Updating the "wrong - by badgolferman" thread from May 29, 2019
(too old to reply)
Andy Burnelli
2022-11-30 21:00:30 UTC
I was wrong.

Only a fool disagrees on facts - that's _why_ they're fools.
Children usually often can't easily admit they're wrong but adults with any
sense of decency usually can if/when a situation points to being wrong.

It's a long thread so that's why the link alone is posted above.
*Access to Android Data folder?*

I should update the canonical badgolferman *wrong* thread but Google hides
message-IDs now and I don't have, offhand, the tools to find it & append.
*wrong* by badgolferman May 29, 2019, 8:22:16 PM
Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
which in this case is to prove that adults easily admit when they're wrong.
2022-12-01 01:03:53 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
I was wrong.
Only a fool disagrees on facts - that's _why_ they're fools.
Children usually often can't easily admit they're wrong but adults with any
sense of decency usually can if/when a situation points to being wrong.
It's a long thread so that's why the link alone is posted above.
*Access to Android Data folder?*
I should update the canonical badgolferman *wrong* thread but Google hides
message-IDs now and I don't have, offhand, the tools to find it & append.
*wrong* by badgolferman May 29, 2019, 8:22:16 PM
Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
which in this case is to prove that adults easily admit when they're wrong.
Maybe that makes you a better person to admit you’re wrong, but you’re
still obsessed with Apple.

I hope Apple, warts and all, is the Godzilla that crushes Muskrat. Or
Europe. Somebody?
Andy Burnelli
2022-12-01 02:27:21 UTC
Maybe that makes you a better person to admit you're wrong, but you're
still obsessed with Apple.
Hi Hemidactylus,

Since your response was an adult response, I'll treat you as an adult
but at the risk of overloading you with information you can't process.

Thanks for your assessment of the situation which I think you don't quite
understand that I'm nothing whatsoever like you iKooks are so all your
projection of your own feelings and motives onto me will be dead wrong.

To me, an iPhone or an Android phone is just a commodity.
It's a thing. A tool. A means to an end.

It's not a status symbol. It's not a measure of my style. It's not an
expression of my personality. It's nothing. It's just a phone.

But to you... things are different... aren't they?
An iPhone is much (much) more to you than just a commodity phone, right?

You're _proud_ of your iPhone, are you not?
You're proud of the high price too, are you not?
You're even proud of Apple's _profit_ margins, are you not?

All that makes you feel like _you_ made the right choice, do they not?

You don't get it that you and I aren't in the same playing field.
You are driven completely differently than I'm driven, on this newsgroup.

My goals on this newsgroup are the same as on the adult OS newsgroups
a. Learn from others
b. Help others (particularly write tutorials and solutions)

And, what's _different_ is another goal on the child-like Apple newsgroups.
c. Show the iKooks for what they are

I don't know if you realize how despicable all you iKooks are.
You probably don't realize how shockingly unprepossessing you iKooks are.

A. Your whole life people have been telling you that you're stupid
B. You failed in every attempt at educating yourself as a result of that

And, what's _different_ is another trait all you iKooks commonly share.
C. Your entire ego is unnaturally invested in _your_ perception of Apple.

That third trait is not normal.
Nobody sane gloats how much profit Apple makes off of them.

But iKooks do.
Nobody normal defends any company to the death unless they are deeply
invested in that company, where you iKooks invest your ego into Apple.

Hence you iKooks find me a threat.
And I'm actually here to _be_ that threat.

You see, you hate me, because you perceive that I hate Apple.
But I don't care about Apple any more than I care about Google or Samsung.

My goal on this newsgroup, besides to learn from and help others, is to
show the world, in the public permanent record, what a horribly despicable
set of individuals _all_ you iKooks truly are.

You consider me a threat because I prove with facts that your entire belief
system is based on mere marketing words - and not on facts that normal
people process - but I'm aware that it's not me you're most afraid of.

It's those facts.
Which, to the point of this thread, is why my credibility is what matters.
I hope Apple, warts and all, is the Godzilla that crushes Muskrat. Or
Europe. Somebody?
As alluded to above, all iKooks have been told your whole lives that you're
worthless, which I understand - and that's why all of you iKooks react with
such stunted fifth-grade hatred for anyone and anything successful.

In a way, I feel sorry for you despite you being such offensive people in
that (a) it's not your fault you have low IQs, and (b) no education, and as
a result of your understandable low self esteem, you fall for every
marketing trick in the book that makes you feel better about yourself.

Apple makes you feel real nice about yourself don't they?
Apple loves you.

Apple tells you that you're making all the right choices, don't they?
And Apple simply takes a bit here, and a bit there, and a bit over there.

Apple loves you more than anyone ever did - and that's why you're iKooks.
Because Apple fills that self esteem hole that nothing has ever filled.

It's why you all react with vicious hatred to all facts showing that you
were fooled into believing in an imaginary belief system that isn't real.

iKook: Santa is great! He's gonna give me a new iPhone for Christmas!
Adult: No son. That's just a marketing gimmick. Your parents are Santa.

iKook: No. You're wrong. He exists. I saw him on an Apple advertisement.
Adult: That's how marketing works, son. Apple wants you to think that.

Adult: The facts are Santa can't do that magical stuff you believe in.
iKook: Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! I hate you. I hate you! You're wrong!
Andy Burnelli
2022-12-01 19:20:46 UTC
I honestly & openly admit I was wrong and I publicly apologize to you.
Thanks. No problem.
<begin philosophical discussion on the origin of Usenet disputes>

Thank you for being gracious, as I had made _multiple_ sequential mistakes.
a. I was wrong from the start
b. When you said I was wrong, I didn't even bother to check
c. It's only when you were patient enough (to your credit) to
_repeat_ I was wrong, that I bothered to check (my second fault).

We've both been on Usenet since just about when it was created.

On Usenet, disputes are commonplace, most of which are merely a case of
clarity (e.g., when you and I discussed the ability to change nntp
headers), while others are strange cases of defending the undefendable
(such as how nospam defends Apple), while still others are even stranger
cases of apparently purposeful deceit (e.g., Verizon coverage compared to
T-Mobile with Steve), etc., and some are a result of belligerent ignorance
(e.g., almost anything out of Joerg Lorenz, Jolly Roger, Lewis, et al.),
and some are just plain old mistakes (like what I just did to you).
a. clarity
b. duplicity
c. deceit
d. ignorance
e. mistakes

We go way back, you and me, where I'm well aware you consider me a troll,
and yet I remember (fondly so, actually) how well you educated me on the
port issues with SMB when I was desperately trying to get an Android SMB
client to work with the Windows servers. It just can't be done (unrooted).

Then you turned me on to FTPUse, but by then I had already found WebDAV
which works so well I never looked back after that, especially now with adb
working seamlessly over Wi-FI without a USB cable since around Android 11.

On the point of clarity...

I don't know if you remember the nntp header example, but I understood only
years later _why_ you so strongly objected to what I had said to an iKook.

Taking into account no adult disputes facts - only fools do that...

I had initially been surprised you disputed what I had said about headers.
It was only _years later_ I realized _why_ you disputed what I had said.

It was a case of clarity...

The "clarity" part was I had been quite casually dismissively responding to
an ignorant iKook who was claiming (as I recall) that the User-Agent:
couldn't be spoofed - or maybe it was some other easily modified header -
and my glib response to that ignorant iKook was that any of the headers can
be spoofed - to which you objected.

At the time, I objected to your objection...

It was only years later that I realized what your objection was, which is
that you are correct that not every line in the nntp header is completely
under the control of the sender - which I would never dispute.

Keeping in mind the maxim - only a fool disputes facts...

My point on "clarity" is that my glib response to an iKook is at the proper
level for responding to that Kook - but you didn't know I had made that
determination. You took it at face value - which is a fair way to take it.

In my mind, in terms of clarity, clearly had I made that response to you,
an nntp server admin, then I'd have to get into the detail of the injected
headers, and even perhaps into the "partially injected" headers like PATH:.

You are well above others in this regard so I'd even have to get into the
fact the DATE and the TIMEZONE are 100% in the control of the user, while
most of the injected headers are only in control of the user to the point
that they can choose their nntp server (who chooses what to inject).

But most people don't know this and, as a result of their ignorance, they
put way too much value in their self-assessed ability to divine headers.

In fact even you have claimed, in the past, as I recall, that you can
divine _my_ headers, and once or twice you were right as you told me that
my timezone was showing up oddly (which it was) - but which I then fixed.

Another time, as I recall, you found a typo in one of my headers, which I
fixed, and then, after that I saw you say to someone you can _still_ tell
me from my header but you're not gonna publicly say what lest I see it. :)

At this point, I don't think you can tell me from my header alone, but of
course there are telltale bits of information in the injected lines I can't
control if you know what bits to look for (I do).

Other than in the injected bits, I do not think you can tell me from my
header but if you can, that's fine - but my argument has always been that
I've been posting the same detailed screenshots & tutorials for years,
where I _assume_ they can figure out my posts in seconds.

And yet, I've seen even Andy Burns recently being accused of being me, not
for his headers but for "blowing smoke" up the butt of this thread's OP.

Can you believe that?

Another person, I don't remember who (was it badgolferman?) was accused of
being me this week simply for having AIOE's IP address in the PATH:.

Yet another recent case in which you responded in the negative was sms
being accused of being me, which is a classic case since Steve, like I,
deprecates Apple when necessary and yet uses Apple & Android
interchangeably. As an aside, I wasn't sure why you claimed "one of us"
calls the other names, where it was clear whom you had in mind, but you
just need to keep in mind I call it like it is - and in the cases you're
likely referencing, its when I respond to Steve's "political" views (which,
in my pragmatic realpolitik, are far to the left... so far that he thinks
the middle is far to the right - so he & I will never agree on politics).

If you combine the fact Steve knows nothing about "Covid" in so much as he
knows what the hoi polloi knows, but he doesn't have my background in
virology, immunology, physiology, biochemistry, etc. that I have... if you
combine that with his leftist leanings of using the government to control
the population... and then you add his extremely strong (risk avoidance
that I simply don't have... the result is just as you accurately stated.

Nobody who is an adult with sufficient neuronal tissue to form a synapse
would confuse the two of us even if we used EXACTLY the same headers!

And yet... they did accuse sms of being me!

You can see why I smile every time this happen, since they're just guessing
or they're divining headers (which are "almost" meaningless for their
purposes) - and yes - I know the choice of nntp servers and the selection
on an _account_ on that nntp server - and the specific VPN IP address used
for sending messages to that nntp server - change the headers).

Anyway, apart from your field of experience with nntp headers, the source
of disagreements on Usenet seem, to me, to be of five origins.
A. Clarity
Our personal disagreement on headers turned out NOT to be based on
the facts, but to lack of "clarity" of my offhand discourse with iKooks.
B. Duplicity
Virtual any disagreement with nospam would provide an example of
his "duplicity" in virtually every response (for reasons unknown).
C. Deceit
Similarly for reasons unknown, Steve provides "deceitful" images
on Verizon/T-Mobile coverage which are knowingly doctored & erroneous.
d. Ignorance
Example abound of the hoi polloi iOS owner being "ignorant" of
how well and for how long Android now updates over iOS.
e. Mistakes
This case above is my "mistake" in that I thought you said something,
when, in fact, we had independently agreed on every point you made.

While some of our personal disagreements were the result of "clarity" and
"mistakes", the wonderful thing about our relationship (yes, I know you
dislike me intensely) is that NONE of our disagreements (to my knowledge)
have been the result of "duplicity", "deceit" or "ignorance".

Which is as it should be.
(no reciprocal response expected)
Posted in permanent Usenet archives noting I did update the "wrong" thread.
*Updating the "wrong - by badgolferman" thread from May 29, 2019*
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-07 01:40:43 UTC
Look nospam, I live in the Santa Cruz mountains. My kids went to school
there, and my grandkids are about to enter into the system.
you live where the only internet is via wireless isps.
Hi nospam,

Where I live currently has nothing to do, per se, with the knowledge of
what the borders are of the area called Los Gatos, nor should it.

The fact you think it does has a lot to do with how I can tell your IQ is
low, and that as a result, you're not well educated - but worse - the fact
you don't have the self esteem to simply admit you were wrong is a problem.

The problem of your extremely low self esteem is indicative of the fact
you've been called stupid your whole life - so here - on the Internet,
you'll be damned if you'll ever admit you're wrong. Even when you are.
downtown los gatos, where the apple store is located, along with nearly
all of its residents, is not that.
I'm well aware of where the store is located and the fact you "think" I
said the store is location in the huge unincorporated area of Los Gatos is
troubling because that indicates you lack basic adult comprehensive skills.

What you're doing is desperately trying to build a strawman that you can
then shoot down, in your desperate bid to deflect from the fact you were

All you have to do, nospam, is admit that you were wrong.
Your main character flaw is that you can't.

So you build this fantastical strawman and then try to beat that down.
I don't know where you live but you don't have a clue that Los Gatos is a
huge area, the unincorporated area dwarfing that which is incorporated.
the apple store is *not* located in the unincorporated areas, nor is
much else.
Again, you build this fantastical strawman that assumes I said that the
store is in the huge mountainous unincorporated part of Los Gatos.

I never said it did - and the fact you "think" I said it did is troubling
because it is a clear indicator of your low IQ which is why you lack even
these most basic of adult comprehensive reading and understanding skills.

Why can't you just be a man and admit that you were wrong?
Why build this crazy strawman that nobody ever thought existed but you?

Why can't you just admit you were wrong and leave it at that?
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-07 15:31:08 UTC
It seems badgolferman is write about uneducated people like you, nospam.]
*Updating the "wrong - by badgolferman" thread from May 29, 2019*
That's funny... "write". Mea culpa!
I made a mistake.
I admit it.
I'm a man after all. Not an iKook.
Amends noted!
I bet that you're even educated enough to know the difference between
"write" and "right!"
My assessment is there are three types of people on this newsgroup
(in terms of why they can or why they cannot admit when they're wrong).

1. Educated
2. Uneducated
3. Political

It's obvious who is in each group, where in terms of being able to admit
when they're wrong, only the educated people seem to be able to do that.

The uneducated don't have the self esteem necessary to admit they're wrong.
The political preachers are too intent on proselytizing to admit they err.
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-07 21:32:15 UTC
I "think" the problem revolves around their personal self esteem.
You're probably right.
Hi badgolferman,

My conversation with you can contain nuance, since you're an adult.

I should admit I could be wrong, and that my education and background is
NOT in the psychological sciences; but what I do know, having been highly
educated in science and engineering fields, is that it's OK to be wrong.

Nobody but a fool argues about facts. (That's why they are fools.)

What nospam did was argue about facts.
Who does that?
-- they think their credibility will suffer if admitting a mistake.
You bring up a good point.

If they can build a strawman, like nospam tried, they could convince some
people that they were right since they deflect to that strawman.

Maybe that's why nospam did what he did by disagreeing with the facts.
-- they can't let anyone have that satisfaction.
This is a good point which I didn't think of until you noted it.
Maybe they just don't want anyone to know that they were wrong
because they think it makes the other person more satisfied.

-- that word is not in their vocabulary.
This is another good point, especially since we know people like nospam
only have seven excuses for everything - where this would be the 8th.

But that 8th answer isn't in their vocabulary.
-- they're living in a world of self delusion.
I think sometimes that people like Alan Baker and Jolly Roger actually
believe what they claim, which, if true, is kind of scary.

People like nospam probably never believe what they claim, which,
interestingly enough, is less scary than those like Lewis who do.

Steve is just strange, as he comes up with his personal views that are just
as wrong as nospam's but at least with nospam you can figure out why he
says that Apple never throttled iPhones or something wrong like that.

With Steve, you can't figure out why he hates T-Mobile nor why Steve is
insisting that an iPhone does not cost more to operate - when everyone on
the planet knows that it does - particularly since Apple designed it that

I think in the case of T-Mobile, Steve gets some money (somehow?) from
Verizon, which at least would explain why he constantly shills for them.

As for his document, I think he gets street cred from his contacts at Apple
(and perhaps his relatives and neighbors who believe that document).

To be clear, about 3/4 of what Steve puts in that document is credible; but
the other quarter is just off the wall (like his crazy TCO calculations).

In summary, Steve is harder to figure out (because he's political) than
nospam (who defends Apple no matter what) or Jolly Roger (who is just so
stupid that it's scary that people can be that ignorant in this world).
-- they enjoy the constant banter.
That would be from people like Rod Speed (currently posting under "chop",
for example), and Alan Baker, and perhaps Joerg Lorenz, and even Chris.
I learned to be wrong even when I'm right after I got married.
You are a wise man!
may be _one_ reason we're still happily married after 30 years.
I've been married for many decades also, so I am aware of your wisdom.
On this newsgroup, as you're aware, I try to _understand_ the people.

I do agree with you that most will NEVER admit when they're wrong.
At least I have absolutely no problem admitting if/when I'm wrong.

I'll even commend anyone (yes, even iKooks) when they say something
sensible. I think the reason is I'm not for or against Apple.

Nor T-Mobile. Nor Samsung. Nor Google.

I dislike the bad things they do equally.
And I like the good things they do equally.

I think that "balance" is why some people find it easier to admit when and
if they get a fact wrong - and the lack of balance is why others can't.

Dunno though... psychology is difficult. I took the final exam with my
girlfriend in college and I did NOT ace the test (I never took the class).
2022-12-18 17:43:48 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Maybe that makes you a better person to admit you're wrong, but you're
still obsessed with Apple.
Hi Hemidactylus,
Since your response was an adult response, I'll treat you as an adult
but at the risk of overloading you with information you can't process.
Thanks for your assessment of the situation which I think you don't quite
understand that I'm nothing whatsoever like you iKooks are so all your
projection of your own feelings and motives onto me will be dead wrong.
Still an ignorant, arrogant horse's ass you are, "Andy"!
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-06 21:28:12 UTC
I accidentally omitted the references, where, since my credibility is my
most valuable asset, I belatedly provide for the permanent Usenet record.

This is the original badgolferman thread on why iKooks can't act like men.
*Why can't iKooks admit when they're wrong* by badgolferman, May 30, 2019

A later update adding proof child-like iKooks can't admit being wrong.
*Updating the "wrong - by badgolferman" thread from May 29, 2019*

This is the sequence of posts which prove, yet again, the iKooks can never
be men and simply admit that they're oh so very confident in being oh so
very ignorant - such that it's impossible for iKooks to admit being wrong.
*Total Cost of Ownership - iPhone Versus Android*

In summary, the strange iKooks own a confluence of common odd traits which
are a combination of low IQ, lack of education, and low self esteem such
that they believe everything Apple feeds them, and can't admit when they're

That's what makes iKooks different from normal people after all.
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-23 21:39:56 UTC
I made another mistake today - which I openly admit.
And apologize for.

See details below... which nospam made sure to point out.

----< cut here >----
And to those too stupid to look it up - that's why your so stupid.
maybe next time you'll look it up so that you don't appear as stupid as
you actually are.
I admit. I made a mistake. I typed "your" instead of "you're".

And your claim I need to 'look it up' isn't really something you should
say, but I understand that you're too stupid to realize I rarely make this
mistake - so - in your complete ignorance - you think I _always_ do it.

But I don't - it's just you're too ignorant to realize that fact.

Nonetheless, I openly admit I typed "your" instead of "you're" in that
post. And, I agree with your criticism too, that, since I was saying people
like Alan Baker are stupid because they can't look anything up...

... if I'm going to bother to insult someone, I should at least use the
common courtesy of insulting them while using good grammar to do it.

Mea culpa.

As for the well known _fact_ that only iOS 16 is promised to get all known
bugfixes, and the as well known _fact_ that iOS has more zero-days than
Android, and the well known fact that Android is supported far longer than
iOS is... what's interesting is I know you iKooks don't believe in those

You _hate_ facts.
You are so stupid that you request proof of every sentence.

Even proof for things which are extremely well known to everyone.
But you.

Even so, I have already provided, oh, dozens perhaps, of articles showing
those facts, but it wouldn't matter to iKooks if I provided thousands.

They won't read them.

If they read them, they won't believe them.

And, if they believe them, they'll find a "weasel word" to claim the casual
statement on Usenet is (to them) not correct.

It's what makes iKooks so stupid after all.

1. iKooks like Alan Baker & Jolly Roger & nospam don't read the news.
2. Hence, they're _completely ignorant_ of what Apple does.
3. Even if you tell them - they won't believe it - and they ask for proof
4. Yet, they won't believe the proof (actually they don't even read it)

Even if they do finally read it and believe it... what I've learned about
you ignorant low IQ uneducated iKooks is you _forget_ it in minutes.

All this is what makes you iKooks so ignorant and stupid after all.
I've never met, in the flesh, people as stupid as you iKooks are.

You don't know anything about Apple.
Because you refuse to believe all facts about Apple you don't like.

Worse, you can't look up anything - which is _why_ you're ignorant.
They go together - hand in hand.

You're ignorant that iOS is the _shortest_ supported smartphone OS.
You're ignorant that iOS has the _most_ zero-day bugs of smartphones.
You're ignorant that iOS 16 only (not iOS 15) is promised for all fixes.

Hell, you're even unaware that 0% of current iPhones have the common
hardware that 75% of current Androids models come with (sd & 3.5mm).

And, you're ignorant that a 5W brick can't "magically" make a magsafe or qi
work at full potential, even as you actually _believe_ in the impossible.

Everything about you iKooks reverts back to how ignorant you are.
And it all boils down to the fact you can't look anything up.

Which is _why_ you're ignorant of all things about Apple products.
Andy Burnelli
2023-01-26 15:50:49 UTC
Hell, I keep making _mistakes_.... I must be human...
And an adult for admitting them.

To wit...
If you are referring to my post Andy - I am not a troll.
My F-secure account is coming up for renewal and those on windows-10
group recommended that I dump it and use Defender alone, However they
got shirty when I asked for advice on android.
If they are right along with Vanguard, then it seems I should dum F-
secure altogether.
Hi "Jim the Geordie",

They did _not_ get "shitty"; they just told you that you strung them along
for dozens of posts before you then inexplicably added Android to the
problem set - which is a classic bait-and-switch approach - but even then,
they simply asked you to ask on the Android newsgroup - which you did.

I'm on most of the common operating system newsgroups, so I'm well aware of
your concurrent duplicate Windows AV post on the Windows newsgroup.

Note that never even once did you provide any link or even an adequate
detailed description of the tools you are using, which would have been a
courteously helpful bit of effort on your part to explain what methodology
you're considering ditching in favor of the native Android and Windows AV
solutions extent.

Here's my take on the progress of your post on the Windows newsgroup...

sticks immediately said he also uses the same tools as you do, yet the fact
is he posted mere minutes after you, and there's a long sordid history with
the "sticks" nym combined with nonsensical threads from the likes of
"MajorLanGod" and other nyms who post inane topics & then disappear.

Among others, Paul, as always, gave you very detailed answers to which you
didn't even appear to read, giving him a 7-word retort of no value at all.

Paul, to his credit, responded with _another_ detailed answer to your
7-word retort that didn't contain any word more than four letters, and you
haven't responded to that followup, which _you_ requested from him.

While Paul's help is, by his nature being as that of Vanguard & myself,
always kind-hearted and voluminous, wasbit gave you a short paragraph
answer, to which you responded by asking the exact question over again.

Mere seconds later, a new "John K.Eason" nym shows up as "sticks" had
before him, where that nym often shows up on "Commander Kinsey" bogus
posts, followed shortly thereafter by the classic "Ed Cryer" metoo.

After the well respected Andy Burns, Paul, wasbit, and Zaghadka (among
others) told you that Windows Defender works just fine, you then brought up
the classic iKooks' whataboutism....
*Yes, but... What about Android*

Bearing in mind, on the Apple newsgroups this week, the iPhone users have
been ground to bits on the sheer toxicity of the huge number of exploited
zero-day bugs that are reverberating around the world on both iOS & macOS
such that it was revealed Apple is _not_ patching what people think since
Apple lied about fixing old releases (they only patch a _single_ release!).

With the current events of the toxicity of Apple products lately...

*Perhaps you were somehow working diligently toward the eventual payload*
*that an AV that works on the Mac _also_ works on the iPhone maybe?*

Dunno yet... it's your payload... so let's just proceed, shall we?

To your question about Android AV, Andy Burns (who, like I, is on both
newsgroups), kindly responded nobody feels AV is needed on Android (to
which I avidly concur - and - trust me - I'd use it if I thought it was
needed as I'm no friend of Google)...

To your credit, you thanked Andy Burns, which, come to think of it, is NOT
a trait that the iKooks ever display so that's a counter indicator for me.

And the thread ends with Zagheda aptly pointing out that you never
mentioned the Android payload until you had them tell you that Windows
Defender works just fine - and that's all there is to look at as of now.

In summary, you asked a question on each newsgroup which, as Andy Burns
pointed out, I jumped on perhaps prematurely, as yet another iTroll.

In delving deeper into the chronology, I'll openly and publicly apologize
to you, saying I probably was wrong to accuse you of being an iTroll.

Please accept my apologies, and please do ask questions of the Android or
Windows newsgroups... but... I request that if you want to tie Android to
Windows, you do that in the beginning (like you did with the Android query,
and not like the Windows query which preceded it).

After having looked in further detail in your posts on the Windows
newsgroup, and after noting it's a classic topic much like the idiotic
"What Oil" threads on the bimmer newsgroups, it's a question _always_ asked
by people who make decisions based more on fear than on science.

Making all decisions based on fear alone is the hallmark of the iKooks.

Nonetheless, I want to repeat emphatically that I will declare that I made
a mistake - that there's a better chance than not than you being one of the
iKooks due to small, yet perceptible mannerisms (not the least of which was
your adult behavior just now in questioning my initial stated reaction).

Having poured my heart out above, as I am want to do because I am a
good-hearted person (quite unlike the iKooks, mind you, who are all
despicable people and cruel heartless ones at that), I will be taking your
posts seriously moving forward.

To wit... I will declare that I too used AV programs in the past on Windows
and I too used those "crap cleaner" style programs on Android in the past,
but I echo the sage advice from Paul, wasbit, Andy Burns, Zag, et al., that
neither is needed (IMHO) on either Android or Windows.

Given I deeply _care_ that people get the help they need, I will proceed...

Nobody I know who is driven by facts more so than by fear, uses _any_
antivirus over and above the native Google Play Protect system on Android,
and likewise on Windows, regarding the Windows Defender package - which has
come such a long way that I, myself, haven't had a virus in so long I can't
even remember when, and I've never had one on Android that I'm aware of.

As for Google Play Protect, if you're not aware, I've posted many a thread
on how it works, where it works completely _outside_ of the app called the
"Google Play Store" app, which I have disabled on my phone, even as Google
Play Protect (and, by the way, Google app updates) work just fine even
_without_ any mothership tracking account on the Android phone.

In all my tests of Google Play Protect, rest assured, it checks all apps on
a frequent schedule, even if _zero_ of your apps came from the Google Play
Store app itself (ask me how I know this).
<Loading Image...> Turn on Play Protect?

The native Android Google Play Protect feature checks not only for known
issues, but for heuristics

Here are some screenshots I posted a while ago in my test of this feature.
<Loading Image...> No Google Play account
<Loading Image...> Turn on Play Protect scan
<Loading Image...> Google Play App Updates
<Loading Image...> Turn on Play Protect?
<Loading Image...> Manual GPProtect scan
<Loading Image...> Change your defaults!
<Loading Image...> Find my phone location?

Here's my heartfelt sincere advice given you never provided any links which
describe the solution you're using, so I'm _not_ comparing the two systems,
but I am saying that, like many who have advised you already, there is no
need that I feel to use _anything_ other than the default native AV tools
on both Windows and Android.

If you want me to _compare_ my solution to that you're currently using,
then you need to have the common decency to provide me a link to a
description of your current solution as that would indicate that you are
serious and not just trolling us (which is important for you to establish).
Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
which, in this case, is to sincerely address the issues that were raised.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-02 23:07:05 UTC
Carryover from
*Microsoft�s Phone Link app now lets you use iMessage from your PC*
And yet, every claim I've made for app functionality, I've backed up with
the URL to the actual apps on the App Store, while you never have
not only is that false, but some of the 'app functionality' you claim
doesn't exist doesn't actually need an app because it's *built* *into*
*ios*. needing to install a third party app is actually a *drawback*.
Look nospam, I know you're a liar and that you never back up your claims.
You said the same thing about graphical wi-fi debuggers, nospam.
Remember that?

Do I need to remind you of each and every one of your fabrications?
*It's a fact iOS devices can't even graph Wi-Fi signal strength over time*

You're so used to lying about everything, you think by saying it's built
into iOS you can claim _everything_ is built into iOS (like you did with
graphical wi-fi debugging, nospam).

And yet it's not.
You lied.

If it really is built into iOS, you'd be able to show a reference URL about
it, and you can't. Also you'd be able to show the GUI to it. And you can't.

You lied.
You _always_ lie.

It's how I know you would stab your own mother in the back nospam.
It's the kind of despicable person you are.
Never once have you shown any fact by me to be wrong,
many people do that regularly, myself included.
And yet you can't point to a single one, nospam.
That's because they don't exist.
You're lying.

It's your nature to lie, nospam.
It's how I know you're a truly despicable person.

That's not even an ad hominem attack.
That's just the truth.

Anyway, I'm different from you in that I'm not only intelligent, but I'm
confident in myself such that if you did find me make a mistake, just point
it out and I'll own up to it. I'm not a small child like you are, nospam.

*Updating the "wrong - by badgolferman" thread from May 29, 2019*

Point out my mistakes and I'll own up to them because I'm an adult.
*Name Just One*
2023-03-02 23:54:39 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Point out my mistakes
many people have done that
Post by Andy Burnelli
and I'll own up to them because I'm an adult.
you don't.

therefore, by your own metric, you must not be an adult.
Hank Rogers
2023-03-03 00:07:47 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
Point out my mistakes
many people have done that
Post by Andy Burnelli
and I'll own up to them because I'm an adult.
you don't.
therefore, by your own metric, you must not be an adult.
I don't know if either are liars, or adults.

I do know that BOTH of you guys are complete assholes, and provide
nothing useful to common iphone users. You are too busy preening
your feathers, strutting, and fighting.

One of you has books. the other is a "developer".

You are both pompous assholes.
Jolly Roger
2023-03-03 01:10:27 UTC
Post by Hank Rogers
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
Point out my mistakes
many people have done that
Post by Andy Burnelli
and I'll own up to them because I'm an adult.
you don't.
therefore, by your own metric, you must not be an adult.
I don't know if either are liars, or adults.
I do know that BOTH of you guys are complete assholes, and provide
nothing useful to common iphone users. You are too busy preening your
feathers, strutting, and fighting.
One of you has books. the other is a "developer".
You are both pompous assholes.
Everyone can be an asshole at times - some more than others. Only one of
these is actively here just to troll and disrupt the group though.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-03-03 01:43:08 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Hank Rogers
One of you has books. the other is a "developer".
You are both pompous assholes.
Everyone can be an asshole at times - some more than others. Only one of
these is actively here just to troll and disrupt the group though.
Agree with you that Hank trolls the group and doesn't even own an iPhone.
Hank Rogers
2023-03-03 21:23:41 UTC
Post by rdb
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Hank Rogers
One of you has books. the other is a "developer".
You are both pompous assholes.
Everyone can be an asshole at times - some more than others. Only one of
these is actively here just to troll and disrupt the group though.
Agree with you that Hank trolls the group and doesn't even own an iPhone.
I have an iphone, but it's only a lowly SE 2020, so probably don't
count for those with their heads deeply up apples asshole.

It's a good little phone, but it is not perfect. I'd say it fills
about 90% of my needs.

Please continue, Jolly Codger.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-21 08:48:06 UTC
From this thread today... where I was wrong in that I had calcuated a
20-year times $15/year subscription cost for 1Blocker, but the iKooks
found a much better "lifetime" subscription price, which I accept.

I was wrong (in that my math was correct, but they found a better price).

Here is my apology.
*19 hidden iphone features*
his math skills are lacking.
photos of calculators should be easier to find than photos of
arithmetic books.
Maybe he got lost in the garden.
He was lost long before he even walked outside.
This is one case where I will easily admit you guys noticed something that
I didn't bother to even notice since there was zero chance I'd pay for that
1Blocker crippleware.

My math was correct, but it was based on the $15/year.

You guys delved deeper to find their lifetime subscription (apparently),
which I'm fine with a priori (so I won't even bother to check it further).

I openly and easily admit I was wrong if you count that if you REALLY
wanted a lifetime subscription, you "probably" wouldn't pay the $15
per year that I calculated - but you'd "probably" pay for whatever the cost
nospam said the lifetime subscription was.

My math wasn't wrong ($15x20) but you found a "better" price, and that's
fine. This is something I will put in the badgolferman 'wrong' thread.
*Updating the "wrong - by badgolferman" thread from May 29, 2019*

Note: I'm not like you iKooks who are exactly like this person depicted:
<Loading Image...>

I'm not afraid to own up to my mistakes.
And I don't need to lie to cover up for Apple's flaws like you iKooks do.

The lifetime subscription isn't important to me because what iOS should
have, for free, is a system wide firewall that works as well as NetGuard.
Although you need the sideloaded NetGuard for the ad blocking feature.
Jolly Roger
2023-03-21 16:50:29 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
From this thread today... where I was wrong in that I had calcuated a
20-year times $15/year subscription cost for 1Blocker, but the iKooks
found a much better "lifetime" subscription price, which I accept.
You were blinded by your irrational hatred, and couldn't see what was
right there in the App Store listing for the app. And that's because
you're nothing more than a weak-minded know-nothing troll whose only
purpose in life is bullying complete strangers because they just happen
to use products made by a company you've decided to make your life's
mission to hate. You're a sad excuse of a human being, and Usenet will
celebrate the day you are gone for good.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-03-21 17:24:54 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Andy Burnelli
From this thread today... where I was wrong in that I had
calcuated a 20-year times $15/year subscription cost for 1Blocker,
but the iKooks found a much better "lifetime" subscription price,
which I accept.
You were blinded by your irrational hatred, and couldn't see what was
right there in the App Store listing for the app. And that's because
you're nothing more than a weak-minded know-nothing troll whose only
purpose in life is bullying complete strangers because they just
happen to use products made by a company you've decided to make your
life's mission to hate. You're a sad excuse of a human being, and
Usenet will celebrate the day you are gone for good.
From: "Jolly Roger" <***@pobox.com>
Subject: Re: Apple announcement today - new yellow color option for
iPhone 14 - with matching $49 case
Date: 8 Mar 2023 21:42:21 GMT
Message-ID: <***@mid.individual.net>
Newsgroups: misc.phone.mobile.iphone
Organization: People for the Ethical Treatment of Pirates
User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Darwin)

"Apparently these people overflow with juvenile hatred and feel
compelled to lash out at random strangers over utterly trivial things.
It's pretty sad behavior."
Jolly Roger
2023-03-21 17:41:24 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Andy Burnelli
From this thread today... where I was wrong in that I had
calcuated a 20-year times $15/year subscription cost for 1Blocker,
but the iKooks found a much better "lifetime" subscription price,
which I accept.
You were blinded by your irrational hatred, and couldn't see what was
right there in the App Store listing for the app. And that's because
you're nothing more than a weak-minded know-nothing troll whose only
purpose in life is bullying complete strangers because they just
happen to use products made by a company you've decided to make your
life's mission to hate. You're a sad excuse of a human being, and
Usenet will celebrate the day you are gone for good.
announcement today - new yellow color option for iPhone 14 - with
misc.phone.mobile.iphone Organization: People for the Ethical
Treatment of Pirates User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Darwin)
"Apparently these people overflow with juvenile hatred and feel
compelled to lash out at random strangers over utterly trivial things.
It's pretty sad behavior."
What you are deliberately ignoring (naturally, since you are a regular
participant in Arlen's regular trolling activities here) is that Arlen
isn't a "random stranger" - he is a well-known troll in these
newsgroups. And the thread about ad blocking (and 1Blocker) is a perfect
example of that, where the OP asked about ad blockers, several people
(including me) offered help and recommendations, then Arlen came in and
tried to disrupt the conversation with lies about 1Blocker, lies about
iOS, and his typical Android zealot blurbs, all while inserting his
usual petty insults at anyone who dares to use Apple products along the
way. And while he was at it, he made the laughably false claim that
1Blocker supposedly costs *$300* when in reality it is *free* for basic
ad blocking, with the option to enable additional more advanced features
including OS-level ad blocking for non-browser apps for a one-time
(lifetime) payment of $38. Arlen is a troll, and he deserves every bit
of ridicule and admonition he gets for his dishonesty and disruption
here. But do go on and whine for him because you actively participate in
the same juvenile trolls Arlen is well known for here. You two
definitely belong together.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Andy Burnelli
2023-03-23 20:46:13 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
What you are deliberately ignoring (naturally, since you are a regular
participant in Arlen's regular trolling activities here) is that Arlen
isn't a "random stranger" - he is a well-known troll in these
newsgroups. And the thread about ad blocking (and 1Blocker) is a perfect
example of that, where the OP asked about ad blockers, several people
(including me) offered help and recommendations, then Arlen came in and
tried to disrupt the conversation with lies about 1Blocker, lies about
iOS, and his typical Android zealot blurbs, all while inserting his
usual petty insults at anyone who dares to use Apple products along the
way. And while he was at it, he made the laughably false claim that
1Blocker supposedly costs *$300* when in reality it is *free* for basic
ad blocking, with the option to enable additional more advanced features
including OS-level ad blocking for non-browser apps for a one-time
(lifetime) payment of $38. Arlen is a troll, and he deserves every bit
of ridicule and admonition he gets for his dishonesty and disruption
here. But do go on and whine for him because you actively participate in
the same juvenile trolls Arlen is well known for here. You two
definitely belong together.
These are the "lies" which Jolly Roger speaks of... :)

<https:// i.postimg.cc/Y09FCXjn/mothership09.jpg> App Store works mostly fine
<https:// i.postimg.cc/tC869Nbk/mothership10.jpg> App Store installs apps
<https:// i.postimg.cc/FKVkgtLC/mothership11.jpg> But it won't do iCloud
<https:// i.postimg.cc/BbX80XwR/mothership12.jpg> 1Blocker Ad Blocker IPA
<https:// i.postimg.cc/Dy4Wp4GX/mothership13.jpg> Get 1Blocker Ad Blocker
<https:// i.postimg.cc/Dy4Wp4GX/mothership13.jpg> Open 1Blocker Ad Blocker
<https:// i.postimg.cc/6pd8tsY6/mothership14.jpg> Open 1Blocker Ad Blocker
<https:// i.postimg.cc/1RjnKr8S/mothership15.jpg> Welcome & Get Started
<https:// i.postimg.cc/W39DCMSM/mothership16.jpg> Enable Safari extensions
<https:// i.postimg.cc/wjJmMRTp/mothership17.jpg> Go to Safari Settings
<https:// i.postimg.cc/tRSPMHmL/mothership18.jpg> Safari 1Blocker extensions
<https:// i.postimg.cc/W3SrjRpq/mothership19.jpg> Enabled Safari extensions
<https:// i.postimg.cc/9F1WpW87/mothership20.jpg> Note 1Blocker Scripts
<https:// i.postimg.cc/vHT7YmVY/mothership21.jpg> Enable 1Blocker Scripts
<https:// i.postimg.cc/FzsyJrCx/mothership22.jpg> 1Blocker Scripts turned on
<https:// i.postimg.cc/pXcZzjH5/mothership23.jpg> Explore Premium Features
<https:// i.postimg.cc/660z6Sb0/mothership24.jpg> Works only in Safari
<https:// i.postimg.cc/k4PwDddj/mothership25.jpg> Firewall doesn't work
<https:// i.postimg.cc/Qxf6mPpt/mothership26.jpg> What you get for your $$$

HINT: They're screenshots of facts which I tested myself on my own iPad
because the iKooks told me how "great" this program was at ad blocking.
Hank Rogers
2023-03-23 21:02:54 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by Jolly Roger
What you are deliberately ignoring (naturally, since you are a regular
participant in Arlen's regular trolling activities here) is that Arlen
isn't a "random stranger" - he is a well-known troll in these
newsgroups. And the thread about ad blocking (and 1Blocker) is a perfect
example of that, where the OP asked about ad blockers, several people
(including me) offered help and recommendations, then Arlen came in and
tried to disrupt the conversation with lies about 1Blocker, lies about
iOS, and his typical Android zealot blurbs, all while inserting his
usual petty insults at anyone who dares to use Apple products
along the
way. And while he was at it, he made the laughably false claim that
1Blocker supposedly costs *$300* when in reality it is *free* for basic
ad blocking, with the option to enable additional more advanced features
including OS-level ad blocking for non-browser apps for a one-time
(lifetime) payment of $38. Arlen is a troll, and he deserves
every bit
of ridicule and admonition he gets for his dishonesty and disruption
here. But do go on and whine for him because you actively
participate in
the same juvenile trolls Arlen is well known for here. You two
definitely belong together.
These are the "lies" which Jolly Roger speaks of... :)
<https:// i.postimg.cc/Y09FCXjn/mothership09.jpg> App Store works mostly fine
<https:// i.postimg.cc/tC869Nbk/mothership10.jpg> App Store
installs apps
<https:// i.postimg.cc/FKVkgtLC/mothership11.jpg> But it won't do iCloud
<https:// i.postimg.cc/BbX80XwR/mothership12.jpg> 1Blocker Ad
Blocker IPA
<https:// i.postimg.cc/Dy4Wp4GX/mothership13.jpg> Get 1Blocker Ad
Blocker <https:// i.postimg.cc/Dy4Wp4GX/mothership13.jpg> Open
1Blocker Ad Blocker
<https:// i.postimg.cc/6pd8tsY6/mothership14.jpg> Open 1Blocker Ad Blocker
<https:// i.postimg.cc/1RjnKr8S/mothership15.jpg> Welcome & Get Started
<https:// i.postimg.cc/W39DCMSM/mothership16.jpg> Enable Safari extensions
<https:// i.postimg.cc/wjJmMRTp/mothership17.jpg> Go to Safari
<https:// i.postimg.cc/tRSPMHmL/mothership18.jpg> Safari 1Blocker
extensions <https:// i.postimg.cc/W3SrjRpq/mothership19.jpg>
Enabled Safari extensions
<https:// i.postimg.cc/9F1WpW87/mothership20.jpg> Note 1Blocker Scripts
<https:// i.postimg.cc/vHT7YmVY/mothership21.jpg> Enable 1Blocker Scripts
<https:// i.postimg.cc/FzsyJrCx/mothership22.jpg> 1Blocker Scripts turned on
<https:// i.postimg.cc/pXcZzjH5/mothership23.jpg> Explore Premium Features
<https:// i.postimg.cc/660z6Sb0/mothership24.jpg> Works only in Safari
<https:// i.postimg.cc/k4PwDddj/mothership25.jpg> Firewall doesn't work
<https:// i.postimg.cc/Qxf6mPpt/mothership26.jpg> What you get for your $$$
HINT: They're screenshots of facts which I tested myself on my own iPad
because the iKooks told me how "great" this program was at ad
You would cease to exist without iKooks.

And the iKooks would wither too.
Hank Rogers
2023-03-03 00:15:53 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by Andy Burnelli
Point out my mistakes
many people have done that
Post by Andy Burnelli
and I'll own up to them because I'm an adult.
you don't.
therefore, by your own metric, you must not be an adult.
I'd say you are both adult assholes.

Go away. Get a room in a cheap hotel, and battle away.
Wally J
2023-10-05 01:24:06 UTC
I am openly admitting I made a mistake today which Dorper
kindly caught, in that the actively exploited zero-day hole
which has been exploiting a "quite extensive" list of Apple
devices (see list below) for years - was a _local_ exploit!

See details below where I commend Dorper for his adult
cognitive skills - which - let's face it - are rare here.
hackers don't even need to be within a thousand miles of your phone to
completely and fully take it over any time they want to - for years!
A local attacker may be able to elevate their privileges.
Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively
exploited against versions of iOS before iOS 16.6.
Wally would you mind explaining what the word "local" means?
You're right! I made a minor mistake - but it's a mistake nonetheless.
And you caught it.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Wow. An intelligent person on the Apple newsgroup.
Now that's a shock.

I'm not used to people like you on the Apple newsgroups, Dorper.
"The zero-day (CVE-2023-42824) is caused by a weakness discovered
in the XNU kernel that enables *local* attackers to escalate
privileges on unpatched iPhones and iPads."

"The list of impacted devices is quite extensive, and it includes:
iPhone XS and later, plus
iPad Pro 12.9-inch 2nd generation and later, plus
iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, plus
iPad Air 3rd generation and later, plus
iPad 6th generation and later, plus
and iPad mini 5th generation and later"

Kudos to you for being able to comprehend at the adult detail level!
(All the iKooks ever do is deny every fact about Apple ever existing.)


I agree with you (as I never disagree with any sensible statement).

You're completely correct that I was referring to the long-exploited
security hole in iOS before 16.6 to now - which was a "local" exploit!

Everything I said was correct _except_ for the thousand miles in
that one case - but let's look at the other zero-days in this release.
libvpx 1.13.1 [CVE-2023-5217]
"Apple also addressed a zero-day tracked as CVE-2023-5217
and caused by a heap buffer overflow weakness in the VP8 encoding
of the open-source libvpx video codec library."

Notice iOS has two to three times the number of zero-day holes than
does Android - and more than ten times the active exploits...
"17 zero-days exploited in attacks fixed this year"

Where the main reason iOS is so incredibly insecure is mostly due to
the primitive monolithic release mechanism that only Apple uses.

Nobody. Nobody at all. Nobody else who makes an OS uses the primitive
monolithic system that Apple uses - and all support more than 1 release!

Because of that, Apple will _always_ have the least secure devices
(because it gives attackers tons & tons of time to attack - that's why).
My job on the child-like Apple newsgroups is to bring up the truth
and to show the ignorant low-IQ uneducated iKooks for what they are.