Download, install & "not delete" APKs from the Google Play Store repository to Windows - WITHOUT AN ACCOUNT!
(too old to reply)
Wally J
2023-09-21 19:02:06 UTC
Just in case users didn't know this fact...about Windows/iOS/Android...
*You can easily download, install & "not delete" APKs*
*to your Windows filesytem*
*DIRECTLY from the Google Play Store repository*
*WITHOUT needing to create a Google Account!*
In fact, just this week, working with developers, we improved the flow!
You can see in those privacy-related threads that I'm working directly with
the developers of both of the best two apps for allowing people to be able
to find, download, install, and "not delete" the APKs that they get
directly off the Google Play Store repository.
Case in point is the Aurora Store developers fixed two bugs for me just
this week, as did the App Finder developers (who fixed two more bugs!).
Aurora Store bugs I filed that they fixed (post 2170 has a summary).
App Finder bugs I filed that they fixed (post 189 has a summary).
In summary, you can search for, download and "not delete" any app on the
Google Play Store repository without having to create a Google Account.
Note that with a seamless integration to Windows 10 (which is cc'd on this
1. *When you save an APK on Android - it's AUTOMATICALLY saved to Windows*
2. *When you slide an APK from Windows - it's also AUTOMATICALLY installed*
Notice this means that the instant you install any app (including each and
every version of that app), the APK is "not deleted", which means the APK
is saved onto a Windows drive letter (all over Wi-Fi on your local LAN)!
And, users know I have a perfectly tuned Windows menu system which uses the
Windows XP start menu folders (a verbatim copy!) on Windows 10 - where only
one person out of a million knows how to do that trivially simple task.
That way, all Windows machines from Windows XP to today - have the same
menu (it's literally the same files - simply copied from XP to Win10).
And all Android devices also have the same menu of folders and shortcuts
(in EXACTLY the same positions, the same apps, the same names, etc.)
All done automatically!
(if you're smart)
In addition, even if you did NOT set up your entire Android phone to be a
drive letter on Windows, all you have to do is mirror Android onto your PC
monitor and just slide the APK from Windows over to Android to install it.
Furthermore, you can save your entire Android homescreen automatically to a
Windows file and then you can re-populate any phone EXACTLY as before.
However, that takes use of a launcher that can back up the Android app
launching filesystem (every folder in its place & every app shortcut too!)
to the Windows file system (which is easily done with the Nova launcher).
Nova launcher use-model tutorial I filed to help others have perfect menus!
As always, if you know more than I do about setting up either Windows, iOS,
or Android, please add value as we can all constantly teach each other.
Working together & learning from each other is what makes us intelligent.
*Unfortunately, this works on all file systems _except_ on iOS*
2023-09-21 19:06:45 UTC
Post by Wally J
Just in case users didn't know this fact...about Windows/iOS/Android...
*You can easily download, install & "not delete" APKs*
*to your Windows filesytem*
*DIRECTLY from the Google Play Store repository*
*WITHOUT needing to create a Google Account!*
In fact, just this week, working with developers, we improved the flow!
You can see in those privacy-related threads that I'm working directly with
the developers of both of the best two apps for allowing people to be able
to find, download, install, and "not delete" the APKs that they get
directly off the Google Play Store repository.
Case in point is the Aurora Store developers fixed two bugs for me just
this week, as did the App Finder developers (who fixed two more bugs!).
Aurora Store bugs I filed that they fixed (post 2170 has a summary).
App Finder bugs I filed that they fixed (post 189 has a summary).
In summary, you can search for, download and "not delete" any app on the
Google Play Store repository without having to create a Google Account.
Note that with a seamless integration to Windows 10 (which is cc'd on this
1. *When you save an APK on Android - it's AUTOMATICALLY saved to Windows*
2. *When you slide an APK from Windows - it's also AUTOMATICALLY installed*
Notice this means that the instant you install any app (including each and
every version of that app), the APK is "not deleted", which means the APK
is saved onto a Windows drive letter (all over Wi-Fi on your local LAN)!
And, users know I have a perfectly tuned Windows menu system which uses the
Windows XP start menu folders (a verbatim copy!) on Windows 10 - where only
one person out of a million knows how to do that trivially simple task.
That way, all Windows machines from Windows XP to today - have the same
menu (it's literally the same files - simply copied from XP to Win10).
And all Android devices also have the same menu of folders and shortcuts
(in EXACTLY the same positions, the same apps, the same names, etc.)
All done automatically!
(if you're smart)
In addition, even if you did NOT set up your entire Android phone to be a
drive letter on Windows, all you have to do is mirror Android onto your PC
monitor and just slide the APK from Windows over to Android to install it.
Furthermore, you can save your entire Android homescreen automatically to a
Windows file and then you can re-populate any phone EXACTLY as before.
However, that takes use of a launcher that can back up the Android app
launching filesystem (every folder in its place & every app shortcut too!)
to the Windows file system (which is easily done with the Nova launcher).
Nova launcher use-model tutorial I filed to help others have perfect menus!
As always, if you know more than I do about setting up either Windows, iOS,
or Android, please add value as we can all constantly teach each other.
Working together & learning from each other is what makes us intelligent.
*Unfortunately, this works on all file systems _except_ on iOS*
Why is this a new thread tho?
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom
Wally J
2023-09-21 19:20:38 UTC
Post by candycanearter07
Post by Wally J
*Unfortunately, this works on all file systems _except_ on iOS*
Why is this a new thread tho?
Good question...
I have two goals on Usenet - one of which is to teach and learn.

The other is to show the iKooks for the ignorant liars that they are.

There's something wrong with iKooks - they can't fathom that their vaunted
operating system is brain dead in almost every way possibly imaginable.

The ability to intelligently search for, download, "not delete" and
automatically save those IPAs to the Windows filesystem is not in iOS.

The point being iOS is like a toy barbie-doll corvette.
Compared to a real car.

That's the point I'm making to the newsgroups on this cc list.
a. They're all ignorant iKooks
b. They know NOTHING about any operating system

My job is to teach them what they don't know.
And to show the world how fantastically ignorant they are.

How'd I do?
2023-09-21 19:23:42 UTC
Post by Wally J
The point being iOS is like a toy barbie-doll corvette.
Compared to a real car.
To be fair, real cars are trying to become more walled garden and locked
down too.
Post by Wally J
How'd I do?
Pretty good I'd say
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom
2023-09-21 21:51:48 UTC
Post by candycanearter07
Just in case users didn't know this fact...about Windows/iOS/Android...
  *You can easily download, install & "not delete" APKs*
          *to your Windows filesytem*
     *DIRECTLY from the Google Play Store repository*
      *WITHOUT needing to create a Google Account!*
In fact, just this week, working with developers, we improved the flow!
You can see in those privacy-related threads that I'm working directly with
the developers of both of the best two apps for allowing people to be able
to find, download, install, and "not delete" the APKs that they get
directly off the Google Play Store repository.
Case in point is the Aurora Store developers fixed two bugs for me just
this week, as did the App Finder developers (who fixed two more bugs!).
Aurora Store bugs I filed that they fixed (post 2170 has a summary).
App Finder bugs I filed that they fixed (post 189 has a summary).
In summary, you can search for, download and "not delete" any app on the
Google Play Store repository without having to create a Google Account.
Note that with a seamless integration to Windows 10 (which is cc'd on this
1. *When you save an APK on Android - it's AUTOMATICALLY saved to Windows*
2. *When you slide an APK from Windows - it's also AUTOMATICALLY installed*
Notice this means that the instant you install any app (including each and
every version of that app), the APK is "not deleted", which means the APK
is saved onto a Windows drive letter (all over Wi-Fi on your local LAN)!
And, users know I have a perfectly tuned Windows menu system which uses the
Windows XP start menu folders (a verbatim copy!) on Windows 10 - where only
one person out of a million knows how to do that trivially simple task.
That way, all Windows machines from Windows XP to today - have the same
menu (it's literally the same files - simply copied from XP to Win10).
And all Android devices also have the same menu of folders and shortcuts
(in EXACTLY the same positions, the same apps, the same names, etc.)
All done automatically!
(if you're smart)
In addition, even if you did NOT set up your entire Android phone to be a
drive letter on Windows, all you have to do is mirror Android onto your PC
monitor and just slide the APK from Windows over to Android to install it.
Furthermore, you can save your entire Android homescreen
automatically to a
Windows file and then you can re-populate any phone EXACTLY as before.
However, that takes use of a launcher that can back up the Android app
launching filesystem (every folder in its place & every app shortcut too!)
to the Windows file system (which is easily done with the Nova launcher).
Nova launcher use-model tutorial I filed to help others have perfect menus!
As always, if you know more than I do about setting up either Windows, iOS,
or Android, please add value as we can all constantly teach each other.
Working together & learning from each other is what makes us
  *Unfortunately, this works on all file systems _except_ on iOS*
Why is this a new thread tho?
Arlen's technical incompetence.
