Qualcomm incompetence kills its copy of Apple’s satellite SOS after only ten months
(too old to reply)
Wally J
2023-11-15 02:06:03 UTC
I'm sure this will trigger the Apple-hating troll gang
This is an adult observation of the actions of Jolly Roger, just now...

I saw that days ago and didn't think anything of it, Jolly Roger.
I don't see how it affects us in any way, shape or form.

Do you?

BTW, like Arno did, you get us completely wrong, Jolly Roger.
We aren't like you.

We're normal.

We don't give a shit whether or not Qualcomm or Microsoft or Google or
Samsung or Motorola (the list is longer for us) does this or does that.

We don't defend everything they do like a religious zealot, JR.
You do.

We don't.
Because we don't care.

We didn't buy into a platform only because we were following a heard.
And, we don't then look for justification from that very same herd.

We bought the best bang for the buck.
We didn't follow the crowd.

You could say we don't give a shit what color our message bubbles are.
We don't gloat over the profits of Google or Microsoft either, JR.

You iKooks gloat over Apple's profits (which is a strange thing to do).
The reason you gloat over Apple's profits is because you are herd animals.

You're desperate to seek vindication of your herd decision from the herd.
We're not.
Jolly Roger
2023-11-15 02:50:17 UTC
Post by Wally J
I'm sure this will trigger the Apple-hating troll gang
You iKooks
Right on cue. 🤣
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Wally J
2023-11-15 03:53:08 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Right on cue.
It's interesting that you lack the mental capacity to understand a single
word I said, Jolly Roger, where you care greatly what Apple does. We don't.

You didn't understand a word I said about you making herd decisions.
So it matters greatly... to you... when Apple fails at something.

We don't make herd decisions, Jolly Roger.
So we don't care if Qualcomm fails at something.

In fact...

We're not like you, Jolly Roger.
You make only herd decisions.
We don't.

You follow the herd, Jolly Roger.
We don't.

We don't care if Google fails at something.
We don't care if Samsung fails at something.
We don't care if Motorola fails at something.

If they fail at something, we don't take it as affirmation that our herd
decision is wrong because we don't make those herd decisions like you do.

It's you who is desperate for that affirmation of your herd decision.
Not us.

It's so simple. And yet, you can't understand a word of what I said.
Jolly Roger
2023-11-15 04:35:57 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Right on cue.
you lack the mental capacity
you care greatly what Apple does
You didn't understand a word I said
we don't care.
We don't.
We don't.
We don't care
We don't care
We don't care
Not us.
you can't understand
The lady doth protest too much, me thinks. 😉
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Wally J
2023-11-15 10:21:49 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
The lady doth protest too much
Why do you think you iKooks gloat over Apple profits, Jolly Roger?
Nobody normal does that.

Think about it.
Why doesn't anyone on Android ngs gloat over Google or Samsung profits?

This gloating over the mothership only happens on the Apple ngs, JR.
You're desperate for affirmation of your herd decision, Jolly Roger.
2023-11-15 17:10:57 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
The lady doth protest too much
Why do you think you iKooks gloat over Apple profits, Jolly Roger?
Nobody normal does that.
Think about it.
Why doesn't anyone on Android ngs gloat over Google or Samsung profits?
This gloating over the mothership only happens on the Apple ngs, JR.
You're desperate for affirmation of your herd decision, Jolly Roger.
Show this gloating, Arlen.
Jolly Roger
2023-11-15 21:42:59 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
The lady doth protest too much
Why do you think you iKooks gloat over Apple profits, Jolly Roger?
Nobody normal does that.
Think about it. Why doesn't anyone on Android ngs gloat over Google
or Samsung profits?
This gloating over the mothership only happens on the Apple ngs, JR.
You're desperate for affirmation of your herd decision, Jolly Roger.
Show this gloating, Arlen.
He's just desperately trying to deflect from the fact that his little
troll gang constantly gloats over any potential negative Apple news
here, like these recent trolls:

POLL: What do you predict Apple will do now that their iPhone 15 design
incompetence is at the fore?

Apple iOS 17.0.3 update will reduce performance of the defective iPhone
15 - Apple is cleverly working on the wording as we speak

Apple's clever lies are already spewing forth - regarding the defective
iPhone 15 overheating

This is what happens to you when you're dumb enough to buy an iPhone -
let alone a RED iPhone

They are so enraged with irrational hate that they even scrabble with
each other - they should really get a room and leave the rest of us out
of their little bitch boy slapping contests:

How fantastically stupid can Steve Scharf and Frank Slootweg possibly be?

Re: Why do Steve Scharf & Frank Slootweg whine like baby girls because
they can't figure out how to search Usenet posts?

Arlen and his little gang of troll boi gang *live* to troll. It's all
they do here. And when anyone confronts them about it or posts something
that shows Apple in a good light, they are instantly triggered and
attack. They are quite literally a bunch of school yard bullies with
school yard mentalities.
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Wally J
2023-11-16 01:53:25 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
He's just desperately trying to deflect from the fact that his little
troll gang constantly gloats over any potential negative Apple news
here, like these recent trolls...
Hi Jolly Roger,
I love when you post because I learn from you given you're a typical Apple
user, where it's clear you consider news about Apple to be "negative" news.

You and Alan Baker & Alan Browne only want to hear Apple advertisements.
Post by Jolly Roger
And when anyone confronts them about it or posts something
that shows Apple in a good light, they are instantly triggered and
attack. They are quite literally a bunch of school yard bullies with
school yard mentalities.
I am an intelligent well-informed logically sensible adult, Jolly Roger.

You're welcome to try to convince me that somehow I'm supposed to care that
Qualcomm made this business decision that hasn't worked out for them.

Please explain your point of view, Jolly Roger, given I'm on record for
saying that both Apple & Qualcomm were doing it as a marketing gimmick.

Given that logical assessment that it's a marketing gimmick from the start,
how exactly is this Qualcomm business decision supposed to affect us?
Jolly Roger
2023-11-16 03:34:33 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
He's just desperately trying to deflect from the fact that his little
troll gang constantly gloats over any potential negative Apple news
here, like these recent trolls...
You're welcome to try to convince me that somehow I'm supposed to care
that Qualcomm blah blah blah
Says the troll who is so triggered by this that you are spending your
entire day slinging insults right in this thread. Arlen has *zero* self
awareness. 🤣
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Wally J
2023-11-16 03:54:28 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Says the troll who is so triggered by this that you are spending your
entire day slinging insults right in this thread.
I'm trying to ask you an adult question which you are refusing to answer.

Since both Apple & Qualcomm failed at getting anyone to _pay_ for it,
why do you think we are to care that a mere gimmick is failing both?
Jolly Roger
2023-11-16 04:07:48 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
Says the troll who is so triggered by this that you are spending your
entire day slinging insults right in this thread.
why do you think we are to care
a mere gimmick
May you forever stay hopelessly triggered, Arlen. 🙂
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Wally J
2023-11-16 04:29:58 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
May you forever stay hopelessly triggered
Since both Apple & Qualcomm failed at getting anyone to _pay_ for it,
why do you think we should care that a mere gimmick is failing both?

Notice how _afraid_ you are of the simple question, Jolly Roger.

Do you know why that simple question makes you so fearful, JR?
I do.

Jolly Roger
2023-11-16 15:49:44 UTC
Post by Wally J
Post by Jolly Roger
May you forever stay hopelessly triggered
why do you think we should care
You care because of your hatred of all things Apple - not that you'll
ever admit or acknowledge it. 🙂
Post by Wally J
Notice how _afraid_ you are
Projection. You are so consumed by fear that you are *still* here
crying about it. 🤣 By all means, continue. It's entertaining!
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