Sten deJoode
2024-02-23 00:58:29 UTC
you've lose the plot,
The plot is always the same.1. Someone states a fact about Apple products that you dislike.
2. So you attack the person (because you can't attack the fact).
In reality, you do that because you hate that Apple designed the iPhone as
a dumb terminal that an expensive but brain-dead iPhone can't even run the
kind of basic but detailed app search every other platform easily does.
In addition, you hate that the iOS dumb terminal is designed such that you
can't install an app that isn't on the App Store, when every other platform
other than iOS has no problem installing the app (even years after it's
gone from the respective App Store).
The reason is unknown to you - but Android automatically backs up every
installer you've ever installed so you _always_ already have it.
You hate these facts.
So you attack the person.
It's all you can do because of your hatred of what Apple products are.