flight software written in visual basic on windows but to run on a mac
does not sound ideal.
Of course he can't "delve" into it. The idiot is bloviating.
I've studied these iKooks (like Alan Browne) for years.
Both badgolferman and I outlined real world experiences in highly
competitive difficult technical environments...
And what I find always the case, is these (let's be clear) wholly
uneducated iKooks, like nospam & Alan Browne, deprecate our statements.
Based on what?
Obviously based on absolutely nothing.
You have to understand _why_ Alan Browne & nospam are iKooks...
a. All iKooks are uneducated (they all have substandard IQs)
b. As as result of having been told their whole lives that they're
stupid, all iKooks suffer from a severe lack of self esteem
c. Hence, all iKooks use the marketing messaging from Apple
to artificially bolster their sense of self worth
Note the observation that these iKooks literally _gloat_ about
Apple ripping them off (e.g., Apple's ungodly profit margins).
You can't make those ungodly profit margins off an intelligent consumer.
The point is these iKooks fall for every Apple marketing trick in the book
_because_ Apple (very cleverly) makes these iKooks _feel_ stylish.
Even a ridiculous _yellow_ gimmick makes these iKooks _feel_ stylish!
Hell, even 21 new emojis being the number one functionality Apple was able
to build into the latest iOS 16.4 release makes these iKooks feel stylish!
What the adults on this newsgroup need to realize is the iKooks are stunted
at a subnormal level of maturity (just watch how they respond to facts).
The iKooks are smitten, in a Jim Jones' kind of way, with the "supposed
superiority" of "their chosen platform" over all other common platforms.
Even as the iPhone, for example, has, by far, the most zero-day holes in
history (for many years running), and even though the archaic stone-age
primitive iOS monolithic update mechanism causes _half_ of those zero-days
to be exploited in the wild... the iKooks hold on to the only thing left.
Marketing messaging.
Apple Marketing is _brilliant_ at feeding these iKooks _exactly_ what they
want to hear to the point that even though there is zero useful
functionality on an iPhone outside the walled garden that isn't already
(usually years ago) on Android, the iKooks don't know any of that.
The iKooks don't know facts.
Like religious fanatics, their entire belief system is purely imaginary.
These iKooks have _never_ opened up a newspaper in their life, or read the
news, or even researched anything - they get all their "facts" from Apple
marketing brochures - they lap it up like this guy would for self esteem.
Which... let's be clear as this is _why_ Alan Browne said what he said...
Which is why the iKooks _fear_ facts.
Worse, as Alan Browne clearly evidenced in his response... the iKooks fear
anyone who has the capacity to bear facts.
Facts the iKooks won't like.
Facts, the iKooks consider dangerous.
Facts, you see... mere facts... are a dangerous weapon to iKooks.
Which is why they must deflect, deny, insult, and childishly change the
subject _away_ from facts whenever facts are pointed out to the iKooks.
A clear example of how much iKooks _hate_ and _fear_ facts is when you ask
them a simply question of functionality, such as why hasn't Apple ever made
a design that wasn't fatally flawed (e.g., the M1/M1 flaws, or the Ax
flaws, or the unpatchable flaws in the so-called "secure" enclave).
A classic example of how much the iKooks _hate_ facts is to ask them if the
iPhone can do something simple - say - oh - like graphically display real
time wi-fi signal strength for all access points in the vicinity perhaps.
2-1/2 minute Snit video purportedly detailing iOS showing Wi-Fi over time
iKooks can't even see the fatal flaw!
REFERENCE: Oct 10, 2017, 8:50:05 AM
*It's a fact iOS devices can't even graph Wi-Fi signal strength over time*
That is how ignorant these iKooks are when defending their beloved God.
They constantly brazenly claim iPhone functionality that simply doesn't
exist, only because they _hate_ that they have no other response to fact.
Notice Snit (and the iKooks) are so unfathomably incredibly ignorant, that
they not only brazenly fabricated imaginary functionality for the iPhone,
but in doing so, they showed none of them knows a decibel from a megabit!
They don't understand _why_ Apple products will _always_ pale in
functionality compared to adult operating systems, where the reasons are
obvious to all who _understand_ Apple's walled-garden business model.
Take Android, for example, which can do so many useful things that the
iPhone can never do that it's not funny - and I'm not talking about all the
hardware Apple decontented so that Apple could force users into making
choices more to Apple's walled-garden liking when I say that.
Android has functionality that even Google can't stop, such as NewPipe FOSS
YouTube clients, or Aurora FOSS Google Play Store clients, or FairEmail
FOSS GMail replacement clients, or NetGuard FOSS non-root ad blocking and
firewalling, etc.
It's not that Google doesn't _want_ to stop them.
Google does want to stop them.
That's why _none_ of them are in the Google Play Store repository.
But the fact is that Google can't stop them.
And that's the point.
*Apple severely restricts what apps can do; Google can't.*
For example, that's why Android has useful functionality such as mock
location spoofing, automatic call recording, system-wide firewalls, ability
to set any defaults, non-webkit-based browsers such as the Tor Browser
(where iOS can't achieve that level of privacy), graphical cellular signal
strength debuggers, app launchers that allow you to change any app's icon
and name and location and visibility, etc.
The Apple products will _never_ have the functionality of the adult
operating systems simply because of one fact and one fact only.
*Apple restricts what the apps can do; Google/Microsoft can't*
In summary, Alan Browne said badgolferman's adult comments were
"bloviating" but that's like a dog saying people talking is bloviating.
Alan Browne is an iKook. These iKooks don't own adult mental capacity.
Every fact told to iKooks outside a marketing video... is "bloviating".
Having gone to the best schools in the country, I've never personally met
people like these low-IQ ignorant iKooks - but nospam & Jolly Roger & Snit
& Alan Browne & Lewis & Bob Campbell & Wilt & Alan Baker prove they exist.
It's the iKooks alone who turn all Apple newsgroups into childish drivel.