Post by vallorAre you asserting that they did not previously test before release?
Google proved Appel has never even once tested important components of iOS
code, "vallor" but my statement wasn't that "all" iOS isn't tested.
The facts are that iOS isn't _sufficiently_ tested, which is different.
You're not understanding a word that was said, as nobody ever said what you
think they said (so go back & take reading comprehension 101 again please).
The fact iOS is always so chock full of zero-day holes isn't a result of no
testing whatsoever, but of the lack of _sufficient_ testing, "vallor".
There is no doubt in anyone's mind who is reasonable of that simple fact.
It's not "my assertion", as even the head of Engineering at Apple said that
(rather clearly, in an internal email which we discussed here many times).
QA Engineers who left the company said it (we discussed this in gory
detail) and even Google proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are
huge portions of Apple's iOS code that couldn't possibly have been tested.
These are facts.
Facts you are probably ignorant of.
But facts nonetheless.
Yes, I know your trick - which is to claim all facts - even ones we've
discussed in gory detail on this very newsgroup - aren't facts - simply
because, like Alan Baker, Alan Browne & Jolly Roger, you _refuse_ to read
any reliable reports from the likes of Google - who - let's be clear,
ripped Apple's QA testing to shreds _proving_ the code was _never_ tested).
*Google proved beyond any doubt the iOS code had _never_ been tested!*
*Even Apple didn't claim Google was wrong.*
*Apple knew that Google was correct.*
Apple didn't even lie their way out of those facts that Google proved.
It's important to note Apple merely asked Google to be nicer about it.
The fact is Apple's iOS code has never been tested even once, at least the
code that Google reported on (which was an extremely extensive report).
This we've discussed so many times that for you to be still ignorant of the
facts reeks of what the iKooks always are, "vallor". Completely ignorant.
Apple has never sufficiently tested any iOS release before shipping it out.
That's why iOS is the least secure smartphone OS in history, "vallor".
It's full of holes - three times more than Android in terms of zero days.
And due to the primitive release mechanism, it's exploited ten times more.
There are so many facts proving Apple has never sufficiently tested any iOS
release is evident in so many obvious well-published ways, that it's clear.
For just one (of extremely many examples), a mere child found horrible bugs
in Facetime where many wondered what was taking Apple so long for a fix.
I knew why.
I even said, well before the fix, why.
HINT: Apple had _never_ even once fully tested FaceTime before shipping it.
DOUBLEHINT: When they finally did look at it, they found so many holes,
that it took them a long time to finally release it again - with the fixes.
We covered this in gory detail so your ignorance of Apple's well known lack
of testing is something you need to fix as your ignorance can be cured.
That's just one of many proven examples, by the way, which we discussed
here so run a search yourself before denying the well documented fact that
Apple has _never_ sufficiently tasted any iOS release before shipping it.
Start here (and don't play the child's game that it's a Usenet post because
that's a game the IQ-40 moron Alan Baker loves to play because he's never
clicked in the links to see _every thread_ contains the documented URLs.)
Search for keywords like "Apple has never sufficiently tested" please.
Or search for "Yet again" as Apple's history shows lack of QA testing.
Or search for "Google proved" and other keywords as I'm not running your
search for you given it's a matter of public record we discussed this.