Wally J
2023-11-15 02:06:03 UTC
I'm sure this will trigger the Apple-hating troll gang
This is an adult observation of the actions of Jolly Roger, just now...I saw that days ago and didn't think anything of it, Jolly Roger.
I don't see how it affects us in any way, shape or form.
Do you?
BTW, like Arno did, you get us completely wrong, Jolly Roger.
We aren't like you.
We're normal.
We don't give a shit whether or not Qualcomm or Microsoft or Google or
Samsung or Motorola (the list is longer for us) does this or does that.
We don't defend everything they do like a religious zealot, JR.
You do.
We don't.
Because we don't care.
We didn't buy into a platform only because we were following a heard.
And, we don't then look for justification from that very same herd.
We bought the best bang for the buck.
We didn't follow the crowd.
You could say we don't give a shit what color our message bubbles are.
We don't gloat over the profits of Google or Microsoft either, JR.
You iKooks gloat over Apple's profits (which is a strange thing to do).
The reason you gloat over Apple's profits is because you are herd animals.
You're desperate to seek vindication of your herd decision from the herd.
We're not.