newsgroup membership
(too old to reply)
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-09 20:59:53 UTC
I've been on Usenet since 1996. : )
What about this group?
Hi badgolferman,

Since I'm always striving to be purposefully helpful, bear in mind that
Jolly Roger had, for years, an X-No-Archive in his headers.

That means he wasn't archived by DejaNews.Google searches for a time.

Even so, he showed up in my August 2009 searches so he flips that header on
and off it seems (I had never cared enough to notice it flipping though).

Also, it's quite likely that the mac computer groups existed well before
this iPhone (and subsequently Michelle's iPad) newsgroups did.

I think comp.mobile.android may have been created at about the same time as
misc.phone.mobile.iphone, but I'm not sure as I had Kyocera, Motorola Razrs
and Blackberry devices in those early days.

Hence, there are a handful of relevant dates to consider in your searches:

Certainly this group wasn't created until the first iPhone was created,
although the iPod existed before the iPhone (June 29, 2007) was released.
Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
which, in this case, is to faithfully help answer the history of the ng.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-09 21:10:27 UTC
I don't really care enough to research it. What are you hoping to gain
by knowing this, anyway?
I'm not looking to gain anything. However I was considering giving
credit to someone for their longevity.
Hi badgolferman,

It's different when you converse with an adult, versus an iKook, huh? :)

As far as I am concerned, there's no need for you to apologize to Jolly
Roger for you having asked a simple question requesting data from others.

I generally search for the data I need using the typical Usenet archives.
But, of course, they only go back to when _they_ first started archiving.

Of course, the group "can" be older than the archive, for all I know.

It's not Jolly Roger's nature to be helpful, of course, and therefore he
lashed out at you because, like always, he doesn't _like_ you asking
questions - but I think your question is valid as it helps to understand.

And I, for one, try to understand each and every one of you on this ng.

Moving forward to help you answer the information of the history of the ng,
particularly since you've been kindly and dutifully compiling & reporting
statistics for a while, this says the group goes back fifteen years.


When you go to that page (which is very often down but it's up right now),
it shows a histogram of all the posts, and it says below that bar chart
9122 Threads
175057 Posts
Ranked #239
First post 15 years ago

There is a way to reverse sort with the oldest thread first.
If you look at "Display Options" on the right header.

Can you do me a favor and try to sort narkive by this set of options?
"Last message date, Oldest first"

When I did that, it errored out as "Couldn't Save Options, Please Retry"
but that could be because of my browser settings (for privacy).

If you can get _that_ sort to work, you'll get the people posting
fifteen years ago (circa 2008, which is about the right time frame).
2023-03-10 12:21:35 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
I don't really care enough to research it. What are you hoping to
gain by knowing this, anyway?
I'm not looking to gain anything. However I was considering giving
credit to someone for their longevity.
Hi badgolferman,
It's different when you converse with an adult, versus an iKook, huh? :)
As far as I am concerned, there's no need for you to apologize to
Jolly Roger for you having asked a simple question requesting data
from others. I generally search for the data I need using the
typical Usenet archives.
<http://tinyurl.com/misc-phone-mobile-iphone> But, of course, they
only go back to when they first started archiving.
Of course, the group "can" be older than the archive, for all I know.
It's not Jolly Roger's nature to be helpful, of course, and therefore
he lashed out at you because, like always, he doesn't like you asking
questions - but I think your question is valid as it helps to
And I, for one, try to understand each and every one of you on this ng.
Moving forward to help you answer the information of the history of
the ng, particularly since you've been kindly and dutifully compiling
& reporting statistics for a while, this says the group goes back
fifteen years.
When you go to that page (which is very often down but it's up right
now), it shows a histogram of all the posts, and it says below that
bar chart misc.phone.mobile.iphone 9122 Threads
175057 Posts
Ranked #239
First post 15 years ago
There is a way to reverse sort with the oldest thread first.
If you look at "Display Options" on the right header.
Can you do me a favor and try to sort narkive by this set of options?
"Last message date, Oldest first"
When I did that, it errored out as "Couldn't Save Options, Please
Retry" but that could be because of my browser settings (for privacy).
If you can get that sort to work, you'll get the people posting
fifteen years ago (circa 2008, which is about the right time frame).
I get the same error message: Couldn't Save Options, Please Retry

Interestingly enough when I tried the link on the phone, the Display
Options didn't even show up. I had to use the desktop browser to see
that menu item.

Oh well, thank you for trying. It was just a curiosity thing.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-10 15:49:43 UTC
Post by badgolferman
I get the same error message: Couldn't Save Options, Please Retry
Hi badgolferman,

All data is good data, so I, for one, appreciate this thread of yours.
Especially since you've been compiling stats on multiple newsgroups
(e.g., you used to compile them for alt.home.repair as I recall).

Hence, thank you for taking the time to test it for the team. If the
narkive reverse sort would have worked, it would have arrived at the first
post ever in this newsgroup.

The other method that will work is the one I casually did, but with more
fervor, but my quick test for the search on something I knew was old came
up with threads back to August 2009 which is close enough for you.

These are the ones that popped up in my search of about a dozen threads:
Alan Browne
JF Mezei
Jolly Roger
Your Name

Obviously I could run a more persistent search but so can you, so I'll
leave this one as you had intended, which is to ask THEM when they joined.

HINT: Fat chance of the iKooks ever being purposefully helpful, though.
Post by badgolferman
Interestingly enough when I tried the link on the phone, the Display
Options didn't even show up. I had to use the desktop browser to see
that menu item.
The narkive sucks; but it's useful for groups (such as Windows groups)
which are not archived by the dejanews.google Usenet archival engines.
Post by badgolferman
Oh well, thank you for trying. It was just a curiosity thing.
If you don't know already, I have two goals on this newsgroup, while I
normally have only one goal on all the other operating system groups.

1. I want to _help_ people and to _learn_ from them all that I can, and
2. Due to the sadistic nature of iKooks, I wish to _expose_ them
for exactly what they are.

That second goal is born of my dislike of people who are purposefully
unhelpful and at the same time, deceitful liars, and, combine those
horrid personality traits with an almost total lack of intelligence.

In summary, (a) it's great you're seeking data as all data is good data,
and (b) I tried to help where I could, and (c) the iKooks, sadly, do not.
Naq lrf, V'z jryy njner gur vXbbxf ner gbb fghcvq gb frr gur onvg.
2023-03-10 16:22:51 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
In summary, (a) it's great you're seeking data as all data is good
data, and (b) I tried to help where I could, and (c) the iKooks,
sadly, do not.
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard to
get a straight answer from him. At the very least we know he is among
those with the longest tenure in this group so he could say if anyone
else has been around longer than he has.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-10 17:01:03 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Andy Burnelli
In summary, (a) it's great you're seeking data as all data is good
data, and (b) I tried to help where I could, and (c) the iKooks,
sadly, do not.
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard to
get a straight answer from him. At the very least we know he is among
those with the longest tenure in this group so he could say if anyone
else has been around longer than he has.
Hi badgolferman,

A conversation with you is different than one with the child-like iKooks.

I agree nospam "can" help "if he wanted to", where you should note that I
agree with any rationally logical viewpoint (like all normal adults should,
IMHO), even when we're discussing viewpoints from acknowledge iKooks like

Of the iKooks, all of whom have abnormally low IQs and, probably as a
direct result, they all lack the normal components of education, only two
of the iKooks have _any_ capacity to help if/when they wanted to.

Alan Browne

In the case of Alan Browne and nospam, both (I assess) aren't too far below
normal in their capacity to comprehend detail (e.g., none of the iKooks
except Alan Browne ascertained why Apple sales figures per model would need
to be interpreted COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY than Android sales per model).

What's SIMILAR about these two iKooks is that they defend Apple to the
death, no matter what... but... what's DIFFERENT about these two iKooks is
that nospam is particularly sadistic, whereas Alan Browne is not.

The rest are sadistic to the core, such as Jolly Roger, Lewis, Alan Baker,
et al., where they delight in sending people on doomed-to-fail wild-goose
chases and where they deceitfully lie about everything they can
(particularly Alan Baker who denies on purpose every fact he's ever seen).

The reason I care is that, first off, I study people so that I understand
them, but more to the point of the sadistic iKooks, I am a purposefully
helpful and rather technical person to the core (deeply caring am I).

Who else, for example, cares like I do to write tutorials galore to help
people, as just one of many examples of how DIFFERENT iKooks are from me.

While I'm purposefully helpful - the iKooks are purposefully sadistic.
Unfortunately, nospam is purposefully sadistic in addition to being a liar.

While all the iKooks are deceitful liars (e.g., Chris tried to ridicule
typical immunological terms at the same time as lying he had a PhD in that
field), at least Chris found an error in one of my assessments (I typed the
decimal in the wrong place - which I duly thanked him for & acknowledged).

However... nospam is especially perverse, badgolferman.

What nospam does is lie about every single thing that he talks about.

A recent example is nospam claims to be a developer, and yet, the record
shows nospam has absolutely no clue about the origin and intent of a simple
hello.world program - which he then ridicules (as did Chris with terms).

There's zero chance that nospam is a developer, badgolferman.
He lied about being a developer.

Meanwhile, I didn't lie about NOT being a developer, badgolferman.
And yet, this is important, I've published more src in that one thread
of a dozen tutorials than nospam has written in his entire life.

That's how much of a liar nospam is, badgolferman.
He'd lie to his own mother if he thought she slighted Apple in the least.

Same with Alan Baker, for example, who said he's a racer and yet he clearly
was completely ignorant of the most well known BMW racing terms in history.

Alan Baker said he was a racer, and yet, he lied.
I said I was NOT a racer, and yet, apparently I know more about the origin
of classic common racing terms than this supposed iKook racer ever will.

The adult point, badgolferman, isn't these two example at all.

The adult point is that these iKooks are sadistic deceitful liars who'd
stab their own mother in the back just for the fun of it, I assess.

*Hence, while nospam _can_ be purposefully helpful, he rarely will be.*
2023-03-10 17:11:27 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by badgolferman
Post by Andy Burnelli
In summary, (a) it's great you're seeking data as all data is good
data, and (b) I tried to help where I could, and (c) the iKooks,
sadly, do not.
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard to
get a straight answer from him.  At the very least we know he is among
those with the longest tenure in this group so he could say if anyone
else has been around longer than he has.
Hi badgolferman,
A conversation with you is different than one with the child-like iKooks.
If you spoke to people in person as you write to and about them in here,
you'd get bitch-slapped a dozen times a day.
Jolly Roger
2023-03-10 17:46:23 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by badgolferman
Post by Andy Burnelli
In summary, (a) it's great you're seeking data as all data is good
data, and (b) I tried to help where I could, and (c) the iKooks,
sadly, do not.
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard
to get a straight answer from him.  At the very least we know he is
among those with the longest tenure in this group so he could say if
anyone else has been around longer than he has.
Hi badgolferman,
A conversation with you is different than one with the child-like iKooks.
If you spoke to people in person as you write to and about them in
here, you'd get bitch-slapped a dozen times a day.
He's a little coward hiding behind his keyboard.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Alan Browne
2023-03-10 17:57:14 UTC
Post by Alan
If you spoke to people in person as you write to and about them in here,
you'd get bitch-slapped a dozen times a day.
People don't want to have to wash their hands that much.
“Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present
danger to American democracy.”
- J Michael Luttig - 2022-06-16
- Former US appellate court judge (R) testifying to the January 6
2023-03-10 17:58:23 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Alan
If you spoke to people in person as you write to and about them in
here, you'd get bitch-slapped a dozen times a day.
People don't want to have to wash their hands that much.
Fair point.

Jolly Roger
2023-03-10 20:52:00 UTC
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Alan
If you spoke to people in person as you write to and about them in
here, you'd get bitch-slapped a dozen times a day.
People don't want to have to wash their hands that much.
Nothing a solid pair of beemer gloves can't solve. As a bonus, a good
slap with them would provide a prolonged effect. ; )
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-03-10 22:29:46 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Alan
If you spoke to people in person as you write to and about them in
here, you'd get bitch-slapped a dozen times a day.
People don't want to have to wash their hands that much.
Nothing a solid pair of beemer gloves can't solve. As a bonus, a good
slap with them would provide a prolonged effect. ; )
Not bimmer gloves?

Jolly Roger
2023-03-10 22:39:20 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Alan
If you spoke to people in person as you write to and about them in
here, you'd get bitch-slapped a dozen times a day.
People don't want to have to wash their hands that much.
Nothing a solid pair of beemer gloves can't solve. As a bonus, a good
slap with them would provide a prolonged effect. ; )
Not bimmer gloves?
Nah, those are generally soft and lightweight, with no knuckle and
finger protection. Go with beemer gloves instead, and aim for the nose
and eyes. ; )
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

Alan Browne
2023-03-10 23:20:29 UTC
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan
Post by Jolly Roger
Post by Alan Browne
Post by Alan
If you spoke to people in person as you write to and about them in
here, you'd get bitch-slapped a dozen times a day.
People don't want to have to wash their hands that much.
Nothing a solid pair of beemer gloves can't solve. As a bonus, a good
slap with them would provide a prolonged effect. ; )
Not bimmer gloves?
Nah, those are generally soft and lightweight, with no knuckle and
finger protection. Go with beemer gloves instead, and aim for the nose
and eyes. ; )
Why soil perfectly good gloves.
I understand: dirt, mud, grease, sand and cow and horse manure - all
good - but not "that".
“Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present
danger to American democracy.”
- J Michael Luttig - 2022-06-16
- Former US appellate court judge (R) testifying to the January 6
2023-03-10 17:22:52 UTC
Post by badgolferman
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard to
get a straight answer from him.
my answers are always straight, unless i'm toying with a troll.
2023-03-11 00:39:11 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by badgolferman
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard to
get a straight answer from him.
my answers are always straight, unless i'm toying with a troll.
Is that what you think of me?
2023-03-11 00:44:05 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by nospam
Post by badgolferman
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard to
get a straight answer from him.
my answers are always straight, unless i'm toying with a troll.
Is that what you think of me?
it should be obvious to whom i'm referring, and it's not you.
Andy Burnelli
2023-03-11 01:06:20 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by badgolferman
Post by nospam
Post by badgolferman
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard to
get a straight answer from him.
my answers are always straight, unless i'm toying with a troll.
Is that what you think of me?
it should be obvious to whom i'm referring, and it's not you.
Hi badgolferman,

Clearly, nospam is not a normal person, as you're well aware I'm sure.
*He would stab his own mother in the back* if he felt like it.

He'll send innocent people on fruitless wild-goose chases, out of not
ignorance, but out of his own sadistic nature to cause others pain.

*People like nospam actually _enjoy_ being sadistic to others*

The reason is known only to his psychologist; but I assume it's because he
was told he was stupid his entire life - and here he wants to get back.

*He's desperate to claim that he's _not_ stupid* - and yet - he is.

But a lot of people are stupid - and they're not sadistic like nospam is.
*A lot of people are stupid - but they're not inveterate liars like he is*

There's more to nospam than just his ignorance and his sadistic nature.

One thing you know is that I strive to understand why nospam is what he is.
Perhaps, even, I understand nospam's motives better than he knows himself.

*Everything nospam does is to defend Apple* to the death, no matter what.

Because of that, all facts about Apple are a _danger_ to nospam.

*Literally, nospam _fears_ facts*
*He's deathly _afraid_ of all facts* which put Apple in a negative light.

Hence, not only does nospam call everyone who speaks facts, a troll,
but nospam will brazenly deny all facts about Apple he hates.

(which is, let's be clear, a _lot_ of facts)

What nospam does is what anyone does who is deathly afraid of the topic.
He deflects. He lies. He redirects. He lies some more. He denies.

*Mostly nospam uses 7 repeated approaches to deflect from facts*

In summary, everything nospam does on this newsgroup is because he is so
deathly _afraid_ of facts, that not only are the facts dangerous to his
belief system... but the bearer of facts is an overt danger too.

He's a religious fanatic who is afraid of something as benign as the truth.
2023-03-11 01:32:41 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Post by nospam
it should be obvious to whom i'm referring, and it's not you.
Hi badgolferman,
if you're going to spew, at least fix your scripts.
increase lifespan
2023-04-05 08:35:57 UTC
The desire to live longer is an age-old human aspiration. People have always been looking for ways to extend their lifespan, from the legendary quest for the fountain of youth to the modern-day search for the elixir of life. Advances in science and medicine have made it possible to enhance our health and increase our lifespan, and supplements have been at the forefront of this effort.

There is a growing market for supplements that claim to promote longevity and enhance our quality of life as we age. These supplements come in various forms, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other natural substances. Some of the most popular supplements that claim to promote longevity include resveratrol, curcumin, omega-3 fatty acids, and green tea extract.

Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine and grapes, has been touted for its anti-aging properties. Studies have shown that it can increase the lifespan of animals and may have similar effects on humans. Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, has also been linked to longevity. It has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve cognitive function, and promote healthy aging.

Omega-3 fatty acids are another popular supplement that has been linked to longevity. These essential fats are found in fish oil and have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other age-related conditions. Green tea extract is also known for its anti-aging properties. It contains antioxidants that can protect cells from damage and promote healthy aging.

While the claims of these supplements are promising, it is important to note that they are not a magic bullet for living longer. A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management is still the best way to promote longevity. Supplements can be a helpful addition to a healthy lifestyle, but they should not be relied upon as the sole means of promoting longevity.

Moreover, it is crucial to consider the quality and safety of the supplements you choose. The supplement industry is largely unregulated, and some products may contain harmful ingredients or inaccurate labeling. It is important to do your research and choose reputable brands that have undergone third-party testing for purity and potency.

In conclusion, the urge to live longer is a natural human aspiration, and supplements have played a role in helping people achieve this goal. While some supplements have shown promising results in promoting longevity and improving quality of life, they should not be relied upon as the sole means of achieving these outcomes. A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management is still the most effective way to promote longevity. It is also important to choose high-quality supplements that are safe and effective. By taking a holistic approach to health and longevity, we can all work towards living a longer, healthier life.
increase lifespan
2023-04-05 08:36:05 UTC
The desire to live longer is an age-old human aspiration. People have always been looking for ways to extend their lifespan, from the legendary quest for the fountain of youth to the modern-day search for the elixir of life. Advances in science and medicine have made it possible to enhance our health and increase our lifespan, and supplements have been at the forefront of this effort.

There is a growing market for supplements that claim to promote longevity and enhance our quality of life as we age. These supplements come in various forms, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other natural substances. Some of the most popular supplements that claim to promote longevity include resveratrol, curcumin, omega-3 fatty acids, and green tea extract.

Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine and grapes, has been touted for its anti-aging properties. Studies have shown that it can increase the lifespan of animals and may have similar effects on humans. Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, has also been linked to longevity. It has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve cognitive function, and promote healthy aging.

Omega-3 fatty acids are another popular supplement that has been linked to longevity. These essential fats are found in fish oil and have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other age-related conditions. Green tea extract is also known for its anti-aging properties. It contains antioxidants that can protect cells from damage and promote healthy aging.

While the claims of these supplements are promising, it is important to note that they are not a magic bullet for living longer. A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management is still the best way to promote longevity. Supplements can be a helpful addition to a healthy lifestyle, but they should not be relied upon as the sole means of promoting longevity.

Moreover, it is crucial to consider the quality and safety of the supplements you choose. The supplement industry is largely unregulated, and some products may contain harmful ingredients or inaccurate labeling. It is important to do your research and choose reputable brands that have undergone third-party testing for purity and potency.

In conclusion, the urge to live longer is a natural human aspiration, and supplements have played a role in helping people achieve this goal. While some supplements have shown promising results in promoting longevity and improving quality of life, they should not be relied upon as the sole means of achieving these outcomes. A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management is still the most effective way to promote longevity. It is also important to choose high-quality supplements that are safe and effective. By taking a holistic approach to health and longevity, we can all work towards living a longer, healthier life.

Jolly Roger
2023-03-10 17:42:05 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
I don't really care enough to research it. What are you hoping to
gain by knowing this, anyway?
I'm not looking to gain anything. However I was considering giving
credit to someone for their longevity.
As far as I am concerned, there's no need for you to apologize to
Jolly Roger
Both of you know I didn't demand any apology and simply asked a question
which was readily and fully answered, but do troll on if it makes you
*feel* better about yourself. ; )
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.

2023-03-09 21:38:16 UTC
Post by Andy Burnelli
Also, it's quite likely that the mac computer groups existed well before
this iPhone (and subsequently Michelle's iPad) newsgroups did.
mac computer groups go back to 1984 when the mac was introduced.

from june, 1984:
INFO-MAC is now gateway'd onto USENET as fa.info-mac. Welcome to
all USENET readers!

comp.sys.mac.* was born with the great renaming in 1987. prior to that,
there were mac groups in the net.* hierarchy.
Post by Andy Burnelli
I think comp.mobile.android may have been created at about the same time as
nope. it came later.

the first android phone was late 2008, which amusingly enough did not
have an analog headphone jack. that's one of the few things android did
do first.
Post by Andy Burnelli
Certainly this group wasn't created until the first iPhone was created,
although the iPod existed before the iPhone (June 29, 2007) was released.
the iphone was announced on jan 9, 2007 at macworld expo, to ship in
june, with a lot of discussion in a variety of forums, not just usenet.

prior to this group's creation, some of it was in alt.cellular.attws
because the iphone was initially an at& exclusive phone.