Post by badgolfermanPost by Andy BurnelliIn summary, (a) it's great you're seeking data as all data is good
data, and (b) I tried to help where I could, and (c) the iKooks,
sadly, do not.
I think nospam could help if he wanted to, but alas it's often hard to
get a straight answer from him. At the very least we know he is among
those with the longest tenure in this group so he could say if anyone
else has been around longer than he has.
Hi badgolferman,
A conversation with you is different than one with the child-like iKooks.
I agree nospam "can" help "if he wanted to", where you should note that I
agree with any rationally logical viewpoint (like all normal adults should,
IMHO), even when we're discussing viewpoints from acknowledge iKooks like
Of the iKooks, all of whom have abnormally low IQs and, probably as a
direct result, they all lack the normal components of education, only two
of the iKooks have _any_ capacity to help if/when they wanted to.
Alan Browne
In the case of Alan Browne and nospam, both (I assess) aren't too far below
normal in their capacity to comprehend detail (e.g., none of the iKooks
except Alan Browne ascertained why Apple sales figures per model would need
to be interpreted COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY than Android sales per model).
What's SIMILAR about these two iKooks is that they defend Apple to the
death, no matter what... but... what's DIFFERENT about these two iKooks is
that nospam is particularly sadistic, whereas Alan Browne is not.
The rest are sadistic to the core, such as Jolly Roger, Lewis, Alan Baker,
et al., where they delight in sending people on doomed-to-fail wild-goose
chases and where they deceitfully lie about everything they can
(particularly Alan Baker who denies on purpose every fact he's ever seen).
The reason I care is that, first off, I study people so that I understand
them, but more to the point of the sadistic iKooks, I am a purposefully
helpful and rather technical person to the core (deeply caring am I).
Who else, for example, cares like I do to write tutorials galore to help
people, as just one of many examples of how DIFFERENT iKooks are from me.
While I'm purposefully helpful - the iKooks are purposefully sadistic.
Unfortunately, nospam is purposefully sadistic in addition to being a liar.
While all the iKooks are deceitful liars (e.g., Chris tried to ridicule
typical immunological terms at the same time as lying he had a PhD in that
field), at least Chris found an error in one of my assessments (I typed the
decimal in the wrong place - which I duly thanked him for & acknowledged).
However... nospam is especially perverse, badgolferman.
What nospam does is lie about every single thing that he talks about.
A recent example is nospam claims to be a developer, and yet, the record
shows nospam has absolutely no clue about the origin and intent of a simple program - which he then ridicules (as did Chris with terms).
There's zero chance that nospam is a developer, badgolferman.
He lied about being a developer.
Meanwhile, I didn't lie about NOT being a developer, badgolferman.
And yet, this is important, I've published more src in that one thread
of a dozen tutorials than nospam has written in his entire life.
That's how much of a liar nospam is, badgolferman.
He'd lie to his own mother if he thought she slighted Apple in the least.
Same with Alan Baker, for example, who said he's a racer and yet he clearly
was completely ignorant of the most well known BMW racing terms in history.
Alan Baker said he was a racer, and yet, he lied.
I said I was NOT a racer, and yet, apparently I know more about the origin
of classic common racing terms than this supposed iKook racer ever will.
The adult point, badgolferman, isn't these two example at all.
The adult point is that these iKooks are sadistic deceitful liars who'd
stab their own mother in the back just for the fun of it, I assess.
*Hence, while nospam _can_ be purposefully helpful, he rarely will be.*