Post by AlanPost by JohnPost by TyronePost by JohnLooks like the Mac App Store is crashing on multiple Macs (at least on
14..1.1) this morning starting at around 1000 hours PST. Open it and
it just goes PUFF. Went to Apple discussions and saw multiple reports.
Expect it to make the news on the Apple sites at anytime.
Clearly this has been fixed. No problems here.
Define "multiple reports". 2? 10,000?
I have searched for "Mac app store not working". Nothing came up. Nothing on
iMore. Nothing on MacRumours. Any other sites I should check? Went to Apple
discussions and searched, the most recent was 6 months ago.
At best this sounds like a very minor glitch that you wildly
overreacted to.
Not a "massive clusterfuck".
It was fixed on the server side. Many reports on Apple discussions and
store unusable with Mac OS 14 for about 6 hours. Apparently Apple
software is so bad that something malfunctioning on the server side can
cause the Mac App Store to crash on opening. Thats really poor
software design.
And you have decades of software design experience, do you?
I do. John clearly does not. "Something malfunctioning on the server side" can
cause all kinds of problems for downstream software that is depending on that
server. Depending on the exact nature of the issue, results can range from app
not opening, to app freezing, to app crashing. Or anything else in between.
You can't code for/test for/prevent all problem scenarios in an app as trivial
as the Mac App Store. Hospitals/governments/orphaned children homes/etc. are
not depending on the Mac App Store being available 24 hours a day 365 days a
year. That it was crashing is a big "So what? It will be fixed shortly".
Sheesh. An actual Tempest in a Teapot.