's marketing
2. The second type were _analysis_ of Apple's marketing
He already others based on the statistically
suspect Dunning Kruger effect that he is incapable to realize has flaws
given his pseudointellectual tendencies.
What I said about D-K was I read (and understood) the seminal papers.suspect Dunning Kruger effect that he is incapable to realize has flaws
given his pseudointellectual tendencies.
You did not.
What you don't understand, for example, is everyone fits on the D-K scale.
That's why they have those quartile markers.
You have noticed the D-K quartile markers, Hemidactylus, haven't you?
What do _you_ think they're there for?
He criticizes Alan who is an expert in teaching of car racing skills
because he allegedly knows more than anyone else about everything.
Now you're being too nice to me, Hemidactylus, in praising my skills.because he allegedly knows more than anyone else about everything.
I clearly stated I know nothing about racing. I said I understood bimmers.
Once you're well educated, you learn enough to know two important things:
a. Other well educated people know more than you do in their fields, and,
b. You can easily apply your vast education to other fields (e.g., racing).
What I _said_ was that the catenary is a specific shape for an extremely
important reason, having all to do with Newtonian forces in nature.
As such, it's one of the most important curves possible in racing circuits,
and the fact that someone quoted Alan Baker as saying he's never even heard
of the catenary, is a problem because an "expert" isn't that ignorant.
Braggart knuckledragger.
I realize all you iKooks lack education so your only defense to knowledgethat everyone else has attained except you, is to try to insult them.
But wouldn't it be better if you took a Physics or Calculus class and
simply learned what a catenary is and how it applies to racing circuits?
He is the punchline of the joke he starts but can't finish.
What's patently clear is you do not know what a catenary is, Hemidactylus.Therefore, you do not know how a catenary applies to the forces of nature.
Nor, as a result, are you aware of how those forces apply to racing.
The fact that EVERYONE on the planet who has taken a Physics or Calculus
class knows EXACTLY what a catenary is - and you and Alan Baker do not -
is the reason that your only response to facts is to try to insult the
Instead of claiming I am a "knuckedragger" because _you_ don't know what a
catenary is... why don't you - instead - look up how a catenary applies
the Newtonian forces of nature to the teaching of proper racing circuits).
The child-like uneducated low-IQ ignorant iKooks lack the basic adult
capacity to comprehend even the simplest of concepts such as a catenary.
The child-like uneducated low-IQ ignorant iKooks lack the basic adult
capacity to comprehend even the simplest of concepts such as a catenary.