The iPhone has won over casual users.
(too old to reply)
Wally J
2023-09-01 00:08:08 UTC
I think they used to call it fragmentation with Android. iPhones are
homogenized to the extent my iPad is just an extension of my iPhone.
The iPhone pulled me away from Linux on desktops (and using my MacMini).
It¢s so much more convenient than firing up and being tethered to a desktop
or laptop. I can post to usenet from something that fits in my hand. I only
use desktops at work anymore.
The problem of using customer satisfaction as a metric is that the
customer's self bias has already greatly affected the measurement.

Customer satisfaction for an iPhone is based on low-functionality metrics.

For example, if you want to be able to do things that iOS can't do, such as
choose alternative app store skins and filters, change the app launcher,
put icons anywhere including in multiple places, change the grid pattern,
change the default sms/mms messenger, graphically debug wi-fi signal
strength, add system-wide ad-blocking firewalls, spoof gps location,
automatically record calls, graphically download & rip video sans ads, use
privacy based web browsers such as the Guardian TOR browser or Ungoogled
Chromium, extract the installer off the phone and use the results on any
phone (not just phones which are set up for any given account), downloads
and install apps and use mail/calendars/reminders/etc without having to log
into any account whatsoever, and so on (all of which Android easily does).

Given the iPhone can't do any of those important things, it's just a toy.

For a person who wants to use a phone as something other than just a toy,
they will never be satisfied with the lack of functionality that is iOS.

However... if all the person wants to do is have green and blue bubbles,
and to show off that they bought the RED or YELLOW iPhone, then the fact
iOS is a toy operating system won't adversely affect satisfaction levels.

Hell, we've seen time and again the iKooks claim they're satisfied with the
iPhone simply because Apple makes something like 50% profit on them.

They think Apple's profits equate to their satisfaction, when, in fact, the
more technically illiterate a customer is - the more profits Apple makes.

Which brings me to the final point of technical literacy metrics.
a. Apple customers are virtually almost all technically illiterate,
(The "it just works" promise is _why_ they're Apple customers!)

b. A good portion of Android customers are technically knowledgeable.
(That's _why_ they're Android customers after all!)

Certainly none of the iKooks on this newsgroup have any technical literacy
(e.g., nospam doesn't know the difference between a megabit & a decibel!)
(e,.g., Alan Baker doesn't know the nntp headers can easily be spoofed!)
(e.g., Jolly Roger is completely ignorant of Apple's full-hotfix policy!)
(e.g., Alan Browne is even more ignorant of the walled garden's existence!)

Apple customers ===> technically illiterate

If they were technically literate, they wouldn't put up with the thousands
upon thousands (upon thousands) of things iOS can't do that Android does.
2023-09-01 00:11:46 UTC
Post by Wally J
I think they used to call it fragmentation with Android. iPhones are
homogenized to the extent my iPad is just an extension of my iPhone.
The iPhone pulled me away from Linux on desktops (and using my MacMini).
It┬ so much more convenient than firing up and being tethered to a desktop
or laptop. I can post to usenet from something that fits in my hand. I only
use desktops at work anymore.
The problem of using customer satisfaction as a metric is that the
customer's self bias has already greatly affected the measurement.
Customer satisfaction for an iPhone is based on low-functionality metrics.
For example, if you want to be able to do things that iOS can't do, such as
choose alternative app store skins and filters, change the app launcher,
put icons anywhere including in multiple places, change the grid pattern,
change the default sms/mms messenger, graphically debug wi-fi signal
strength, add system-wide ad-blocking firewalls, spoof gps location,
automatically record calls, graphically download & rip video sans ads, use
privacy based web browsers such as the Guardian TOR browser or Ungoogled
Chromium, extract the installer off the phone and use the results on any
phone (not just phones which are set up for any given account), downloads
and install apps and use mail/calendars/reminders/etc without having to log
into any account whatsoever, and so on (all of which Android easily does).
Given the iPhone can't do any of those important things, it's just a toy.
For a person who wants to use a phone as something other than just a toy,
they will never be satisfied with the lack of functionality that is iOS.
However... if all the person wants to do is have green and blue bubbles,
and to show off that they bought the RED or YELLOW iPhone, then the fact
iOS is a toy operating system won't adversely affect satisfaction levels.
Hell, we've seen time and again the iKooks claim they're satisfied with the
iPhone simply because Apple makes something like 50% profit on them.
They think Apple's profits equate to their satisfaction, when, in fact, the
more technically illiterate a customer is - the more profits Apple makes.
Which brings me to the final point of technical literacy metrics.
a. Apple customers are virtually almost all technically illiterate,
(The "it just works" promise is _why_ they're Apple customers!)
b. A good portion of Android customers are technically knowledgeable.
(That's _why_ they're Android customers after all!)
Certainly none of the iKooks on this newsgroup have any technical literacy
(e.g., nospam doesn't know the difference between a megabit & a decibel!)
(e,.g., Alan Baker doesn't know the nntp headers can easily be spoofed!)
(e.g., Jolly Roger is completely ignorant of Apple's full-hotfix policy!)
(e.g., Alan Browne is even more ignorant of the walled garden's existence!)
Apple customers ===> technically illiterate
If they were technically literate, they wouldn't put up with the thousands
upon thousands (upon thousands) of things iOS can't do that Android does.
I love your casual arrogance and belief that no one but yourself can
make rational choices about what they need...

2023-09-01 00:34:41 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
I think they used to call it fragmentation with Android. iPhones are
homogenized to the extent my iPad is just an extension of my iPhone.
The iPhone pulled me away from Linux on desktops (and using my MacMini).
It┬ so much more convenient than firing up and being tethered to a desktop
or laptop. I can post to usenet from something that fits in my hand. I only
use desktops at work anymore.
The problem of using customer satisfaction as a metric is that the
customer's self bias has already greatly affected the measurement.
Customer satisfaction for an iPhone is based on low-functionality metrics.
For example, if you want to be able to do things that iOS can't do, such as
choose alternative app store skins and filters, change the app launcher,
put icons anywhere including in multiple places, change the grid pattern,
change the default sms/mms messenger, graphically debug wi-fi signal
strength, add system-wide ad-blocking firewalls, spoof gps location,
automatically record calls, graphically download & rip video sans ads, use
privacy based web browsers such as the Guardian TOR browser or Ungoogled
Chromium, extract the installer off the phone and use the results on any
phone (not just phones which are set up for any given account), downloads
and install apps and use mail/calendars/reminders/etc without having to log
into any account whatsoever, and so on (all of which Android easily does).
Given the iPhone can't do any of those important things, it's just a toy.
For a person who wants to use a phone as something other than just a toy,
they will never be satisfied with the lack of functionality that is iOS.
However... if all the person wants to do is have green and blue bubbles,
and to show off that they bought the RED or YELLOW iPhone, then the fact
iOS is a toy operating system won't adversely affect satisfaction levels.
Hell, we've seen time and again the iKooks claim they're satisfied with the
iPhone simply because Apple makes something like 50% profit on them.
They think Apple's profits equate to their satisfaction, when, in fact, the
more technically illiterate a customer is - the more profits Apple makes.
Which brings me to the final point of technical literacy metrics.
a. Apple customers are virtually almost all technically illiterate,
(The "it just works" promise is _why_ they're Apple customers!)
b. A good portion of Android customers are technically knowledgeable.
(That's _why_ they're Android customers after all!)
Certainly none of the iKooks on this newsgroup have any technical literacy
(e.g., nospam doesn't know the difference between a megabit & a decibel!)
(e,.g., Alan Baker doesn't know the nntp headers can easily be spoofed!)
(e.g., Jolly Roger is completely ignorant of Apple's full-hotfix policy!)
(e.g., Alan Browne is even more ignorant of the walled garden's existence!)
Apple customers ===> technically illiterate
If they were technically literate, they wouldn't put up with the thousands
upon thousands (upon thousands) of things iOS can't do that Android does.
I love your casual arrogance and belief that no one but yourself can
make rational choices about what they need...
Yeah he’s a tiresome troll not worth reading regardless of the numerous
guises he uses and shifts between to circumvent filtering measures of
people who quickly recognize him by his signature pathetic tropes.
Wally J
2023-09-01 00:56:00 UTC
Yeah he¢s a tiresome troll not worth reading regardless of the numerous
guises he uses and shifts between to circumvent filtering measures of
people who quickly recognize him by his signature pathetic tropes.
*The iPhone customer is satisfied because they're technically ignorant*

Every time you uneducated iKooks gloat that you think you've found me, I
have to laugh at how incredibly stupid you are as if it takes you more than
a second to figure out my posts, you're a moron - which is what you are.

You ignorant iKooks literally gloat that you figured out that 1 + 1 = 2

It's especially obvious how stupid you iKooks are when you claim everyone
who posts here is me - which I think is hilarious since it proves you are

Meanwhile, my point about customer satisfaction is valid that the Apple
consumer is ignorant - otherwise the "it just works" ads wouldn't work.

The Apple customer is so technically incompetent, most don't even realize
that the iPhone can't do thousands (upon thousands!) of things Android (and
every other operating system) easily does.

Hence they go together...

a. The iPhone customer is almost completely technically ignorant,
b. Hence, they're quite happy with the iPhone (doing what they're told),
c. Even as the iOS operating system is clearly a dysfunctional toy OS.

iPhone customer ===> technically ignorant

An example is nospam still doesn't know the difference between a decibel
and a megabit, Alan Baker doesn't know you can spoof headers, Jolly Roger
still thinks iOS 15 is fully supported & Alan Browne has never heard of the
walled garden.

iKook ===> technically ignorant
2023-09-01 01:58:23 UTC
Wally J <***@invalid.nospam> wrote:
[snipped and ignored]
Wally J
2023-09-01 15:27:02 UTC
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.

*If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*

You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.

Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like Ungoogled Chromium.

Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.

Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.

If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.

If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.

Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.

You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.

You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.

If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.

If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.

If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.

In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.

In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
*You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
2023-09-01 15:58:46 UTC
Post by Wally J
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.
*If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*
You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.
I do technical support for businesses and individuals.

Do you know how many times I've been asked how to do this?

Post by Wally J
Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like Ungoogled Chromium.
Post by Wally J
Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.
Post by Wally J
Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.
Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.
Post by Wally J
You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.
Post by Wally J
You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.
Post by Wally J
In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
*You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...

...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
2023-09-01 16:09:39 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.
  *If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*
You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.
I do technical support for businesses and individuals.
Do you know how many times I've been asked how to do this?
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like Ungoogled Chromium.
Post by Wally J
Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.
Post by Wally J
Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.
Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.
Post by Wally J
You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.
Post by Wally J
You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.
Post by Wally J
In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
  *You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...
...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
When low-information consumers set the bar low enough.
2023-09-01 16:10:46 UTC
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.
  *If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*
You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.
I do technical support for businesses and individuals.
Do you know how many times I've been asked how to do this?
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like Ungoogled Chromium.
Post by Wally J
Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.
Post by Wally J
Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.
Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.
Post by Wally J
You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.
Post by Wally J
You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.
Post by Wally J
In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
  *You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...
...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
When low-information consumers set the bar low enough.
Do you want to be able to set the timing on your car, "News"?
2023-09-01 17:16:22 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.
  *If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*
You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.
I do technical support for businesses and individuals.
Do you know how many times I've been asked how to do this?
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like Ungoogled Chromium.
Post by Wally J
Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.
Post by Wally J
Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.
Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.
Post by Wally J
You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.
Post by Wally J
You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.
Post by Wally J
In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
  *You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...
...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
When low-information consumers set the bar low enough.
Do you want to be able to set the timing on your car, "News"?
Static set, dynamic mapped, 'wace dwiber'
2023-09-01 17:21:34 UTC
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.
  *If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*
You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.
I do technical support for businesses and individuals.
Do you know how many times I've been asked how to do this?
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like Ungoogled Chromium.
Post by Wally J
Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.
Post by Wally J
Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.
Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.
Post by Wally J
You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.
Post by Wally J
You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.
Post by Wally J
In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
  *You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...
...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
When low-information consumers set the bar low enough.
Do you want to be able to set the timing on your car, "News"?
Static set, dynamic mapped, 'wace dwiber'
You failed to answer my question...

...but failure is the default option for you, isn't it?
2023-09-01 17:27:53 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.
  *If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*
You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.
I do technical support for businesses and individuals.
Do you know how many times I've been asked how to do this?
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like Ungoogled Chromium.
Post by Wally J
Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.
Post by Wally J
Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.
Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.
Post by Wally J
You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.
Post by Wally J
You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.
Post by Wally J
In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
  *You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...
...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
When low-information consumers set the bar low enough.
Do you want to be able to set the timing on your car, "News"?
Static set, dynamic mapped, 'wace dwiber'
You failed to answer my question...
...but failure is the default option for you, isn't it?
My answer was accurate. I don't need to set the timing on my car.

And your obstinacy is the default option for you, isn't it?

Along with your <smiley face>
2023-09-01 17:40:29 UTC
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.
  *If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*
You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.
I do technical support for businesses and individuals.
Do you know how many times I've been asked how to do this?
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like Ungoogled Chromium.
Post by Wally J
Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.
Post by Wally J
Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.
Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.
Post by Wally J
You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.
Post by Wally J
You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.
Post by Wally J
In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
  *You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...
...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
When low-information consumers set the bar low enough.
Do you want to be able to set the timing on your car, "News"?
Static set, dynamic mapped, 'wace dwiber'
You failed to answer my question...
...but failure is the default option for you, isn't it?
My answer was accurate. I don't need to set the timing on my car.
But by your own argument against the iPhone, the fact that you can't is
a drawback.

Your a "low-information consumer" when it comes to cars.

2023-09-01 17:47:02 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.
  *If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*
You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.
I do technical support for businesses and individuals.
Do you know how many times I've been asked how to do this?
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like Ungoogled Chromium.
Post by Wally J
Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.
Post by Wally J
Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.
Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.
Post by Wally J
You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.
Post by Wally J
You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.
Post by Wally J
In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
  *You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...
...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
When low-information consumers set the bar low enough.
Do you want to be able to set the timing on your car, "News"?
Static set, dynamic mapped, 'wace dwiber'
You failed to answer my question...
...but failure is the default option for you, isn't it?
My answer was accurate. I don't need to set the timing on my car.
But by your own argument against the iPhone, the fact that you can't is
a drawback.
Your a "low-information consumer" when it comes to cars.
There you go. 100% on form.

Feel free to fuck yourself in your Miata, asshole.

It's what you do well. Every trolling day.
2023-09-01 18:05:27 UTC
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
I'm quite satisfied with my iPhone.
There are two kinds of people on this newsgroup... adults... and children.
  *If all you do is use the iPhone as a toy... you _should_ be satisfied*
You'll only be dissatisfied when you try to do graphical wi-fi debugging.
Or when you try to orient the app icons the way you want them to be.
I do technical support for businesses and individuals.
Do you know how many times I've been asked how to do this?
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to spoof your GPS location or run a system-wide firewall.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to load a more private web browser like
Ungoogled Chromium.
Post by Wally J
Or, when you try to use a graphical interface to download YouTube videos
without ads and being able to play and convert to any desired format.
Post by Wally J
Or if/when you want to or need to automatically record your phone calls.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want privacy/anonymity that only the Guardian Tor browser has.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that there's no chance of privacy on an iPhone when
you're logged into the mothership 24/7/365, then you'll be happy with it.
Post by Wally J
If you don't care that Apple inserts a unique-to-you tracking ID into every
IPA you install, then you'll be happy with that additional lack of privacy.
Hell, if you don't mind that every message you send has to go through
Apple's servers, then again, that additional lack of privacy is just fine.
Post by Wally J
You'll be dissatisfied with the iPhone if you want portable memory too.
Post by Wally J
Or if you want to plug into that (newer) iPhone standard wired headphones.
Post by Wally J
You'll be happy with the iPhone if, when you search for apps, you don't
care about the child-like filters that Apple (and Google!) provide to you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to torrent a file, you'll be happy with that child's toy.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install an older app version that is no longer in the
app store, and which you didn't make a backup of, the iPhone works for you.
Post by Wally J
If you never want to install any app (that is on your iPhone) onto any
other phone (without the same AppleID), then the iOS child's toy is fine.
Post by Wally J
In short, if you don't do the thousands (upon thousands!) of rather useful
things that _every other operating system easily does - except for iOS_,
then you'll be perfectly happy playing with the barbie-doll iPhone you own.
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all you need...
  *You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...
...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
When low-information consumers set the bar low enough.
Do you want to be able to set the timing on your car, "News"?
Static set, dynamic mapped, 'wace dwiber'
You failed to answer my question...
...but failure is the default option for you, isn't it?
My answer was accurate. I don't need to set the timing on my car.
But by your own argument against the iPhone, the fact that you can't
is a drawback.
Your a "low-information consumer" when it comes to cars.
There you go. 100% on form.
I merely turned what you said back on you.

If it's "on form" it's also on point.

Post by News
Feel free to fuck yourself in your Miata, asshole.
Oh, look! Another twit who's scared his manhood would be compromised if
he drove one of the best small sportscars of all time!
Post by News
It's what you do well. Every trolling day.
And yet you just can't resist!

Jolly Roger
2023-09-01 19:51:47 UTC
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by News
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
In summary, the iPhone is a child's toy - but if that's all
you need... *You'll be happy with the iPhone - even though
it has a toy OS*
Consumers want devices that do what they say they will do...
...and the Apple iPhone does what it says.
When low-information consumers set the bar low enough.
Do you want to be able to set the timing on your car, "News"?
Static set, dynamic mapped, 'wace dwiber'
You failed to answer my question...
...but failure is the default option for you, isn't it?
My answer was accurate. I don't need to set the timing on my car.
LOL... Nobody needs or wants it, you say? Go figure! 🤣
Post by News
Post by Alan
But by your own argument against the iPhone, the fact that you can't
is a drawback.
Your a "low-information consumer" when it comes to cars.
There you go. 100% on form.
Feel free to fuck yourself in your Miata, asshole.
LOL! Apple-hating trolls get *so* emotional when their own statements
get thrown back in their faces! Little "News" got his filthy panties all
twisted when someone showed him he meets the definition of a
"low-information consumer", and I'm here for it! 🤣
Post by News
It's what you do well. Every trolling day.
Mindless projection is what we've come to expect form people like you.
Do carry on.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-09-01 22:24:09 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
LOL... Nobody needs or wants it, you say?
Given every useful functionality I stated is on _all_ other operating
systems _except_ iOS, there must be people who want it and who need it.

Choosing just one, for you to claim nobody wants the privacy/anonymity of
the Guardian Tor Browser is the height of iKook hypocrisy, Jolly Roger.

*It's _only iOS_ that can't have the privacy of the Tor Browser Bundle*
2023-09-01 23:44:16 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
LOL... Nobody needs or wants it, you say?
Given every useful functionality I stated is on _all_ other operating
systems _except_ iOS, there must be people who want it and who need it.
Sorry, but that doesn't follow...

...not with operating systems.
Jolly Roger
2023-09-02 00:17:35 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
LOL... Nobody needs or wants it, you say?
*LOGIC:* Given every useful functionality I stated is on _all_ cars,
there must be people who want it and who need it.
Except he explicitly stated he does *not* need or want it. 🤣

You trolls get *so* emotional when your own trolls are shown to apply to
you. You are huge hypocrite babies. 🤣 Your trolls are unoriginal and
weak, because *you* are unoriginal and weak minded. Pathetic! 🤣
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-09-02 00:28:43 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
*LOGIC:* Given every useful functionality I stated is on _all_ cars,
there must be people who want it and who need it.
Except he explicitly stated he does *not* need or want it.
Hi Jolly Roger,

Alan Baker has an IQ of no greater than around 40, so the mere observation
that Alan Baker can't conceive of the need to use iOS for anything other
than playing barbie in a pretty red toy house is to be expected of him.


*Every common consumer OS _except_ for iOS, has that privacy/anonymity*

...Just not iOS...

And anonymity is just one of thousands of compellingly useful key
functionalities every common consumer operating system (except for iOS)
already had.

Assuming you own adult cognitive skills, JR, allow me to ask a question.

*Why do you think it's only iOS that can't have any anonymity anyway?*
HINT: Walled garden.
Jolly Roger
2023-09-02 01:25:02 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
*LOGIC:* Given every useful functionality I stated is on _all_ cars,
there must be people who want it and who need it.
Except he explicitly stated he does *not* need or want it.
Alan Baker has an IQ of no greater than around 40
Alan Baker can't conceive of the need to use iOS for anything other
than playing barbie in a pretty red toy house
adult cognitive skills
Bow to Arlen's "wisdom", everyone! 🤡
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-09-02 14:56:31 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
*LOGIC:* Given every useful functionality I stated is on _all_ cars,
there must be people who want it and who need it.
Except he explicitly stated he does *not* need or want it.
Hi Jolly Roger,
Alan Baker has an IQ of no greater than around 40, so the mere observation
that Alan Baker can't conceive of the need to use iOS for anything other
than playing barbie in a pretty red toy house is to be expected of him.

...you REALLY need to get laid.
Alan Browne
2023-09-02 15:04:30 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
  *LOGIC:* Given every useful functionality I stated is on _all_ cars,
  there must be people who want it and who need it.
Except he explicitly stated he does *not* need or want it.
Hi Jolly Roger,
Alan Baker has an IQ of no greater than around 40, so the mere observation
that Alan Baker can't conceive of the need to use iOS for anything other
than playing barbie in a pretty red toy house is to be expected of him.
...you REALLY need to get laid.
At least 3 barriers it can't overcome there ...
“If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything."
-Ronald Coase
2023-09-09 13:41:26 UTC
Post by Wally J
Alan Baker has an IQ of no greater than around 40,
It must really suck that he kicks your ass over and over and over again
despite having such a low IQ.

Of course, it could just be that your estimate if his IQ is merely extremely
Wally J
2023-09-02 16:46:49 UTC
Find another place where your dick is appreciated
Adults will notice the iKooks _hate_ facts about Apple products.
Where the only response from iKooks - is childish as shown above.

I have two goals on this newsgroup.
1. Convey the truth about Apple products
2. Show the iKooks for what they are

In terms of the first goal of showing iOS for what it is...
*Every common consumer OS _except_ for iOS, has TOR privacy/anonymity*

In terms of showing iKooks for what they are, see JR's response to this.
*Why do you think it's only iOS that can't have any anonymity anyway?*

Notice the iKooks' response to the facts about Apple that they hate!
a. Their response shows not only that iKooks are wholly uneducated
b. Hence shockingly ignorant of almost every fact about Apple products
c. Worse, their responses show iKooks own the stunted intellect of a child

Remove these three prolific uneducated child-like iKooks
1. Jolly Roger ===> Responds to all facts about Apple with insults
2. nospam ===> Deflects all facts about Apple to whataboutism tactics
3. Alan Browne ===> Completely ignorant of even the walled garden

Remove those three ignorant iKooks from this newsgroup and the
conversations would elevate to the level of the adult OS newsgroups.

In this case, it's clear Andreas Rutishauser hates the fact that only on
iOS is the privacy/anonymity of the Tor Browser Bundle impossible.

So, how does the iKook respond when he hates all facts about Apple?
With insults.

Because when your belief system is entirely imaginary, facts are dangerous.

Worse, the bearer of facts about Apple products is dangerous.
So be it.
2023-09-02 19:21:41 UTC
Post by Wally J
Find another place where your dick is appreciated
Adults will notice the iKooks _hate_ facts about Apple products.
Where the only response from iKooks - is childish as shown above.
I have two goals on this newsgroup.
1. Convey the truth about Apple products
2. Show the iKooks for what they are
In terms of the first goal of showing iOS for what it is...
*Every common consumer OS _except_ for iOS, has TOR privacy/anonymity*
"Private Wi-Fi Address [on]

Using a private address helps reduce tracking of your iPhone across
different Wi-Fi networks.

Limit IP Address Tracking [on]

Limit IP address tracking by hiding your IP address from known trackers
in Mail and Safari"


2023-09-03 03:00:52 UTC
Post by Alan
"Private Wi-Fi Address [on]
Android not only randomizes the MAC address per Wi-Fi hotspot, but each and
every connection can be automatically set to use a randomized MAC address.
Wally J
2023-09-02 16:50:22 UTC
your public masturbation is not welcome in the Apple new groups
Find another place where your dick is appreciated
If only... We can dream!
"Can I run Tor Browser on an iOS device? Apple requires browsers on iOS
to use something called Webkit, which prevents Onion Browser
from having the same privacy protections as Tor Browser."

*It's clear iKooks _hate_ all facts about Apple products.*

Such that iKooks react to facts with their stunted child-like insults.
So be it.

1. Jolly Roger ===> Responds to all facts about Apple with insults
2. nospam ===> Deflects all facts about Apple to whataboutism tactics
3. Alan Browne ===> Completely ignorant of even the walled garden

Remove those three ignorant iKooks from this newsgroup and the
conversations would elevate to the level of the adult OS newsgroups.
2023-09-02 19:16:41 UTC
Post by Wally J
your public masturbation is not welcome in the Apple new groups
Find another place where your dick is appreciated
If only... We can dream!
"Can I run Tor Browser on an iOS device? Apple requires browsers on iOS
to use something called Webkit, which prevents Onion Browser
from having the same privacy protections as Tor Browser."
You notice they don't elucidate what those "same privacy protections"
are that you can't get...

Wally J
2023-10-05 01:47:10 UTC
Post by Wally J
1. Jolly Roger ===> Responds to all facts about Apple with insults
2. nospam ===> Deflects all facts about Apple to whataboutism tactics
3. Alan Browne ===> Completely ignorant of even the walled garden
More whataboutism today from the Apple people desperate to blame everyone
but Apple for the fact that iOS has two to three times the zero-day holes!
Post by Wally J
Hint: No smartphone OS is anywhere nearly as insecure as iOS is.
(hackers don't even need to be within a thousand miles of your phone to
completely and fully take it over any time they want to - for years!)
Including fixes for "54 unique vulnerabilities, including two known to be
actively exploited." Of the 54 fixes concerning Android 11 through 13, five
are rated critical, and two concern remote code execution problems.
It's classic for Apple users to blame everyone but Apple for the flaws in
Apple devices. It's called "whataboutism" & only Apple users do it.

I know exactly why you used whataboutism to defend against Apple's flaw.
I wonder if you do?

Probably not.
Let's just say that only Apple people do what you just did, Dorper.

Adults don't do it. Specifically...

You'll _never_ see someone on Android doing what you just did, Dorper.
Nor on Windows newsgroups.

Only Apple newsgroups.
Where almost every "excuse" for Apple's flaws is whataboutism incarnate.

This "whataboutism" of blaming everyone but Apple _starts with Apple_
and it's a hallmark of Apple users to blame others for Apple's flaws.

*Why don't we look at the zero-day holes in iOS*, Dorper.
Shall we?

I get it you are desperate to defend Apple's honor, but then you must know
how many zero-day bugs Apple had this year (and every year!) compared to
Android, right?

You don't know?

Hmmmm.... classic.

Here... allow me to help you to think logically & sensibly, OK?

What you're _not_ saying is that iOS has had 17 zero-days this year alone -
which is something like two to three times the zero-days of Android last we
checked (since this happens every year).

By definition, a zero day is a bug that Apple forgot to find in testing.

So that's two to three times (every year - year after year) that Apple's
iOS has zero-day holes that Apple forgot to find in their iOS 'testing'.

HINT: That's a lot!

Why... might you ask... is iOS always two to three times less secure?
I (think I) know why.

Do you?
Note: We've already discussed that this doesn't even count the _exploited_
zero days, where you dispute that iOS has _ten times_ the active exploits!
Wally J
2023-09-02 00:02:29 UTC
the last line. I suppose the rest of you have most of these message
threads killfiled, so I end up alone trying to joke with a sociopath.
Shame on me!
I foolishly engaged with it and it did what it always does, so back to
ignoring it.
What is revealing is Alan Browne uses his kindergarten skills to claim a
person is an "it" which proves everything I say about the iKooks like Alan
Browne owning the comprehensive skills & IQ of a small uneducated child.

nospam ==> constantly claims Samsung made Apple do all the bad things
Jolly Roger ==> viciously attacks anyone who says the truth about Apple
Alan Browne ==> is so ignorant he has never heard of the walled garden

If just those 3 uneducated ignorant iKooks left this newsgroup, it would be
normal (like the Android and Windows operating system newsgroups are).
Jolly Roger
2023-09-02 01:23:25 UTC
Post by Wally J
the last line. I suppose the rest of you have most of these message
threads killfiled, so I end up alone trying to joke with a sociopath.
Shame on me!
I foolishly engaged with it and it did what it always does, so back to
ignoring it.
kindergarten skills
skills & IQ of a small uneducated child
so ignorant he has never heard of the walled garden
uneducated ignorant iKooks
Arlen's "wisdom", everyone! 🤡
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-09-01 02:23:34 UTC
Post by Wally J
Yeah he┬ a tiresome troll not worth reading regardless of the numerous
guises he uses and shifts between to circumvent filtering measures of
people who quickly recognize him by his signature pathetic tropes.
*The iPhone customer is satisfied because they're technically ignorant*
Every time you uneducated iKooks gloat that you think you've found me, I
have to laugh at how incredibly stupid you are as if it takes you more than
a second to figure out my posts, you're a moron - which is what you are.
You ignorant iKooks literally gloat that you figured out that 1 + 1 = 2
It's especially obvious how stupid you iKooks are when you claim everyone
who posts here is me - which I think is hilarious since it proves you are
Meanwhile, my point about customer satisfaction is valid that the Apple
consumer is ignorant - otherwise the "it just works" ads wouldn't work.
The Apple customer is so technically incompetent, most don't even realize
that the iPhone can't do thousands (upon thousands!) of things Android (and
every other operating system) easily does.
Hence they go together...
a. The iPhone customer is almost completely technically ignorant,
b. Hence, they're quite happy with the iPhone (doing what they're told),
c. Even as the iOS operating system is clearly a dysfunctional toy OS.
iPhone customer ===> technically ignorant
An example is nospam still doesn't know the difference between a decibel
and a megabit, Alan Baker doesn't know you can spoof headers, Jolly Roger
still thinks iOS 15 is fully supported & Alan Browne has never heard of the
walled garden.
iKook ===> technically ignorant

Arlen ===> tedious kook who doesn't understand what a circular argument is.

Thomas E.
2023-09-01 14:19:46 UTC
Post by Wally J
I think they used to call it fragmentation with Android. iPhones are
homogenized to the extent my iPad is just an extension of my iPhone.
The iPhone pulled me away from Linux on desktops (and using my MacMini).
It┬ so much more convenient than firing up and being tethered to a desktop
or laptop. I can post to usenet from something that fits in my hand. I only
use desktops at work anymore.
The problem of using customer satisfaction as a metric is that the
customer's self bias has already greatly affected the measurement.
Customer satisfaction for an iPhone is based on low-functionality metrics.
For example, if you want to be able to do things that iOS can't do, such as
choose alternative app store skins and filters, change the app launcher,
put icons anywhere including in multiple places, change the grid pattern,
change the default sms/mms messenger, graphically debug wi-fi signal
strength, add system-wide ad-blocking firewalls, spoof gps location,
automatically record calls, graphically download & rip video sans ads, use
privacy based web browsers such as the Guardian TOR browser or Ungoogled
Chromium, extract the installer off the phone and use the results on any
phone (not just phones which are set up for any given account), downloads
and install apps and use mail/calendars/reminders/etc without having to log
into any account whatsoever, and so on (all of which Android easily does).
Given the iPhone can't do any of those important things, it's just a toy.
For a person who wants to use a phone as something other than just a toy,
they will never be satisfied with the lack of functionality that is iOS.
However... if all the person wants to do is have green and blue bubbles,
and to show off that they bought the RED or YELLOW iPhone, then the fact
iOS is a toy operating system won't adversely affect satisfaction levels.
Hell, we've seen time and again the iKooks claim they're satisfied with the
iPhone simply because Apple makes something like 50% profit on them.
They think Apple's profits equate to their satisfaction, when, in fact, the
more technically illiterate a customer is - the more profits Apple makes.
Which brings me to the final point of technical literacy metrics.
a. Apple customers are virtually almost all technically illiterate,
(The "it just works" promise is _why_ they're Apple customers!)
b. A good portion of Android customers are technically knowledgeable.
(That's _why_ they're Android customers after all!)
Certainly none of the iKooks on this newsgroup have any technical literacy
(e.g., nospam doesn't know the difference between a megabit & a decibel!)
(e,.g., Alan Baker doesn't know the nntp headers can easily be spoofed!)
(e.g., Jolly Roger is completely ignorant of Apple's full-hotfix policy!)
(e.g., Alan Browne is even more ignorant of the walled garden's existence!)
Apple customers ===> technically illiterate
If they were technically literate, they wouldn't put up with the thousands
upon thousands (upon thousands) of things iOS can't do that Android does.
The vast majority of phone users have no interest in doing anything you listed. The iPhone more than fulfills their needs.
Wally J
2023-09-02 16:59:32 UTC
Android users dislike SMS messages.
WTF? Android users dislike SMS? Since when?

I've been on the Android newsgroup for years and NOBODY says they dislike
SMS messages, Jolly Roger... Nobody.

Methinks you're ignorant if that's all you have to respond to facts.
Since you're ignorant
Actually, it is Android users who bitch and moan about iMessage who are
the true ignoramuses.
You have a short memory because we proved, long ago, it's only the Apple
users who are forced to use a single default messenger app who complain.
Apparently they don't know about your vaunted PulseSMS...
Notice how iKooks are not only completely ignorant that the Android
messengers do everything that the iMessage app does - but - in response to
that fact (which they hate!) iKooks respond with stunted childish insults.
Don't care.
*Facts about Apple _scare_ you to death, don't they Jolly Roger*
Tell us, Jolly Roger, what iMessages does that PulseSMS doesn't do.
Go cry to someone who does.
1. Jolly Roger ===> Responds to all facts about Apple with insults
2. nospam ===> Deflects all facts about Apple to whataboutism tactics
3. Alan Browne ===> Completely ignorant of even the walled garden

Remove the iKooks from the Apple newsgroups and this ng would elevate
instantly to the communicative discourse of _adult OS newsgroups_.
Jolly Roger
2023-09-02 18:18:27 UTC
Post by Wally J
Android users dislike SMS messages.
WTF? Android users dislike SMS? Since when?
Little Arlen *desperately* wants to pretend he doesn't now the context
of the above statement is Android users participating in chats with
iMessage users. Luckily adults understand context even when little Arlen
pretends it doesn't exist. And the fact is Android users have complained
about being limited to plain SMS communications when conversing with
iMessage users for many years. Here's an example of one such person from
way back in 2015:

Anyone know how to get iMessage on Android?

Before you hate, the reason im asking is because lots of my friends are
in group chats in iMessage, and you cant add an SMS contact into a group
chat. So if there;s a way, and you know it, feel free to reply to the
thread. Thanks

Android users have even gone so far as to use apps with servers in China
to avoid using SMS when conversing with iMessage users. Here's an
article from 2013 warning Andoird users of the security and privacy
implications of using such an app:

iMessage for Android looks like a great way to compromise your security
Post by Wally J
Methinks you're ignorant if that's all you have to respond to facts.
Projection from a brain-dead Apple-hating troll. To wit, little Arlen
Post by Wally J
it's only the Apple users who are forced to use a single default
messenger app
LOL! Arlen is a true clown! 🤡
Post by Wally J
Remove the iKooks from the Apple newsgroups and this ng would elevate
instantly to the communicative discourse of _adult OS newsgroups_.
Translation: "*PLEASE* everyone, don't listen to these people who call
me out on my weak, lazy trolls! Listen to *ME*!!!!
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-09-02 19:02:45 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Anyone know how to get iMessage on Android?
Adult question...

What do you think you can do with iMessage that PulseSMS doesn't do?
2023-09-02 19:12:52 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Anyone know how to get iMessage on Android?
Adult question...
What do you think you can do with iMessage that PulseSMS doesn't do?
I thought signing into a "mothership" was a bad thing, Arlen...
Jolly Roger
2023-09-03 01:00:00 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Anyone know how to get iMessage on Android?
Adult question...
What do you think you can do with iMessage that PulseSMS doesn't do?
I thought signing into a "mothership" was a bad thing, Arlen...
Only when *other* people do it, silly. 😉
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Wally J
2023-09-03 02:51:09 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
I thought signing into a "mothership" was a bad thing
Only when *other* people do it, silly.
In both cases, you're signing into the mothership to get the functionality.

Now back to the ADULT QUESTION for Jolly Roger...

*What do you think you can do with iMessage that PulseSMS doesn't do?*

HINT: You're afraid of the question, aren't you.

You know why?
I do.
2023-09-03 07:19:06 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
I thought signing into a "mothership" was a bad thing
Only when *other* people do it, silly.
In both cases, you're signing into the mothership to get the functionality.
Except you touted the functionality of one...

...while decrying the other.